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Is India Panicking In Ladakh!

You didn't get it, did you, no offence meant?

I'm not interested.

What's happening here is NOT about a road, or two roads. It's about two armed forces pushing each other, sometimes where they know there will be resistance, sometimes where they think there will be none. The idea is to keep the psychological upper hand, and to keep the other side worried about what happens next.

So far, China has played the game. If you take the trouble to read up on Indian military history, you will find the words 'strategic restraint' cropping up again and again. Further, you need to read up, on this forum itself, the contributions of @PanzerKiel on the Indian Army. It is not an Army that plays this game, because there was never any impulse from the civilian controllers to do so. Today things are different.

Today, we have a regrettable political party in power in India, and it matches the regrettable political party in power in China in terms of arrogance and desire to dominate. The equation has changed, because some coefficients have changed, and senior people, decision-making people in Beijing have realised it (it obviously and visibly hasn't percolated down: work that one out).

Today, with both Nathu La and Doklam behind us but yet between us, it is not necessary that every move made by one side should be symmetrically opposed by the other. Even the confrontation in Ladakh is something that is qualitatively different from previous incidents. It is true that the volatile section of the Indian population is out of control, and is putting pressure on the government and on the military, and this is a grave danger to the maintenance of the border, and to the planning of the military position. But notwithstanding this, the Indian Army is more level-headed than before, more experienced in mountain warfare, and better led than it has been for three or four years now. It is not needed to go after the minute details of roads built or being built for this one simple reason: we can build roads ourselves or deny the PLA GF the right to build those only when we have something to offer. {to be cont.}
Jo, if you want me to understand you, please don't type so long. It takes time to digest and also separate the fact from the crap. My point is simple, we will build a road by hook or by crook.
Jo, if you want me to understand you, please don't type so long. It takes time to digest and also separate the fact from the crap. My point is simple, we will build a road by hook or by crook.

We don't care. It doesn't matter. You will have to give it back.:D
It's Bharati obsession with Pakistan which is causing such humiliation again and again (bcoz they deploy most of their military toward us).. may this continue, I think Hindutva terrorists are also quite satisfied with losing territory to China instead of Pakistan.

The most unhappy party right now would be US, they were busy building quad and God knows what thinking Bharati as Next big thing, they must be very heartbroken.. :lol:

China will also be much relived, even laughing their *** off on Quad and enjoying cowardic of bharti leadership while singing Dil Dil Pakistan. :pakistan::china:
So be it.

What is life without problems?

It will increase by an order of magnitude. It is good for security; far, far more important, it follows Mao's dictum that development follows roads. We need to build these to develop those areas (in the north-east; in the Ladakh region, there are only the isolated villages near Leh to be considered, and those on the other fringe, on the Dras-Leh highway.
It's an interesting scenario. The Doklam and current standoff are likely to define Indian strategies for engagement with China for a long time to come. Its also a bit of irony. Congress built very little to no infrastructure along the LAC because of a mix of general incompetence and to avoid what was to come inevitably once India started making its infrastructure felt. With China, Congress believed that an ostrich-like action is the best policy.

BJP has substantially changed that. They have been focused on building infrastructure on the LAC, even revising rules allowing any infra development in 100kms of LAC to be exempt from environmental clearances. They have also demonstrated they will not shy away from confronting China when needed like in Doklam. On the other hand, their Defense Minister is singularly incompetent and they have whipped up nationalistic fervour through the years which now constrains their hand.

At the end of it though I believe that Jaishankar, Doval and Modi will learn a lot from this. I don't know if you have been following this but Jaishankar and Doval have been focused on building institutional capacity. With MEA more visible, there is more open data, but the entire MEA and its working model are being reorganized.

I see this current confrontation between India and China as very positive for India in the long run. I also rate the confrontation between India and Pakistan last February as very positive, almost a gift from Pakistan to India.
You need to hire a tutor, to read a map.

Aksai Chin is already with you.

Now please give it back.
Gonna have to correct you there Joe. The post you responded to did not specify who would need to return AC to whom. The poster probably meant China will return other areas after you have convinced China to return AC.

"all your base are belong to us"
It's an interesting scenario. The Doklam and current standoff are likely to define Indian strategies for engagement with China for a long time to come. Its also a bit of irony. Congress built very little to no infrastructure along the LAC because of a mix of general incompetence and to avoid what was to come inevitably once India started making its infrastructure felt. With China, Congress believed that an ostrich-like action is the best policy.

BJP has substantially changed that. They have been focused on building infrastructure on the LAC, even revising rules allowing any infra development in 100kms of LAC to be exempt from environmental clearances. They have also demonstrated they will not shy away from confronting China when needed like in Doklam. On the other hand, their Defense Minister is singularly incompetent and they have whipped up nationalistic fervour through the years which now constrains their hand.

At the end of it though I believe that Jaishankar, Doval and Modi will learn a lot from this. I don't know if you have been following this but Jaishankar and Doval have been focused on building institutional capacity. With MEA more visible, there is more open data, but the entire MEA and its working model are being reorganized.

I see this current confrontation between India and China as very positive for India in the long run. I also rate the confrontation between India and Pakistan last February as very positive, almost a gift from Pakistan to India.

That's pretty sharp and pretty accurate.

If you include Modi's incompetence, you would get a very, very good fit.

Let me explain.

Modi is good at what he does. What he does is to give the illusion of being active and dynamic, without being active or dynamic.

I don't want to stir up the mud, and will leave it at this. Your two last paragraphs more or less say whatever needs to be said.
Gonna have to correct you there Joe. The post you responded to did not specify who would need to return AC to whom. The poster probably meant China will return other areas after you have convinced China to return AC.

"all your base are belong to us"

I am sure your Chinese is better than mine. Practys makyth perfectt.

Don't forget the tissues for your nose.
it seems panic is showing..
By the time they reach India, China will already well entrenched in Indian Held territory. Meanwhile China is continuing to deploy more men and material along the LAC.

You didn't get it, did you, no offence meant?
Further, you need to read up, on this forum itself, the contributions of @PanzerKiel on the Indian Army. It is not an Army that plays this game, because there was never any impulse from the civilian controllers to do so. Today things are different.

Question - Is it possible to see all posts of @PanzerKiel at one single place Vs going thru all the threads?

@Joe Shearer - Your posts are nice. Keep them going. Thanks. Although - I believe your hatred / dislike for everything BJP / Modi is misplaced.

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