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Again you are basing your entire “Russia has changed policy” on an assumption and hogwash hope. It’s not logical and it’s naive. If Rouhani was naive to trust the West to honor a deal, you are just as naive to think russia will open the arms store for Iran.

Remember that Russia only cares about Russia, the second that Russia tries to sell Iran 50 or 90 SU-30’s the West will give Russia concessions NOT too. And then russia will use Iran to help Russia. This isn’t thecollapse of the Soviet Union, sanctions hurt Russia sure but they aren’t crippling Russia to the point of desperation.

Even in Syria now, Russia is trying to alienate Iran. But it can’t...why? because Iran is doing the fighting on the ground and Russia is in the air. Thus Iran has all the leverage. Yet Russi still refuses to supply its ally Syria with S-300.

Apparently the Iranian S-300 fiasco was too long ago for you to remember. So I will tell you one thing, Russia is desperate to be seen by the US as an equal partner. US knows this. Thus Russia will never sell Iran anything that can be considered “game changer” weapons unless Iran demonstrates it can build it itself.

Way too many people nowadays put stock into Russia helping Iran in some way or manner that can be considered "game-changing" when the reality just doesn't support this sort of expectation.

From my rather inconsequential point-of-view, Iran is going to have to focus inward intensely in order to weather the coming storm. But putting trust into Russia will not help.
Way too many people nowadays put stock into Russia helping Iran in some way or manner that can be considered "game-changing" when the reality just doesn't support this sort of expectation.

From my rather inconsequential point-of-view, Iran is going to have to focus inward intensely in order to weather the coming storm. But putting trust into Russia will not help.

Russia at the end of the day will do what is in their own financial interest and history has proven over and over again that they will NOT put their own political or strategic interests over their own financial interests.

And it would be absurd to think that that the Russians are going to risk loosing $100 Billion USD due to U.S. sanctions and contracts just to sell Iran $20 Billion USD worth of fighter jets in the span of a decade!

Russia is a military power but they just don't have the financial capability to risk that! In fact the only country on the planet that could is China and they would have to be cornered to do that and Iran would have to give up far more than money for them to hand over Chinese 5th Gen fighters to Iran. At the very least they are going to want a Chinese Naval base on Iranian soil.

Best option for Iran is mass production of missiles & UAV's of all kinds to make up for the shortcomings of the military from ATGM to BM from SAM to Cruise Missiles
why you are continue this discussion !?
let me predict this , in 2025 we don't have any air force .... but my bigger predication is that IR is going to destroy Iran before 2020 ...
Russia at the end of the day will do what is in their own financial interest and history has proven over and over again that they will NOT put their own political or strategic interests over their own financial interests.

You`ve got that completely back to front I`m afraid.For virtually every country strategic and political considerations trump[no pun intended] financial ones,otherwise we would have witnessed russia just sitting back and doing nothing about the pro western coup in the ukraine,and they certainly wouldnt have snatched back crimea like they did or aided the seperatists.Ultimately for russia if the choice was between having nato march right up to the russian border and possibly lose their base for the black sea fleet vs the imposition of western sanctions and the resulting loss of 10s-100s billions of euros,then it was really pretty obvious which one it was going to be and it certainly wasnt the money that won out in the end,now was it?
The same would`ve been equally true for syria.Russia just would`ve just sat back and either watched it become another libya ie complete national destruction thru nato aggression/support of terrorists or it would`ve simply let iran do everything itself.
Irans nuclear program was the same thing,otherwise iran simply would`ve continued the "freeze for freeze" policy back in 2003 indefinitely.
Best option for Iran is mass production of missiles & UAV's of all kinds to make up for the shortcomings of the military from ATGM to BM from SAM to Cruise Missiles
Missiles,sams and uavs are adjuncts to a manned airforce not an alternative for it.A uav cannot substitute for a manned aircraft,in addition without com sats irans ability to actively control a uav is limited to around 2-300kms from its borders.
The fact of the matter is that if iran wants to rebuild,or even to just replace whats left of its airforce,with new state of the art machines russia is really the only option currently going at the moment as chinas aero engine and avionics tech still lags some way behind russia and the west,tho iran could leave it for another decade and hopefully by then the chinese will have caught up in those fields,tho how much of irans airforce will still be flight worthy t that point is literally anyones guess.
The only other alternative is that instead of attempting to rebuild irans moribund airforce and armored forces,would be to follow the dprks approach and develop a viable strategic nuclear force ie compact staged thermo-nukes and road mobile irbm/icbm delivery systems to put them on.
The only other alternative is that instead of attempting to rebuild irans moribund airforce and armored forces,would be to follow the dprks approach and develop a viable strategic nuclear force ie compact staged thermo-nukes and road mobile irbm/icbm delivery systems to put them on.

