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I just turned on the TV on wesal channel and they're reporting about the international Islamic conference in Makkah talking against Isis and other Shia groups

@1000 you must feel dumb now

View attachment 195840

So when you report about something you support it ?
Ma'an Palestinian news reports about Israel, do they support Israel ?

Save me your logic.
@1000 @Malik Alashter
We will see you bedoo we will see who will prevail who will have the last to laugh you bedoo remember that..

who prevail ?! you ?! are you dumb ?! 100 million shia against 1.6 billion muslims ?! :omghaha::laughcry:

So when you report about something you support it ?
Ma'an Palestinian news reports about Israel, do they support Israel ?

Save me your logic.
well if you turn on your tv and watch the Channel for a few days and understand what the channel is about you would understand. but you dont have the mental capacity. you are so fragile a tv channel is destroying your religion. please dont forget SAFA tv and WESAL farsi haha

We will see you bedoo we will see who will prevail who will have the last to laugh you bedoo remember that..
im 10 times worse than ISIS when dealing with iranian rats and their dogs in the arab world.
as for wesal tv. you simply dont watch it. i dont have to defend wesal. you can turn on your channel now and watch it. they are simply reading your books and showing us videos of your imams. so you are either dumb or dumb.
listen the most honorable thing i can do in my life is to fight you and kill you all. unless you come back to islam. so of course there is no solution with me. thats the point you dumb ape
I am just going to tell you two words

Kol khara ya hawyan you and ibn tammyyia and abdulwahab
Daesh propaganda is spread and made not by Iraqis, by the entire region. It's the regional media ( Arab media ) that has spread a lot of propaganda creating new recruits, Wesal is just one of them and there's a video of a presentator praising ISIS, praising their suicide attack on civillians. Now i'm not just talking retard channels like Wesal, even Al Arabiya did not speak of 'ISIS' in Iraq, instead called the army Maliki forces and insisted on 'thuwaar al asair'. You don't see terror there cause it wasn't invaded there's no instability, once there's instability terror will come, it's everywhere in the muslim world where there is instability. Libya and Syria didn't have it either until instability came.

I don't know his age but I believe they should execute adult IS members.

Daesh in Iraq and Syria is completely led by locals. Most of their "army" is composed of local Iraqis and Syrians. They are operating in Iraq/Syria with significant support from locals - hence in some cases not even meeting any resistance despite locals being armed. For God's sake they control 1/3 of Iraq. Nobody has exported any violence to Iraq that was not there already. During Saddam's rule violence and bloodshed defined the way of life. Iraq was famous for being the most ruthless society in the ME. Blaming everyone else is silly.

Al-Arabiya is probably the most liberal Arab news channel. Major news channel. Pathetic to accuse them of supporting Daesh.

Syria was hardly a peaceful country. 50.000 people died during the 1980's in Syria. Hama Massacre etc.

Libya was hardly peaceful either. Involved in numerous wars with neighbors, Western bombings during Gaddafi's time, sanctions etc.

That's due to failed leaders not serving the people in their countries and letting them down. This does not happen in the GCC hence why such scenes are highly unlikely.

A blind man can see that he is barely 18 years old.

Daesh propaganda is spread and made not by Iraqis, by the entire region. It's the regional media ( Arab media ) that has spread a lot of propaganda creating new recruits, Wesal is just one of them and there's a video of a presentator praising ISIS, praising their suicide attack on civillians. Now i'm not just talking retard channels like Wesal, even Al Arabiya did not speak of 'ISIS' in Iraq, instead called the army Maliki forces and insisted on 'thuwaar al asair'. You don't see terror there cause it wasn't invaded there's no instability, once there's instability terror will come, it's everywhere in the muslim world where there is instability. Libya and Syria didn't have it either until instability came.
The only one supporting terrorism is saudi regime look at this. just the first few minutes.
@1000 @Malik Alashter

who prevail ?! you ?! are you dumb ?! 100 million shia against 1.6 billion muslims ?! :omghaha::laughcry:

well if you turn on your tv and watch the Channel for a few days and understand what the channel is about you would understand. but you dont have the mental capacity. you are so fragile a tv channel is destroying your religion. please dont forget SAFA tv and WESAL farsi haha


Listen animal don't bring the shia and sunni to this

The shia are more than 400 millions

You are wahhabi apes are minority that's why the sunni countries are fighting against you so don't act that you are majority :lol::rofl:

