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Is India Panicking In Ladakh!

Makkar Indians. Extending the olive branch.

While they are actually mobilising to invade our Gilgit Baltistan region in the garb of defending against China.

Bagh always main churi moo pe ram ram. Typical Indian chankiyan strategy. Our planners know better.

Seems you don't know the geography of the this region..... tension area between China and India is on the border of eastern ladakh..... far opposite and far away from GB and AJK....
So let me get this straight, You've worked closely with India and you are impressed with their evolution, while at the same time you've assumed China has been a stagnant pond since 1962. GTFO, with stupid analysts like you, no wonder India thinks they're boss.
These guys are smoking alot of weed. Extreme dependence on imports is touted as an advantage. Lol
DONT want to sound defeatist GUYS

BUT we HAVE NO CHOICE ……….. we HAVE to Fight …………...THEY have force india into corner

its SERIOUSLY worrying I have no idea are e ready OR not I fear the worst
Please trace out Modi and Doval. Offer them some counseling and a plenty of encouragement to stand up. Or else you should fear the worst. Indian leadership is nowhere visible to public. Only Amit Sha came out for merely issuing empty threats against Pakistan.

What are you even talking about? The LAC is one that was established in 1999.
China has changed the frontlines in Ladakh, and occupied Indian territory... and New Delhi is talking about “a long haul” and “military and diplomatic engagement!”

If so abject was to be the surrender, disband the “mountain strike corps” & remove armoured brigade from Ladakh

To cover up this craven surrender to Chinese aggression in Ladakh, govt has the nerve to ask journalists not to cover, or write on, the ongoing “dialogue”.

This is to allow public opinion to normalise the new situation... which is that China has come in and will not leave!!
The war will happen only when India respond militarily to China. If India does not respond militarily then there is no war since Chinese has achieved whatever they wanted to achieve.

War will happen in any case. Chinese are not expected to stop at the current positions. They have so far recovered only a part of their areas. It is strategically required of them to push Indians far behind to recover their areas, secure their soft belly, and ensure smooth operation of CPEC project.

The war might happen in other circumstances. Consider this:
  1. Pakistan has always attacked India, thinking that India's response will be limited and will be easily overcome;
Wrong. Pakistan has poor performance of perception's war. In order words, Indians are better in making the world believe in their lies.

The war might happen in other circumstances. Consider this:
  1. India has always been caught by surprise;
I believe just like it was on 27/2 too.
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India has learnt alot from the Chinese since 1962. As a Defence Analyst who has closely worked the indians I can tell you if a confrontation would happen India will come out on the top. Just as a reminder, India has full support from the US, UK, Russia and will have armament and weapons supply from Canada, Isarel, France and Australia.
You need to immediately start working with Modi and Doval. They desprately need someone who still have guts to tell the world that India is a regional power after all this sever beating that IA has received from Chinese. The full support from the US, UK, Russia and will have armament and weapons supply from Canada, Isarel, France and Australia has proved unable to give any courage to Modi.

What the world is forgetting that India has a world class airforce that has seen war and has particiapted in active missions, whereas the PLA force has only been a theoretical force with no real action. Same with Chinese weapons systems. India has played smart and has acquired all time and field tested weapons while China has its own in house weapons that have never seen a battle. What matters on ground are not tested weapons but stress tested weapons of which China has none.
Full-Time Defence Analyst sahib, tell all this to Indians. No one in world believes in this BS.

Pakistan has lost trust of the US since 2012 and China is treading a difficult path with the US trade war. Plus for those who dont know I must say China also has a lot of internal problems - since there is no free press the world doesn't know about it. I will write a detailed post about it someday.

BTW - If we havent met earlier, I am a full time defence analyst. I get paid to study and research defence strengths and advice companies and governments on strategy.
FTDA Sahib, let a part-time defence observer tell you that trust is something not in the dictionary of international relations. It's all about national interest. American came and befriended yet once more post 9/11 just because their national interest dictated them to dance to-date. and thanks for telling the world China has a lot of internal problems (even more than what India has). Yes, that is a real going to be supporting factor for India. We never realized that. No wonder it could only appear in the brain of a full-time defence analyst.

War is business. China gives Russia about 2 Billion USD worth of business, India gives 13B USD worth of business each year. Plus India and Russia have a lot of joint programmes for weapons development. With China they know it is temporary business since the chinese copy and make it inhouse.
Yes war is a business but national interest for any nation includes many more elements. I believe Russians see more strategically in common with China than with India. You need to take part-time classes in strategic studies related courses.
Could not care less about their looks. What the Chinese have done for Pakistan is unprecedented. Even more than what a brother does for another.


