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Is India not Taiwan next in line for a Chinese liberation

Will China liberate First

  • Indian occupied lands like Kashmir and Tibet

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Taiwan

    Votes: 24 39.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The so called iron brothers don't even know their own iron brother.

China isn't like western aggressor countries. They will never go for a full blown offensive war especially against their "countrymen". It's against their culture. We have been getting too much Western propaganda regarding China.

The Chinese are good at salami slicing tactics and they will do this to check any threat that can affect them in the long term. (Examples are Border conflicts around China and SCS region).

The hypocrisy of the West has definitely opened the eyes of a lot of Indians in the past few days. So going forward it will be quite interesting to see the direction of India's foreign policy especially with respect to China.
Lol you guys underestimate India way too much. India is no pushover. We have the strength, numbers and resources to fight a longer war than Ukraine and do considerable damage in a defensive role.
Nobody said anything about a sustained war to totally defeat or takeover India. It will be a border war or simply pressure focused on making it unsustainable for India to maintain its current stand on territorial issues with China and Pakistan. You have had such wars before and they either ended in defeat or stalemate for India.
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A lot of Indians and western media outlets keep saying that when Russia occupies Ukraine a brutal insurgency will follow but Russia will get its buffer zone with NATO. Even though Russia my prevail, I stand with Ukraine for I believe that an illegal occupation has been started by Russia. It is never ok for a strong country to occupy a weaker people like India does with innocent Kashmiris

The west and the Indians believe that after Ukraine China would take on Taiwan. I disagree and my reasons are based on why I believe Russia invaded Ukraine

  1. there is no formal defense alliance between Ukraine and NATO vis a vis the US. This means that Russia will not face any direct military intervention for its actions
  2. The Ukrainian are significantly weaker than Russia, economically and militarily hence there would be brave and nationalistic defense like we see on TV but in the end the Russian numerical and material superiority will prevail. We see this today with Russian taking their time in encircling KIYV. It took NATO with 350k ground troops and 1000+ aircraft 19 days from March 20 to April 9 to occupy Baghdad. It took Russia 1 day to take over bases and effectively encircle kIYV by day 5 they have a massive armored presence in all direction of KIYi and have soldiers inside the second largest city Kharkiv. This is partially due to the Russian capability in terms of a ground war rather than a longer range amphibious assault.
  3. The lack of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine
  4. The Russians feel it’s an existential threat for them if NATO deploys in Ukraine as every invasion of Russia in the last 400 years has come vis Ukraine, the French, the UK and Germany for crimea and more recently the Germans in WW2

With this in mind the question comes up why China would invade Taiwan or India

  1. American has laws on the books that say that they would defend Taiwan. There are no such laws on the books for India
  2. China feels that it’s trade routes and access to warm waters is threatened by India in Kashmir hence the threat from India is existential. No such threat is perceived by Taiwan
  3. China enjoys a significantly larger military advantage over India due to its land border. It also has a massive military ally in Pakistan which would engage and neutralize a significant portion of Indians army, Air Force and navy. It would be an easy way to show off its superpower capability against India. With Taiwan the assault will need to be amphibious which is not China’s strength yet and other Asian Allies like Japan and South Korea will hinder China’s ability to dominate till they build 6-10 ford class carrier groups
  4. India does not have tactical nukes. Would India be willing to go to a full nuclear exchange with China and Pakistan over territory in the north which it does not really care about? Kashmir too is a major drain why try to keep it if Delhi , Gujarat, Punjab, bihar snd UP are at threat?
  5. A lot of land india occupies today is considered part of China and Pakistan.

What do you think I am looking for discussion not chest thumping

If China regains control of Taiwan, the west would be tempted to get involved and there is a high probability they will.

If war breaks out between China and India ( with Pakistan getting involved ) the west will not get involved.
There would be condemnation and calls for immediate halt to hostilities, but it would be all hot air.
They may send weapons, but even that will be limited.

