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Is India Preparing To Lose?

^isn't it strange that despite all this, mighty uncle wen lacks the testicular fortitude to take arunachal pradesh from the pesky indians. perhaps you should borrow a pair from Pakistanis. :azn:

Well remember one was lost in 71' .. that leaves one :oops:
how does it make sense that they will help you now, given the above? :azn:

now is different. the US is very scared and nervous that china will grow too powerful thus making the US lose it's place in the world, so it would be in the interest of the US to put a leash on india and make them subservient to their interest in order to contain china.

the question is, will india accept the leash?
Yes, 50 years later, we are the 2nd largest economy in the world. :lol:

Back in 1962, China and India had similar sized economies. Today, China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's, with commensurate military spending.

We have the largest bilateral economic relationship in the world with the USA, and we co-founded the SCO with Russia.

Back in 1962, we were enemies of both the USA and the USSR. Yet despite India's pleading, neither of them came to help. So if they didn't help back then when we were their enemies, how does it make sense that they will help you now? :azn:

You know logic can only be applied by a mind which has the capability to do so, which I'm afraid you lack! Anyways, there are factors which will if mentioned will be challenged with the now old rhetorical that China is blah blah economic and some more blah blah :coffee:. So I better let you have a run with your own dream in your imaginative, black and white world! :wave:
In 1962 India losses in BOTH sectors but God promise,2012 can witness chinese's defeat in every sector by India if china wants..

Too bad your own Indian Armed forces don't agree. :D

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.
I already answered that.

We already took Arunachal Pradesh from India in 1962, we humilated you easily in BOTH sectors.

And the Indian Army couldn't do anything about it, they could only hope and pray that the PLA would consider Aksai Chin more important, and voluntarily leave Arunachal Pradesh, so they could sneak back in with their tails between their legs. :lol:

more like they came into the territory thinking they can hold it, but quickly realised once we matched them in numbers they had to run with the proverbial tail between their legs.

oddly similar to your behaviour in many india bashing threads :azn:
Take a bow to Chinese dragon, may be then he will stop talking. ;)

India is admitted soft super power. That's what we earned in 50 years. Respect from countries all around the world. So no way India is losing, its winning hearts.
Look who is outnumbered. :lol:

There is only one Chinese member active on this thread.

oops sorry that your brethren ran away with their tails... once the numbers matched up.
thanks for proving the point

like I said, the hit n run tactics of chest beatings followed by the usual withdrawal is rather amusing
india will learn their place in asia very soon.

2 choice the indians have,

#1 become subservient and vassal status to the US

#2 make peace with her neighbors

Neither we are going to be a vessel state of US nor we are going to surrender against evil nexus.If we will have to fight against you people then we will fight with honor and will take the entire subcontinent & China along with us.All three countries will become history.
oops sorry that your brethren ran away with their tails... once the numbers matched up.
thanks for proving the point

LOL in every China-India thread, it is always 1-2 Chinese vs 10-15 Indians. Because there are many more Indians on this forum than Chinese.

Yet somehow it doesn't seem to matter at all that there are so many Indians, they still lose all the arguments, and have to resort to "slanty-eyed chink" racism. :P
May Be Surrender to China and Pakistan allaince .or Planing to demand greater defence budget... Thinktank reports matters in policey..:unsure::blink:

Noone at then ever think for a moment that his crying face will become An Upset representator for india..:laugh:

Ow! Then I will say .. Can brothers do anything without eachother.:china::cheers::pakistan:.It will be against the laws of ethics ..

Agreed. Couple of years back you had Uncle Sam as your brother, father, mother and everything. Now you have China as your brother, father, mother and everything. Not sure who else will be your brother, father, mother and everything. To explain your brotherly support from uncle sam, I would like to take you back to 1971. Please have a look at below video.

This video was not made by Indian's.

india will learn their place in asia very soon.

2 choice the indians have,

#1 become subservient and vassal status to the US

#2 make peace with her neighbors

they woke up from their super power dream perhaps.

Yes, In next couple of years you will get to know who we are. The games that you have been playing with us(turning our neighbor against us) we are playing it better then you now. Wait for some more time your dream of becoming super power will make all your neighbor against you.

Just wait & watch........I am sure it will not take too long.

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Yet somehow it doesn't seem to matter at all that there are so many Indians, they still lose all the arguments and have to resort to "slanty-eyed chink" racism. :P

well I personally can't blame you for having narrow vision, when you can't see the overwhelming majority of us who don't do that.
just goes to show your own incompetence :azn:
Neither we are going to be a vessel state of US nor we are going to surrender against evil nexus.If we will have to fight against you people then we will fight with honor and will take the entire subcontinent & China along with us.All three countries will become history.

thats considering you are strong enough to do so. in fact, in the next sino-indian war, if india fight by itself it would face the risk of defeat and having your entire country split into dozens of pieces.

once artificial india disintegrates, the countries of kashmir, goa, nagaland, assam, etc among others, will become recognized by the world.
Agreed. Couple of years back you had Uncle Sam as your brother, father, mother and everything. Now you have China as your brother, father, mother and everything. Not sure who else will be your brother, father, mother and everything. To explain your brotherly support from uncle sam, I would like to take you back to 1971. Please have a look at below video.

This video was not made by Indian's.

Yes, In next couple of years you will get to know who we are. The games that you have been playing with us(turning our neighbor against us) we are playing it better then you now. Wait for some more time your dream of becoming super power will make all your neighbor against you.

Just wait & watch........I am sure it will not take too long.


Nice video bro. Now some one will understand there place in ASIA. They can't save them self from Bangladeshi People what will they do in front of mighty Indian Army.

That's the reason why they play the terror game.


Before China

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