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Is India Panicking In Ladakh!

India has learnt alot from the Chinese since 1962. As a Defence Analyst who has closely worked the indians I can tell you if a confrontation would happen India will come out on the top. Just as a reminder, India has full support from the US, UK, Russia and will have armament and weapons supply from Canada, Isarel, France and Australia.

What the world is forgetting that India has a world class airforce that has seen war and has particiapted in active missions, whereas the PLA force has only been a theoretical force with no real action. Same with Chinese weapons systems. India has played smart and has acquired all time and field tested weapons while China has its own in house weapons that have never seen a battle. What matters on ground are not tested weapons but stress tested weapons of which China has none.

India has world class airforce...lol

May I ask which international theaters has Indian af participated in? At least Pakistan has participated in cold War x 1, Arab Israel x 2, af-pak x 3, indo-pak x 4, etc. Still we cant and don't call it world class.

What is your org you work for? No offense but they need a put many hours to get you up to the speed.
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You are beaten time and time again. Why go so far back just go back 2019 and see your mighty air force getting punched and kicked and served fantashtic tea.

I am so glad that you have this straw to cling on to.

I think you need to do some reading outside of Wikipedia.

I think you need to do some reading.

You went begging to America and the UK, who in return threatened Pakistan, their ally, not to attack India. China was encouraging Pakistan to attack, Pakistan did not have to listen to anyone because Pakistan was still a member of CENTO and SEATO treaty organisations and was important.

Pakistan choose to be kind (in return for a promised peaceful resolution of Kashmir) and not attack India while it was down, be grateful. It appears Pakistan has shown far better morality then India through our history. Only dogs and thieves come running when your house is burning.

India's arrogance astonishes me, it's extremely sad and funny at the same time.

The arrogance that is astonishing is that of fanboys, who think that their night-time fantasies magically convert into reality during the day.

There is no record and no account of any such conversation or discussion between Pakistan and its masters in 1962, and there was and is no question then or later of any promises on Kashmir. Try to get something on board that is not scuttlebutt on the Internet.

This must be one of the most ignorant posts that I have read in the last 11 years on this forum and there have been some really ignorant ones.

You may be right; I haven't checked.

India has world class airforce...lol

May I ask which international theaters has Indian af participated in? At least Pakistan has participated in cold War x 1, Arab Israel x 2, af-pak x 3, indo-pak x 4, etc. Still we cant and don't call it world class.

What is your org you work for? No offense but they need a put many hours to get you up to the speed.

This from the character (I am being extremely polite not to fall foul of the Mods) who keeps repeating in a monotone that India has 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir.

A real expert we have here.
ITS ok seeimng hundreds of indian Lorrys but where are the MBRL the battle tanks attack helicopters brahmos cruise missles drones

I want to see SU30MKI lined up in massive numbers

IS INDIA PANICING ………… yes they bloddy well are.

CHINA is second only to USA in military and industrial might

BUT we have to FIGHT ………. THEY are threatening our HOME ,

We DO or WE die

No need to fight.... its just 60 Sq km area they have intruded which is only worth getting back by diplomacy and not war....

They actually aren't even on Indian territory as proved by @Joe Shearer and @silent_poison but still for the satisfaction of pakistani members I say they have intruded in 60 sq km area....

There will be an immediate war if they intrude and occupy significantly larger areas say 8000-10000 sq km but for 60 sq km area war nobody will militarily engage larger military power like China so immediately......

See how many times China illegally captures smaller islands in SCS by intruding other countries maritime boundaries??? They even took sparcely islands illegally from Vietnam but did Vietnam immediately launched a war???

Negotiate and discuss.....war will only give exactly what pakistani are dreaming here....
Wrong! Occupied Kashmir is NOT your home, its ours; we Kashmiri's reject the union with Gangadesh, our home is with Pakistan; for we share a common ancestral heritage dating back many millennia that is the Indus Civilisation, and that relationship is further interlinked with Islam. The fact you have to use 1 million armed angry apes to subdue an unarmed defenceless native populous proves IOK is a lost cause even after 7 decades. Your 'nation' is nothing more than a failed colonial fascist project that will in due course evidently disintegrate.. now with the monkey king at the helm will only speed up the process. Playing macho might work in a sh1tty scripted bollywood movie in front of a home audience, but doing it in reality in front of the Chinese is a whole different ball game, they going to slaughter your malnourished gorillas.. just like the inhumane animals they are; I for one hope they get every last one of them, no quarters given.


Oh, now it's 1 million. So that clown who keeps parroting 700,000 has competition.
I am so glad that you have this straw to cling on to.

