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Is ISIS A Blessing In Disguise For Pakistan


Dec 26, 2005
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United States
The last few years have been really tough for Pakistan with its relationship with the united states. After using its services in Afghanistan, the u s had already dumped Pakistan back on the sanctions list till Libya went out of control---next came Syria and Iraq and then there came a new fighting and conquering force The ISIS.

So---with the release of documents we find that there was no torture that led to the demise of Osama---the truth is that Gen Kiyani gave a phone number to his U S counter part---telling him that this number was possibly associated to someone very close to Osama and as pak did not have the electronic listening capabilities as those of the U S---maybe the americans can do a better job---little did Kiyani know what was coming.

Just after the start of wot in Afghanistan---the americans dumped all the terrorists in Pakistan---they started their push from northern Afghanistan---push the terrorists south and into pakistan's mountain region--the mountain region with mountain ranges between 12000---15000 feet---a no man's land where the writ of pak govt was never enforced.

The Taliban of Mullah Umar wanted to free their land from the americans and thus they attacked the americans---the the u s was not too happy with that---they said okay to a proxy war initiated by by india and these terrorist group called TTP started attacking Pakistan. The relationship between the u s and Pakistan got from bad to worst---the americans chose to blame Pakistan for all the problems the americans were having and when they found Osama----they decided to blast Pakistan with both the barrels. They blamed Pakistan of hiding Osama and giving him refuge---and bragged about their torture techniques as to how they got the info---made movie about it---and literally slammed Pakistan into the dirt.

General Kiyani---spoke out a couple of time but not openly---he just kept quiet out of fear of retaliation from al Qaeda against himself and his family and the u s kept harping on Pakistan. Talks of new sanctions upon pakistan started coming back up one more time.

Anyway---instability raise its ugly head in Libya after failed american intervention---it gae Pakistan a little breathing room---then nother majr failure of the u s policy in Syria and Pakistan became a little more important for the u s---Iraq became more unstable and the americans are getting more confused by the hour and by the day---Pakistan is getting back into the good books again---America wants to get out of Afghanistan and Pakistan will be a great help-----.

And then came the ISIS----it struck like lightening against the American interests in the middle east and suddenly there appeared a major threat of an upheavel and unsettling in all of the middle east. American interests were an open target and the americans were caught with their pants between their ankles---. Isis lashed out with extreme brutality against all those who were associated with the americans in the middle east---.

The americans had already packed their bags and left Iraq----and left Iraq with the Iraqi trained army that was not able to even stand for one day against the isis onslaught and ran away. That was a slap on the big claims of the americans. They were about to leave afghanistan as well and with isis laying claim to afghanistan---the afghan army would be doing the same unless help came from somewhere else.

Thus--re-engage the support of Pakistan military---to this pak military openy stated---you stop allowing india to support TTP terrorists and take those terrorists out in their hiding places in Afghanistan and we will take out those fighting against you in Afghanistan---thus started another new phase of u s Pakistan relationship in the recent past.

The interesting thing is that the afghans govt does not have any money to pay to its employees. If the afghan military folds like the Iraqi military---the Taliban of Mullah Omar will fallback on Kabul and kandhar and take back control as if they never left.

It is amazing that after a certain time---the u s turns away from Pakistan---calls it a pariah nation---then it gets slapped around by Allah---then it comes back---then starts over with its old tricks again and this time it got struck by lightening in the form of isis and By Dianne Feinstein's exposure of the agency's secret papers. There was nothing such as torture of operatives who gave away Osama---it was all made up to make Pakistan look bad. Osama's arrest came out of the phone number given to the u s commander in chief by Kiyani and every thing else was just made up.

After one helicopter was destroyed on the ground---the American forces could not all leave on one helicopter---. They had to wait for 45 minutes for the chinook to come and pick them up after the first helicopter left with Osama's body and that was made possible with the backing of Pakistan army---.

