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But we have not heard about the New craft introduction Steath or Conventional

7-8 Years would have been enough to copy F14 if Iran wanted with Russian Jet Engines
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Still shocked F14 could not be copied over last 20 years
Unexplained silence in Iran's local craft production

I read somehing about this issue in one of military.ir/forums years ago ...

its look like Our Air Force asked for Iran supreme Leader permission , to work on reverse engineering F14 but he advice them :"Its good but you should go for new indigenous design " ...

the result of new design is nothing ... ( except so called F313 and Borhan )

Probably our Air force generals didn't want to bother themselves with a great project like Reverse Engineering F14 and just used SL advice as an excuse to forsake the project ) ...
But we have not heard about the New craft introduction Steath or Conventional

7-8 Years would have been enough to copy F14 if Iran wanted with Russian Jet Engines
Can you imagine what would happen to an organization, if you cut 85% of their annual's budget?! it's the current situation in the defense ministry which is responsible for R&D.
The traitor Reformists don't allocate enough budget to finish the projects. our aviation and space projects all have been suspended or advance very slowly.
IRIAF rebuilding is too costly ... lives of our guys in Syria getting bombed by Jew jets are very cheap. This thread breaks my heart.
We need 120-200 new fighter jet to revive IRIAF , but no one sell it to us
Yes it will, just wait for the UN Sec Council sanctions to drop out. Do you really believe that if Iran go and ask to buy 120 Su - 35/30 fighters Russia will say no?
IRIAF rebuilding is too costly ... lives of our guys in Syria getting bombed by Jew jets are very cheap. This thread breaks my heart.

This government has not upgraded Iran's fighter fleet in 40 years!

And the cost wouldn't be too costly if the government had acted like a responsible government in the past 30 years by purchasing

4 Air Superiority fighters a year + 2 Multi Role fighters a year + 2 trainers a year + 1 Support Aircraft a year every year after the end of the Iran-Iraq war

And yes we were under sanctions but if every penny that should have gone towards purchasing those fighter had actually gone towards a domestic fighter program then we wouldn't be having this discussion today!
Yes it will, just wait for the UN Sec Council sanctions to drop out. Do you really believe that if Iran go and ask to buy 120 Su - 35/30 fighters Russia will say no?
well , they wasn't willingly to give S-300 to us , which we paid in advance and cash ... why you think Russia would sell Su-30 to Iran ....
Russia and Iran relation is getting worse day by day ...

This government has not upgraded Iran's fighter fleet in 40 years!
Hassan Rouhani was one of people which asked for disbanding Artesh and purging Air force after Nozeh Airbase incident .... when its come to defensive section , he is worst than all previous president of IRI .... ( although he is worst president in every damn field )
well , they wasn't willingly to give S-300 to us , which we paid in advance and cash ... why you think Russia would sell Su-30 to Iran ....
Russia and Iran relation is getting worse day by day ...

Hassan Rouhani was one of people which asked for disbanding Artesh and purging Air force after Nozeh Airbase incident .... when its come to defensive section , he is worst than all previous president of IRI .... ( although he is worst president in every damn field )

I can't disagree with you on Rohani's absolute incompetence when it comes to defense issues and in terms of the Economy he played most people!

I personally would have rather seen Ghalibof win but he didn't have a chance because he just didn't have the guts to move away from conservatives in terms of social issues!

Fact is most people voted for Rohani for social issues which he has done NOTHING about!

Iran reached it's peak in terms of military R&D during Khatami era with giant leaps being taken and finished products hitting production during Ahamdi and it's been down hill since Rohani took office!

Rohani will go down in history as the WORST Iranian president EVER followed by Ahamadi!
I can't disagree with you on Rohani's absolute incompetence when it comes to defense issues and in terms of the Economy he played most people!

I personally would have rather seen Ghalibof win but he didn't have a chance because he just didn't have the guts to move away from conservatives in terms of social issues!

Fact is most people voted for Rohani for social issues which he has done NOTHING about!

