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IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

Indeed . One 650 kg HE warhead is enough for each terrorist camp .

If I'm not mistaken Iran uses a special kind of explosive that is made using a formula that yields much higher explosion forces compared to the regular HE warheads used by many countries in the world. Read it at IMF (Iranian military forum) a while back. The name was like Octagen or some thing like that.
I don't know about you guys but yesterdays missile attack reminded me of 1990s and 2000s Scud missile launches on MKO camps in Iraq!

The thing is nobody except the IRGC is certain about the number of missiles fired at that period!

I guess we will spend a lot of pages in this thread just to discuss the number of missiles launched yesterday!
I don't know about you guys but yesterdays missile attack reminded me of 1990s and 2000s Scud missile launches on MKO camps in Iraq!

The thing is nobody except the IRGC is certain about the number of missiles fired at that period!

I guess we will spend a lot of pages in this thread just to discuss the number of missiles launched yesterday!

It has to be more than 6, I feel 6 just is too small a number.

The Drone video shows a successful hit meaning Iran does indeed have a long reach (Nearly 700km with pin point accuracy is something only a few states have the capability for). Israel/Saudi/USA are now recalculating their assessments of Iran most likely.

Just kinda wish we gotta to see the big boys be fired off (Shahab, Qiam, Emad etc, etc...) that would have completely leveled those places, but the Zulfighar is more than enough.

Oh.... Thats a thing of beauty...
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That feeling of relief when you get the last laugh...
Too accurate for supposed " unguided mockup "

You can feel the butt hurt of the trolls already. Their army will invade this thread soon bashing Irans military a new one but this strike has proved Iran has the wherewithal to be just as competent militarily as very one else.

lol, man this is going to be fun!

Where's HannibalBarca?
on 5:11 this was place of impact

town was Al Mayadin
Somehow I feel buthurt because that missile didn't strike that building little bit to the north
Don't know but it seems the building just across the impact zone was of some importance mabe its just me don't know. Why would you hit the fucking open field!?
Don't know but it seems the building just across the impact zone was of some importance mabe its just me don't know. Why would you hit the fucking open field!?

The question you have to ask is how long ago was that picture you posted taken?

I could be wrong and one of the missiles might have landed a little off the target but damage from the Zulfighar creates a large crater meaning it could be used to destroy an underground base if it's shallow enough.
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