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IRIN to hold joint military drills with Indian Navy

What? did we consider anything when we send our soldiers for North Thunder in KSA for joint military drills?

Pakistan 1
Iran 1
These drills are scheduled far before any Saudi intention to hold such an exercise with participation of not only Pakistan but a whole bunch of other armies.... So, don't start this... There are other aims for this JE which can be revealed...
Great move . we should do this again on Indian shores with the newest IRIN naval ships .

Note to pakistani members : bros this is not your business . we didn't cry when you sent your troops to wahhabistan and we expect the same thing in return .

No one will use Iranian soil or Iranian bullets to fight pakistan . if anything we'll be there when you need us .

but don't mix things up . India was our ally ,is our ally and will remain our ally for the time to come .

our relations is nothing new ,its based on thousands of years of history .
Saudis send thugs into Bahrain, Syria,Iraq and Yemen and kill our brothers and sisters and the Pakistani officials say we will defend the holy land against any threat (Iran) and yet Pakistan is unable to maintain security within its own lands especially borders, and also not to mention that many of those arab regimes have Pakistani soldiers in their armies (ex. pilots), and yet when we wanna do a wargame with India, our old and historic brothers, Pakistanis go all crazy that Iran has betrayed us bla bla !
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It's not India OR Pakistan. We can hold drills with Pakistan too. The same way, we hope ,Pakistan stays in good relationship with us even if they hold drills with KSA or listens to USA demands on Iran.
@haman10 just look @ what you folks have done now :lol: Pakistanis love you so much:smitten:----- that they are burning their hearts over just a formal naval drill:D-----------
we did not see this kind of anger and enthusiasm when gargash was visting india and giving em some strategic oily favours to teach us a lesson:angry:----- reason,we dont care about em;) whether they respect us or not-----
right now iam anticipating some of the abusive words which would come anytime soon out of frustration:p: -----told you its our national psyche that revolves around Islam, brotherly muslaman countries(Iran and Turkey tops the list for obvious reasons):pakistan:
that neither we can bear any Muslaman country cozying up with our nonmuslim dooooooooshman nor we can expect that how come two musalman countries can fight each other-------- to an ordinary Pakistani its a self assumed sense of betrayal--hard,harder and hardest---reason being Turco-Iranic love is in our subconscious------------problem is,we dont understand the intricacies of saudi Iran rivalry -------nevermind the masses shall soon learn:angel:

Hug from Asiatic Lion to Asiatic Crocodiles :P

i quoted mshahid's post not yours, you r the one who quested my post first.
didn't knew animals are also taking part---------:P
right now your Arab brothers are busy ordering Russian toys!
our relation with India has nothing to do with Pakistan. at least they didn't betray us the way Pakistan did.
It should not concern us ...
in coming 4-5 years PN will be strong enough to take care of their own Coast line , and dreams of any blockade will be fade forever .
Not really. Our ships already being constructed are more than 3 times the ships Pakistan Navy has 'proposed' to get.

Our proposed plans are entirely separate. In the next 10 years, the Naval disparity between India and Pakistan is set to increase.
India and Iran should expand their relationship to hold full fledged joint war games in both Thar and Iranian deserts.

If a$$ of some Arabs and wanna-be-Arabs goes on fire by this, so be it.
Wannabe Arabs? :woot:

Oh wait, I think I know already!! :lol:
India and Iran should expand their relationship to hold full fledged joint war games in both Thar and Iranian deserts.

If a$$ of some Arabs and wanna-be-Arabs goes on fire by this, so be it.
5 million Indian families are employed by Arabs so your smart comments may burn India's a $$ one day. Do not make statements that you do not have ba11s to backup. Stop these vegetarian comments.
as if you are any better, you guys didn't even honor your own contract with us, peace pipeline was a clear betrayal act, you waited till we finished our side and then said we don't have money, Iran is sanctioned, etc.
Meanwhile your Mullahs outed us under pressure from the West in the A.Q.Khan saga
you mean the case of selling second hand centrifuges populated with high enriched uranium and fabricated as new ones, to let the very same west use it as an excuse to sanction us? well yeah, to this very day, we haven't thanked you properly for those sanctions!
This is Awesome News .

I have lot of Iranian Friends :D They are neutral when the topic gets changed to India -Pakistan.

In whatsapp group when Indians and Pakistanis gets chance to troll each other the Iranian people are calming both side down.

that reflects the common mindset of a normal Iranian . No worries Pak brothers this is just a formal exercise.
as if you are any better, you guys didn't even honor your own contract with us, peace pipeline was a clear betrayal act, you waited till we finished our side and then said we don't have money, Iran is sanctioned, etc.

Iran was sanctioned

We did what everyone from Russia to China to Germany did i.e. stopped doing business with Iran

Clearly breaking economic relations because of sanctions is better than actually voting in favor of putting sanctions in the first place.

you mean the case of selling second hand centrifuges populated with high enriched uranium and fabricated as new ones, to let the very same west use it as an excuse to sanction us? well yeah, to this very day, we haven't thanked you properly for those sanctions!

Trying asking for centrifuges from other countries to carry out a nuclear program and see the response.

Stop justifying the fact that Iran is a "snitch"
Iran was sanctioned

We did what everyone from Russia to China to Germany did i.e. stopped doing business with Iran

Clearly breaking economic relations because of sanctions is better than actually voting in favor of putting sanctions in the first place.
if we were sanctioned (the sanctions which you were part of the cause yourself) then you shouldn't sign a deal at the first place. when pipeline reached your border you just remembered that we are sanctioned? keep these lame excuses to yourself.

Trying asking for centrifuges from other countries to carry out a nuclear program and see the response.

Stop justifying the fact that Iran is a "snitch"
and see the result of trusting you, populated centrifuges and sanctions. everybody in Iran regrets that.

both deals shows your hypocrisy.
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