Now the next stage of conflict---india is going to pay a heavy price-the terrorists it supported in Pakistan are going to be neutralized---because they won't find any place to hide in Afghanistan. The freedom fighters will turn their attention back to india---with a few suicide bombings in south india and the foreigners will be packing their bags and running out by the flight loads.

Supporting and planning terrorist activities against Pakistan was a bad bad mistake by india----a complete failure of understanding the long term repurcussions.
so, usual threatening of India aside, how exactly is ISIS a blessing again ? for Pakistan ?

If you write it, they WILL read.
Now the next stage of conflict---india is going to pay a heavy price-the terrorists it supported in Pakistan are going to be neutralized---because they won't find any place to hide in Afghanistan. The freedom fighters will turn their attention back to india---with a few suicide bombings in south india and the foreigners will be packing their bags and running out by the flight loads.

Supporting and planning terrorist activities against Pakistan was a bad bad mistake by india----a complete failure of understanding the long term repurcussions
Dear ..
i admire you honest post .. but seems above statement is uncalled for if you cant prove..
let me make it simple..
Who wanted to bleed india for 1000 cuts.. Pak estabihsment
Who sent 26/11 .. Ajmal kasab ... Pak estasblishment
Who was responsible for Ilyas kashmiri... pak estabshment
who patronising Bhatkal brother ... .Pak estabshisment...
Who hijacked IC 814 and freed terrosit.. Pak estabshiment.. Those who hikajed then mudered US reportr Danial pearl .. those who set free
list is ON..
These were all NON STATE ACTORS.. MUJAHID.. FREEDOM FIGTER.. made for AFG agaisnt Russia (of which pak dreaming of strategic parnter .. ) and then in kashmir and in india..
you first rare snake and then when it started to show muscle to you.. suddenly it beomce unholy..
if some one blast in india he is mujahid and fredom figter and same guy do in in pak then terrorist..
and you still blames India.. and Freedom figter bull shit..
Is india is holy cow... NO.. we must have played role in AFG .. but can you prove that india involve in terrorisam ?
If you do BS in india that ok.. we do somthing (agian not terrorisam ) then india will pay blah bah..
Did not expected it from you
Now the next stage of conflict---india is going to pay a heavy price-the terrorists it supported in Pakistan are going to be neutralized---because they won't find any place to hide in Afghanistan. The freedom fighters will turn their attention back to india---with a few suicide bombings in south india and the foreigners will be packing their bags and running out by the flight loads.

Supporting and planning terrorist activities against Pakistan was a bad bad mistake by india----a complete failure of understanding the long term repurcussions
Dear ..
i admire you honest post .. but seems above statement is uncalled for if you cant prove..
let me make it simple..
Who wanted to bleed india for 1000 cuts.. Pak estabihsment
Who sent 26/11 .. Ajmal kasab ... Pak estasblishment
Who was responsible for Ilyas kashmiri... pak estabshment
who patronising Bhatkal brother ... .Pak estabshisment...
Who hijacked IC 814 and freed terrosit.. Pak estabshiment.. Those who hikajed then mudered US reportr Danial pearl .. those who set free
list is ON..
These were all NON STATE ACTORS.. MUJAHID.. FREEDOM FIGTER.. made for AFG agaisnt Russia (of which pak dreaming of strategic parnter .. ) and then in kashmir and in india..
you first rare snake and then when it started to show muscle to you.. suddenly it beomce unholy..
if some one blast in india he is mujahid and fredom figter and same guy do in in pak then terrorist..
and you still blames India.. and Freedom figter bull shit..
Is india is holy cow... NO.. we must have played role in AFG .. but can you prove that india involve in terrorisam ?
If you do BS in india that ok.. we do somthing (agian not terrorisam ) then india will pay blah bah..
Did not expected it from you


Before 9 / 11---we both did it---. 9 / 11 changed everything for us---but you did not stop---. It is going to come back---the ball is going to bounce back.

Daniel Pearl was a rogue journalist on search of glory on his own---he was warned not to pursue illegal access---sometimes you are the bat and some times you are the ball---.

