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Is India Panicking In Ladakh!

PakBrother mine,

Indeed, 1962 is not 1962 anymore... 2020+ already....

LongGame is an expensive affair not only in depolymennt and expenditure thereof... but also, in Diplomatic Capital expenditure...and then hiring the lobbying firms in the assorted Capbital/Media... and the PoliticalCapital at home with already highly Conditioned Hypernationalistic audience...

Not enough data available to make a model...hence, avoidance of assumption.

We see TwoVectors being played out in Ladakh... One Asian and One Non-Asian... theatre might be dry and very high in altitude... but the Drivers are grounded.

Scenario 1:
The PLA withdraw before the onset of winter.... what would IA do..same? Or forced to station 'preventive numbers' ... so that SpringFestival doesn't start again...

Scenario 2: The PLA doesn't... builds centrally heated forward stations...with rotation of troops... and before the onset of winter... develops all weather supply infrastructure.... what would IA do then? Keep deployed in high numbers...

And then there is Scenario 3......

Good hearted fund aside... one doesn't expect the IA to start a shooting war ...even if the ModiRegime desires so... there are always ways that things can be stalled...excuses found... deficeincies leaked... you know the drill....

Bay of Bengal!


In me view, all three scenarios have one thing in common....IA is surely to permanently deploy large numbers of their regular troops and MOBs for IAF.
Paper dragon withdraw from many positions except finger area.
Yes, Pakistani leaders have said that. If you were not totally befuddled, you would have read your own military member of this forum explaining in very simple terms how many were located and where.

Unfortunately, they are not more experts than Musharraf or any other army chief. It is just their opinion.
@PanzerKiel Sir why are you saying its same as 1962? Weren't both countries fought war in 1962 unlike this time

At higher levels of strategy, its all about effects, the end results.

Example....German may claim that they outfought Soviets and knocking at the gates of Moscow.....but end result, got beaten.....another perspective...Why German army gets beaten even though they almost reached Moscow, but China wins in 1962 DESPITE withdrawing from the disputed area unilaterally.......EFFECTS matter.

Yeah that would mean the IA has several doctrinal deficiencies as far as evenly matched armies are concerned

....which again takes us back to post 1962 ...

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