Of all the members of the anti-China quad, India is the weakest link.
If China and Australia went to war, the west would get involved,
The idea of a Non-white country beating a white country in a war would shake them to the core and they won’t allow it.
With Japan, it's a very high likelihood the west would get involved and probably send troops etc.
India will be a different ball game.
The perception of India has changed greatly since BJP took power in the west.
Plus the westerners really don't care too much for the lives of Indians/Pakistanis/Bengalis and Afghans.
They would be more concerned with access to the market.
The Indians in the west will be screaming until they are blue in the face, but it wont matter,
The Pakistanis would also be screaming and the westerners really don't want to get involved in the whole India Pak situation,
They see it as a very toxic rivalry.
We bit pretty hard in 1971. The guy lost a leg and an arm.

Honestly, nothing impressive about defeating an army that is 2,200km away from base and across enemy territory with no supply line. If anything it was impressive how long Pakistan held off in E. Pakistan all while fighting a civil war. So are you saying you can only win under the most favorable conditions?

Fact is India has never defeated Pakistan on the western theater in any war. All wars resulted as a stalemate on western theater, with both sides making minor gains or winning some battles, but ultimately wars in the western theater resulted in a stalemate. That is at least what objective third-party sources confirm.
We bit pretty hard in 1971. The guy lost a leg and an arm.
Don’t delude yourself. You leveraged a civil war against an isolated force 10 times smaller than your forces and not to mention the Mukhti Bahni.

71 was our loss not your win.

A lot of water has flown in Indus since then.

Why are you silent about 27th February, 2019 ?
Well said!
Don’t delude yourself. You leveraged a civil war against an isolated force 10 times smaller than your forces and not to mention the Mukhti Bahni.

Well said!

Whatever! We won and that's what matters. Didn't you also try the same thing with Kashmir insurgency but failed? And the failed 1999 operation? We won...again.
Whatever! We won and that's what matters. Didn't you also try the same thing with Kashmir insurgency but failed? And the failed 1999 operation? We won...again.
Interesting, so I’m 1999 Pakistan liberated territory from India, and you Re occupied 50% of the gains in 1999 and it’s still your victory. Or was it americas victory because gunja did not want Pakistan to win as he was to afraid. Just like he did not want to become a nuclear country. I sometimes think that the wrong brother is the leader. If shabaz was there things would have been different

I don't understand this Kashmir hype.. One of the most ridiculously overrated people and area we don't need Kashmir as it has no benefits for us but all of India is beneficial that is what we need. If you aren't going for all of India there is no reason to go for JK it just doesn't cut the costs nor worth the hassle as it is worthless but all of India is worthy hence throw JK into the garbage but put India into the shopping cart instead

Ofcourse India goes ahead Taiwan as India is security risk but Taiwan is not
Whatever! We won and that's what matters. Didn't you also try the same thing with Kashmir insurgency but failed? And the failed 1999 operation? We won...again.


The rarely told story of vital Point 5353 India failed to retake from Pakistan in Kargil

Interesting, so I’m 1999 Pakistan liberated territory from India, and you Re occupied 50% of the gains in 1999 and it’s still your victory. Or was it americas victory because gunja did not want Pakistan to win as he was to afraid. Just like he did not want to become a nuclear country. I sometimes think that the wrong brother is the leader. If shabaz was there things would have been different


They could not recover the strategic Point 5353 even with the US backing.

The rarely told story of vital Point 5353 India failed to retake from Pakistan in Kargil

They could not recover the strategic Point 5353 even with the US backing.

Only a fool will think they won a war where they captured 130 hills/posts and then lost 129 of them with a loss of over 700+ soldiers.
Then why forget about the 800 years of Hindu slavery to Muslims.

Lol Hindus accepted Muslim rulers just like any other Hindu rulers. For them it was just another way of worship like various gods in Hinduism. But once the Muslim rules started persecuting Hindus....we all know how the Marathas, Jats, and Sikhs rose and ended the Mughal empire. The last Mughal emperor died in some ditch in Burma.

P.S Without the Rajputs who did most of the fighting for Mughals, they won't have lasted this long.
India will give a bloody nose to Chinese...
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