LOL nuclear weapons are useless.

Let say if Iran has it, US will still attack if it has to and then what is iran going to do? respond with a nuclear weapon? Laughable

Saddam didn’t use chemical weapons as Baghdad fell, Assad didn’t use chemical weapons as Damascus was surrounded and West aligned forces were at his Palace walls....so what makes you think that Iran would use WMD to protect itself?

Nuclear weapons became useless after the Cold War demonstrated neither side would use it first.

If Iran thinks nuclear weapons would guarantee regime survival, they had over 20 years to go nuclear. It’s obvious that they concluded nuclear weapons wouldn’t guarantee regime survival.

And DPRK is hardly an example to strive for, a starving population that has no economic value to the world.
LOL nuclear weapons are useless.

Let say if Iran has it, US will still attack if it has to and then what is iran going to do? respond with a nuclear weapon? Laughable

Saddam didn’t use chemical weapons as Baghdad fell, Assad didn’t use chemical weapons as Damascus was surrounded and West aligned forces were at his Palace walls....so what makes you think that Iran would use WMD to protect itself?

Nuclear weapons became useless after the Cold War demonstrated neither side would use it first.

If Iran thinks nuclear weapons would guarantee regime survival, they had over 20 years to go nuclear. It’s obvious that they concluded nuclear weapons wouldn’t guarantee regime survival.

And DPRK is hardly an example to strive for, a starving population that has no economic value to the world.

If they were so useless then why do all the veto holding members of the unsc still continue to maintain and modernise their existing stocks of them and continue to develop new designs of weapons and delivery systems?
If iran has them do you honestly believe the us would attack iran when it knows it would only guarantee the deaths of tens of millions of its own citizens in return.The whole point of these weapons are as a deterrent, and honestly which do you think would be a more credible deterrent irans existing decrepit conventional forces or a nuclear deterrent?.

Are you so stupid that you cant see the difference between nuclear weapons and chemical weapons or are they all just wmd to you?.Saddam didnt use his chemical weapons in 2003 because he likely had virtually none left and the small number of weapons the coalition found were in a very degraded state most likely because by that time they were probably getting close to being 15-20 years old as most of them were produced back in the mid 80s.Do you think they would`ve invaded iraq if he had had a nuclear deterrent?,of course not.He would still be in power today.

Damacus was never surrounded and using chemical weapons would only have provided the excuse the west was looking for to attack him,which they did anyway just on the suspicion of chemical weapons use.Do you think they would`ve attacked him if syria had had nuclear weapons and the ability to strike western cities?

As for why iran didnt directly go for the bomb,well I suspect it probably thought a credible japan option might have been enough.

The dprks economic problems stem from the fact that it was a client of the ussr and was completely reliant on them economically and when the ussr collapsed the dprks economy went with it in large part,and I`m certainly not suggesting that iran adopt dprk juche stalinism as I`m sure you well know.But it is funny how iran gives up most of its nuclear program for a deal that never lives up to all the hype,only then for it to be torn up by trump who then despite all his tough talk goes to singapore and has an international summit with kim merely on nothing more than only the promise of denuclearisation and a dismantled test site,a very,very stark difference in treatment,wouldnt you agree?

But I`d thought I`d save the best for last,because this one is a doozy:
Nuclear weapons became useless after the Cold War demonstrated neither side would use it first.
Thats the whole point braniac,they are a DETERRENT!! thats the whole point of the damn things in the first place!

P.S. whats your solution then to the problem of irans rapidly aging airforce and armored forces?,I`m sure you must have some "cunning plan"..or at least a rough idea for a possible alternative....right?,so please dont keep it to yourself,oh wise one,inquiring minds want to know...mine especially....so dont keep us in suspense too long!.[LOL!]
If they were so useless then why do all the veto holding members of the unsc still continue to maintain and modernise their existing stocks of them and continue to develop new designs of weapons and delivery systems?
If iran has them do you honestly believe the us would attack iran when it knows it would only guarantee the deaths of tens of millions of its own citizens in return.The whole point of these weapons are as a deterrent, and honestly which do you think would be a more credible deterrent irans existing decrepit conventional forces or a nuclear deterrent?.

