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Is india about to Surrender ?

But someone said we lost a land mass almost of the size of Switzerland. What I am missing here?:unsure:

The area of Switzerland in 41,300 square kms. The area of Belgium is 31,000 square kms. China has conquered at least 38,000 square kms of indian territory. So, nearly the same area as Switzerland and greater than the area of Belgium:


Source is Ajai Shukla whose wife is a senior member of Congress.

Finger 4 to 8 are always controlled by China which is why China built a wide metalled road from Finger 8 to 4 back in 1998 (if not earlier).
Indian keeps claiming till Finger 8 even though there is no path till there from Indian side is to just keep PLA tied down at that lake and not divert elsewhere.
I hope you are not as 'Shakti Shali' as your own Lt. Gen which wrote this piece recently

India’s Fingers have come under Chinese boots. Denial won’t help us

The Modi government and the military have gone into ‘denial’ about loss of territory, attributing the present situation to differing perceptions about the LAC.

LT GEN H S PANAG (RETD) 4 June, 2020
Your Lt. gen Panag writes and I quote:

"As per my assessment, based on my experience and media reports, the PLA has secured the entire area from Finger 8 to Finger 4, a distance of 8 km, and are overlooking our ITBP post between Finger 4 and Finger 3. It has also secured the heights along Fingers 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 up to height of 4,500 – 5,000 meters ie 4-5 km to the north".

I hope you wont say that the wife of Lt. Gen Panag is a senior member of Chinese PLA.
Thanks for the assist. Was just out to lunch.

Problem is whatever source we put up - it doesn't matter. You are dealing with people that are raging loons that work on auto pilot to reject anything suggesting their land has been violated and rogered.

According to these internet global warriors - India is just an incredible supapowa that can do no wrong in reality they're getting a good old bumming left right and of course center.

In all honesty, if the Chinese were to invade, conquer and rule india from news delhi, the indians will still be claiming that they are a superpower that has defeated China.
I hope you are not as 'Shakti Shali' as your own Lt. Gen which wrote this piece recently

India’s Fingers have come under Chinese boots. Denial won’t help us

The Modi government and the military have gone into ‘denial’ about loss of territory, attributing the present situation to differing perceptions about the LAC.

LT GEN H S PANAG (RETD) 4 June, 2020
Your Lt. gen Panag writes and I quote:

"As per my assessment, based on my experience and media reports, the PLA has secured the entire area from Finger 8 to Finger 4, a distance of 8 km, and are overlooking our ITBP post between Finger 4 and Finger 3. It has also secured the heights along Fingers 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 up to height of 4,500 – 5,000 meters ie 4-5 km to the north".

I hope you wont say that the wife of Lt. Gen Panag is a senior member of Chinese PLA.

He is not treated as trusted source.
Chinese has taken Switzeland from us without paying us money. What is the rate of plots in Laddakh? I need to calculate gross loss.

Why didnt you recognise this while promoting him as your Lt. Gen?
He is counted as Anti Modi guy. I am waiting for some Global Times article to validate the truth.
Areesh ko chor yr..

ye bata

What is the general feel on the ground? Most of these places like Ladakh are alien to Indians living down south the shadow of Himalaya
As @Aasimkhan will correctly tell you. The only ones who do the fighting at times of conflict (war or insurgency) are Punjabis (both Sikhs and Hindus), Jammuiites, Rajputs, Haryanvis, and Gorkhas (both Indian and Nepali). Rest desert when the time comes. I am curious about Kumaonis, Garhwals and Himachalis. I am hopeful about them. @Aasimkhan can tell how good they are but he never responds to my question. I would also like to know the performance of Kodavas (Coorgese).

Pakistan and China became allies in 1960s itself. It was in 1960s that China built KKH. China was poor in 1962 also but that didn't stop it from attacking India. But it preferred to do nothing in 1971.


Incorrect. There is no proof of Pakistan - China becoming allies in 1960. Building a "Road" is no proof of a "Strategic Alliance". And this fact highlighted in 1962 when China attacked and defeated india and yet Pakistan did not move an inch.
Source is Ajai Shukla who wife is a senior member of Congress.
dont concentrate on the source concentrate on the question .
why indian government is silent ?

why indian government ordered indian media not to discuss the meeting ?

why indian army isnt retaliating? scared?

why india begging for dialogue?

2 weeks ago you weren't accepying the fact that china captured your territory . lol

Doesn't matter. india is still a super/hyperpower that has defeated China and uses advanced Star Wars/Return of the Jedi technology. india is still a winner and is the best at everything.
you forgt to mention vedic technology .
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