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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

@al-Hasani dont call me retard kid. iv been dealing with those rats and been into politics when you were still going to school with your lunch box.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI ok then as i said many times before. just wait and see. you guys talk too much.
you are already refugees dont you see it ? save this post. cuz one day il remind you of it.

I was referring to the leaders of Daesh and that kid. Also in general not to go full retard in the thread as we see the fruits of this.

Good old PDF.:rofl:
Saudi attempted suicide bomber arrested by Iraqi army before he detonated.
They interview him and will probably release him.... No shit the army is not effective, if it was asaib ahl al haq they would execute this guy.

@Rakan.SA @Mosamania

See this guy, he's a result of watching Wesal TV

I wouldn't be surprised, Everyone responsible for that TV channel or working for it should be treated as a terrorist.

listen the most honorable thing i can do in my life is to fight you and kill you all. unless you come back to islam. so of course there is no solution with me. thats the point you dumb ape

Maybe one day we will all be happy with the news of you stuffing yourself up with a bomb and dying in it in practice with other people who think like you. What are you still doing here? Why are you not with Daesh already? Go and rid us of your despicable mentality.
I wouldn't be surprised, Everyone responsible for that TV channel or working for it should be treated as a terrorist.

Maybe one day we will all be happy with the news of you stuffing yourself up with a bomb and dying in it in practice with other people who think like you. What are you still doing here? Why are you not with Daesh already? Go and rid us of your despicable mentality.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI don't thank my post, you are big of a sectarian as he is, but also you are racist as well to add to that. In my eyes you are all the same.
All sectarian and racist things I said because I couldn't stop my anger from what he said about us

And he deserve it

Yeah I lashed out because I was angry once and no body seems to want to make me forget it. However lashing out with the same only makes you exactly like him. Don't attack a whole group of people because of one, that is a form of injustice.
The only one supporting terrorism is saudi regime look at this. just the first few minutes.
They said IS is supported and created by US, Mossad, Turkey, Iran, Arab regimes and so on but it turns out IS destroyed all conspiracies. You already know the US part waging war since the Sahwat era and the Iranians is assisting Iraq (including fighting on ground).

I never understood why they claim Saudi Arabia is supporting them. They detest Saudi Arabia the most, they make takfeer and heavily critisized the House of Saud. They already had their sight on Saudi Arabia, the bombing of the border was to test them.

Also, after all the money spent on the expensive walls on the borders like the Chinese did to defend themselves from the Monghols. And theyre part of the Coalition Force and is supporting the Iraqi army so how on Earth morons like you believe the House of Saud is supporting them? You can say for the regular Saudis but not the Monarchies in the Gulf.

1) Neither Shias nor Kurds have 25.000 spare troops. All they have are now fighting on various fronts. In reality, they both lack manpower to cover the losses. Next to KIA and WIA, both Shias and Kurds suffer from draft dodgers.

2) IS gained ground in Anbar and Mosul lately.
What about Tikrit?
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They said IS is supported and created by US, Mossad, Turkey, Arab regimes and so on but it turns out IS destroyed all conspiracies. You already know the US part waging war since the Sahwat era.

I never understood why they claim Saudi Arabia is supporting them. They detest Saudi Arabia the most, they make takfeer and heavily critisized the House of Saud. They already had their sight on Saudi Arabia, the bombing of the border was to test them.

Also, after all the money spent on the expensive walls on the borders like the Chinese did to defend themselves from the Monghols. And theyre part of the Coalition Force and is supporting the Iraqi army so how on Earth morons like you believe the House of Saud is supporting them? You can say for the regular Saudis but not the Monarchies in the Gulf.

What about Tikrit?

What you are saying is considered blaspheme above what their meagre brains allow them to believe.
What you are saying is considered blaspheme above what their meagre brains allow them to believe.
I am not saying anything, just pointing out how IS views Saudi Arabia in their eyes because a lot of people believe they are allies.
I wouldn't be surprised, Everyone responsible for that TV channel or working for it should be treated as a terrorist.

Maybe one day we will all be happy with the news of you stuffing yourself up with a bomb and dying in it in practice with other people who think like you. What are you still doing here? Why are you not with Daesh already? Go and rid us of your despicable mentality.
im waiting to get my hands on you. fill your @$$ with C4 and send you to them. you islamophobic peace of sht.
ppl like you can only live their world on the internet. just to show you how stupid and low life you are and how brainwashed you are. now you think anyone who wants to fight iran and shia ia daesh!! dont try to be a smart @$$ and say " well i hate all sectarian fights " cuz it is one you dumb ape. shia from iran iraq syria and lebnanon have been doing what for the past few years ?! giving away nutella jars ?! you islamophobic nonreligious peace of sht are just as dirty as they are.

when you said "This is why the Muslim world can never take a joke. Morons abound" in a joke thread it really showed us what a low life scumbag you are. and that your problem is with islam. you cant admit it cuz you are afraid il find you report you and get you lashed like the ratshit you are in public streets.

as for wesal tv. you cant do sht about it. i simply dare you to make a public move against them. meaning say your openion and show us your face and name.

that channel, by the grace of Allah, made what no other military can do. not only did it convert shia back to islam in all countries including iran. but it also made some shia stand next to us in fighting their governments and imams.
governments couldnt do that. Allaho akbar and hamdulelah.
ppl like you who are munafiq need to be dealt with soon. ASAP.
you are a traitor a back stabber a munafiq and a low life islamophobic rat
و شكلك ما اتربيت و احب ما علي اربيك يا كلب يا واطي
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morons like you believe the House of Saud is supporting them?
Okay, I'm moron how about top American polititions admit that their allies in the region supporting isis how about some brits admit that.

You're the moron when you think you can deccieve me go get alive funky.
Yeah I lashed out because I was angry once and no body seems to want to make me forget it. However lashing out with the same only makes you exactly like him. Don't attack a whole group of people because of one, that is a form of injustice.
just to correct you. you islamophbic ratshit. you said " Don't attack a whole group of people because of one "
1.i never did that i was just talking generally i dont have time mention each person with his name.
2. i know shia ppl. we have no problem.
3. according to islam and laws of jihad. it means law of war for you. cuz i know you islamophobic rat dont understand what jihad means. we cant attack a whole group just cuz one person or even a million person. there are laws and they are 1000 times better than UN laws and your western masters.
4. i dont have to explain my self to you. but i did to show how dumb you are. and you can go fk yourself
oh and please i beg you dont report me plzzzzzzzz :sarcastic:
some shia and munafqeen here want to score some point against muslims and islam after what happened to the shaheed the jordanian pilot mouath.
like this egyption munafiq "Islam albuhairy" i cant beleive his first name is islam. but anyway for you munafqeen out there and shia if you understand arabic watch. and learn how dirty liers you are

that is Safa TV. Wesal's sister. and you want us to let ppl like you fabricate islam in front of the world! and stay quiet!
ppl like you must be exposed. feel free to feel like sht
Okay, I'm moron how about top American polititions admit that their allies in the region supporting isis how about some brits admit that.

You're the moron when you think you can deccieve me go get alive funky.
Speaking of what allies in the region? The governments around them are all supporting the coalition force and they are supporting your plastic army because they know IS is a threat to them.
@SALMAN AL-FARSI could you please stop making everythng about race and sects. Replying in the same manner makes you no different.

@Serpentine I don't get why rakan hasn't been banned yet. He's openly calling for mass murder and terrorism.
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