Sometimes you win---like the british journalist---he interviewed Osama one time 15 years ago and still is milking the media circuit for that interview---Pearl lost---he paid with his life---it is boom or bust---.

Ajmal Kssab was a nobody---the man who got hung and whose interrogation was on you tube were two different people---. Ajmal kassab came from a family of jangli Punjabis----he could never in his lifetime change his accent to that of the man being interrogated in the hospital---if you don't know what jangli Punjabi accent is---you may not have any clue to what I am talking about.

Pakistan had nothing to gain from either the 26/11 or the issues in 2002 on parliament---WHO BENEFITS---it is india who benefitted---it is you who staged it---.

Before 9 / 11---we both did it---. 9 / 11 changed everything for us---but you did not stop---. It is going to come back---the ball is going to bounce back.

Daniel Pearl was a rogue journalist on search of glory on his own---he was warned not to pursue illegal access---sometimes you are the bat and some times you are the ball---.

Sometimes you win---like the british journalist---he interviewed Osama one time 15 years ago and still is milking the media circuit for that interview---Pearl lost---he paid with his life---it is boom or bust---.

Ajmal Kssab was a nobody---the man who got hung and whose interrogation was on you tube were two different people---. Ajmal kassab came from a family of jangli Punjabis----he could never in his lifetime change his accent to that of the man being interrogated in the hospital---if you don't know what jangli Punjabi accent is---you may not have any clue to what I am talking about.

Pakistan had nothing to gain from either the 26/11 or the issues in 2002 on parliament---WHO BENEFITS---it is india who benefitted---it is you who staged it---.
True. It is established. Amar Singh he was.
The last few years have been really tough for Pakistan with its relationship with the united states. After using its services in Afghanistan, the u s had already dumped Pakistan back on the sanctions list till Libya went out of control---next came Syria and Iraq and then there came a new fighting and conquering force The ISIS.

So---with the release of documents we find that there was no torture that led to the demise of Osama---the truth is that Gen Kiyani gave a phone number to his U S counter part---telling him that this number was possibly associated to someone very close to Osama and as pak did not have the electronic listening capabilities as those of the U S---maybe the americans can do a better job---little did Kiyani know what was coming.

Just after the start of wot in Afghanistan---the americans dumped all the terrorists in Pakistan---they started their push from northern Afghanistan---push the terrorists south and into pakistan's mountain region--the mountain region with mountain ranges between 12000---15000 feet---a no man's land where the writ of pak govt was never enforced.

The Taliban of Mullah Umar wanted to free their land from the americans and thus they attacked the americans---the the u s was not too happy with that---they said okay to a proxy war initiated by by india and these terrorist group called TTP started attacking Pakistan. The relationship between the u s and Pakistan got from bad to worst---the americans chose to blame Pakistan for all the problems the americans were having and when they found Osama----they decided to blast Pakistan with both the barrels. They blamed Pakistan of hiding Osama and giving him refuge---and bragged about their torture techniques as to how they got the info---made movie about it---and literally slammed Pakistan into the dirt.

General Kiyani---spoke out a couple of time but not openly---he just kept quiet out of fear of retaliation from al Qaeda against himself and his family and the u s kept harping on Pakistan. Talks of new sanctions upon pakistan started coming back up one more time.

Anyway---instability raise its ugly head in Libya after failed american intervention---it gae Pakistan a little breathing room---then nother majr failure of the u s policy in Syria and Pakistan became a little more important for the u s---Iraq became more unstable and the americans are getting more confused by the hour and by the day---Pakistan is getting back into the good books again---America wants to get out of Afghanistan and Pakistan will be a great help-----.

And then came the ISIS----it struck like lightening against the American interests in the middle east and suddenly there appeared a major threat of an upheavel and unsettling in all of the middle east. American interests were an open target and the americans were caught with their pants between their ankles---. Isis lashed out with extreme brutality against all those who were associated with the americans in the middle east---.

