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Is Iran's 'Bread' Subsidy Reform a Half-Baked Idea?

I don't know how much it's true:


Here in Germany, all the food stuff has exploded in price. Meat and chicken that I buy has become twoice as expensive as it was 3 months ago... you cant find cooking oil for 2 months now....

All over Europe, some foods are rationed....
Lol, this isn't a way to avoid a first strike, that's a way to ensure it.

Yeah, tell that to Gaddafi.

Iran is a sovereign state and they keep powerful foes far from his borders. They know what they do and they have proved last decade.

Libya and Iraq are failed states, who accepted colaborate and unescalate with the West before get impaled.

Israel is a puppet corrupt state who obbey USA orders against their own people interests, who doesnt care about sacrifice their own people in nonsense wars to get more American money, dont give lessons to Iran and see your own state corruption and evilness in first place.

USA master and their little slave bitches like Israel only understand one language.
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Dont forget that iran has also spent far less on its military than the gulfies,and a great deal of that spending was not to buy foreign weapons,but weapons developed and produced in iran.
So very smart security spending indeed.


Western made high tech military hardware have a plenty of backdoors.

GCC expensive fighter jets will fall from the sky if the manufacturer wants, when a real war against West happen.

The same to expensive antimissile batteries, all will be useless and remotely hacked in the event of a real war against the West.

And I think that's one reason of Iran Deal: In case of large war in ME, USA can remotely disable all hitech GCC weapons, but they can't with Iranian made weapons, so the twisted betraying Americans must prefer side with Iran.
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There's already 5 killed due to protests by food price increasing in Iran, sad.

Iranian authorities are easy trigger when they kill non-Persian protesters.


Why insist on this erroneous supposition after it was repeatedly shown to be untrue?

This is Iran:

- Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei: Azari-speaker.
- Head of national security (Supreme National Security Council), Ali Shamkhani: Arab-speaker.
- Speaker of Majles (parliament) and former police chief: Kurdish-speaker.
- Commander in chief of the Navy: Sunni Kurdish-speaker.

And so on, and so forth, examples are literally endless.

There's no discrimination along linguistic lines, neither in access to official positions nor in the repression of crimes and offenses.

I deliberately used the term 'speaker' of this or that language rather than member of "ethnicity" X or Y, because the above map is plain bogus: more than 50% of Iranians descend from multiple rather than a single one of these groups. They have ancestors from more than one such community. You can ask around, see how many among the Iranian users on here can claim to have four grandparents from just one of the enumerated linguistic backgrounds. They won't be many, this I can guarantee.

Forget about this idea that the Iranian population can be separated into so-called "ethnic" categories. The assumption is incorrect, and it's Iran's existential enemies, the zio-American empire first and foremost, which strive to propagate the notion in order to foment separatism.


Let say people provide for government and you can't comprehend the level of waste and corruption in our government

And Iranians in Iran have little to no comprehension of corruption outside their borders.
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Why do insist on this erroneous belief when it was repeatedly shown to be untrue?

This is Iran:

- Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei: Azari-speaker.
- Head of national security (Supreme National Security Council), Ali Shamkhani: Arab-speaker.
- Speaker of Majles (parliament) and former police chief: Kurdish-speaker.
- Commander in chief of the Navy: Sunni Kurdish-speaker.

And so on, and so forth.

There's no discrimination along linguistic lines, neither in access to official positions nor in the repression of crimes and offenses.

And I deliberately used the term 'speaker' of this or that language rather than member of this or that "ethnic" group, because that map of yours is bogus: more than 50% of Iranians descend from several rather than a single one of these groups. They have ancestors from more than one such group. Ask around here, see how many of the Iranian users here can claim to have four grandparents from just one linguistic background native to the land. Not many.

So kindly forget about this idea that the Iranian population can be strictly separated into these so-called "ethnicities". It's nonsense, and it's Iran's existential enemies, the zio-American empire first and foremost, which strive to propagate this notion.


And Iranians in Iran have little to no comprehension of corruption in other countries.

I will believe you when I see Tehran people asking for water or being shot dead.

Fact is, Iranian non-Persian from provinces are poorer and second class citizens, and if they protest because they lack water or food, they get shot dead easily.
I will believe you when I see Tehran people asking for water or being shoot dead.

Firstly, nobody's being shot at for protesting peacefully. There are a few armed grouplets operating in certain border areas because by definition these are harder to control than the capital, and they offer more opportunities to hostile powers arming, funding and logistically backing such criminal elements.

Secondly, people who resort to violence and terrorism in Tehran will be dealt with in the exact same manner as elsewhere. Just read about the modern history of Iran, there have been enough such instances to illustrate the point (especially at the beginning of the Revolution).

