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Is India Panicking In Ladakh!

Yeah, right, jumped up and down, sent in your American-supplied arms and ammunition, slipped in an odd ISI-posted Major, and did jack squat besides. And then claimed credit for what the mujahedin did with little or no support from others.

I am glad that you have shown your moral levels.

As far as the facts are concerned, there were organised camps, under a civil servant named P. N. Luthra, and very careful records were maintained, for one reason, because the entire world expected a major epidemic of cholera and typhoid and its variants. This is where the needle-less injection was first used, in bulk, to inoculate all the camp-dwellers, by international volunteers working around the clock with the core Indian staff.

These were the refugees whose food and drink was counted by the UNHCR, as he supplied provisions, and supervised the distribution in the camps, all in full transparency.

These were the refugees who flooded out of their camps in West Bengal, in Meghalaya, in Assam and in Tripura on liberation. These were the ones of whom more than 9.5 million returned before March 31, 1972.

I am continuing to engage with you in spite of my distaste, because I do not want the case of India to go by default. Not because of any regard for your really low-down attitude.

It was not PDF I was referring to. As a young college student, I was part of the cloud of volunteers at these camps.

The measure of my knowledge is based on the background that I have. That you, in contrast, don't have. I have worked for my country, in the defence services area, and have contributed, and don't count my worth in terms of numbers of messages and the amount of filth I upload. I have paid my dues. You have done nothing.


And not a shred of contrary evidence, only emotional breast-beating.

I am not looking for certificates. I have enough of them.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something”

Can you please rote learn this quote so you learn something from it. You keep repeating dribble. I never claimed all the credit for Pakistan, please read carefully before replying. Pakistan played an important part, along with the mujaheddin's we were there in the front, we faced bombs in our cities, attacks along our border and actual airstrikes and surgical strikes (not like yours)to which we also replied in kind. If it makes you happy keep living in your fantasies and believe what you wish.

MY MORALS, hang on Nehru does the dirty deed and Gandhi did something for which people got the death penalty in the 20th century, you could almost, just almost ignore it if he did not know what he was doing, or it was accepted practice at the time, but he was warned by many, including Nehru, kay Babu Jaan, please keep it in your pants, but he didn't. AND, yet you are questioning my morals.

I suppose it is ok for you guys if you don't talk about it, these are not acts of personal nature, what they do is their business, these are socially vile and/or criminal acts. If I smoke a cigarette it is my business but if I offer that cigarette to a child, I have crossed a boundary of what is acceptable.

What they did was and is far out of the boundary and for you Indians to ignore it is even worse. YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR MORAL LEVELS, shame on you.

Your facts or more of your fantasies about Bangladesh, so the world has to accept what you say as the gospel truth, without reason, talk about arrogance. I am here waiting for something smart to come out of your head so I can walk away with something positive, but you keep dishing out Indian propaganda. I refuse to allow you that space.

Ok we have another bhakt here, or whatever it is called, you are the one who made a reference to my experience and my knowledge. So if someone has a doctorate 2+2 no longer equals 4. As I keep saying, please argue the point, don't go into your fantasies, which you keep doing, don't give explanations disguised as excuses. We already know what to believe regarding your defence services, we still can't find the 300 so-called terrorists in Balakot

Bhai Jaan, I was not offering any certifcate, I am a lowly person, I wouldn't dare offer a son of India any certificate. How dare I, But you lot do deserve a lesson on truth.

All said and done, I do wish for a better future for our region and between our countries, this is what I had said my first post to which you replied. It would help greatly by recognising our past for what it was and just moving on, a bit of that involves, ignoring what is right or wrong and just moving on.

May God or Bagwaan bless you, whoever you follow. I will always argue the point to the hilt, but have always considered you lot my brothers. This will be my last reply.
“Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something”

Can you please rote learn this quote so you learn something from it. You keep repeating dribble. I never claimed all the credit for Pakistan, please read carefully before replying. Pakistan played an important part, along with the mujaheddin's we were there in the front, we faced bombs in our cities, attacks along our border and actual airstrikes and surgical strikes (not like yours)to which we also replied in kind. If it makes you happy keep living in your fantasies and believe what you wish.