Pakistanis and Chinese are not the biggest liars and purveyors of FALSE NEWS. indians are:


Do you have credible links to prove this?- No Chinese and Pakistan Links will be accepted.
Are you for real? What does that even mean? I gave a reasoned reply you've come out with dribble.
I usually enjoy reading your posts and thought you were a sensible person. Obviously I was wrong.

JFK's Forgotten Crisis by Bruce Riedel, he is a Pakistan hating, India loving ex CIA nutcase. The book is full of illogical negative conclusions about Pakistan(we can discuss what they are after you have read it), but based on facts about the 1962 war.

In the end, America threatened China through its embassy in Poland and readied its forces in the Philippines to make sure China got the message, that is the reason china fulled back.
He admitted this in an interview but strangely choose not to include such important information in the book.

This is the trouble with fanboys. They pick up a detail and forget all the rest.

This was just after China had made spaghetti of American troops. Since you are apparently new to military history and still groping your way around, read up on the Korean War.

The Americans threatening China would have had zero effect on Mao bent on his path.

What is quite clear is that the Chinese always intended to withdraw after achieving their war aims. The winter was not favourable to China for troop movements; road and rail communications were still primitive within Tibet, and most of the Chinese stockpiling had been done over six months; not something that could be supplemented on the fly.

I am impressed that you chose a larger type-face to announce this breakthrough sourcing; you must be really desperate.
Very true. Ayub being a military officer fell for this 'promise'. He should have known these 'promises' are not worth the paper they are written on. I read a book by insider, a British diplomat who negotiated this 'promise' and how India agreed [when China was tearing at it's innards] but later dragged out the negotiations until the whole thing whithered. Rest is history. Anybody want to read the inner workings of the Indo-Pakistan conflict in 1960s needs to read this book.


In a perverse way China offered us a enticing possibility of defeating India but at the same chained us from going for India. The west considered China the 'red threat' in 1960s. Massive western arms supplies post Chinese intrusion in 1962 enabled India to stand up. In addition western arms embargo against Pakistan in 1965 was precipitated on the idea that they could not let India fail or else China would gain. Thus US boycot of arms to Pakistan in 1965.

The promise -

Pakistan does not use the 1962 event when India was on it's knees to make a go for Kashmir. In return USA and UK would use their influence to resolve the Kashmir issue once the threat from China had ebated.

Once the threat from China ebated talks began arranged by US Secretary of State [Talbot?] in conjunction with US and British embassies in both South Asian countries. Sir Morrice Jones was critical in these discussions. He narrates how India obfuscated and then stalled the negotiations until the whole thing died out. Ayub never quite got over this and would go on to make the 1965 mistake.

Lesson for Pakistan:

Strike the bloody iron when it's hot.

Thank you so much for introducing me to this book, my reading shelf is already shamefully gathering dust, the pages are waiting for me to turn them lol, but I will try and get hold of this book and read it at some point.

Hindsight is a lovely thing to have, you make judgments with the information you have at the time. But, I can proudly say that I love being Pakistani (and British, it's my home :-)), we have achieved a hell of a lot and shown dignity, far more then our people realise, and far far far more then the world gives us credit for.

Offtopic, but I never realized till recently that Pakistan had given diplomatic passports to North African leaders in their fight for independence from the French when we were still a young nation, that took guts, but no one knows or talks about it.

Indians helped the Soviet Union kill over 1 million Afghans and they never stop talking about the so-called couple of billions they have apparently spent in Afghanistan over 20 years, talk about peanuts. I would like to see them take just half of refugees that have been living in Pakistan for 40 years.

This is the trouble with fanboys. They pick up a detail and forget all the rest.

This was just after China had made spaghetti of American troops. Since you are apparently new to military history and still groping your way around, read up on the Korean War.

The Americans threatening China would have had zero effect on Mao bent on his path.

What is quite clear is that the Chinese always intended to withdraw after achieving their war aims. The winter was not favourable to China for troop movements; road and rail communications were still primitive within Tibet, and most of the Chinese stockpiling had been done over six months; not something that could be supplemented on the fly.

I am impressed that you chose a larger type-face to announce this breakthrough sourcing; you must be really desperate.

The larger face type was copy and paste process, If I had known you are so sensitive, I might have made it a different size. Plus, I thought as you're are so slow, it might help you to read better.

