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Mohsen joon.... do you ever think that you might be retarded??

I mean, one really has to have sheet for brain, if they don't understand that during khatami dollar was 1000 toman, and during Antarinejand's time it was 3000 tomn, and now it's 4400 toman. So yea, if you calculate the oil income in riyal, it would be much larger now. But if you calculate it by purchasing power, you will see things ae very different.

I suggest you educate yourself before making public statements again.
Mohsen joon.... do you ever think that you might be retarded??

I mean, one really has to have sheet for brain, if they don't understand that during khatami dollar was 1000 toman, and during Antarinejand's time it was 3000 tomn, and now it's 4400 toman. So yea, if you calculate the oil income in riyal, it would be much larger now. But if you calculate it by purchasing power, you will see things ae very different.

I suggest you educate yourself before making public statements again.
Mr genius, purchasing power is related to clients, not the seller which is government itself, in fact government is enjoying the 10000t (not 4400) dollar.
@PeeD I'm not sure if it has rocket motor, but I hope it does. The GBU-39 doesn't have one but that is much lighter and more aerodynamic than what I presume is a 250 kg bomb with the guidance/glide kit.

I hope they refine the design. Glide bombs like the GBU-39 excel at hitting fragile, high value targets with great precision, their standoff range allowing a launching aircraft to stay outside the range of medium-range air defences. But they don't need the heavier firepower from 250 kg bombs. They also rely on their small size that enables them to be launched in great numbers, instead of speed, to get past air defences.
250kg should be the minimum weight for a PGM that has a glide kit and 3 times redundant guidance. GPS can be spoofed, INS drifts, IIR image co-relation can be fooled by smoke. So if the enemy counters your PGM the last thing that can help is pure firepower guided by the INS.

For the US budget it may be no problem to drop 4 SDBs to ensure destruction. Iran can't buy as many guidance and glide kits and hence the Mk.82 bomb is a good choice. A Mk.82 can kill hardened targets within a diameter of about 20m, so even in case of counter measures this is still good.
So I hope they wont go below it, not cost effective for Iran with its potential opponents (sure SDB will always work against some terrorists).

As for powered or not: As said, the Iranian JDAM presented in 2014 already had a much more compact, JDAM-stle tail section in which the GPS-INS guidance was placed. Why go for a larger diameter tail in 2018? Logical would be that the tail is now used for a rocket motor.
I don't know which one of you is more ignorant, he who acts like an expert but doesn't know what I'm talking about when I say 85% budget reduction, or you who know, but repeats his B.S!

85% reduction from defense ministry's budget in 1393 and 40% reduction from IRGC's budget in 1394.
and result is this:
آقای روحانی در پاسخ به نامه سرلشکر باقری چه دستوری داد
and this:
مستند فروشنده 2

Lower oil income is just an excuse. Rouhani's oil revenue in Rial during his 5 years is equal to 16 years of Ahmadinejad and Khatami altogether (and these statistics doesn't include recent sharp increase). it's not Ahmadinejad's fault that Rouhani likes to import fresh foreign shit (perhaps reformists enjoy it's fresh smell). it's not Ahmadinejad's fault that when oil price was still high, Rouhani repelled all customers in the hope of his shitty deal.

مجموع درآمد‌های ریالی نفتی ۵ ساله دولت حسن روحانی نزدیک به درآمد ۱۶ ساله دولت‌های احمدی‌نژاد و خاتمی است

Iran's currency collapsed under Ahmadinejad that is a FACT you can't run away and hide from and more specifically it was the result of Ahmadi's policies that caused the domino collapse of Iran's currency!!!!!!!!!! By handing out chump change + absurd loans to people that clearly didn't have the capability to ever pay them back!

And Oil income is NOT an excuse! When your selling oil at $100 as appose to $50 per barrel the cost of producing that Oil has NOT reduced and if anything comparatively it had actually increased so REGALDLESS of your Gross REVENUE the NET PROFIT you get out of selling oil for $100 USD per barrel is quite different. And at the end of the day the number that really matters is your NET profit NOT your gross revenue! So the profit the government got out of $100 pb oil was more like 3-4 times more during Ahmadinejad so you had a lot more money to spend!

And those numbers you have there are BS because they are in Iranian currency value! NOT in international currency USD value!!!!!!

1 Billion Toman when dollar was 1000 toman is CLEARLY different than 1 Billion Toman when dollar is 7000 toman

Which makes those figures irrelevant even in terms of Gross Revenue let alone net profit!
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IRGC-AF shames IRIAF again with 10 Su-22 overhauled & upgraded with PGM capability & ability to data link with UAV's!!!!!!!!!! Good for them!!!!!!!