Beside we are not going to win because we are majority but becuase we are right if you want it minority vs majority
Remember the Muslims were minority before

That's why 6 million jews have been crushing for 70 years :lol:

:cray: you hurt my feelings... so mean :sarcastic:
No I didn't hurt your feelings wahhabi bediuans who live in tents and chasing a lizard for launch have no feeling if they are human you begin with:lol:

That's your grandfather he is ape like the most of the wahhabi bediuans:lol::rofl:
Listen animal don't bring the shia and sunni to this

The shia are more than 400 millions

You are wahhabi apes are minority that's why the sunni countries are fighting against you so don't act that you are majority :lol::rofl:

Beside we are not going to win because we are majority but becuase we are right if you want it minority vs majority
Remember the Muslims were minority before

That's why 6 million jews have been crushing for 70 years :lol:
Guess what they are very mad because too many Sunnis converted to Shea I'm waiting on Egypt that nation will be a Shea country soon they just fed up with the Sunni version.


@al-Hasani dont call me retard kid. iv been dealing with those rats and been into politics when you were still going to school with your lunch box.

@SALMAN AL-FARSI ok then as i said many times before. just wait and see. you guys talk too much.
you are already refugees dont you see it ? save this post. cuz one day il remind you of it.
For instance look at Basra. It has the potential to be another Qatar but people live in misery, full of trash everywhere, all officials are extremely corrupt, few investments are made, few new infrastructure built etc. all while being peaceful for years. That's called letting your people down. Second biggest city in Iraq. Richest area of Iraq in terms of resources.
The situation is even worse in many other areas of Iraq. All this while Iraq is full of oil and gas. Local leaders are to be blamed. The mentality of people etc. Their sectarianism etc. A healthy society will not collapse in such a fashion. Same is happening in Syria as that society was never healthy either.


There are not 400 million Shias. Shia's form around approximately 15-10% of the 1.6-1.7 billion Muslims. There are for instance almost zero Shia's in Africa, South East Asia, Central Asia etc.

The only 3 majority Shia countries in the world are 9 million big Azerbaijan (highly secular with a sizable Sunni Muslim minority), Iraq (60% or so) and Iran. Bahrain is 50-50 nowadays and besides the population there is 1.5 million or so.

There won't be any major wars either. If people really wanted to kill each other there would not be 2-3 million Shias in KSA anymore, Zaydis in Yemen or Shias anywhere outside of Azerbaijan, Iraq and Iran.


LOL, that photo has nothing to do with KSA. It's some strange Afro-Arab. Bedouins form less than 0,5% of the population. Bedouins sure as hell don't look like that. They are Caucasian people. Even those that intermarried with Africans retain their Caucasian/ME features. Don't make me laugh.
100 years ago there were as many "Bedouins" in Iraq as in KSA. Goes for most of the ME.

People from Southern Iraq and Najd are basically the same people too.:lol:

التوزع السكاني[عدل]

الوضع عام 1867 م[عدل]
كان عدد سكان العراق عام 1867م وفقاً للدكتور محمد سلمان حسن في بحث نشره معهد الإحصاء في جامعة أكسفورد لا يتجاوز المليون وربع إلا قليلاً[7][8] أما فئات السكان الثلاث فكانت نسبتهم كما يلي:

  • القبائل البدوية: 35% من مجموع السكان.
  • القبائل الريفية: 41% من مجموع السكان.
  • أهل المدن: 24% من مجموع السكان.[9][10]

Bedouins back then just meant people who moved frequently anyway. There were hardly any true Bedouins back then. Bedouins are Caucasian people and one of the oldest peoples in the world. They were/are talented poets, musicians, their hospitality is second to none and they formed the backbone of some of the largest empires the world has seen.

Rather have 0,5-1% Bedouins than a similar number of Gypsies;

Gypsies in Iraq performing dances;

Here you have an Iraqi Afro-Arab from Kut (playing for the Iraqi national football team) that has similar features.

Both those two look like Dravidians, lol. Only idiots believe that the average person looks like that. It's less than 1%. It's due to the Arab slave trade or recent arrivals. South Asians were imported to the ME too to work in plantations in Southern Iraq and Eastern Arabia. Well-documented. Only takes a Southern Indian and a Black African to marry each other and you will have people who look this exotic/strange. No offense to them.
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