Are you so stupid that you cant see the difference between nuclear weapons and chemical weapons or are they all just wmd to you?.Saddam didnt use his chemical weapons in 2003 because he likely had virtually none left and the small number of weapons the coalition found were in a very degraded state most likely because by that time they were probably getting close to being 15-20 years old as most of them were produced back in the mid 80s.Do you think they would`ve invaded iraq if he had had a nuclear deterrent?,of course not.He would still be in power today.

Damacus was never surrounded and using chemical weapons would only have provided the excuse the west was looking for to attack him,which they did anyway just on the suspicion of chemical weapons use.Do you think they would`ve attacked him if syria had had nuclear weapons and the ability to strike western cities?

As for why iran didnt directly go for the bomb,well I suspect it probably thought a credible japan option might have been enough.

The dprks economic problems stem from the fact that it was a client of the ussr and was completely reliant on them economically and when the ussr collapsed the dprks economy went with it in large part,and I`m certainly not suggesting that iran adopt dprk juche stalinism as I`m sure you well know.But it is funny how iran gives up most of its nuclear program for a deal that never lives up to all the hype,only then for it to be torn up by trump who then despite all his tough talk goes to singapore and has an international summit with kim merely on nothing more than only the promise of denuclearisation and a dismantled test site,a very,very stark difference in treatment,wouldnt you agree?

But I`d thought I`d save the best for last,because this one is a doozy:

Thats the whole point braniac,they are a DETERRENT!! thats the whole point of the damn things in the first place!

P.S. whats your solution then to the problem of irans rapidly aging airforce and armored forces?,I`m sure you must have some "cunning plan"..or at least a rough idea for a possible alternative....right?,so please dont keep it to yourself,oh wise one,inquiring minds want to know...mine especially....so dont keep us in suspense too long!.[LOL!]

A bunch of rambling.

The VETO holding members of UNSC have voting not because they have nuclear weapons (or else by that logic India/Pakistan/Israel should also have veto power), but that they were key foreign powers that dominated the global at one time or another in history. It was made to bring balance to world order and reduce risk of another world war.

Nuclear weapons are not an deterrent to attack, they are a deterrent to occupation and regime removal. But even that is up for debate.

Russia has nuclear weapons yet NATO has encroached and crossed Russian Red lines and are sitting outside of russian territory. China has nuclear weapons yet, US routinely violates the China Sea Island bases and continues support of Taiwan. Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet. What did Russia do?

Nuclear weapons are overrated. The arms industry uses the “deterrence” argument to justify the high cost required in maintaining and renewing the program.

If they had to, US/NATO would get into skirmishes with a russia or China and nuclear weapons won’t do a damn thing!

In Iran’s case if Iran got nuclear weapons, the easiest way for the West to combat is to start a civil war similar to Syria inside Iran. What is Iran going to do then? Nuke itself?

The West has learned to combat nuclear powers by causing internal dissident in those countries.

And you are wrong about NK, If Iran would have gotten nuclear weapons they would be sanctioned by the entire world!

Russia doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons, China doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons. No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons.

So yes Iran would have nuclear weapons but then with no one buying Iranian oil and Iran being cut off from the world it would slowly bleed a slow death and ultimately there would be mass unrest.

And lastly have only first strike capability is useless! All the great nuclear powers have both first strike and second strike (nuclear armed submarines) to respond to aggression. Having only first strike capability is not a significant deterrence! Again why Iran passed on nuclear weapons.
  • Lol instead of Su-30,Iran should buy 10/5 squadrons of MiG-29SMT which just over 2 billion$ and over 1 billion$ instead 2 squadron of Su-35 which already over 1 billion $ and over 2 billion $ of 5 squadron, much more saving money and enough to replace IRIAF F-4,F-5,Mirage F1 and older MiG-29 (which could be upgraded to SMT)
A bunch of rambling.
Really!?....hmmm?....I actually thought I`d done a rather good job making some very well considered logical arguments that nicely illustrated all of the salient points....Oh well,I guess everyones a critic.[shrugs]

The VETO holding members of UNSC have voting not because they have nuclear weapons (or else by that logic India/Pakistan/Israel should also have veto power), but that they were key foreign powers that dominated the global at one time or another in history. It was made to bring balance to world order and reduce risk of another world war.
I never said nukes gave them voting rights,I was simply countering your original argument that nukes were useless,by noting that all the veto holding members of the unsc went to a lot of trouble and expense to acquire them and to continue to maintain and upgrade them even after the end of the cold war.
And they dominated the globe by virtue of their military power as much if not more than their political and economic power.They obviously considered these weapons to be worthwhile because they all went on to acquire them,and indeed many would consider that it was these weapons alone and the balance they brought that avoided another world war,well that and a bit of luck obviously.