All in all Iranian security forces are comparatively lenient, especially considering the seriousness and volume of threats emanating from Iran's powerful enemies.

Fact is, Iranian non-Persian from provinces are poorer and second class citizens, and if they protest because they lack water or food, they get shot dead easily.

That's not a fact, rather it's NATO-zionist propaganda which for some reason you seem to have been misled by.

So let me straighten the facts once more. Namely, that so-called non-Persian provinces include some of the wealthiest in the country. Example: Khuzestan province, whose GDP is largely above average. Another example would be East Azarbaijan province, a relatively developed area.

By contrast, a province populated overwhelmingly by Persian-speakers such as Yazd is among the poorest in Iran. Kerman province, also inhabited by Persian-speakers, used to be very under-developed, and is still catching up.

Nobody runs the risk of getting gunned down solely for protesting, neither in Tehran nor elsewhere. Armed terrorists and rioters who attack law enforcement may be met with force, but not unarmed peaceful demonstrators, and this goes for the entirety of Iran with no geographical exception.

Don't buy into misinformation claiming otherwise.
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First of all, nobody's being "shot dead" for protesting peacefully. There are armed groups operating in border areas because guess what, these are harder to control than the capital city and offer more opportunities to hostile powers arming, funding and logistically backing criminals.

Secondly, people who resort to violence and terrorism in Tehran will be dealt with in the exact same manner as elsewhere. Just read some more on the modern history of Iran.

No that's not a fact, that's NATO-zionist propaganda you're blindly rehashing despite the fact that I proved it wrong and showed several times already.

So at least try to get the facts right if you wish to comment on the topic. Namely, that so-called non-Persian provinces include some of the wealthiest of the country. Example, Khuzestan province, which has an above average GDP. Same goes for Eastern Azarbaijan province, for instance, a developed place.

By contrast, a province populated overwhelmingly by Persian-speakers such as Yazd is among the poorest in Iran. Kerman province, also inhabited by Persian-speakers, used to be very under-developed, and is still catching up.

And no, they do not get "shot easily" for protesting peacefully. Nobody does, neither in Tehran nor elsewhere. Armed terrorists and rioters who attack law enforcement may get shot, not unarmed peaceful demonstrators, and this goes for the entirety of Iran with no geographical exception whatsoever.

Kindly don't spread misinformation.


You can call them water terrorist, but that doesnt make less criminal or less racist Tehran ruling elite.

Sorry, but every human deserve water and food. Those are not luxuries.

Luxuries and nonsense spending is what rich kids of Tehran make with Iranian taxpayers money.


You wont dare to criticize those parasites of Iran

But you call terrorists people who protests for lack of water. No matter if they are not peaceful, if you lack water you can't be so peaceful.


You can call them water terrorist, but that doesnt make less criminal or less racist Tehran ruling elite.

Sorry, but every human deserve water and food. Those are not luxuries.

Luxuries and nonsense spending is what rich kids of Tehran make with Iranian taxpayers money.

Several unrelated issues are being mixed up here.

To begin with we need to differentiate between upright elements and corrupt ones within or around the establishment. The latter is not monolithically corrupt, it includes many people with a clean slate.

Then, the Tehran ruling elite as you call it hails from all corners of Iran. This goes for the honorable as well as the corrupt, and also applies to the "rich kids of Tehran". At any rate, there's simply no way to spin an "ethnic" angle onto this, because there's no basis to it at all.

As concerns water shortages, last time I informed you that one of the most affected areas of Iran, namely Esfahan (the country's second largest agglomeration) is almost exclusively Persian-speaking. So here too, any rants about "ethnic discrimination" will inevitably fall flat when confronted with the ground reality. Which is hardly surprising, since these narratives have been devised by zionists and the US regime.

You wont dare to criticize that parasites of Iran

This statement suggests you don't know me well enough. On Iranian affairs you've got a few aspects wrong, otherwise you'd realize the "parasites" are a wealthy corrupt class that stretches right across linguistic lines and is not restricted to the capital city either.

I abhor these types at least as much and probably more so than you, but I'm also careful not to confuse different topics unduly, nor to establish incorrect connections to so-called "ethnicity".

But you call terrorists people who protests for lack of water. No matter if they are not peaceful, if you lack water you can't be so peaceful.


To me a terrorist is quite obviously someone who resorts to terrorist actions and/or is member to a terrorist organization. And if they get the chance, terrorists or other trained agents do infiltrate peaceful gatherings in Iran with the express goal of causing unrest.

