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Is india about to Surrender ?

India has handed over a few inches of disputed land to China in return for acceptance of Indian annexation of Kashmir and the brain-dead Pakistanis are celebrating it.
Interesting take on things but highly unlikely given the fact that it puts cpec in jeopardy.
Same reason Chinese govt is silent.

Same reasons Peoples Daily and Xinhua of China are quite

There is nothing to retaliate for

Same reason China is begging for dialogue

China has not captured any Indian territory
1) They are the occupiers.
2) They never deny the fact that they captured indian territory .
3) why indian diplomats and generals runs to Chinese side for dialogue?
4) why dont Chinese come to indian side for dialogues ?
5) the question will remain the same . its been 1 month since the news of land lost to China is in circulation :) . What is stopping modi to give a simple single line statement that "Chinese dont hold any indian territory" ?
6) are you trying to compare a communist country with a democratic one ? lol (according to you people democracy is way more people friendly then why such silence ?)

Gen. HS Panag is himself AAP member (an opposition party) and is posting biased op-eds just like pro-BJP Gen GD Bakshi used to do when Congress was in power.

defence analysts (ajai shukla) = congress member.
another defence analyst (pravin swahney ) = ISI'S agent
ex general who serve in ladakh = aap member
multiple id rats (bjp it cell) = real defence experts who have accurate & relaible information about ground realities. (just dont ask why modi is silent ).
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What is stopping modi to give a simple single line statement that "Chinese dont hold any indian territory" ?

You should know that all Sanghis are liars. He can very easily say that.
People keep saying India lost 38000 sq km to China after 1962 but....

Easily forget or do not want to accept fact that India earned Sikkim-AP combined territory of 90000 sq km in 1975-86....

So you see we have actually earned 52000 sq km additional territory after independence..... I am not even adding Kashmir in 1948. Pakistan could take what he has in Kashmir only before India joined the fight otherwise had Kashmir joined India immediately after 1947 then whatever Pak has today that too would not have been with them on this date....

So actually after independence India has rather grown up in territory....

Now the overjoy being shown here by PDF fanboys over China by cowardly sneaking on some 60 sq km please think this way....

Is it really worth for India to go on all out war with a bigger military power to get mere 60 sq km area or give diplomacy, negotiations its own time??? Its not like they have occupied some 6000-10000 sq km and threatening deep in India.... We can afford to wait and negotiate....

Currently India is fighting with Covid and slowdown on economic sector.... Who knows once we are out of this situation and by then if China wont step out of the territory we might preempt them somewhere in the area of our choice.... Remember Doklam???
Holy shit, that is a lot of land India just surrendered:



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The Pakistan-China friendship started when Pakistan handed over Kashmiri territory of Shaksgam valley to China. And isn't there an anecdote of Pakistan facilitating a meeting between US and Chinese leaders? And rumors of Whites coming to help from South and Yellows coming from North?


China ceded land to Pakistan, not the other way around. And it seems India has ceded land to China, so even if Pakistan did cede a tiny uninhabited land to China, India is in no place to speak.

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