But as for the Yaseen I have to say that one of the main reason you put a light 250lb guided bomb like the SDB on a fighter jet is to increase the number of targets your fighter can hit which is sadly a fact forgotten when they designed the Yaseen which one can hope they'll address in the future


Even if you have to further reduce the warhead by 20% it would still be well worth the effort if a better design lower payload allows you to carry 4 200lb guided glide bombs on each Su-22 inner pylons rather just 1 Yaseen per....

At least it's a step in the right direction which future designs and upgrades can hopefully address!

Also a low cost, low payload, +200km range precision guided Air to Ground weapon would be vital for taking out enemy Air Defense Systems hopefully another capability the IRGC will address
Building a light, low lifespan, low cost micro jet engines for Iran should be a simple task that could easily increase the range of - 500 lb Air to Ground missile with a ~100lb warhead to +200km and outside the range of most SAM missiles

At this rate the IRGC will probably end up coming up with a viable fighter prototype long before the IRIAF does!
Iran's currency collapsed under Ahmadinejad that is a FACT you can't run away and hide from and more specifically it was the result of Ahmadi's policies that caused the domino collapse of Iran's currency!!!!!!!!!! By handing out chump change + absurd loans to people that clearly didn't have the capability to ever pay them back!

And Oil income is NOT an excuse! When your selling oil at $100 as appose to $50 per barrel the cost of producing that Oil has NOT reduced and if anything comparatively it had actually increased so REGALDLESS of your Gross REVENUE the NET PROFIT you get out of selling oil for $100 USD per barrel is quite different. And at the end of the day the number that really matters is your NET profit NOT your gross revenue! So the profit the government got out of $100 pb oil was more like 3-4 times more during Ahmadinejad so you had a lot more money to spend!

And those numbers you have there are BS because they are in Iranian currency value! NOT in international currency USD value!!!!!!

1 Billion Toman when dollar was 1000 toman is CLEARLY different than 1 Billion Toman when dollar is 7000 toman

Which makes those figures irrelevant even in terms of Gross Revenue let alone net profit!
Currency rate as an excuse for decreasing of bugets which are being payed with RIAL is nothing but deception.

Government pays it's organizations' budget with Rial which even had more than previous governments so don't repeat this nonsense again.

Also it's better to check the dollar's rate at the time the 1393 budget bill was proposed, so that you would know what you said are nothing but lame excuses.
Currency rate as an excuse for decreasing of bugets which are being payed with RIAL is nothing but deception.

Government pays it's organizations' budget with Rial which even had more than previous governments so don't repeat this nonsense again.

Also it's better to check the dollar's rate at the time the 1393 budget bill was proposed, so that you would know what you said are nothing but lame excuses.

The deception is YOURS! Oil is internationally priced by USD value NOT Iranian currency Rial!
Cost of each barrel of Iranian Oil exported does not fall simply because Iran's currency value falls!

So the deception here is your! Your trying to fix the numbers in your favor and you think people are IDIOTS!

Since Oil is priced by US Dollar, the only figure that matters is how many Billion's of Dollars of Oil Iran sold during Ahamdi presidency as appose Rohani Presidency and of the Oil sold how much of it was actually net profit

You really don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that!

If each barrel of Oil cost Iran $15 to produce your profit when selling it for $50 USD is only $35 USD per barrel as appose to $85 USD of profit when your selling it for $100 USD!!!

So you see even if in USD value we sold $40 Billion USD of Oil every year during both administrations the actual profit the government got during the Ahmadi Administration would have been FAR MORE and easily more than twice as much!!!!!!!!!!!!

And since Oil is an international commodity the ONLY number that matters is how many Billions of DOLLARS of Oil was exported during each administration vs how many barrels of oil and how much of it was actually profit!!!!!!!

And due to the instability of Iran's currency how many Billions of Rial's of Oil sold is IRELIVENT because Oil prices do NOT fluctuate on the international market based on Iranian currency value! So either your an Idiot OR you think everyone else is!
The deception is YOURS! Oil is internationally priced by USD value NOT Iranian currency Rial!
Cost of each barrel of Iranian Oil exported does not fall simply because Iran's currency value falls!

So the deception here is your! Your trying to fix the numbers in your favor and you think people are IDIOTS!

Since Oil is priced by US Dollar, the only figure that matters is how many Billion's of Dollars of Oil Iran sold during Ahamdi presidency as appose Rohani Presidency and of the Oil sold how much of it was actually net profit

You really don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that!