MY MORALS, hang on Nehru does the dirty deed and Gandhi did something for which people got the death penalty in the 20th century, you could almost, just almost ignore it if he did not know what he was doing, or it was accepted practice at the time, but he was warned by many, including Nehru, kay Babu Jaan, please keep it in your pants, but he didn't. AND, yet you are questioning my morals.

I suppose it is ok for you guys if you don't talk about it, these are not acts of personal nature, what they do is their business, these are socially vile and/or criminal acts. If I smoke a cigarette it is my business but if I offer that cigarette to a child, I have crossed a boundary of what is acceptable.

What they did was and is far out of the boundary and for you Indians to ignore it is even worse. YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR MORAL LEVELS, shame on you.

Your facts or more of your fantasies about Bangladesh, so the world has to accept what you say as the gospel truth, without reason, talk about arrogance. I am here waiting for something smart to come out of your head so I can walk away with something positive, but you keep dishing out Indian propaganda. I refuse to allow you that space.

Ok we have another bhakt here, or whatever it is called, you are the one who made a reference to my experience and my knowledge. So if someone has a doctorate 2+2 no longer equals 4. As I keep saying, please argue the point, don't go into your fantasies, which you keep doing, don't give explanations disguised as excuses. We already know what to believe regarding your defence services, we still can't find the 300 so-called terrorists in Balakot

Bhai Jaan, I was not offering any certifcate, I am a lowly person, I wouldn't dare offer a son of India any certificate. How dare I, But you lot do deserve a lesson on truth.

All said and done, I do wish for a better future for our region and between our countries, this is what I had said my first post to which you replied. It would help greatly by recognising our past for what it was and just moving on, a bit of that involves, ignoring what is right or wrong and just moving on.

May God or Bagwaan bless you, whoever you follow. I will always argue the point to the hilt, but have always considered you lot my brothers. This will be my last reply.

So much verbiage over so little! Looks like somebody had to say something. :D

Whats your age?

53. Slightly older than my daughter. What's yours?

No it is not. It is an inventorying of the troops present, on the ORBAT used by the Pakistan Army, including Musharraf, in his time.

The trouble with you (and others like you), is that you depend on gossip and word of mouth.

And we should take your word because you are an expert and you know more than what Pakistani military generals and agents don't know. Right right.

Accept or live in denial, there are now 9 lakh Bharti occupier terrorists in IOK according to latest released by Pakistani officials.
One of your grandson is in Canada. What's his age?
3 and a half. He is in Vermont at the moment.

And we should take your word because you are an expert and you know more than what Pakistani military generals and agents don't know. Right right.

Accept or live in denial, there are now 9 lakh Bharti occupier terrorists in IOK according to latest released by Pakistani officials.

Not my word. Take the word of your serving officer who is a member of this forum.
What's the latest guys??
Haven't been following this situation for a while.
Exactly, which brings us to some interesting questions needing answers....

Did the Chinese make these ingresses with forces already available at these locations (the minimum deployed) or did they pump in more to make these probes?

If additional Chinese forces were inducted, why their buildup, move and assembly of all these forces were not detected in time? (akin to what IA 121 Brigade did in Kargil...as per Gen V P Malik......sending patrols on papers, giving All Ok to superiors until the infiltration was detected late, issue of Bajrang Post etc)

Present situation reminds me of 1962 again.....Chinese did the same, issue got internationalized, Indians are giving all the wrong signals to their audience, their audience is asking for action just like they asked for in 1962.....then in 1962 Chinese unilaterally withdrew WELL into their own area, showing to the world that they did all this without any military pressure from India, giving India no chance to prove their military might...

Another conclusion which can be drawn from the present crisis is that, like 1962, we may witness a massive permanent deployment of IA, a permanent inducted of regular forces in these areas.....which means addition infra (road and accommodation) are likely to come up....

In post 1962 time, this is exactly what was demanded by Indian critics, as to what Indians should have done in 1962...

Well! just a theory ….. my own.

What if US starts a hot conflict between Taiwan and China, and then strangulates China at the mouth of South China?

Will this scenario not give enough space to Indians to attack Pakistan? (even if it is for the time that it takes for China to subdue Taiwan).

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