The americans had already packed their bags and left Iraq----and left Iraq with the Iraqi trained army that was not able to even stand for one day against the isis onslaught and ran away. That was a slap on the big claims of the americans. They were about to leave afghanistan as well and with isis laying claim to afghanistan---the afghan army would be doing the same unless help came from somewhere else.

Thus--re-engage the support of Pakistan military---to this pak military openy stated---you stop allowing india to support TTP terrorists and take those terrorists out in their hiding places in Afghanistan and we will take out those fighting against you in Afghanistan---thus started another new phase of u s Pakistan relationship in the recent past.

The interesting thing is that the afghans govt does not have any money to pay to its employees. If the afghan military folds like the Iraqi military---the Taliban of Mullah Omar will fallback on Kabul and kandhar and take back control as if they never left.

It is amazing that after a certain time---the u s turns away from Pakistan---calls it a pariah nation---then it gets slapped around by Allah---then it comes back---then starts over with its old tricks again and this time it got struck by lightening in the form of isis and By Dianne Feinstein's exposure of the agency's secret papers. There was nothing such as torture of operatives who gave away Osama---it was all made up to make Pakistan look bad. Osama's arrest came out of the phone number given to the u s commander in chief by Kiyani and every thing else was just made up.

After one helicopter was destroyed on the ground---the American forces could not all leave on one helicopter---. They had to wait for 45 minutes for the chinook to come and pick them up after the first helicopter left with Osama's body and that was made possible with the backing of Pakistan army---.

Now the next stage of conflict---india is going to pay a heavy price-the terrorists it supported in Pakistan are going to be neutralized---because they won't find any place to hide in Afghanistan. The freedom fighters will turn their attention back to india---with a few suicide bombings in south india and the foreigners will be packing their bags and running out by the flight loads.

Supporting and planning terrorist activities against Pakistan was a bad bad mistake by india----a complete failure of understanding the long term repurcussions.

you know @MastanKhan brother, you will see a huge change in this region in upcoming years , the winds are starting to flow in the opposite direction ...
there was a scared Pakistan , weak and disturb, not even know what will happen to them , but now we have a Pakistan , who start killing the terrorists without any differentiation , you try to sh!t on my land, here goes some F-16's for you boom boom ....

on the other hand , US is again back on the position , a little more worse i guess, when a New threat in terms of AQ arise in ME , in the early years they easily manage to take down the Afghanistan , Iraq and almost fcuked up Pakistan , but now they try to repeat the same strategy,they got the opportunity in syria and there the dirty mind of CIA' back to work , but it turn out to be worse than they expected, as ISIS was fighting in Syria they were rebels , and as soon as they cross the border they become the terrorists , isnt it strange to see the same co-incidence we see with Afghan Taliban ?

now ISIS is loose like mad dog on the streets biting everyone he sights , and the fingers start pointing towards the US for arming them and letting them to grow that much in Syria , US on the other hand always try to present themselves as world police , which almost fcuk their own country , by threatening their own peoples with terror attacks like 9/11 they keep their peoples and army along with NATO in the Sh!t hole of Afghanistan and ME .

loosing a Partner like Pakistan from US was one big mistake , and they choose our enemy to give the command of the on going proxy war's in Pakistan ...Damn , this shake the GHQ from top to bottom , US do realize this very well that What Pakistan army and ISI is capable of doing in Afghanistan Indians will need to reborn three time to do even equal to that , but they still keep throwing this Sh!t to Indians, and Indians on the other hand grab it with two hands thinking that they can easily manage to control Afghanistan by some 20+ consulates and Embassies !! but they did that mistake willingly , and now all i am seeing in future that a massive retaliation from the terror outfits in India, anyone can make a guess that why all of the sudden we start to see some people start calling ISIS in india ?! suddenly AQ start giving Statements about India ? Indian dont even know that they are now the part of the dirty Game , which almost fcuked Pakistan ...

in their obsession to destroy Pakistan ,Indians do forget one simple thing that if Pakistan will be sandwich between Afghanistan and India , so Indians can also be in worse situation , there already so many separatist movements going on inside India , than you have Kashmir and above all and all time rising threat from Dragon from their head ...

