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Is India Preparing To Lose?

thats considering you are strong enough to do so. in fact, in the next sino-indian war, if india fight by itself it would face the risk of defeat and having your entire country split into dozens of pieces.

before any such incident,several Indian nukes were droped on sino land....

so no chinese would be alive to witness the spliting of India:cry:
Its nothing more than a tactic to ensure the Defence Budget is more than 2% of GDP , when Budget is anounced on 14th March 2012
As many would know , the Budget was 1.8% of GDP last yr and some analyst have predicted a similar figure for this yr
in the next sino-indian war, if india fight by itself it would face the risk of defeat and having your entire country split into dozens of pieces.

once artificial india disintegrates, the countries of kashmir, goa, nagaland, assam, etc among others, will become recognized by the world.

CD mode on:

typical chinese :azn:
And the above thing is not a human but concentrated pure iq. :lol:

He doesn't appear on the Thread Information section at the bottom of the page, and neither do you actually. :azn:

But still, Indians ALWAYS outnumber Chinese on this forum by a very large margin.

Too bad that you guys still always end up losing all the arguments, and have to resort to creating new accounts to hurl racial abuse at us, in lieu of being able to win arguments the normal way. :P
Too bad that you guys still always end up losing all the arguments, and have to resort to creating new accounts to hurl racial abuse at us, in lieu of being able to win arguments the normal way. :P

perhaps you are having comprehension issues, I'll post once more.

well I personally can't blame you for having narrow vision, when you can't see the overwhelming majority of us who don't do that.
just goes to show your own incompetence :azn:
Back in 1962, we were enemies of both the USA and the USSR. Yet despite India's pleading, neither of them came to help. So if they didn't help back then, when we were their enemies, how does it make sense that they will help you now, given the above? :azn:

US is helping Philippines counter the Chinese threat, China which wanted to punish them now call for peace and calm, even though you will counter this by some more blah blah, I want to pass on some information to other friends here, here is the link
China Seeks Calm After Philippines, U.S. Ties Grow | International
true story, kya dhulayi kari hai :lol:

Abhishek sahib - when i first came on here 6 months ago - i tended to get volatile and excitable when on threads like this. Now i roll my eyes and smile. I know 1962 and 1971 will come up. I know superpower status and indian and china bashing will come up and eventually mod will come on put a few pink saris on people and close the thread. Then the people drift away to another thread and the emotions die down!! If you spectate and watch sometimes its quite amusing at watching the mud being thrown at each other. I tend to now just sit back get a cup of tea and watch.....! :coffee:
playing safe..huh

by point out the fact that threads like this have very little topic value and become mud slinging situations is playing safe?
I just think we know when threads like this start what the outcome is generally. Its a feast for pirranah fish!
Come on yaar. We beat England without China helping. We demolished England and their number 1 status. I suggest you retract the statement!!!!!!

I was referring to after partition. But yeah I'm shifting away from this troll fest :tup:
Indians are absolutely convinced of their racial superiority and consider it India's manifest destiny for the Indian Ocean to become India's Ocean. They believe it is the brown man's burden to teach the uncivilized yellows their place. Their actions have shown this to be the case.

Such a mindset is eeriely similar to that of Nazi Germany and the British Empire, who used racial arguments and social Darwinism as excuses to enslave and conquer others.

On the inside, India also many parallels to Nazi Germany and the British Empire. Like in the British Empire, on the streets of the capital you can see children hauling dirt and breaking rocks, beggars on the street, and young men using acid and screwdrives to scavenge rare metals from scrapped electronics, while just next door you see the gleaming towers of capitalist commerce. To distract the people, the government uses jingoistic foreign expansion as a common tool of policy.

India is an expansionist power that has conquered Goa, Sikkim and Kashmir, just as Hitler first conquered Austria, then Czechoslovakia, and finally, Poland. Who will be next? Can we have "peace in our time"?
^wow, just when I thought the creative minds here couldn't reach any higher. thanks freeze :lol:
Alas! It is sad to see brothers fight like this even after 50 years. A country divided into two based on religion by a country that used us for their benefit and let us to rot. In the 1800s they asked us to dance, we danced. In 1947, they asked us to fight, and we still fight for them to look down and laugh at us? Pathetic I would say.

What is religion in front of Humanity? Nothing! and yet we fight. We have been fighting the most futile and meaningless battle beginning 1947. Have we lost all of our Humanity! It sickens me to see brothers fighting like this.

Cant we see that we are being taken advantage of? The US and China. Don't we see it? Are we so hellbent on killing our brothers to the amusement of these pathetic beings who wouldn't give second thought to laugh at us for cutting each others veins?

If today, India were to cause harm to Pakistan without a reason, I would stand up against my own country. My country < humanity. Period! If my country going down saves humanity, then so be it. As far as I know, many of my friends wouldn't give a second thought at stand up against our own establishment as well in case we act as savages.


Indians are absolutely convinced of their racial superiority and consider it India's manifest destiny for the Indian Ocean to become India's Ocean. They believe it is the brown man's burden to teach the uncivilized yellows their place. Their actions have shown this to be the case.

Such a mindset is eeriely similar to that of Nazi Germany and the British Empire, who used racial arguments and social Darwinism as excuses to enslave and conquer others.

On the inside, India also many parallels to Nazi Germany and the British Empire. Like in the British Empire, on the streets of the capital you can see children hauling dirt and breaking rocks, beggars on the street, and young men using acid and screwdrives to scavenge rare metals from scrapped electronics, while just next door you see the gleaming towers of capitalist commerce. To distract the people, the government uses jingoistic foreign expansion as a common tool of policy.

India is an expansionist power that has conquered Goa, Sikkim and Kashmir, just as Hitler first conquered Austria, then Czechoslovakia, and finally, Poland. Who will be next? Can we have "peace in our time"?

Another insensible analysis... please come up with better analysis... I think it might be difficult for you but not this please :drag: :drag:
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