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The Jewish Question: A Problem without a Solution

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I believe that the problem of peaceful Jewish integration into their present neighborhood can be solved, and would have been solved already, if the Muslim neighbors and the displaced Palestinians would just take a non-violent very long term approach. On the one hand Muslims say they will never concede to Zionism, but on the other hand they will not, apparently, accept a multi-generational non-violent solution either. That is, make military peace with the Zionists and then work, over generations, to secularize their state. The conflict has already been going on for 65 years, three generations. If the Muslim approach had been non-violent political and demographic struggle, instead of military aggression and terrorism, the Zionists of Israel may already have been obviated. Zionists would not enjoy the support of the USA and Europe if the Muslim populations in and beside Israel was content to work towards a secular and democratic state over the next three generations. This may have been tried fleetingly by some Muslims, but not with sufficient generational commitment, and always, concurrently, with violence being perpetrated against Jews by other Muslims, thereby giving the Zionists an excuse to negate the non-violent Muslims. If Muslims and Christians in the region, including inside Israel proper, would unite on a multi-generational, non-violent civil rights approach, I think it would succeed.

Muslim anti-Zionists out there, why isn't this an acceptable approach?

Let me tell you something:

Instead of making jews feel at home in Europe, whole Europe whether British, French, German tried to send them to Palestine. Blond haired blue eyed Jew is not relevant to zmiddleastern society, but rather belongs to Europe.

Secondly, by trying to settle them here and SOLVING the issue, westerners DISSOLVED the Ottoman Empire. Remnants still try to solve 100 year old issues of breakaway states.

Jew is European, who lived 2000 years there. One day they returned claiming that they are the descendants of vaporized tribe of Moses.
problem lies the way Arab barbarians tried to kill the nascent state of Israel in 1947-48. and subsequent attacks. no amount of peace talk will remove the suspicion from the mind of Israel.

All the Muslim "peace talk" needs to do right now is to convince the USA and European publics that they (the West Bank, Gaza and other displaced Palestinians) are excepting "defeat" and integration into a secular, non-violent Israel or de-militarized WestBank/Gaza territory. If they (the Muslims involved in the struggle) convince the western publics that they have truly renounced violence, then they will now have the moral high ground with the West and the Zionists of Israel will lose their status as the protected victum in the struggle. Israeli public opinion will then be brought into acceptance of the "peace".
Maybe you should take Jews. Two great civilizations combined. China and Judaism.

We are already buying up Israeli tech industries on a large scale. And just recently, we bought the largest food producer in Israel.

In looking for a place to invest our $4 trillion in currency reserves, Israel will be a prime target due to their great technology. Water management tech in particular.

Not typical Jews. These Kaifeng Jews are probably brainwashed Chinese. :)

Kaifeng Jews have been proven by genetic testing to have been descended from Jewish people, and have been given the right of return to Israel.
In looking for a place to invest our $4 trillion in currency reserves, Israel will be a prime target due to their great technology. Water management tech in particular.
You are in for a big shock, when ultimately a lemon gets delivered!
Kaifeng Jews have been proven by genetic testing to have been descended from Jewish people, and have been given the right of return to Israel.

You know nothing. Take a break. What genetic testing?!

Genetic testing and Jews are like African Ape and Orange-tree.

Everyone can become a Jew. Have you seen Ethiopian Jews, dark as night. Or blond Jewish girls with Scandinavian looks.

Jewishness is a religion. Those Israeli Jews are originated in Europe. Disliked by Europeans and kicked out to punish Muslims. Nobody wants them. But sticks everybody's ...
Time will tell!

Why would they try to cheat us?

Who else in the world has the amount of cash on hand as we do? They have no reason to alienate us, it would cost them more in the long term.
Let me tell you something:

Instead of making jews feel at home in Europe, whole Europe whether British, French, German tried to send them to Palestine. Blond haired blue eyed Jew is not relevant to zmiddleastern society, but rather belongs to Europe.

Secondly, by trying to settle them here and SOLVING the issue, westerners DISSOLVED the Ottoman Empire. Remnants still try to solve 100 year old issues of breakaway states.

Jew is European, who lived 2000 years there. One day they returned claiming that they are the descendants of vaporized tribe of Moses.

LOL so i guess blacks to Africa and all Arabs to Saudi Arabia.
You know there are of blue eyed blond/ red haired Arabs.

The only way to neutralize the israelis is to make peace with them----& you will find out that the israelis will not make peace.

It is war that is holding the jews together----. In the 80's the palestinians came up with peaceful rallies by the effort of Gandhis grandson---. No stone throwing---no destruction---the israelis had to sabotage those rallies because the world didnot like the image of gun totting israelis---.

The different ethnic jewish groups have no love lost for each other----war keeps them together.
lolzzzzzzzzzzz...Brilliant ....you got em from ballzz...so true. Whenever there is peace initiative , UN receive a complaint of new housing in disputed territory ......its never ending story. Read somewhere British and its allies gave the EU jews to settle in Uganda, but they chose Palestine. History has too many twist . But blame goes to Europe , end of WW2.
Isreali govt should have given equal voting right and citizenship of Israel to Palestinians. Once Palastinian in democratic flow, things would have very much changed.
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In history of human race so many invaders captured land and occupied it by force ..no one questioned them ..then why to question existence of israel ?
If you have lost anything by force then try your best if you can but questioning the right to existence is very childish ..
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