Nuclear weapons are not an deterrent to attack, they are a deterrent to occupation and regime removal. But even that is up for debate.
Thats equally as true of any weapon tho,if someone really wants to attack you regardless of the consequences then they probably will,but the potential consequences of attacking a nws could be very severe indeed,and most rational governments and their military leaders will know this.If a nuclear arsenal prevents regime change and the destruction of the state then it has served its purpose,after all how many nws have been subjected to regime change or the destruction of their state?....thats right NONE!.

Russia has nuclear weapons yet NATO has encroached and crossed Russian Red lines and are sitting outside of russian territory. China has nuclear weapons yet, US routinely violates the China Sea Island bases and continues support of Taiwan. Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet. What did Russia do?
The russians acted militarily once they considered the west had gone to far and that vital russian interests were at stake.First in georgia in 08,humiliating the georgians while shakasvilli pointlessly begged the west for help that would never ever come.When it seemed the west was still pushing its luck with the ukraine,the russians intervened there as well.This time annexing the crimea and supporting the separatists.Now what exactly did the us/nato do in response to this blatant "soviet style" aggression and land grab?....thats right,they did nothing,well nothing military that is.Because when it really comes down to it neither side is going to risk a war over something like this.
As for turkey...well no weapon will protect you from someone making a stupid mistake ie some gung-ho incompetent fool who panics in the heat of the moment and does something stupid,just like the fools who shot down kal007 or iran air 855.But that doesnt mean that turkey got off scot free,or that they didnt end up regretting it because they certainly did when putin slapped them with sanctions and ultimately erdogan apologised for the incident.Russia just like iran was in syria not to start a war with turkey but to ensure the survival of the syrian state and its government.
As for china,well some of these bases are built on disputed islands claimed by other nations,and yet china didnt give a sh1t it just started building there.Now what did the us navy do about this?.....thats right,Sweet!.Fu#k!.All!,about the only thing they could do was to send their carriers into these areas under freedom of navigation to show they werent intimidated,but only a fool would fail to realise that the presence of bases like these would potentially make us/allied naval operations in that area very difficult in any future war.Once again tho neither side would risk a war over something like this.
Ahh yes,taiwan.I think its pretty clear that when it came to taiwan both the us and the prc agreed to disagree over this touchy subject,but they both agreed not to do anything that could lead to things getting out of hand.The us would limit arms sales and equipment transfers and keep political contacts fairly low key,and in return the chinese would not attack or try to invade taiwan.This arrangement seems to have worked fairly well and I imagine that it will continue to,provided the taiwanese dont do anything crazy like deciding to declare independence or something provocative like that.
This actually reminds of an old joke that I once heard about the dubious value of the concept of extended deterrence:
A chinese general goes into a bar to have a drink and bumps into an american general whos an old friend of his.The two of them sit down and order up a drink and start talking,eventually the chinese general finishes his drink and with a smile on his face he turns and says to the american general "So tell me,are you guys seriously gonna trade los angeles for taipei?"[LOL!]

Nuclear weapons are overrated. The arms industry uses the “deterrence” argument to justify the high cost required in maintaining and renewing the program.
That also applies equally to the rest of the military industrial complex as well.The fact of the matter is that once you have this sort of complex uber expensive military hardware,be it conventional or nuclear,you basically have no choice but to maintain it and keep it up to date despite the costs,because if you dont you risk winding up with a military equipped with obsolescent weapons of dubious value....sort of like the present iranian airforce in fact,wouldnt you agree?.

If they had to, US/NATO would get into skirmishes with a russia or China and nuclear weapons won’t do a damn thing!
Oh?..you mean like they did in berlin or korea or cuba or georgia or crimea or syria or...oh?!,wait a minute they DIDNT!.I guess it ultimately depends on what exactly your definition of "if they had to" means.Historically the nws went to considerable efforts to ensure that they were never ever in an "if they had to" situation,which is probably one of the reasons why there was never a ww3,well that and a bit of luck of course..You see the problem with a "skirmish" is that it can very quickly get out of hand and accelerate beyond the ability of the politicians to control it and once that happens then events can very quickly take on a life of their own,the best analogy for this is a cartoon of a snowball rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger,faster and faster until nothing can stop it,and thats how you potentially go from a "skirmish" to a nuclear exchange and then its pretty much game over for everyone concerned.When it comes to that particular game the only winning move is not to play in the first place.