Please try and make sense, not accusations, fanboy???

If you do not know the details, you do not know anything. Yes, I agree with the reasons you stated, they are obviously well known, the facts are in the details, like the ones I just gave you. Obviously you can't live without being spoonfed, but sonny boy, I hope you have learnt by now that things happen for a multitude of reasons.

That American threat was part of the Chinese calculation, the American aid of almost a billion dollars was already on the ground, more would have followed. You people need to wake up and leave your fantasies.

Read your great leader Nehru's letters to USA and UK begging and crying like a baby for help, the two countries you use to love hating. What hypocrites, you have no morals, that's why you lot are killing each other like its Holi every day, loving the red.
I didnt mean to hurt anyone, Mr. Joe. But if someone throwing bullshiit then it is our responsibility that we stop that bullshitter. We have many more straws to cling on to , infact so many that we can build a canoe with them, And you very well know i'm right in this case.

Indians do the same , did you forget the comments of indians about 1971, And we do accept, doesn't matter how you won but you won. So lets not have double standard.

So please build your canoe or canoes with your pieces of straw. I remain glad that your shooting down a single plane is such a red letter day in your lives, and that it is, in your minds, on par with the conflict of 1971.

Oh, aren't you talking about yourself, your countrymen & India here? Did you just imply the following to us Pakistani's?

Would you like me to fetch you a detailed record of the night time fantasies Indians have been illustrating and story telling here since the inception of this forum? because I assure you, while we might also indulge in comforting scenario's like you, but unlike you, we're a drop in an ocean and you are the ocean.

This guy right here, Joe Shearer, he's a perfect example of an old man with a huge chip on his shoulder, and nothing is more disgusting than old men who are immature and unable to accept the truth. They're worse than even aspiring young'uns who are super patriotic, even if they are living in denial.

Ah yes, a failure to present facts, followed by personal attacks. This shows how strong your basic positions are.

Please trace out Modi and Doval. Offer them some counseling and a plenty of encouragement to stand up. Or else you should fear the worst. Indian leadership is nowhere visible to public. Only Amit Sha came out for merely issuing empty threats against Pakistan.

China has changed the frontlines in Ladakh, and occupied Indian territory... and New Delhi is talking about “a long haul” and “military and diplomatic engagement!”

If so abject was to be the surrender, disband the “mountain strike corps” & remove armoured brigade from Ladakh

To cover up this craven surrender to Chinese aggression in Ladakh, govt has the nerve to ask journalists not to cover, or write on, the ongoing “dialogue”.

This is to allow public opinion to normalise the new situation... which is that China has come in and will not leave!!

War will happen in any case. Chinese are not expected to stop at the current positions. They have so far recovered only a part of their areas. It is strategically required of them to push Indians far behind to recover their areas, secure their soft belly, and ensure smooth operation of CPEC project.

Wrong. Pakistan has poor performance of perception's war. In order words, Indians are better in making the world believe in their lies.

I believe just like it was on 27/2 too.

Once again, it is the swarm of Pakistani fan-boys on this forum who will insist that their grandiose visions of conquering the world (with the help of their iron brothers, of course) are real. They are effective here merely because they have a sheltered environment here, unlike the harsh environment outside, where their equivalent ignorant fan-boys from India, are in the majority.

This recital by keyboard warriors of what China will or will not do is amusing. The grim part is that it creates a permanent toxic atmosphere in which anything can happen at moments of crisis.
So please build your canoe or canoes with your pieces of straw. I remain glad that your shooting down a single plane is such a red letter day in your lives, and that it is, in your minds, on par with the conflict of 1971.

Ah yes, a failure to present facts, followed by personal attacks. This shows how strong your basic positions are.

Once again, it is the swarm of Pakistani fan-boys on this forum who will insist that their grandiose visions of conquering the world (with the help of their iron brothers, of course) are real. They are effective here merely because they have a sheltered environment here, unlike the harsh environment outside, where their equivalent ignorant fan-boys from India, are in the majority.

This recital by keyboard warriors of what China will or will not do is amusing. The grim part is that it creates a permanent toxic atmosphere in which anything can happen at moments of crisis.
Jo, fan or no fan boy, just open Google earth in Doklam, tell me what you see? Pat attention to the valley on the east, tell me if it isn't us penetrating deeper and building a new road. Lol
@UXGuy Hello Mr. Defense anal-yst. I am looking forward to learning more from you. No kidding. Thank you for your in-depth anal-ysis. :)
Please post more of your intelligent content so that we all can learn much from you.