For Pakistan , kiyani really mess things up , i do remember his statement when he was DG ISI that All this WOT is about destabilize Pakistan and prove Pakistan a failed state , so world put pressure on us .. and somehow US did manage to do that very effectively , but did not succeed , and the last blow was killing OBL on Pakistan soil , US was utterly humiliated in front of its own Allies that with all this tech they are failed to find one guy , in 11-12 years ?
they do have to finish this OBL drama before they run out of Afghanistan, and here we are watching they going , and now all world's eyes are on Syria and Iraq , people do actually start to forget Afghnistan and Mullah Omar , they are past ,now Bhaghdadi is new headline for all West media ..

Pakistan , is for the first time ,doing it right for it own interest , at least this what it seems, i am not an expert but as far as my knowledge i think we are going to see some more honey traps for Pakistan in upcoming future ,

May Allah Protect our Country .
Pakistan had nothing to gain from either the 26/11 or the issues in 2002 on parliament---WHO BENEFITS---it is india who benefitted---it is you who staged it---.

What a supremely delusional statement.
I live in east punjab and he sounded nothing like us or a jhangi from our side.

A super immature conclusion by u,,just like 9/11 was staged by mossad for many like u.

What about geo reports and others saying he is pakistani??Were they paid by us too??
Intercepts with them calling pakistani handlers??Conspiracy again??

Appalling really.

All paid by india:ph34r:
Last edited:

Before 9 / 11---we both did it---. 9 / 11 changed everything for us---but you did not stop---. It is going to come back---the ball is going to bounce back.

Daniel Pearl was a rogue journalist on search of glory on his own---he was warned not to pursue illegal access---sometimes you are the bat and some times you are the ball---.

Sometimes you win---like the british journalist---he interviewed Osama one time 15 years ago and still is milking the media circuit for that interview---Pearl lost---he paid with his life---it is boom or bust---.

Ajmal Kssab was a nobody---the man who got hung and whose interrogation was on you tube were two different people---. Ajmal kassab came from a family of jangli Punjabis----he could never in his lifetime change his accent to that of the man being interrogated in the hospital---if you don't know what jangli Punjabi accent is---you may not have any clue to what I am talking about.

Pakistan had nothing to gain from either the 26/11 or the issues in 2002 on parliament---WHO BENEFITS---it is india who benefitted---it is you who staged it---.
First i am not Sir.:(:taz:. so dont call it.. or i will report to MOD :-)
yes its chnaged eveerhitng .. for good..and for bad ..
For Good
now terorist name not synonymous with freedom figter .. mujahied .. USA got it lesson bad way the wa they use din in afg and allowed pak to use it against india for decades ..
now LeT, jaish e mohamd .. etc are called terrorist org.. so does hafiz sayed .. by UN which we speaking for years ..
now Pakistan cant use NON state actore as foregin policy tool as before openly and effectivly.. as same tool costing nation to pak itself ..

For Bad..
Now game is on. most musim nation are now in chaos...
world realignment both political .. and may be physcial world in some years ..
unfortunalty haecy price paid by people or iraq... syria.. libiya ... etc
it may be bad regim but not brutal and murders and chaostic as IS and other non state actor
sadam.. gadafi were much better than current mess ..


