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Not whole F-4 fleet is modernized...also there was few different level of modernization and there was also few completly different modernization....integration of AsHM...navigation and IFF modernization..integration of new a2a missiles..etc. But not whole F-4 fllet was modernized at least it is how it seems , also we don't know how old is image...seems to me that this image was posted long time before(or it was other image similar to this).
Any way Iranian airforce are so secret about their hardware and it is hard to find anything related to air force modernization which is not too general. They were so pised on Russians when images of Iranian base were released and also they didn't allow Russians to get even close to any Iranian hardware ,they were only allowed to move in section which was asigned to them...same was in past when Russians were involved in modernization or inspection hardware they sell to Iran....
The only American thing remaining on this dude F14 tomcat is its airframe. All of components of radars, engines, avionics etc are replaced with Iranian made stuff.

If government provides the required investment, we can produce a similar fighter jet. Adding ground attack capability shows that our scientists have Iranized AN AWG9 radar.
The only American thing remaining on this dude F14 tomcat is its airframe. All of components of radars, engines, avionics etc are replaced with Iranian made stuff.

If government provides the required investment, we can produce a similar fighter jet. Adding ground attack capability shows that our scientists have Iranized AN AWG9 radar.

I totally agree with you. But we can only hope
Not whole F-4 fleet is modernized...also there was few different level of modernization and there was also few completly different modernization....integration of AsHM...navigation and IFF modernization..integration of new a2a missiles..etc. But not whole F-4 fllet was modernized at least it is how it seems , also we don't know how old is image...seems to me that this image was posted long time before(or it was other image similar to this).
Any way Iranian airforce are so secret about their hardware and it is hard to find anything related to air force modernization which is not too general. They were so pised on Russians when images of Iranian base were released and also they didn't allow Russians to get even close to any Iranian hardware ,they were only allowed to move in section which was asigned to them...same was in past when Russians were involved in modernization or inspection hardware they sell to Iran....

Every single Iranian F-4 flying today has been modernized!
The modernizations are no where near U.S. or Russian tech but you have to understand that today modern smartphones have greater processing power than the F-4 purchased by Iran 50 years ago!
So yea of course they have been modernized

Iranian F-4's have been flying for 50 years and the fact that they are still flying after 50 years means Iran is fully capable of maintaining them and overhauling them using Iranian made parts and one has to be delusional to think that something as high maintenance as a fighter that requires constant attention and repairs isn't going to be upgraded in a country that does the maintenance and overhaul it's self

And It's not like Iran has 1000's of fighters at best Iran has ~60 active F-4's in an Air Force equipped with only ~200 active fighters total and at best up to an additional 100 fighters in storage
Hi any learned Iranian memeber can give some info about getting su30 from Russia
If yes
1- what’s the status
2- if not why not funds problem or Russia.
Is not ready to supply the fighters
Any input will be appreciated
Thank you
Hi any learned Iranian memeber can give some info about getting su30 from Russia
If yes
1- what’s the status
2- if not why not funds problem or Russia.
Is not ready to supply the fighters
Any input will be appreciated
Thank you
Every single Iranian F-4 flying today has been modernized!
The modernizations are no where near U.S. or Russian tech but you have to understand that today modern smartphones have greater processing power than the F-4 purchased by Iran 50 years ago!
So yea of course they have been modernized

Iranian F-4's have been flying for 50 years and the fact that they are still flying after 50 years means Iran is fully capable of maintaining them and overhauling them using Iranian made parts and one has to be delusional to think that something as high maintenance as a fighter that requires constant attention and repairs isn't going to be upgraded in a country that does the maintenance and overhaul it's self

And It's not like Iran has 1000's of fighters at best Iran has ~60 active F-4's in an Air Force equipped with only ~200 active fighters total and at best up to an additional 100 fighters in storage

I bet all of our F4 are still using same electronic as 50 years ago .... upgrading equipment is not in our Admins mind set ...

Hi any learned Iranian memeber can give some info about getting su30 from Russia
If yes
1- what’s the status
2- if not why not funds problem or Russia.
Is not ready to supply the fighters
Any input will be appreciated
Thank you

1- nothing
2- there is 3 problem :

0-> our Admins don't want to have strong air force ( because from begining of Islamic Republic , they didn't trust army and always feared coupe attempt from Army and Airforce ) so they don't want to fund the budget for this kind of purchase ....

0-> our Admins rather to spend the money for themselves and their 4500 children in UK and other western countries ....

0-> Russians don't want to sell their Su-30 to Iran with various reason ( They don't see Iran political system as an stable one , they see Iran as potential thread to them , Iran is under Arms embargo from UNSC , they don't want to lose their potential customer among Persian Gulf's southren Arabs )
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I bet all of our F4 are still using same electronic as 50 years ago .... upgrading equipment is not in our Admins mind set ...

1- nothing
2- there is 3 problem :

0-> our Admins don't want to have strong air force ( because from begining of Islamic Republic , they didn't trust army and always feared coupe attempt from Army and Airforce ) so they don't want to fund the budget for this kind of purchase ....

0-> our Admins rather to spend the money for themselves and this 4500 children in UK and other western countries ....

0-> Russians don't want to sell their Su-30 to Iran with various reason ( They don't see Iran political system as an stable one , they see Iran as potential thread to them , Iran is under Arms embargo from UNSC , they don't want to lose their potential customer among Persian Gulf's southren Arabs )

This is off topic, but people are getting more and more frustrated every day and eventually, everyone's anger will explode across Iran. It is very worrying what will happen to Iran in the next two years. The IR also seems incapable of doing anything about it. No social reforms, no banking reforms, no economic reforms. Nothing. It's like they intentionally want the Islamic Republic to fail.

