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IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

Jesus, It's so painfully obvious how bias you are. I mean, "indicates a lack of confidence between the government and people". Seriosuly, Saudis will really jump through all kinds of mental gymnastics to avoid the truth and make up all kinds of nonsense. Obviously this is a show of force to GCC and U.S, and it helps that the public is reaffirmed that the Saudi sponsored terrorists are retaliated against.
Fine. But, you didn't get to the point which is why the launching was made inside the urban areas? They could have done it far away. The affirmation to the US and the GCC would have still been made if they have done it in the nowhere as every civilized nation does.

In my humble opinion, they just wanted to restore some lost confidence and trust by the Iranian people.
Fine. But, you didn't get to the point which is why the launching was made inside the urban areas? They could have done it far away. The affirmation to the US and the GCC would have still been made if they have done it in the nowhere as every civilized nation does.

I'm not sure why it was near a city, perhaps an airbase was just outside of it? It's not an uncommon sight.
I'm not sure why it was near a city, perhaps an airbase was just outside of it? It's not an uncommon sight.
I would buy it if it was some fighter jets flying over a city. But the IRGC does usually test its missiles in some deserts where no civilians can be annoyed with a noise or anything. Why launching was suddenly an exception? BTW, in 2004 I visited Vancouver in a very beautiful summer. I got to know what Iranians are from that time. Almost all of them were fiercely anti Islamic Republic. I used to think that Khomeni was beloved by Iranians. It was Canadian Iranians that taught me what the "hidden Iran" was.
Apparently a missile garrison on the other side of a mountain is in the middle of a city now, the sort pf mental gymnastics here is astounding.

There are plenty of mountains in Iran. There are safer ways of launching without frightening people unnecessarily.
I would buy it if it was some fighter jets flying over a city. But the IRGC does usually test its missiles in some deserts where no civilians can be annoyed with a noise or anything. Why launching was suddenly an exception? BTW, in 2004 I visited Vancouver in a very beautiful summer. I got to know what Iranians are from that time. Almost all of them were fiercely anti Islamic Republic. I used to think that Khomeni was beloved by Iranians. It was Canadian Iranians that taught me what the "hidden Iran" was.

Maybe some Iranian users can shed light on whether or not an airbase is near the city of Kermanshah, otherwise you are probably correct. Canadians in general are not very fond of Iran, probably because the media has been I think unfairly harsh on them, and sometimes report blatant lies. Canadians are not bad with Iranian people. I think it just the stuff we hear on the news presents Iran in a bad light, but I think Iranians are doing just fine here. I knew one in high school. Definitely anti-Islamic republic.
Maybe some Iranian users can shed light on whether or not an airbase is near the city of Kermanshah, otherwise you are probably correct. Canadians in general are not very fond of Iran, probably because the media has been I think unfairly harsh on them, and sometimes report blatant lies. Canadians are not bad with Iranian people. I think it just the stuff we hear on the news presents Iran in a bad light, but I think Iranians are doing just fine here. I knew one in high school. Definitely anti-Islamic republic.

Kermanshah has a missile base (Bakhtaran) which Iran has used before to fire missiles against foreign targets (MEK).

Everyone got their panties in a bunch seeing from the replies!
Well done Iran!
Everyone coming and spewing a new rhetoric or analysis shows that they are either in denial or just biased against Iran!
Trolls will be trolls!
Again well done!
Everyone got their panties in a bunch seeing from the replies!
Well done Iran!
Everyone coming and spewing a new rhetoric or analysis shows that they are either in denial or just biased against Iran!
Trolls will be trolls!
Again well done!

Well said!

Seriously, move on and stop trolling. All Western media are now saying Iran sent a clear message. We will strike far and deep.
Damn! it is unprecedented! it would be nice if we can see where the missile hit.
I would have a rough guess and say it is just for showing off to the local population that they have the means to retaliate (assuming the terror attacks in Tehran weren't an inside job which many Iranians think they are). This also indicates lack of confidence between the government and people, that they hardly believe the clergy government's statements unless millions see the action in their own eyes.

Great observation. One can imagine the fear that people of that city felt as they saw a missile take off.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rockets bombed in Almayadin city and <a href="https://twitter.com/DeirEzzor24">@DeirEzzor24</a> team didn&#39;t noticed any warplanes what means they would be the Iranian fired missiles <a href="https://t.co/t7aCtYXS8m">pic.twitter.com/t7aCtYXS8m</a></p>&mdash; Lucifuge Rofocale (@rofoca_lucifuge) <a href=" ">June 19, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Maybe this is the strike area?
The best strike option is to have accurate ballistic missiles ready for fire and human intelligence reports about target locations. It takes a maximum of 5 minuted from order to fire to actual strike. Even close aircraft for air support would need longer to strike any position not to talk about cruise missiles.
The time to target is as low as possible. It would be the optimal mean for a situation in which time critical information about target location (e.g a gathering) is available, but it lack re-targeting capability.

In the best scenario, Iran had time critical intel and selected a rather expensive asset such as the Zolfaghar.

Otherwise they just tested the Zolfaghar or a Fateh (313+) variant against static targets (better than against some mock targets inside Iran during a exercise).

There are good chances that Israelis and others provide post-strike satellite photos while the chances that Shahed-129 videos of the impacts being released are next to zero.

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