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Is India Preparing To Lose?

No one win a war without casualty, that is why we don't like it.

---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

I have a question to ask you. You hate Chinese or you just hate CPC?

There is no question of hating Chinese. Normal Chinese (general public) are innocent people, who are either forced to keep quite or are brainwashed.

I hate policy of CCP.
Ok..... If they are different and they have given you right of freedom of expression, then name just one drawback of your CCP policy. I challenge all Chinese members here on forum, who are living in china to name just one Draw back.

I know............ You all will be mum. Instead, you all will try to present that policy of CCP is absolute flawless. And every thing is 100% in favor and good.

Lol............ You guys are so scared of getting tracked and then prosecuted.
CPC did good job in developing the country. Although it is not flawless, it should not be that bad as you think. Many students attendded 6.4 event for good purpose but some foreign politicians utilized them as subservient to overthrow the government .
india will learn their place in asia very soon.

2 choice the indians have,

#1 become subservient and vassal status to the US
#2 make peace with her neighbors

same the China has 2 option in Asia

1) Either Make piece with its neighbors India, Japan n US (Korea)
2) Or see many other Equal opponent in Asia along with India

Ne way, if India didn't make piece with China, then its China which will threaten more then , In asia only Only India has operational Nuclear bomb and Subs now , even Japan don't have nuclear bombs.

So in event of War , China Status will go back long dated which china can't afford.
I don't fear to be tracked and prosecuted, as long as it does good to the long term oh the country. Thanks for your care!
china has no military experience to win a a modern conflict.

not even against TAIWAN. neva mind INDIA

Can't you guys do anything without China?

dude, u read my mind.
i saw most of the pages in PDF that whenever Indians speaks they are speaking with the indian achievements.
and also,whenever chinese speaks they are telling their own achievements.
But when pakistani's speaks, they are speaking about the achievements of chinese or some others achievements for comparison.
Is that normal in PDF?:hitwall:
dude, u read my mind.
i saw most of the pages in PDF that whenever Indians speaks they are speaking with the indian achievements.
and also,whenever chinese speaks they are telling their own achievements.
But when pakistani's speaks, they are speaking about the achievements of chinese or some others achievements for comparison.
Is that normal in PDF?:hitwall:

you picked up the right nerve..DUDE :D
Ok..... If they are different and they have given you right of freedom of expression, then name just one drawback of your CCP policy. I challenge all Chinese members here on forum, who are living in china to name just one Draw back.

I know............ You all will be mum. Instead, you all will try to present that policy of CCP is absolute flawless. And every thing is 100% in favor and good.

Lol............ You guys are so scared of getting tracked and then prosecuted.
Of course CCP has drawbacks. We are too peaceful toward india. It's a waste of time to talk to india on the border. We should just attack india right away by land and air, instead of talking. india is a threat to all its neighbors and we will work together to take it down.

china has no military experience to win a a modern conflict.

not even against TAIWAN. neva mind INDIA

China already intimidated Taiwan into re-electing its pro-China leader this month :lol:

Now you are dead because we can move all our eastern and northern forces against you! :)
I am wondering why mods haven't closed this thread? :azn:
@sinochallenger...congrats fro coming out from mental asylum .. but I afraid you have to go again
India is doing the following:

Completing nuke triad

Inducting Mountain strike corps (89000 troops)

OFB 155/45mm artillery being tested this year

M777 being purchased

F INSAS being fast tracked (finally)

Building infrastructure along the border

Rebuilding airstrips along LAC

Inducting MMRCA


India isn't preparing to lose by any means. The authors of the article originally posted know this. They are probably just upset at the slow pace of India's response to an increased threat (which is understandable).

This whole thread is becoming an awful mess. Stick to facts people!
Of course CCP has drawbacks. We are too peaceful toward india. It's a waste of time to talk to india on the border. We should just attack india right away by land and air, instead of talking. india is a threat to all its neighbors and we will work together to take it down.

Ok, Assume a scenario like this! India dumps some 30% of nukes on Beijing, Shangai, Hong Kong, Tianjin and Macau.... and China dumps most of its nukes on India... Let me know who is the winner here!

You like it or not, You believe it or not... India too have strategic nukes!

I am sure CCP is not a fool like you!
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