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IRIN to hold joint military drills with Indian Navy

I'm starting to think you Indians can't take "yes" for an answer. :P Look, from our perspective, India does not want either a strategic partnership, nor any sort of close relationship with America. Now you may have your reasons why, we may have our reasons why, and that's fine. So lets agree with my original point then that our two countries have conflicting interest, have no desire for a lasting strategic partnership, and will NEVER be allies for the foreseeable future.
Strategic partnership will continue like its currently going on
And yes we will NEVER be allies in the forseeable future...thats a harsh reality

I'm starting to think you Indians can't take "yes" for an answer. :P Look, from our perspective, India does not want either a strategic partnership, nor any sort of close relationship with America. Now you may have your reasons why, we may have our reasons why, and that's fine. So lets agree with my original point then that our two countries have conflicting interest, have no desire for a lasting strategic partnership, and will NEVER be allies for the foreseeable future.
Strategic partnership will continue like its currently going on
And yes we will NEVER be allies in the forseeable future...thats a harsh reality
It is a long term war Farsi. Huge part of the Houthis arms were completely destroyed. We are doing this while your Supreme Leader is waiting along with millions of Persians for the return of Imam Mahdi Tazi malakh-khor who will perhaps click on a button to make you win.
why me not surprised-----hatred for Ahl e Bait R.A is in your people's blood----some exceptions, though
dont know what will happen whether Imam Mehdi would click a button or not, one thing is for sure, He will certainly slit yazeed's spiritual sons------

Hindush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, they used jungle for indus valley bcoz they were from deserts, maybe they never saw so much tress.
no, Iranians weren't living in deserts-------it was hind---- wiki isn't a reliable source
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Iran was sanctioned

We did what everyone from Russia to China to Germany did i.e. stopped doing business with Iran

Clearly breaking economic relations because of sanctions is better than actually voting in favor of putting sanctions in the first place.

Trying asking for centrifuges from other countries to carry out a nuclear program and see the response.

Stop justifying the fact that Iran is a "snitch"

India and Iran are way smarter than you think. Independent nations like us just smile in the face of "sanctions" wink at each other and do our deals.
Did i want any Iranian to do so or anyone here tried to guide them but it was all about India which is indeed the concern of Pakistan and you are trying to change the subject here rest about the bold word, not decent at all...and i wouldn't ever refer that for Iran in any case, no matter what type of relations we have which are not that bad yet.

I merely said that because time and again pakistani posters raise that issue of IAEA vote. Now what would be the obvious reason for that ? If not to incite dissatisfaction amongst Iranian posters?
But as this thread is about Indo - Iran naval cooperation, let it remain so. Peace

calm down my Hindi friend ------Persians used to call india Hind for a reason, means jungle---------

Not here to give you a history lesson amigo but India is a modern translation of ancient Bharatvarsh or Hindustan as it came to be known parallelly. You are merely stuck in semantics of Hind and the river Indus. Its a issue of invaders and settlers from west inhabiting the land you own now, but lets keep this discussion for another thread. :)

Secondly a bit of common sense wouldn't hurt. Just because a parcel of land got divided into 3 you will take the history of the natives along with you ! ? But since your intellectuals have had to invent history to structure the narrative of a country and keep its spirit up, I don't really blame you.
why me not surprised-----hatred for Ahl e Bait R.A is in your people's blood----some exceptions, though
dont know what will happen whether Imam Mehdi would click a button or not, one thing is for sure, He shall certainly slit yazeed's spiritual sons------

no, Iranians weren't living in deserts-------it was hind---- wiki isn't a reliable source
Strategic partnership will continue like its currently going on
And yes we will NEVER be allies in the forseeable future...thats a harsh reality.
Oh, I wouldn't even call it a strategic partnership. That implies a permanence whereas I think it more realistic to say that on some issues, India and the US have similar interest and can partner on those. But even then, a good example is (As the topic of this thread.), India will have joint naval patrols with the Iranian Navy, but even in the SCS any joint naval patrols between the US Navy and Indian Navy were almost immediately ruled out. We will pursue that sort of cooperative effort with our close allies in the region. And yes, that there will be no Indian-USA alliance in the foreseeable future may be a harsh reality, but I think it best for both countries. :tup:
I merely said that because time and again pakistani posters raise that issue of IAEA vote. Now what would be the obvious reason for that ? If not to incite dissatisfaction amongst Iranian posters?
But as this thread is about Indo - Iran naval cooperation, let it remain so. Peace

Not here to give you a history lesson amigo but India is a modern translation of ancient Bharatvarsh or Hindustan as it came to be known parallelly. You are merely stuck in semantics of Hind and the river Indus. Its a issue of invaders and settlers from west inhabiting the land you own now, but lets keep this discussion for another thread. :)