You forget the premises and have come straight to the conclusion. If you take another look at the remark that sparked off this mini-thread, this is what the originating post said:

Well if China succeeds in taking all the attention, and the Indians deploy all their reserves and other units towards them. Pakistan might have a chance to exploit the weak Indian defences.

This involves the best of all possible worlds:
  1. China sits on the border brooding, and India pours all her resources into thwarting an attack that never happens;
  2. Pakistan then attacks, to use their "....chance to exploit the weak Indian defences...."
  3. India has nothing left in the larder to meet this challenge.
My point is that Indian reserves are in the Southern Command and Central Command and are sufficient to withstand any external challenge.

That's all it is.

You didn't get it. That 'rampage' would be in case of a Pakistani opportunistic attack.

Surfeit? Not surfeit, please; just sufficient to make up for all the rest of the SDRE bits. :D

Even during a response to the Chinese, there are specific formations to decide the response, and there are others that will guard against other threats.

My question for you now is, do the Chinese expect or anticipate an Indian retaliation? Do the Chinese want to prove a point to the Indians and to the world for that matter?

Do you think the Indian est. will go for it? Knowing very well that it could be a do or die situation?

Let's just say the ind
Very true. Ayub being a military officer fell for this 'promise'. He should have known these 'promises' are not worth the paper they are written on. I read a book by insider, a British diplomat who negotiated this 'promise' and how India agreed [when China was tearing at it's innards] but later dragged out the negotiations until the whole thing whithered. Rest is history. Anybody want to read the inner workings of the Indo-Pakistan conflict in 1960s needs to read this book.


In a perverse way China offered us a enticing possibility of defeating India but at the same chained us from going for India. The west considered China the 'red threat' in 1960s. Massive western arms supplies post Chinese intrusion in 1962 enabled India to stand up. In addition western arms embargo against Pakistan in 1965 was precipitated on the idea that they could not let India fail or else China would gain. Thus US boycot of arms to Pakistan in 1965.

The promise -

Pakistan does not use the 1962 event when India was on it's knees to make a go for Kashmir. In return USA and UK would use their influence to resolve the Kashmir issue once the threat from China had ebated.

Once the threat from China ebated talks began arranged by US Secretary of State [Talbot?] in conjunction with US and British embassies in both South Asian countries. Sir Morrice Jones was critical in these discussions. He narrates how India obfuscated and then stalled the negotiations until the whole thing died out. Ayub never quite got over this and would go on to make the 1965 mistake.

Lesson for Pakistan:

Strike the bloody iron when it's hot.

All the more reason to go for the kill inspite of our shortcomings. And IF we don't make the most of this God Given opportunity(provided the Chinese keep them under the pump) then well we don't deserve Kashmir.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this book, my reading shelf is already shamefully gathering dust, the pages are waiting for me to turn them lol, but I will try and get hold of this book and read it at some point.

Hindsight is a lovely thing to have, you make judgments with the information you have at the time. But, I can proudly say that I love being Pakistani (and British, it's my home :-)), we have achieved a hell of a lot and shown dignity, far more then our people realise, and far far far more then the world gives us credit for.

Offtopic, but I never realized till recently that Pakistan had given diplomatic passports to North African leaders in their fight for independence from the French when we were still a young nation, that took guts, but no one knows or talks about it.

Indians helped the Soviet Union kill over 1 million Afghans and they never stop talking about the so-called couple of billions they have apparently spent in Afghanistan over 20 years, talk about peanuts. I would like to see them take just half of refugees that have been living in Pakistan for 40 years.

Since you are so obviously new to facts, you might like to recall that against your own figures of approximately 2 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, India hosted 10 million Bangladeshi refugees in 1971.

Unlike Pakistan, that was unable to do anything about it, India took steps to relieve the situation by creating conditions for the refugees to return home. Around 95% returned home within three months of learning that the situation was safe.

The larger face type was copy and paste process, If I had known you are so sensitive, I might have made it a different size. Plus, I thought as you're are so slow, it might help you to read better.

So sad that the process dictated the execution. But that is part of the learning process, and it is to be hoped that these betises will not be repeated.

As far as I am concerned, it matters little what font, what size and what colours you use; they are merely symptoms of mental and intellectual breakdown, and what is important is the facts that are sought to be conveyed within these clownish posturings.

Please try and make sense, not accusations, fanboy???