Either they want the IR to collapse,

or they are so delusional or so blind, that they do not see what's going on around them. At the end of the day a governments strength comes from the will of the people. If they don't adapt to the changes, expectations and demands of the people, it's clear what would happen. The state of the economy, currency devaluation, environmental crisis, banking theft and fraud, joblessness, inflation, abuse, all builds up into a volcano of anger that will probably not long from now, erupt. The IR was brought to life by the people. The admins seem incapable of understanding it can also be destroyed by the people. They must change.
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This is off topic, but people are getting more and more frustrated every day and eventually, everyone's anger will explode across Iran. It is very worrying what will happen to Iran in the next two years. The IR also seems incapable of doing anything about it. No social reforms, no banking reforms, no economic reforms. Nothing. It's like they intentionally want the Islamic Republic to fail.

Either they want the IR to collapse,

or they are so delusional or so blind, that they do not see what's going on around them. At the end of the day a governments strength comes from the will of the people. If they don't adapt to the changes, expectations and demands of the people, it's clear what would happen. The state of the economy, currency devaluation, environmental crisis, banking theft and fraud, joblessness, inflation, abuse, all builds up into a volcano of anger that will probably not long from now, erupt. The IR was brought to life by the people. The admins seem incapable of understanding it can also be destroyed by the people. They must change.

they are old and their average age is above 60 years and they only trust their circle and don't let anyone get close to them ....
almost all people who are around them are corrupted to the core ....

so if they want to do anything , they can't because their body doesn't have enough energy to sustain stress and fatigue this kind of mind work and the people who have to the work are corrupted ....

I wanted to buy 2 low-profile cellphone for myself and my wife but even low-profile cellphone price increased by 60-70% while my salary lost 40% of its worth in just past month !!! so , I just decide to used my old phone till it die and buy cellphone for my wife , but my company can't pay me fully ( and it just 160 $ ) because they have contract with public hospital under government care and they don't have any money to pay to us ... and while we are living like this , there comes news that Mr. x just take 100 million dollar and run out , 3 day later , Mr. Y took 50 million $ ...

if you are familiar with Iran bureaucracy , you should know that even transferring 1 $ need so many paper work and so many people should signed the document to pay the money so who can someone took so much money and run !?

its almost 20 years that people are warning about Water crisis in Iran and what our government did to prevent it !?

nothing !! and what are thy doing when the farmer are protesting - cause they don't have water to farm anything , so they can't feed their family !? tag farmers with "Slave of Zions / Agent of USA ... "

the biggest enemy of Islamic Republic of Iran is themselves ....

The admins seem incapable of understanding it can also be destroyed by the people. They must change.

in past year they just exist 30 billion Dollars from Iran ... all of their children have UK/Canada/Australia nationality and almost all of our Admins have account in foreign banks .... so , they just want to steal more while they can ... this is so damn obvious ....
I bet all of our F4 are still using same electronic as 50 years ago .... upgrading equipment is not in our Admins mind set ...

1- nothing
2- there is 3 problem :

0-> our Admins don't want to have strong air force ( because from begining of Islamic Republic , they didn't trust army and always feared coupe attempt from Army and Airforce ) so they don't want to fund the budget for this kind of purchase ....

0-> our Admins rather to spend the money for themselves and their 4500 children in UK and other western countries ....

0-> Russians don't want to sell their Su-30 to Iran with various reason ( They don't see Iran political system as an stable one , they see Iran as potential thread to them , Iran is under Arms embargo from UNSC , they don't want to lose their potential customer among Persian Gulf's southren Arabs )

1st off how many simple TV's from 50 years ago are still working? So aside from the absurdity of your comment according to Global Security that always underestimates Iran's capabilities at least 50 Iranian F-4's have been upgraded with Chinese radars & Avionics and the ability to carry PL-7 & PL-12's

Fact is Iranian F-4's wouldn't be able to carry various Iranian PGM unless they were upgraded!

As for the wealth of Iranian politicians if you have proof of wrong doing then show it or else how is that proof of anything!
Politicians of what major power live in poverty for you to expect Iranian politicians to do the same? In fact having top politicians that live in poverty would be a security risk for Iran!
Hi thanks for your reply alas my thoughts are it’s not related with the sanctions as you guys
Have recently received S-300 beside getting this russia is supplying you the the upgrade
Package for mig29
Thank you
Hi thanks for your reply alas my thoughts are it’s not related with the sanctions as you guys
Have recently received S-300 beside getting this russia is supplying you the the upgrade
Package for mig29
Thank you
Sanctions didn't include the S300 which is a defensive weapon. I'm not aware of any actual upgrade for Mig29.

nonetheless deputy chief commander of our army General Poordastan said purchase of Su30 was in their agenda and they reached an agreement with Russia, but 2231 resolution stopped the process.(thanks to some traitors in our negotiation team)
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Sanctions didn't include the S300 which is a defensive weapon. I'm not aware of any actual upgrade for Mig29.

nonetheless deputy chief commander of our army General Poordastan said purchase of Su30 was in their agenda and they reached an agreement with Russia, but 2231 resolution stopped the process.(thanks to some traitors in our negotiation team)
Hi thx for your reply my friend though it will be nice if you can put up some English link or may be some translation will be helpful in future
Thank you
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