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Is India Preparing To Lose?

Minus Arunachal Pradesh

You mean the place which you failed to defend, and the place where you suffered the worst defeat in the 1962 war? :azn:

Remind me of how you fought to get it back? Oh wait... you didn't. :P You just sat back and cried and were lucky enough that the PLA considered Aksai Chin far more important.
You mean the place which you failed to defend, and the place where you suffered the worst defeat in the 1962 war? :azn:

Remind me of how you fought to get it back? Oh wait... you didn't. :P You just sat back and cried and were lucky enough that the PLA considered Aksai Chin far more important.

more comprehension issues, or selective memory loss?
more like they came into the territory thinking they can hold it, but quickly realised once we matched them in numbers they had to run with the proverbial tail between their legs.

oddly similar to your behaviour in many india bashing threads :azn:
You mean the place which you failed to defend, and the place where you suffered the worst defeat in the 1962 war? :azn:

Remind me of how you fought to get it back? Oh wait... you didn't. :P You just sat back and cried and were lucky enough that the PLA considered Aksai Chin far more important.

Nope the place that China is still crying for.
Kashmir. Goa. Sikkim.

Austria. Czechoslovakia. Poland.

Peace in our time.

Did you conquer them for lebensraum, or to take back the 1000 year reich?

lol... Austria,Czechoslovakia and Poland are countries when were invaded

1)Sikkim at its own will becomes a part of India.
2)goa is indian part since mughals..a small presence of 2,3 portugales don't differ it from India
3)kashmir is ruled by hari singh before Indian formation,,hari singh is a Indian ruler

so how could u tell these stuffs without research...go get some research before posting BS
Agreed. Couple of years back you had Uncle Sam as your brother, father, mother and everything. Now you have China as your brother, father, mother and everything. Not sure who else will be your brother, father, mother and everything. To explain your brotherly support from uncle sam, I would like to take you back to 1971. Please have a look at below video.

Wow! India saved our 93000 soldiers and sacrifiesed their 3 Lac soldiers in the form of Mukti bihani.... Shame on Indian terrorism ..:bad:
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All utterly hypothetical right now. I dare say most of us won't be around in 2050, it is that far away so why even bother with this discussion ? Both countries have much more important things to focus on. And this is one article by one think tank, we have no idea what the motivation was behind this article, most likely it is not a coincidence that this man who advocates a significant increase in defence spending and is disappointed by the only modest increase in it this year is trying to vent his anger/scare politicians into action.

And all this Pakistan-China alliance/brotherhood BS. Give me a break. Pakistan trying to play with the big guys is only going to end in misery, why does a nation like Pakistan even need to get itself involved in such things? It would actually be more favourable to them to disassociate themselves militarily and focus on the plethora of internal issues, that is unless it wants to continue down the line of being China's cannon fodder against India.
Wow! India saved our 93000 soldiers and sacrifiesed their 3 Lac soldiers in the form of Mukti bihani.... Shame on Indian terrorism ..:bad:

It was to liberate the Bangladeshis from the pak army. After 47' we knew what we were dealing with :enjoy:
Stop using China as your own achievement, for God's sake have some pride for your own country.

What has pakistan done without the help of China?
Then you must look at Pakistan and Bangladesh relation.. We don't kill their cattle traders..;)

my dear CD,

India cant match china militarily and GOI knows this.

India just needs to remain enough strong so that in case of war PLA cant over helm Indian defense in AP and Tawang unless it moves forces from its northern and eastern front.

even a limited war with India, though bad for India, will affect Chinese economy too.

i don't think CCP wants that.

with decades of efforts, India has reached at a position where if it is attacked, it can pose unacceptable damage to invading nation.

CCP knows this and thus they always help our neighbor to keep us off balance.

situation is changing and massive modernization plans are being implemented

India is making somewhat slow but steady progress on both economic and military fronts.

our steadily increasing GDP will further strengthen our modernization plans for IA, IAF and IN.

add to this that we are getting highly advanced western weapons and we are building strategic weapons like Arihant and Aridhaman.

unlike 1962 we have satellites of our own so we can monitor north east and movements of PLA.

so my dear CD , India is quietly strengthening itself day by day and now it is in strong position.
The pseudo high IQ trolls in fear talk about India will go for alliance with USA against China; they know it will be nightmare for them because they have already lost India as no push over after 1962 onwards. India stands firm after that back stabbing without alliance and will remain like that. Therefore all the mocking and presumption of India being ally of USA actually trembles then from toe to crump.

They rant and mock us being incapable of facing China. But if these Chinese were so capable against India then they wouldn't have gone for military alliance with Pakistan. China cannot do squat about India and envy its independent foreign policy. They know India is not going to make alliances with anyone but is capable enough to defend any attack.

Chinese situation today is of a typical coward who shouts loud during dark scary nights; pretend he is bravest and swings his plastic knife in air to scare others.

As far as this particular news is concern then the guy has written this piece to alarm Indians. His views are his personal of a typical civilian who is frustrated because he thinks Indian political leadership is lazy and doing nothing about Sino-Pak military alliance. But in reality India has out played China ages ago otherwise why a permanent member of UNO would go low of lying to international community on many occasions that they haven’t proliferated nuclear technology to anyone.
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