One of the law enforcement officers cowardly murdered by terrorists in front of his home during water protests last year in Khuzestan, had been spending his time volunteering to transfer water to the needy. I remember sharing the information with you and posting relevant pictures, so in fact this shouldn't be entirely new to you. He was a working class person, by the way. Not exactly affluent himself.

Ridiculous would be any attempt to legitimize unprovoked violence under the pretext of a highly complex water issue which happens to be common to all countries in the region, and to try and characterize it through fallacious notions of "ethnic" discrimination, which is completely absent from the Islamic Republic's policy making.
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I will believe you when I see Tehran people asking for water or being shot dead.

Fact is, Iranian non-Persian from provinces are poorer and second class citizens, and if they protest because they lack water or food, they get shot dead easily.

Just to make a correction here.... Tehran is actully the most mixed part of Iran... litrally it is hard to find a real Tehrani like me, who can trace their family root in Tehran....almost everyone in Tehran is from other parts of Iran.... it has nothing to do wih Persianness..... Iranians just dont think like that...
It's very remarkable how Iran has avoided a war in own soil in more than one decade of constant western and israeli war threats.
Iran is a sovereign state and they keep powerful foes far from his borders. They know what they do and they have proved last decade.
Looks like I'm getting old and senile, can you please remember me which war in its soil or from its soil Iran performed after 1988, that's uhhh, 34 years right?

Also, you are just trolling

2 posts cheering Iran, so people get easy on you, then a false info or sharing propaganda " 5 Iranians killed", then all the B.S regarding ethnicities and wealth discrepancy, when debunked you played the regional card, when debunked again you blabelled some cocktail of corruption, mixed with ethnicities and Teheran .....

You missed the sectarian troll subject, or it's for next post???

I just blame @SalarHaqq for wasting his time on you 😁😅

Just to make a correction here.... Tehran is actully the most mixed part of Iran... litrally it is hard to find a real Tehrani like me, who can trace their family root in Tehran....almost everyone in Tehran is from other parts of Iran.... it has nothing to do wih Persianness..... Iranians just dont think like that...
Every Capital of any country is a mix of all regions, that's evident, still he insist to make a point where there is nothing to argue about !!!!
Also, you are just trolling

2 posts cheering Iran, so people get easy on you, then a false info or sharing propaganda " 5 Iranians killed", then all the B.S regarding ethnicities and wealth discrepancy, when debunked you played the regional card, when debunked again you blabelled some cocktail of corruption, mixed with ethnicities and Teheran .....

You missed the sectarian troll subject, or it's for next post???

I just blame @SalarHaqq for wasting his time on you 😁😅

Well thanks for the consideration. To be honest, personally I'm not sure user Bhan85 is trolling. With regards to Iran, there's one or two points on which they seem to be stuck with a false idea though, for whatever reason. Normally I wouldn't have bothered, but in the past the user and I had had this very discussion already. It's after being confronted with these claims several times over again, that I thought I'd remind their author why this notion simply isn't factual. Hope they'll ponder the points we evoked and revise their erroneous position on this particular subject.
Well thanks for the consideration. To be honest, personally I'm not sure user Bhan85 is trolling. With regards to Iran, there's one or two points on which they seem to be stuck with a false idea though, for whatever reason. Normally I wouldn't have bothered, but in the past the user and I had had this very discussion already. It's after being confronted with these claims several times over again, that I thought I'd remind their author why this notion simply isn't factual. Hope they'll ponder the points we evoked and revise their erroneous position on this particular subject.
SalarHaqq, you are really a nice and gentle person

I've seen in your replies talking about previous interactions and explanations, still, how can't you see his trolling, twisting facts, creating false narrative, spreading misinformations about your country,....

I just hope not all Iranians aren't nice and "naive" like you ✌️أحسن الظن is good but too much is not 😁
I just hope not all Iranians aren't nice and "naive" like you ✌️أحسن الظن is good but too much is not 😁

If you say so... But don't forget, recently you seemed to be of the opinion that I was being too suspicious vis à vis some other members in the Chill Thread.

In fact I'd consider myself as one of the less lenient or "naive" ones in this respect. For example, when user Apollon first started posting in the Iranian section, I warned Iranians not to fall for their initially neutral facade. And I also called on Iranian users to be more vigilant, since some mischievous types will try to abuse their hospitality. In particular when Apollon came here asking for "travel advice", and some Iranians responded, I knew this person was just taking them for a ride.

Of course I read the false narratives in this thread as well and that's why I decided to counter them (was the first to do so), it's just that I'm undecided as to whether in this particular case we're dealing with a user who out of stubbornness is content with persisting in error, or whether they actually don't mean well.
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