If you do not know the details, you do not know anything. Yes, I agree with the reasons you stated, they are obviously well known, the facts are in the details, like the ones I just gave you. Obviously you can't live without being spoonfed, but sonny boy, I hope you have learnt by now that things happen for a multitude of reasons.

That American threat was part of the Chinese calculation, the American aid of almost a billion dollars was already on the ground, more would have followed. You people need to wake up and leave your fantasies.

Read your great leader Nehru's letters to USA and UK begging and crying like a baby for help, the two countries you use to love hating. What hypocrites, you have no morals, that's why you lot are killing each other like its Holi every day, loving the red.

Facts are facts, and your speculations will change nothing.
  1. The Chinese had no American threat in mind; they knew that America was already involved neck-deep in the Cuban Missile Crisis and its aftermath, and that there would be no effective action by them.
  2. American aid was in the shape of ammunition and small arms. Not a single piece of major equipment was given to India, unlike the fountains that washed Pakistan. Not one tank, not one aircraft, not one naval vessel. So instead of frothing at the mouth, you might like to make sense of what you are reading.
  3. We were non-aligned then, we continued to be non-aligned, and we did not sell ourselves to the highest bidder at any given point of time, like others did. Egypt, for instance; you did realise that was the example that was in mind, right?

My question for you now is, do the Chinese expect or anticipate an Indian retaliation? Do the Chinese want to prove a point to the Indians and to the world for that matter?

Do you think the Indian est. will go for it? Knowing very well that it could be a do or die situation?

Let's just say the ind

I doubt strongly that the avoidance of shooting by both sides since 1967 will be altered.

All the more reason to go for the kill inspite of our shortcomings. And IF we don't make the most of this God Given opportunity(provided the Chinese keep them under the pump) then well we don't deserve Kashmir.

Would it be possible to build a register of Pakistani fan-boy advice to the Pakistani government and the Pakistan army on what to do in today's circumstances of apparent crisis for the Indian Army? It would come in very handy when later asking for a queue for them to step up and eat crow.

Jo, fan or no fan boy, just open Google earth in Doklam, tell me what you see? Pat attention to the valley on the east, tell me if it isn't us penetrating deeper and building a new road. Lol

I see the PLA still where it was, with no effort made since the last confrontation.
Since you are so obviously new to facts, you might like to recall that against your own figures of approximately 2 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, India hosted 10 million Bangladeshi refugees in 1971.

Unlike Pakistan, that was unable to do anything about it, India took steps to relieve the situation by creating conditions for the refugees to return home. Around 95% returned home within three months of learning that the situation was safe.

So sad that the process dictated the execution. But that is part of the learning process, and it is to be hoped that these betises will not be repeated.

As far as I am concerned, it matters little what font, what size and what colours you use; they are merely symptoms of mental and intellectual breakdown, and what is important is the facts that are sought to be conveyed within these clownish posturings.

Facts are facts, and your speculations will change nothing.
  1. The Chinese had no American threat in mind; they knew that America was already involved neck-deep in the Cuban Missile Crisis and its aftermath, and that there would be no effective action by them.
  2. American aid was in the shape of ammunition and small arms. Not a single piece of major equipment was given to India, unlike the fountains that washed Pakistan. Not one tank, not one aircraft, not one naval vessel. So instead of frothing at the mouth, you might like to make sense of what you are reading.
  3. We were non-aligned then, we continued to be non-aligned, and we did not sell ourselves to the highest bidder at any given point of time, like others did. Egypt, for instance; you did realise that was the example that was in mind, right?

I doubt strongly that the avoidance of shooting by both sides since 1967 will be altered.

Would it be possible to build a register of Pakistani fan-boy advice to the Pakistani government and the Pakistan army on what to do in today's circumstances of apparent crisis for the Indian Army? It would come in very handy when later asking for a queue for them to step up and eat crow.

I see the PLA still where it was, with no effort made since the last confrontation.

You honestly believe that the Americans are going to come to the aid of or fight for the indians?..................:rofl:
I see the PLA still where it was, with no effort made since the last confrontation.

No change at point of conflict at all... Just a new road to jampheri which actually is slicing even a bigger slice from Bhutan, that's the payback. You still don't get Chinese Go? Lollololol
BTW - If we havent met earlier, I am a full time defence analyst. I get paid to study and research defence strengths and advice companies and governments on strategy.
You need to start advising the Indian government. All your strategic and statistical analysis will be able to come to the same conclusion that most of us have already come to. You’re fukt.
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