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Is India Preparing To Lose?

Ok, Assume a scenario like this! India dumps some 30% of nukes on Beijing, Shangai, Hong Kong, Tianjin and Macau.... and China dumps most of its nukes on India... Let me know who is the winner here!

You like it or not, You believe it or not... India too have strategic nukes!

I am sure CCP is not a fool like you!
india has 0 thermonuclear weapons. You have only atomic weapons, in the kilotons of yield. China has 3000+ multi-megaton thermonuclear weapons.

You don't even have a working MRBM. The Agni-4 would be the first MRBM that actually works when it enters service 5+ years from now. That's why no mass production of Agni 2 or Agni 3 ever took place.

In short, China could blow away most of india and there's nothing you could do back to us. That's just the cold hard truth for you indians.

Now China has a new pro-military leader, it will be time to change our soft policy on india.
Of course CCP has drawbacks. We are too peaceful toward india. It's a waste of time to talk to india on the border. We should just attack india right away by land and air, instead of talking. india is a threat to all its neighbors and we will work together to take it down.

Cool down and think with that tiny head of yours ... it is China who's the biggest Bully in the South & South-East Asian region ...

Good that CCP doesnt have people like you aboard ...
Indians are absolutely convinced of their racial superiority and consider it India's manifest destiny for the Indian Ocean to become India's Ocean. They believe it is the brown man's burden to teach the uncivilized yellows their place. Their actions have shown this to be the case.

Such a mindset is eeriely similar to that of Nazi Germany and the British Empire, who used racial arguments and social Darwinism as excuses to enslave and conquer others.

On the inside, India also many parallels to Nazi Germany and the British Empire. Like in the British Empire, on the streets of the capital you can see children hauling dirt and breaking rocks, beggars on the street, and young men using acid and screwdrives to scavenge rare metals from scrapped electronics, while just next door you see the gleaming towers of capitalist commerce. To distract the people, the government uses jingoistic foreign expansion as a common tool of policy.

India is an expansionist power that has conquered Goa, Sikkim and Kashmir, just as Hitler first conquered Austria, then Czechoslovakia, and finally, Poland. Who will be next? Can we have "peace in our time"?



China wants to dominate the south China Sea.

India has not made any similar outrageous claims over the Indian Ocean.

Kashmirs leader agreed to join India AFTER PAKISTAN INVADED KASHMIR.

Goa was a colony of Portugal. Portugal did not want to accept that the era of colonialism was over, so India intervened militarily after diplomacy failed.

Sikkim Joined India on its own accord. No violence occurred.


Same for East Turkestan.

China Invaded Vietnam.

China saved the Brutal North Korean regime which starves its own people in the millions.

China is now claiming the ENTIRE Couth China Sea.

Talking about poverty...

Are you telling me there are no poor people in China?

The vast majority of the Asia Pacific countries are more fearful of Chinese expansionism over any other potential threat.

Your arguments are very weak.

They might fly in a country where propaganda rules the day but not outside of it.
and also,whenever chinese speaks they are telling their own achievements.
But when pakistani's speaks, they are speaking about the achievements of chinese or some others achievements for comparison.
Is that normal in PDF? :hitwall:
The thing to keep in mind is that Indians have been psychologically obsessed with Pakistan since the day it was created :azn: ... All your military strategies , buildup and purchase are Pakistan centric even today ! Despite being 5 smaller than you , we have shown you the middle finger in 47' , 65' and 99' :lol: ... Go google the results of Operation Brasstacks and Parakram ! Who massed the troops on the border and blinked first ? :D
China and Pakistan both should focus on their own development, instead of getting stomach aches cause of Indian development. It is clear, any misadventure of China would lead to heavy respond.
Chinese friends please do not speak of war, invasion, etc.. you cannot do what you are thinking even If Pakistan's with you. Come into reality. Guys you do not know what you say. Such scenarios would be very dangerous for HUmanity. So please calm down.

I think I should rather exclude Pakistan from the debate, they just are '' bepinde ka lota''. Pakistan has no stable policy no stable partners and not stable government. Pakistan needs China because of India, that is all.
india has 0 thermonuclear weapons. You have only atomic weapons, in the kilotons of yield. China has 3000+ multi-megaton thermonuclear weapons.

You don't even have a working MRBM. The Agni-4 would be the first MRBM that actually works when it enters service 5+ years from now. That's why no mass production of Agni 2 or Agni 3 ever took place.