I think you need to do some reading.

The arrogance that is astonishing is that of fanboys, who think that their night-time fantasies magically convert into reality during the day.

There is no record and no account of any such conversation or discussion between Pakistan and its masters in 1962, and there was and is no question then or later of any promises on Kashmir. Try to get something on board that is not scuttlebutt on the Internet.

This must be one of the most ignorant posts that I have read in the last 11 years on this forum and there have been some really ignorant ones.

You may be right; I haven't checked.

This from the character (I am being extremely polite not to fall foul of the Mods) who keeps repeating in a monotone that India has 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir.

A real expert we have here.

Are you for real? What does that even mean? I gave a reasoned reply you've come out with dribble.
I usually enjoy reading your posts and thought you were a sensible person. Obviously I was wrong.

JFK's Forgotten Crisis by Bruce Riedel, he is a Pakistan hating, India loving ex CIA nutcase. The book is full of illogical negative conclusions about Pakistan(we can discuss what they are after you have read it), but based on facts about the 1962 war.

In the end, America threatened China through its embassy in Poland and readied its forces in the Philippines to make sure China got the message, that is the reason china fulled back.
He admitted this in an interview but strangely choose not to include such important information in the book.
Pakistan choose to be kind (in return for a promised peaceful resolution of Kashmir)
Very true. Ayub being a military officer fell for this 'promise'. He should have known these 'promises' are not worth the paper they are written on. I read a book by insider, a British diplomat who negotiated this 'promise' and how India agreed [when China was tearing at it's innards] but later dragged out the negotiations until the whole thing whithered. Rest is history. Anybody want to read the inner workings of the Indo-Pakistan conflict in 1960s needs to read this book.


In a perverse way China offered us a enticing possibility of defeating India but at the same chained us from going for India. The west considered China the 'red threat' in 1960s. Massive western arms supplies post Chinese intrusion in 1962 enabled India to stand up. In addition western arms embargo against Pakistan in 1965 was precipitated on the idea that they could not let India fail or else China would gain. Thus US boycot of arms to Pakistan in 1965.

The promise -

Pakistan does not use the 1962 event when India was on it's knees to make a go for Kashmir. In return USA and UK would use their influence to resolve the Kashmir issue once the threat from China had ebated.

Once the threat from China ebated talks began arranged by US Secretary of State [Talbot?] in conjunction with US and British embassies in both South Asian countries. Sir Morrice Jones was critical in these discussions. He narrates how India obfuscated and then stalled the negotiations until the whole thing died out. Ayub never quite got over this and would go on to make the 1965 mistake.

Lesson for Pakistan:

Strike the bloody iron when it's hot.
I am so glad that you have this straw to cling on to.

I didnt mean to hurt anyone, Mr. Joe. But if someone throwing bullshiit then it is our responsibility that we stop that bullshitter. We have many more straws to cling on to , infact so many that we can build a canoe with them, And you very well know i'm right in this case.

Indians do the same , did you forget the comments of indians about 1971, And we do accept, doesn't matter how you won but you won. So lets not have double standard.
India has learnt alot from the Chinese since 1962. As a Defence Analyst who has closely worked the indians I can tell you if a confrontation would happen India will come out on the top. Just as a reminder, India has full support from the US, UK, Russia and will have armament and weapons supply from Canada, Isarel, France and Australia.

What the world is forgetting that India has a world class airforce that has seen war and has particiapted in active missions, whereas the PLA force has only been a theoretical force with no real action. Same with Chinese weapons systems. India has played smart and has acquired all time and field tested weapons while China has its own in house weapons that have never seen a battle. What matters on ground are not tested weapons but stress tested weapons of which China has none.
It is a comfort that you are a defence analyst working for the Indians, they need more guys like you.
I am so glad that you have this straw to cling on to.
The arrogance that is astonishing is that of fanboys, who think that their night-time fantasies magically convert into reality during the day.

Oh, aren't you talking about yourself, your countrymen & India here? Did you just imply the following to us Pakistani's?

Would you like me to fetch you a detailed record of the night time fantasies Indians have been illustrating and story telling here since the inception of this forum? because I assure you, while we might also indulge in comforting scenario's like you, but unlike you, we're a drop in an ocean and you are the ocean.

This guy right here, Joe Shearer, he's a perfect example of an old man with a huge chip on his shoulder, and nothing is more disgusting than old men who are immature and unable to accept the truth. They're worse than even aspiring young'uns who are super patriotic, even if they are living in denial.

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