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Is India Preparing To Lose?

IF india is meek and mild

Then why are indian FLAGS flying HIGH AND MIGHTY in SAICHEN KARGIL & ASSAM in north EAST INDIA.

If the chinease aree so powerful WHY is TAIWAN stil independant.

Why is KASHMIR 70% in india

Its easy to TALK THE TALK try WALKING THE WALK first
The pseudo high IQ trolls in fear talk about India will go for alliance with USA against China; they know it will be nightmare for them because they have already lost India as no push over after 1962 onwards. India stands firm after that back stabbing without alliance and will remain like that. Therefore all the mocking and presumption of India being ally of USA actually trembles then from toe to crump.

They rant and mock us being incapable of facing China. But if these Chinese were so capable against India then they wouldn't have gone for military alliance with Pakistan. China cannot do squat about India and envy its independent foreign policy. They know India is not going to make alliances with anyone but is capable enough to defend any attack.

Chinese situation today is of a typical coward who shouts loud during dark scary nights; pretend he is bravest and swings his plastic knife in air to scare others.

As far as this particular news is concern then the guy has written this piece to alarm Indians. His views are his personal of a typical civilian who is frustrated because he thinks Indian political leadership is lazy and doing nothing about Sino-Pak military alliance. But in reality India has out played China ages ago otherwise why a permanent member of UNO would go low of lying to international community on many occasions that they haven’t proliferated nuclear technology to anyone.

It make non sense to determine who is better by launching a war between two largest developing countries in the world. Control your adrenelin . We don't proliferate nuclear weapon as you said, otherwise Iran now is bombing Israel by nuclear weapon. When north korea asked for j10 potential procurement, we deny that requirement in fraid of they bombing south Korea unscrupulously.
IF india is meek and mild

Then why are indian FLAGS flying HIGH AND MIGHTY in SAICHEN KARGIL & ASSAM in north EAST INDIA.

If the chinease aree so powerful WHY is TAIWAN stil independant.

Why is KASHMIR 70% in india

Its easy to TALK THE TALK try WALKING THE WALK first

The Swastika also flew over Warsaw once, but in the end it was the hammer and sickle that flew over Berlin.
Sorry to disappoint you:

Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India

India already asked both the USA and the USSR to help them during the 1962.

In 1962, China was the enemy of BOTH the USA and the USSR. We had just fought the Korean War with the USA, and we just had the Sino-Soviet split with the USSR.

They were both our enemies back then, but today... we are friends with Russia, and we have the largest bilateral economic relationship in the world with the USA. If they didn't help you back then (when they were our enemies), why would they help you now? :azn:

I feel pity for you, when i see your posts. I think you never want to wake up from your 62 dream. But there is one more incident, which you all shd dream & that is Japanese invasion & the humiliation you all faced from that.

I dont think India has face such type of humiliation in last 100 years. So my dear Dragon, which is chinese....... Wake up and smell the coffee. The world is no more same as 62.

Try one more with us...... and your A** will be smacked like a kid.
Its a fake artictle with fake picture (not related to news a old pic of a cricketer).

A truck load of BS and shamless and open violation of forum rules but where are Mods????

Few chinese shamessly trolling and posting flame bait why don't Mods ban them???????
The Swastika also flew over Warsaw once, but in the end it was the hammer and sickle that flew over Berlin.

Taiwan is a part of china, no matter whether CCP governs the nation or not. That is core interest of china and it's people. kMT is now ruling Taiwan now , a political party which is derived from china mainland, so independent is recently impossible st all hah hah.... As long as china is with Pakistan one day, the rest 30% of kirshmir is still apart from India.
LOL, the priorities of the governments of both countries are elsewhere: Trade. The volume of trade between India and China last year was $75 B and may reach $100 B this year, and we, the internet warriors, have different priorities. Having said that, if 62 were to be repeated, China would be go to stone ages as will India.
It make non sense to determine who is better by launching a war between two largest developing countries in the world. Control your adrenelin . We don't proliferate nuclear weapon as you said, otherwise Iran now is bombing Israel by nuclear weapon. When north korea asked for j10 potential procurement, we deny that requirement in fraid of they bombing south Korea unscrupulously.

@Wanglaokan......... How can you be so sure, when your media is censored??? You come to know only what your CPC wants you guys to know. Other then you all, whole world knows, which is the prime country for the Proliferation of Nuclear in this world.
@Wanglaokan......... How can you be so sure, when your media is censored??? You come to know only what your CPC wants you guys to know. Other then you all, whole world knows, which is the prime country for the Proliferation of Nuclear in this world.

The CPC is not India god in the myth. You overestimate it.Hah hah
LOL, the priorities of the governments of both countries are elsewhere: Trade. The volume of trade between India and China last year was $75 B and may reach $100 B this year, and we, the internet warriors, have different priorities. Having said that, if 62 were to be repeated, China would be go to stone ages as will India.

adorable Presentation by Jade.
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