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I know the limitations of liquid fuel, on top of everything you said, it needs to be cryogenically stored, but it's a very powerful technology that is extremely difficult to master. and all of Turkey's ballistic missiles are already solid fueled,

I guess it boils down to a difference in mentality. Since Turkish leadership knows that we can beat every country in the region in a conventional war, ballistic missiles are only there to add an extra layer of strategic offensive capability, not to fight a different kind of warfare.
For example; which countries you can beat in a conventional war Puny Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Syria, Iraq, Russia, Iran? What's a conventional war to begin with, do you know the meaning of such term? Paradigm or the art of making war changes constantly, so what is the concept of Turkey's conventional war . . . . ?

How you figured that your great army could beat every army in the region? PKK has been shaking your country's foundation for over 40 years now, and yet, you cannot pacify them, let alone beating them. Army strength derives from leadership, training, organization, cohesion, logistics, fire power & means of its delivery and precision and many other aspects that takes a lengthy post to cover.

If this was deemed insufficient, it would be very easy to scale up what we have, just go to a larger diameter and add a second stage and be done with it. We didn't even do this. All Turkish ballistic missiles are single stage. They are just more than enough in our doctrine.

Our needs are more geared towards liquid fueled civilian rockets, I know there are works for a satellite launch vehicle, actually we could cooperate with Iran on this.

If they could stop yelling and beating their chests like chimpanzees for a second.
If Iranians were chest thumping Chimps, I wonder what is the classification for Turks in your utterly lame view. Would you qualify yourself as orangutans for example? I suggest you stand in front of good mirror to examine your physic against a fully grown Chimpanzee, and when done, please inform this forum as to who is better looking and more symmetrical, the handsome Chimp or you? The only Chimps who thump their chest 24/7 about virtual / daydream projects they haven't done and won't be able to do are your type who are all talk. You are Jack of all trades, and master of none.

Please check out the mirror experiment, it could teach you a valuable lesson in virtues of humility, self respect, and to start talking your own size as that will make God almighty happy too. Plus, learn to avoid name-calling and cursing others who are head & shoulder above you.
For example; which countries you can beat in a conventional war Puny Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Syria, Iraq, Russia, Iran? What's a conventional war to begin with, do you know the meaning of such term? Paradigm or the art of making war changes constantly, so what is the concept of Turkey's conventional war . . . . ?
1) All of the above, you can also add Egypt and Israel and a few others
2) Conventional war is what Russia did to Ukraine, what Azerbaijan did to Armenia; an open armed conflict between two nation states involving land, sea and air powers
3) Where's pkk? Please show them on the map.

This is his discourse, i mainly used to hang out on opex360 for french news, biased pro NATO website and comment section and impossible to talk normally with someone, this is the only forum that lets us see the advancements of other countries and tbh it's impressive how the majority of users are friendly and doesn't go directly into demonization/insults without any moderation

That kind of behavior happens everyday, i would take his message at the second degree, on every forums we had Germans or Brits coming to other sections and it 100% of the time finishes in a brawl and insults, I'm aware it happens with Pakistanis and Indians in a hardcore mode of clash and messages, but sometimes i really don't understand the (globally) boasting and trolls/insults between Turkish and Iranians

Anyways good luck with the TF-X and any other projects
don't worry, you're not alone, I don't understand them either.

Thanks for well wishes.
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Thank God USA gave engine to our Turkish friends, otherwise, they couldn't find an excuse to brag about a newly built untested jet fighter in Iranian section :rofl:

Let this idiot embarass himself, brothers. It is more of a ridiculous bragging of him.

I would never ever allow myself to boast about Russian Sukhois in Turkish section, that would be an insult to myself. Engines, avionics, missiles etc are of foreign origin, only the frame could be made in Turkey. The same airframe that was yielded from American assistance to F35 program of Turkey. Not even airframe is a product and a design of Turkey.

But all in all, i congratulate them on this occasion. The American assisted airframe looks promising.

Anyways, please return to IRIAF as the thread is dedicated to it.
With the exception of the F-313, Iran has a very strong tendency not to publicize new projects until they are close to completion.
Even the Bavar-373 has been in name only for many years, with no external appearance announced until completion.
Arman will probably not be officially announced until the day it is completed.

I think this is probably having a negative impact on the deterrence aspect of the Iranian military, as it is making foreign countries think less highly of the Iranian military.
Other countries usually publicize new equipment more than 10-20 years before it goes into service.

The KIZILELMA that Turkey is so proud of is actually a prototype that has only recently been in full development and is flying now.
There is a long way to go before it becomes operational.
However, people are under the illusion that it is already a finished product when it is announced.
TF-X fighter of turkey is presented with such poise and marketing despite being practically 7 years from completion (which means theirs ALOT to complete). Yet is announced & showcased as if it was completed. A serial production is just a whole other matter of uncertainty. Published well in advance of completion.

And here Iran unveils a new MaRV with long range, which was already in serial production before announcement and we just found about it a few months ago.