If each barrel of Oil cost Iran $15 to produce your profit when selling it for $50 USD is only $35 USD per barrel as appose to $85 USD of profit when your selling it for $100 USD!!!

So you see even if in USD value we sold $40 Billion USD of Oil every year during both administrations the actual profit the government got during the Ahmadi Administration would have been FAR MORE and easily more than twice as much!!!!!!!!!!!!

And since Oil is an international commodity the ONLY number that matters is how many Billions of DOLLARS of Oil was exported during each administration vs how many barrels of oil and how much of it was actually profit!!!!!!!

And due to the instability of Iran's currency how many Billions of Rial's of Oil sold is IRELIVENT because Oil prices do NOT fluctuate on the international market based on Iranian currency value! So either your an Idiot OR you think everyone else is!
First of all, oil price was more than $100 when the 1393 budget bill was proposed (jan 2014), so your whole discussion is a lie and deception from the beginning:
Average Crude Oil Spot Price (Monthly, USD per Barrel) - YCharts
oil price jan 2014.jpg

secondly, Rouhani sold it's oil dollars to people with higher rate, that's why his Rial revenue didn't decrease, but even increased:

So if you are not a troll and still can't understand this very simple fact, then get your brain examined.
First of all, oil price was more than $100 when the 1393 budget bill was proposed (jan 2014), so your whole discussion is a lie and deception from the beginning:
Average Crude Oil Spot Price (Monthly, USD per Barrel) - YCharts
View attachment 489321

secondly, Rouhani sold it's oil dollars to people with higher rate, that's why his Rial revenue didn't decrease, but even increased:


STOP posting NONSENSE!!!!!

If your after facts go pull up the following

1. How many Billion of DOLLARS of Oil Iran exported every year in the past 2 decades
2. How many Barrels of Oil Iran exported each Year in the past 2 decades
3. What is the average price of "Iranian" crude Oil averaged out per quarter of each year every year in the past 2 decades.

Without all of those facts your numbers are nothing but delusional propaganda!!!!!!!

ONLY AN IDIOT would think the idiotic chart you keep posting that's purely based how many billion of Toman (Rial) of Oil was sold during each administration has any meaning what so ever!!!!!

Clearly your oil exports when calculated in Iranian currency value is going to be far different when your currency is priced at 300 Toman per dollar as appose to 1000 toman per dollar as appose to 3000 toman per dollar or 7000 toman per dollar!!!!!

And clearly the extra money you have to spend is going to be far different when your selling your Oil for $100 PB as appose to $50 pb!

Which means your chart was specifically created to target IDIOTS and spread absurd propaganda among IDIOTS that are incapable of thinking for themselves because if the truth actually supported your delusional claims then you'd have no trouble posting the real facts rather than an absurd chart like that!

FYI governments proposed budgets are based on predictions they make and just because an Iranian administration proposes a budget based on 3500 toman USD value or $70 PB crude value doesn't mean that's how much US Dollar or crude will be valued at all throughout the coming year!!!! It's NOTHING but a prediction!
STOP posting NONSENSE!!!!!

If your after facts go pull up the following

1. How many Billion of DOLLARS of Oil Iran exported every year in the past 2 decades
2. How many Barrels of Oil Iran exported each Year in the past 2 decades
3. What is the average price of "Iranian" crude Oil averaged out per quarter of each year every year in the past 2 decades.

Without all of those facts your numbers are nothing but delusional propaganda!!!!!!!

ONLY AN IDIOT would think the idiotic chart you keep posting that's purely based how many billion of Toman (Rial) of Oil was sold during each administration has any meaning what so ever!!!!!

Clearly your oil exports when calculated in Iranian currency value is going to be far different when your currency is priced at 300 Toman per dollar as appose to 1000 toman per dollar as appose to 3000 toman per dollar or 7000 toman per dollar!!!!!

And clearly the extra money you have to spend is going to be far different when your selling your Oil for $100 PB as appose to $50 pb!

Which means your chart was specifically created to target IDIOTS and spread absurd propaganda among IDIOTS that are incapable of thinking for themselves because if the truth actually supported your delusional claims then you'd have no trouble posting the real facts rather than an absurd chart like that!

FYI governments proposed budgets are based on predictions they make and just because an Iranian administration proposes a budget based on 3500 toman USD value or $70 PB crude value doesn't mean that's how much US Dollar or crude will be valued at all throughout the coming year!!!! It's NOTHING but a prediction!
About your last paragraph, in 1393 budget bill, oil was predicted as $100, 5 dollar higher than previous year, and dollar's rate was defined even higher to make more rial revenue (as it has been always), so there was no excuse whatsoever to decrease the proposed budget for defense ministry by 85%.