In short, China could blow away most of india and there's nothing you could do back to us. That's just the cold hard truth for you indians.

Now China has a new pro-military leader, it will be time to change our soft policy on india.
Oh really. So China hasn't got the ba&&$ to face India in a conventional war and thus it will opt it's nukes. That's the only thing that 1 can imply from this post of yours.
I think I should rather exclude Pakistan from the debate, they just are '' bepinde ka lota''. Pakistan has no stable policy no stable partners and not stable government. Pakistan needs China because of India, that is all.

I think you need a dose of history ! :P What say you ? Why does China needs Pakistan though ? No stable partners really , except USA who else ?

Oh really. So China hasn't got the ba&&$ to face India in a conventional war and thus it will opt it's nukes. That's the only thing that 1 can imply from this post of yours.
Ok lets discuss a low intensity limited scale offensive ... Better ?
I think you need a dose of history ! :P What say you ?

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

Ok lets discuss a low intensity limited scale offensive ... Better ?
Sure let's go. But who'll be the aggressor here.
The thing to keep in mind is that Indians have been psychologically obsessed with Pakistan since the day it was created :azn: ... All your military strategies , buildup and purchase are Pakistan centric even today ! Despite being 5 smaller than you , we have shown you the middle finger in 47' , 65' and 99' :lol: ... Go google the results of Operation Brasstacks and Parakram ! Who massed the troops on the border and blinked first ? :D

oh oh .... We think that was happened in your dreams. :lazy: .wake up man and have a tea. Even every one known who showed the middle finger to u all from the past decades.
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oh oh .... We think that was happened in your dreams. :lazy: .wake up man and have a tea. Even every one known who showed the middle finger to u all from the past decades

I can get you same sort of videos from Indian media so the point being ? :undecided:

Check if the Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir still remain with you :lol:
Check who ran to the UN two times !

If Indians cant win/subjugate/recover captured territories against/from Pakistan despite massive conventional advantage , what do you pride yourself on ? :azn: ...
I can get you same sort of videos from Indian media so the point being ? :undecided:

Check if the Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir still remain with you :lol:
Check who ran to the UN two times !

If Indians cant win/subjugate/recover captured territories against/from Pakistan despite massive conventional advantage , what do you pride yourself on ? :azn: ...

Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir is with Pakistan from 1947... India never wanted it, so never invaded... I hope Nehru went only in the 1947 war.... When was the second time actually?
Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir is with Pakistan from 1947... India never wanted it, so never invaded... I hope Nehru went only in the 1947 war.... When was the second time actually?
'65 ... India still keeps crying about it , what other reason did you have for protesting Chinese presence in Northern Areas then ? :azn: ... Have you withdrawn your claim ? IA always wanted it , planned a number of scenarios but nothing could materialize ... Check 1987 buildup ... Nehru knew the hard truth both times !


China wants to dominate the south China Sea.

India has not made any similar outrageous claims over the Indian Ocean.

Kashmirs leader agreed to join India AFTER PAKISTAN INVADED KASHMIR.

Goa was a colony of Portugal. Portugal did not want to accept that the era of colonialism was over, so India intervened militarily after diplomacy failed.

Sikkim Joined India on its own accord. No violence occurred.


Same for East Turkestan.

China Invaded Vietnam.

China saved the Brutal North Korean regime which starves its own people in the millions.

China is now claiming the ENTIRE Couth China Sea.

Talking about poverty...

Are you telling me there are no poor people in China?

The vast majority of the Asia Pacific countries are more fearful of Chinese expansionism over any other potential threat.

Your arguments are very weak.

They might fly in a country where propaganda rules the day but not outside of it.

We claimed the islands for 50 years, no one claimed them, until oil was found, then everyone claimed them. This is the fault of other countries.

Kashmir was a feudal monarchy at the time. Did you know that most Indian kingdoms "voluntarily" joined the British too?

Goa was the sovereign territory of Portugal and its inhabitants were 100% purebred Europeans.

95% of Tibet's population is still Tibetan. No colonization going on. As for the so called "invasion" it was just driving out the slaveowning class.

Uighurs are illegal immigrants to Xinjiang. Han commanderies were set up there in 150 AD, while Uighurs were not even a peoples until 900 AD.

Your arguments may make sense in a country where most cannot read, but not outside it.
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