If they actually get it up and running, produce 120 instead of 12 or so of them by 2035. I will be impressed, but as far as concerned. This project can easily end up like the Zumwalt class destroyer.

What is the reason for the Iranian government's overly cautious attitude?
Iran has real and serious enemies and it doesn't want to give away its plans in advance. It's plans give an idea of doctrine and future strategy. Announcing projects 10 years before completion gives ample time for a counter.
I know the limitations of liquid fuel, on top of everything you said, it needs to be cryogenically stored, but it's a very powerful technology that is extremely difficult to master. and all of Turkey's ballistic missiles are already solid fueled,

You are confusing cryogenically liquid engines used in space launch vehicles (like Space X) versus liquid engines using traditional propellants like how SCUD missiles function for example. These are different types engines and different uses.

Cryogenic engines are hard to master and I am not aware of many military applications since cryogenic leaks can provide disasterious (See one of space X launch pad explosions). Iran’s space agency has had cryogenic liquid engine in development (Bahman engine) and won’t be ready likely for another 10 years.

On the other hand it mastered the liquid engine in Nodong (Scuds) back in 1990’s.

Don’t confuse the two.
1) All of the above, you can also add Egypt and Israel and a few others
2) Conventional war is what Russia did to Ukraine, what Azerbaijan did to Armenia; an open armed conflict between two nation states involving land, sea and air powers
3) Where's pkk? Please show them on the map.
Genuinely a hallucinating fella with chromosomal inferiority complex.

Rest assure, both Iran and Russia could dismantle your agrarian grungy Turkey in a matter of weeks. Furthermore, they will load you on donkeys and camels & ship you back to Mongolia on the double.
I don’t know if this was posted, was just looking up to see if anything random popped up about yasin
Genuinely a hallucinating fella with chromosomal inferiority complex.

Rest assure, both Iran and Russia could dismantle your agrarian grungy Turkey in a matter of weeks. Furthermore, they will load you on donkeys and camels & ship you back to Mongolia on the double.
We saw who's hallucinating in Ukraine. All the ballistic missiles, hypersonic Kinzhals and whatnot didn't help Russia win.

Armenia, backed by both Russia and Iran, tried to fight Azerbaijan and got obliterated. And when Iran-Russia backed SAA tried to fight TAF, they've got beaten so hard they never tried it again. For anyone with an analytical mind the conclusion is clear, those blinded by hubris which is %90 of Iranians on this board can not see it.
You are confusing cryogenically liquid engines used in space launch vehicles (like Space X) versus liquid engines using traditional propellants like how SCUD missiles function for example. These are different types engines and different uses.

Cryogenic engines are hard to master and I am not aware of many military applications since cryogenic leaks can provide disasterious (See one of space X launch pad explosions). Iran’s space agency has had cryogenic liquid engine in development (Bahman engine) and won’t be ready likely for another 10 years.

On the other hand it mastered the liquid engine in Nodong (Scuds) back in 1990’s.

Don’t confuse the two.
Well, SCUD is nowhere near as demanding as the Falcon 9 so you can get away with filling it up with warm kerosene, for anything high performance, cryogenic fuel is a must.

For our purposes, J-600T gets the job done in the ballistic missile department. We need civilian rockets, and Turkey could cooperate with Iran on that.
Armenia, backed by both Russia and Iran, tried to fight Azerbaijan and got obliterated.
This is very far from an accurate depiction of reality.

In what sense was Armenia "backed by" Iran? Certainly not militarily.

It was not Armenia that "tried to fight" anyone, Azerbaijan launched the invasion on 27 September 2020. This is not in dispute.

Lastly, if any party was backed militarily by third parties, it was Azerbaijan, who used huge amounts (in number and variety) of modern weapons bought recently from its backers in Turkey and Israel. Armenia did not have that luxury.
This is very far from an accurate depiction of reality.

In what sense was Armenia "backed by" Iran? Certainly not militarily.

It was not Armenia that "tried to fight" anyone, Azerbaijan launched the invasion on 27 September 2020. This is not in dispute.

Lastly, if any party was backed militarily by third parties, it was Azerbaijan, who used huge amounts (in number and variety) of modern weapons bought recently from its backers in Turkey and Israel. Armenia did not have that luxury.
It's not just weapons, Turkish army has been training Azerbaijani army for years. So we can see whose system works and whose system does not.

We've also fought PYD in Afrin that was armed with Iranian weapons and a couple of tanks that weren't modernized got destroyed thanks to Iranian ATGMs, but the outcome is the same. TAF being such an active force basically fighting some foe or another since 1974 Cyprus war, should give everyone pause.

It's not just weapons, Turkish army has been training Azerbaijani army for years. So we can see whose system works and whose system does not.
All you did was add further ways in which Azerbaijan is backed by Turkey (and Israel). Armenia is not supplied with modern weapons by Iran or Russia, or training. So your portrayal of Azerbaijan's invasion of Armenia in 2020 was incorrect.
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