شش ویژگی بودجه سال93 - روزنامه دنیای اقتصاد

though I know you would deny the statistics, after all, baseless words are the base of trolling!
About your last paragraph, in 1393 budget bill, oil was predicted as $100, 5 dollar higher than previous year, and dollar's rate was defined even higher to make more rial revenue (as it has been always), so there was no excuse whatsoever to decrease the proposed budget for defense ministry by 85%.

شش ویژگی بودجه سال93 - روزنامه دنیای اقتصاد

though I know you would deny the statistics, after all, baseless words are the base of trolling!

My GOD! You can't take 1 fact and ignore everything else!!!!!!
If in 2014 due to U.S. sanctions Iranian Oil exports were predicted to be cut by well over 50% in terms of # barrels of Oil exported then yes even if you predict $100 PB oil you'll still have to make major cuts!!!

And again with this 85% cut!!!!!! IRAN'S overall Military budget was not reduced at all!!!!!!!!

Which means what got allocated under Ministry of Defense budget under the Ahmadi administration was completely different than what gets allocated under the Rohani Administration!!!!!!
For example one administration allocates troop paychecks under the Ministry of Defense budget while the other administration chooses to remove Troop paychecks from MOD budget and chooses to budget them separately and one administration chooses to budget worker paychecks & benefits that go to government workers that work for government owned defense companies under the MOD budget while another administration chooses to budget them separately one administration chooses to put the budget for ettelaati-Tabligoti under the MOD budget while another administration chooses NOT to do so (These are just examples!)

But when you have an 85% cut in the MOD budget with no actual reduction in your overall military spending it means good or bad all that's really happened is a change in the way they allocate military spending NOTHING MORE!!!!!

Clearly from the looks of it the Rohani administration wanted more control over how Iran's military spends it's money now if that's a good thing or bad thing that depends on what kind of President Iran has!

I personally think the way Rohani has allocated defense spending will ONLY be good for Iran if Iran has a President who has the foresight to see and understand that Iran's Military Industry needs to be the cornerstone of Science, Technology & Industrial development in Iran but sadly from what I have seen from Rohani so far he is NOT that man and neither was Ahmadinejad!!!!!!!!!!!
My GOD! You can't take 1 fact and ignore everything else!!!!!!
If in 2014 due to U.S. sanctions Iranian Oil exports were predicted to be cut by well over 50% in terms of # barrels of Oil exported then yes even if you predict $100 PB oil you'll still have to make major cuts!!!

And again with this 85% cut!!!!!! IRAN'S overall Military budget was not reduced at all!!!!!!!!

Which means what got allocated under Ministry of Defense budget under the Ahmadi administration was completely different than what gets allocated under the Rohani Administration!!!!!!
For example one administration allocates troop paychecks under the Ministry of Defense budget while the other administration chooses to remove Troop paychecks from MOD budget and chooses to budget them separately and one administration chooses to budget worker paychecks & benefits that go to government workers that work for government owned defense companies under the MOD budget while another administration chooses to budget them separately one administration chooses to put the budget for ettelaati-Tabligoti under the MOD budget while another administration chooses NOT to do so (These are just examples!)

But when you have an 85% cut in the MOD budget with no actual reduction in your overall military spending it means good or bad all that's really happened is a change in the way they allocate military spending NOTHING MORE!!!!!

Clearly from the looks of it the Rohani administration wanted more control over how Iran's military spends it's money now if that's a good thing or bad thing that depends on what kind of President Iran has!

I personally think the way Rohani has allocated defense spending will ONLY be good for Iran if Iran has a President who has the foresight to see and understand that Iran's Military Industry needs to be the cornerstone of Science, Technology & Industrial development in Iran but sadly from what I have seen from Rohani so far he is NOT that man and neither was Ahmadinejad!!!!!!!!!!!
The funny thing is that I already gave the link to the reformist economic newspaper which says based on the proposed budget bill, everything is going to be better, both oil production and price, but still you talk about another preduction!

Perhaps you have lived in a parallel universe, but certainly not this one!
@mohsen your political agenda is very clear to all of us. Frankly 98% don’t care. At least not on a forum and especially not this one. I ask you to kindly please stop filling all the military threads with politics. The threads have specific topics so that to create order. The current situation is very chaotic and thus very disturbing.
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