Daniel pearl ..
even if i accept your thoery .. that he went in dark hole which is not advisible to go in..
does is mean to eliminate him... is it best way.. simply you can send him back ..deport... take him in custoemdy in some CASE and make sure he leave..
Killing Journalist is no way .... even you accept the same ..
Journalist life is like that only.. they have to dig the dirt of system.. does not mean you shot them...
Ajmal Kasab..
Was ajamal kasab was pakistan ..
Proof link of Dawn newspaper .. Pakistan’s newspaper Dawn establishes Faridkot link to Mumbai terror attack. Ajmal Kasab’s father interviewed….
his ascent ..
if the village guy can use tug boat .. travel in open sea.. use grenade , AKs. sateleite phone.. then changinf asccent is big thing... you decide ?
is he hanged.
may be ..may be not... he is too imp assest for IB... RAW ..indian securty agencies ..
Pakistan gain..
what pakistan gained
1. When it sayes india will bleed 1000 cuts..
2. when Let and jaish .. etc openly train men to inflatrate in kashmir?
3. when bhatkal brohter trvale to pak for trainig ?
4. when terrorist called BY UN . haffez sayeed make rally in middleof pak and threat india for jihad ?
Again i say... India is not holy cow.. we also made sure pak life will be diffuclut but with accepted channel ..
do you think world is so much love with india till 2000 that no one called india for its acts..
not china.. your bggest alley.. we were not in same leguse till 2000 where we are now..
why world listen to us not you..
yesteday also you r FO said they want plebecite in kashmit.. does anyone listen ?
Pakistan terms Kashmir a ‘legal issue’, demands plebiscite - The Hindu
you know more than me .. problem is you have different perspective now a days..
see let me be straight .. Jihad and what ever you name it.. it will cost both nation and people..
for india
Life.. armed force and civlilain .. ..
moentary .. Flow of FDI.. MAY affected in short run ..
social -- more fuel to this side extemr right to blme muslim agian
and yes.. india can affored all that ..with pain but we can

For Pak
see what your guys saying
New doctrine: Army identifies ‘homegrown militancy’ as biggest threat – The Express Tribune
It will cost you your Nation .
(that Will coming closer and closer ) for you

What a supremely delusional statement.
I live in east punjab and he sounded nothing like us or a jhangi from our side.

A super immature conclusion by u,,just like 9/11 was staged by mossad for many like u.

What about geo reports and others saying he is pakistani??Were they paid by us too??
Intercepts with them calling pakistani handlers??Conspiracy again??

Appalling really.

All paid by india:ph34r:
gali gali bat chali pata chal hai..
Geo news ko india ka hai ....
*conspiracy theory.. condition apply..

Another brain washed conspiracy theorist. :tdown: :closed:
Problem is
he is one of the SANE members here .. :hitwall:
The last few years have been really tough for Pakistan with its relationship with the united states. After using its services in Afghanistan, the u s had already dumped Pakistan back on the sanctions list till Libya went out of control---next came Syria and Iraq and then there came a new fighting and conquering force The ISIS.

So---with the release of documents we find that there was no torture that led to the demise of Osama---the truth is that Gen Kiyani gave a phone number to his U S counter part---telling him that this number was possibly associated to someone very close to Osama and as pak did not have the electronic listening capabilities as those of the U S---maybe the americans can do a better job---little did Kiyani know what was coming.

Just after the start of wot in Afghanistan---the americans dumped all the terrorists in Pakistan---they started their push from northern Afghanistan---push the terrorists south and into pakistan's mountain region--the mountain region with mountain ranges between 12000---15000 feet---a no man's land where the writ of pak govt was never enforced.

The Taliban of Mullah Umar wanted to free their land from the americans and thus they attacked the americans---the the u s was not too happy with that---they said okay to a proxy war initiated by by india and these terrorist group called TTP started attacking Pakistan. The relationship between the u s and Pakistan got from bad to worst---the americans chose to blame Pakistan for all the problems the americans were having and when they found Osama----they decided to blast Pakistan with both the barrels. They blamed Pakistan of hiding Osama and giving him refuge---and bragged about their torture techniques as to how they got the info---made movie about it---and literally slammed Pakistan into the dirt.

General Kiyani---spoke out a couple of time but not openly---he just kept quiet out of fear of retaliation from al Qaeda against himself and his family and the u s kept harping on Pakistan. Talks of new sanctions upon pakistan started coming back up one more time.