Iran reached it's peak in terms of military R&D during Khatami era with giant leaps being taken and finished products hitting production during Ahamdi and it's been down hill since Rohani took office!

Rohani will go down in history as the WORST Iranian president EVER followed by Ahamadi!

Guardian Council just approving old people which they think are good ...
after All , Ahmad Janati is 92 years old guy and he thinks only old guys are good ....
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People forget how much the Syrian war cost Iran....conservative estimates start at 30 billion and go to 100 billion in aid and expenses.

That amount drastically reduced Iran’s ability to enhance its armed forces in many areas since the ‘civil war’ broke out 8 years ago.

I mean in the last 3 years what major project has been unvieled? Emad warhead? Karrar Tank? There hasn’t been any major new project.

Add in the expenses that Israeli airstrikes have had on all those weapons Iran has attempted to transfer to Hezbollah and the costs could potentially mean Iran has spent years worth of its yearly military budget just to prop up and enhance its allies.
People forget how much the Syrian war cost Iran....conservative estimates start at 30 billion and go to 100 billion in aid and expenses.

That amount drastically reduced Iran’s ability to enhance its armed forces in many areas since the ‘civil war’ broke out 8 years ago.

I mean in the last 3 years what major project has been unvieled? Emad warhead? Karrar Tank? There hasn’t been any major new project.

Add in the expenses that Israeli airstrikes have had on all those weapons Iran has attempted to transfer to Hezbollah and the costs could potentially mean Iran has spent years worth of its yearly military budget just to prop up and enhance its allies.

Those numbers are preposterous, the latter is a good fraction of Iran's GDP. There is no way that much money left Iran without there being a major effect on the economy. Obviously Iran has invested billions into Syria, but it's not as if they don't expect serious economic gains when it comes to mediterranean access and post-conflict reconstruction. Regardless, even for purely strategic purposes Syria is basically the only thing that stands between Iran and Hezbollah, no Syria = no leverage over Israel = bad times for Iran.

Those are all major projects unveiled less than a year ago, you cannot expect new shiny weapon systems just because the last one was displayed a little while ago, in fact more has been unveiled in the past 3 years than there has been in the 5 years preceding. Iran has a problem with premature announcements, weapon systems unveiled that are still in development/prototyping stages for years to come. It is likely that Iran exhausted all of it's 'major projects' in the run up to last years presidential election. There are still likely multiple 'major projects' under development atm alongside existing ones such as Bavar or Karrar, but it's just too premature to unveil them.
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Those numbers are preposterous, the latter is a good fraction of Iran's GDP. There is no way that much money left Iran without there being a major effect on the economy. Obviously Iran has invested billions into Syria, but it's not as if they don't expect serious economic gains when it comes to mediterranean access and post-conflict reconstruction. Regardless, even for purely strategic purposes Syria is basically the only thing that stands between Iran and Hezbollah, no Syria = no leverage over Israel = bad times for Iran.

Those are all major projects unveiled less than a year ago, you cannot expect new shiny weapon systems just because the last one was displayed a little while ago, in fact more has been unveiled in the past 3 years than there has been in the 5 years preceding. Iran has a problem with premature announcements, weapon systems unveiled that are still in development/prototyping stages for years to come. It is likely that Iran exhausted all of it's 'major projects' in the run up to last years presidential election. There are still likely multiple 'major projects' under development atm alongside existing ones such as Bavar or Karrar, but it's just too premature to unveil them.

Syrian civil war started in 2010. If we say that Iran spent 60 billion so far.

60 billion divided by 8 years of war = ~7 Billion a year in aid/war expenses.

That is hardly a “preposterous” figure given that the war was viewed by the IRGC as existential to Iran’s long term surivival.

That cost includes aid given to Syria in terms of food, oil, gas, loans, weapons. As well as military cost of IRGC personell, Hezbollah, and Shiite militias and military bases/equipment.

In the recent Syria cruise missile attack by the US spent over $100 million dollars to lob some cruise missiles at Syria.

So yes, war is expensive even at the cost of production and cheaper labor that Iran has available to it.
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