Secondly a bit of common sense wouldn't hurt. Just because a parcel of land got divided into 3 you will take the history of the natives along with you ! ? But since your intellectuals have had to invent history to structure the narrative of a country and keep its spirit up, I don't really blame you.
you folks are habitual liers as @mkn_91 pointed above history stealers,how many times on this forum british indian myths have been busted-there is no point in having a discussion with you---bye
right now your Arab brothers are busy ordering Russian toys!
our relation with India has nothing to do with Pakistan. at least they didn't betray us the way Pakistan did.
I think u keep forgetting it was Iran who betray us over nuke issue remember? or should I elaborate more? u hug anybody is not our bussiness but ur history is full of jealousy and betrayal get life Pisram sultan bood
raise that issue of IAEA vote.

Indeed it is a reality so will the be raised like India as well use to do so on many occasions.

If not to incite dissatisfaction amongst Iranian posters?

Purely showing our concern in case of India and Iran knows how to deal with it.

But as this thread is about Indo - Iran naval cooperation, let it remain so.

Indeed it is but where there is India that becomes our concern and that is what expressed and this PDF.
calm down my Hindi friend ------Persians used to call india Hind for a reason, means jungle---------

Hind / Hindustan[edit]

Main article: Hindustan

The name Hind (Persian: هند‎‎) is derived from the Iranian equivalent of Indo-Aryan Sindh. The Persian -stān means "country" or "land" (cognate to Sanskrit sthāna "place, land").

Northwestern South Asia was called Hindustān (Persian: هندوستان‎‎) in Persian, although the term Hind is in current use. al-Hind الهند is the term in the Arabic language (e.g. in the 11th century Tarikh Al-Hind "history of India"). It also occurs intermittently in usage within India, such as in the phrase Jai Hind (Sanskrit: जय हिन्द).

The terms Hind and Hindustān were current in Persian and Arabic from the 11th century Islamic conquests: the rulers in the Sultanate and Mughal periods called their Indian dominion, centred around Delhi, Hindustan.

Hindustān, as the term Hindu itself, entered the English language in the 17th century. In the 19th century, the term as used in English referred to the northern region of the subcontinent between the Indus and Brahmaputra rivers and between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas in particular, hence the term Hindustani for the Hindi-Urdu language.Hindustan was in use synonymously with India during the British Raj.

Hind (Hindi: हिन्द) remains in use in Hindi. In contemporary Persian and Urdu language, the term Hindustan has recently come to mean the Republic of India. The same is the case with Arabic, where al-Hind is the name of the Republic of India.
I think u keep forgetting it was Iran who betray us over nuke issue remember? or should I elaborate more? u hug anybody is not our bussiness but ur history is full of jealousy and betrayal get life Pisram sultan bood
I already answered that B.S, so a copy paste for you:
you mean the case of selling second hand centrifuges populated with high enriched uranium and fabricated as new ones, to let the very same west use it as an excuse to sanction us? well yeah, to this very day, we haven't thanked you properly for those sanctions!
as if you are any better, you guys didn't even honor your own contract with us, peace pipeline was a clear betrayal act, you waited till we finished our side and then said we don't have money, Iran is sanctioned, etc.
if we were sanctioned (the sanctions which you were part of the cause yourself) then you shouldn't sign a deal at the first place. when pipeline reached your border you just remembered that we are sanctioned? keep these lame excuses to yourself.
I'm starting to think you Indians can't take "yes" for an answer. :P Look, from our perspective, India does not want either a strategic partnership, nor any sort of close relationship with America. Now you may have your reasons why, we may have our reasons why, and that's fine. So lets agree with my original point then that our two countries have conflicting interest, have no desire for a lasting strategic partnership, and will NEVER be allies for the foreseeable future.

I am not sure why I reply here as it seems entirely pointless. : Really !!! a 'partnership' with America. The whole damn world knows America. Try to be a tourist you will get a feel for it. Partnership with America...... what a joke. If you want a painful death Partner with America or marry an American woman. :D
also the current Iran-India get together will result a good opposition by Arab world against India.
To be honest with you, there are exactly 3 countries in the world who have the ability to act against India without fear of reprisals. Those are US, Russia and China.

No other country has the ability to damage us economically without getting damaged in return. For example, we are the one of the largest buyer of crude from the Arabs. If they damage our economic interests, its easy for us to damage them if we start purchasing the same from Iran and Nigeria.

Arabs tried their best to ensure we stopped buying oil from Iran in the first place.

We are a large country but growing very fast. These are not the old days anymore. As we grow economically, other countries ability to damage us will only continue to decrease.
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