In Iran’s case if Iran got nuclear weapons, the easiest way for the West to combat is to start a civil war similar to Syria inside Iran. What is Iran going to do then? Nuke itself?
LOL!,Iran ISNT syria!.
In fact the last time I looked the west had been trying that sort of sh1t against iran for the past 40 odd years now with nothing more to show for all of its various efforts except a rather spectacular level of failure,yet apparently you think they`d now suddenly succeed because iran would have nukes?.If anything the reverse would likely be true as attempting to cause the collapse of a nuclear armed state could potentially be utterly catastrophic ie what would happen to those weapons?,what contingency measures would`ve been put in place to deal with this sort of event?,whose command and control would they be under?,would the safeguards and fail safes built into both the chain of command and its actual weapons keep them secure or would they just collapse leading to these weapons either being used without authorisation or perhaps just being stolen,and then of course you would have the fissile materiel stocks themselves to worry about.All very,very big risks as you can hopefully see,because if theres one state you really dont want to try and play the destabilisation game with its a nuclear armed one,because the consequences could be truly dreadful beyond belief.

The West has learned to combat nuclear powers by causing internal dissident in those countries.
Its done a pretty damn lousy job then,hasnt it?.I mean the last time I looked china,russia and the dprk all seemed to have a pretty good handle on law and order,probably better than in the west in fact.
If you`re talking about the soviet unions collapse that was down to gorbachev and his ill considered policies which ultimately provoked the failed coup attempt.Indeed it seems to me that it was the countries without nukes,and admittedly poor leadership,like libya and syria who were vulnerable to those sorts of dirty tricks.Of course if you`re going to try that on a nuclear armed state one of the risks you would then have to try to deal with is the potential for "loose nukes",not a very nice thought at all.

And you are wrong about NK, If Iran would have gotten nuclear weapons they would be sanctioned by the entire world!
Perhaps...but isnt it funny,I mean iran plays by the rules and negotiates a multi-party international deal,actually a pretty good one from the wests perspective,dismantles,destroys or freezes the bulk of its nuke program for the next 10-15+ years and....the west never lives up to its side of the deal and iran never gets many of the supposed benefits that were to come from it,and then ultimately trump comes along and tears it all up and threatens to sanction anyone who does any business with iran.
Meanwhile the dprk goes ahead and builds its own nuke force,a fairly credible one or at least the beginnings of one from the looks of it,and ultimately gets a us/dprk international summit in singapore with trump,and all of that for nothing more than a vague promise of denuclearisation and the dismantling of a single test site,which is arguably redundant now anyway because the north now has compact staged thermo-nukes and a literal sh!t load of test data from the previous 5 successful tests.It really does make one wonder who was smarter in the long run kim or rouhani.
Hmmm...what do you suppose the chances of rouhani getting a summit with trump are..?.I`m joking of course [LOL!] iran would actually need to have nukes in order to have that happen.

Russia doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons, China doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons. No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons.
Yeeaah!,I seem to remember them not wanting iran to have the nuclear fuel cycle either,or indeed any indigenous nuclear technology or programs at all for that matter,its certainly what trump+co wants.
Last time I looked iran didnt really give two fu#ks about what any other countries wanted for iran,neither east nor west,remember?.Because ya`know thats a big part of being an independent sovereign nation,you`re not somebody elses little bitch,like saudi and the gulfies,and you actually get to make your own decisions.Altho with rouhani+co running the show who really knows anymore,right?

So yes Iran would have nuclear weapons but then with no one buying Iranian oil and Iran being cut off from the world it would slowly bleed a slow death and ultimately there would be mass unrest.
Um!...I really do hate to break this to you but thats already what trump and co have effectively decided they`re going to try to do to iran...I guess you must`ve missed that particular announcement,tho I`m pretty sure that it was in all the media...oh well,now you know!.

And lastly have only first strike capability is useless! All the great nuclear powers have both first strike and second strike (nuclear armed submarines) to respond to aggression. Having only first strike capability is not a significant deterrence! Again why Iran passed on nuclear weapons.
Which part of "road mobile" seems to be giving your poor old brain the most trouble my friend?,is it the "road" part or is it the "mobile" part?,or is it the actual combining of the two concepts into "road mobile" that seems to have left you stumped?,hey maybe you just forgot.I mean why else do you think iran developed road mobile tels for its ballistic missile forces in the first place?.....Well for the exact same reason everyone else did of course,thats right survivability,and thats why the russians,chinese and dprk did it and even the americans seriously considered it as well with their crazy old mx missile trains among other things.Now I think that if the dprk can do it,with a little chinese help admittedly,then so can iran,because when it comes down to it you dont really need a ballistic missile submarine to give you a viable second strike capability,now do you?.