Anyway---instability raise its ugly head in Libya after failed american intervention---it gae Pakistan a little breathing room---then nother majr failure of the u s policy in Syria and Pakistan became a little more important for the u s---Iraq became more unstable and the americans are getting more confused by the hour and by the day---Pakistan is getting back into the good books again---America wants to get out of Afghanistan and Pakistan will be a great help-----.

And then came the ISIS----it struck like lightening against the American interests in the middle east and suddenly there appeared a major threat of an upheavel and unsettling in all of the middle east. American interests were an open target and the americans were caught with their pants between their ankles---. Isis lashed out with extreme brutality against all those who were associated with the americans in the middle east---.

The americans had already packed their bags and left Iraq----and left Iraq with the Iraqi trained army that was not able to even stand for one day against the isis onslaught and ran away. That was a slap on the big claims of the americans. They were about to leave afghanistan as well and with isis laying claim to afghanistan---the afghan army would be doing the same unless help came from somewhere else.

Thus--re-engage the support of Pakistan military---to this pak military openy stated---you stop allowing india to support TTP terrorists and take those terrorists out in their hiding places in Afghanistan and we will take out those fighting against you in Afghanistan---thus started another new phase of u s Pakistan relationship in the recent past.

The interesting thing is that the afghans govt does not have any money to pay to its employees. If the afghan military folds like the Iraqi military---the Taliban of Mullah Omar will fallback on Kabul and kandhar and take back control as if they never left.

It is amazing that after a certain time---the u s turns away from Pakistan---calls it a pariah nation---then it gets slapped around by Allah---then it comes back---then starts over with its old tricks again and this time it got struck by lightening in the form of isis and By Dianne Feinstein's exposure of the agency's secret papers. There was nothing such as torture of operatives who gave away Osama---it was all made up to make Pakistan look bad. Osama's arrest came out of the phone number given to the u s commander in chief by Kiyani and every thing else was just made up.

After one helicopter was destroyed on the ground---the American forces could not all leave on one helicopter---. They had to wait for 45 minutes for the chinook to come and pick them up after the first helicopter left with Osama's body and that was made possible with the backing of Pakistan army---.

Now the next stage of conflict---india is going to pay a heavy price-the terrorists it supported in Pakistan are going to be neutralized---because they won't find any place to hide in Afghanistan. The freedom fighters will turn their attention back to india---with a few suicide bombings in south india and the foreigners will be packing their bags and running out by the flight loads.

Supporting and planning terrorist activities against Pakistan was a bad bad mistake by india----a complete failure of understanding the long term repurcussions.
Wow! Conspiracy theories galore!
Go Pakistanis! Thats what I really like about you!

Allah is really slapping around US because it deviated from friendship with Pakistan! I agree :lol:
Dear sir,

I wish the things were as simple for kashmir terrorists. new Hindu govt came with full majority of hindu voters. Indian hindu reqlised their power. That minority cant decide govt.
now all those mullah who supported terrorism for religious cause are in a fix. Because political support is gone. Becquse of lack of vote bank. No more Muslim vote politics. And this trend will only rise.

now in kashmir its easy to come with industry and get a local card for sikh population. only way india can own kashmir if you make the kashmiri minority. because most kashmiri support these terrorist. second way isbto give them jobs and infra. Third is to involve them with rest of the country.

indian government is very much aware of these terrorist and their response. And dont think they are not prepared. India will not allow pakistan to be in peace at any level. Because if you dont attack they will do it.

Indian problem is not these kashmiri terrorist but home grown mullah organisation s.

Also Pakistan is not a lost cause for usa. They can get her any time they please. You know how politice isi army top official run to usa when ever they see trouble. pakistani people dont really run the country but these top brass do and they are all tht matters.
Maybe we all arevreading too much between the lines. I really hope so.
Because I dont support these proxy or terrorism on either side but thats just the way it is.

Go bless them.
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