Oh,by the way you never did answer my last question did you?.Well I suspect you`re probably still thinking about it,because it isnt exactly an easy one to come up with an answer for,now is it?.I mean its easy enough to shoot holes in other peoples ideas for possible options but coming up with an original idea or alternative solution of your own isnt quite so simple.....well you keep thinking about it,I`m sure if you keep working that problem something`ll pop up.....eventually.Anyhoo when it finally does dont keep us all in suspense,because like I said previously inquiring minds,mine especially in fact,really DO want to know.TaTa
Here endeth the lesson.
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  • Lol instead of Su-30,Iran should buy 10/5 squadrons of MiG-29SMT which just over 2 billion$ and over 1 billion$ instead 2 squadron of Su-35 which already over 1 billion $ and over 2 billion $ of 5 squadron, much more saving money and enough to replace IRIAF F-4,F-5,Mirage F1 and older MiG-29 (which could be upgraded to SMT)

Russia do not want to supply. Mullahs do not want to take.
Russia has some sort of under the cover ties with Israel.

Iran is screwed.

To ignore the Air Force, or conventional forces in general is a foolish mistake.

Although any sort of attempt at indiginous sourcing is commendable, to not address an actual gap in capabilities is dangerous.

In regards to the IRIAF, perhaps a play on the Chinese J-10?

Something needs to be done.

F-14, F-4, F-5, MiG-29, Mirage F-1, SU-24 won’t last for ever.
Russia has some sort of under the cover ties with Israel.

Iran is screwed.

To ignore the Air Force, or conventional forces in general is a foolish mistake.

Although any sort of attempt at indiginous sourcing is commendable, to not address an actual gap in capabilities is dangerous.

In regards to the IRIAF, perhaps a play on the Chinese J-10?

Something needs to be done.

F-14, F-4, F-5, MiG-29, Mirage F-1, SU-24 won’t last for ever.

Iran’s military officials do not consider Chinese fighters a reliable option. They have gone on record multiple times saying this. They feel they are inferior.

The only aircraft Iran should even consider from China are the J-20 and J-31.

With China trying to export their 5th gen fighters their is not a huge market for Chinese fighters, a deal for some ToT for the J-31 or localized production would make the most sense.

The J-20 is still a development aircraft and until it’s fitted with Chinese engines it relies on Russian engines and Russia may block the sale of J-20 to Iran.

I don’t see China selling to iran either way, but if Iran is seeking a boost it needs to push for J-31 and possibly j-20 at a later date when the platform is fully developed.
Iran’s military officials do not consider Chinese fighters a reliable option. They have gone on record multiple times saying this. They feel they are inferior.

The only aircraft Iran should even consider from China are the J-20 and J-31.

With China trying to export their 5th gen fighters their is not a huge market for Chinese fighters, a deal for some ToT for the J-31 or localized production would make the most sense.

The J-20 is still a development aircraft and until it’s fitted with Chinese engines it relies on Russian engines and Russia may block the sale of J-20 to Iran.

I don’t see China selling to iran either way, but if Iran is seeking a boost it needs to push for J-31 and possibly j-20 at a later date when the platform is fully developed.

I doubt the J-20 will be available for export anytime soon if at all.

J-10A in the form of the FC-20 is available currently.

J-31 is being developed.

Chinese quality has reportedly improved.

Beggars can't be choosers. Surely a J-10A is better than a vintage F-4 or F-5.

Its 2018. What is the IRIAF hoping to do?
I doubt the J-20 will be available for export anytime soon if at all.

J-10A in the form of the FC-20 is available currently.

J-31 is being developed.

Chinese quality has reportedly improved.

Beggars can't be choosers. Surely a J-10A is better than a vintage F-4 or F-5.

Its 2018. What is the IRIAF hoping to do?
The wants and hopes of the iriaf are simply completely irrelevant at this point I`m afraid,first because for rouhani&co the military in general has a very low priority and the iriaf has traditionally had the lowest priority among the various branches of the iranian military,not to mention of course that the far bigger problem is that the un arms embargo is still in effect and will remain so until at least late 2020,again thanks to rouhani&co,so there is no real chance of buying or importing any new aircraft,perhaps apart from transport planes that is,but fighters would be out of the question for at least another 2+ years minimum sadly,so there you have it.
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