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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

How can they "annihilate" 350 million Sunni Arabs in the MENA region and 50 million Sunni Muslim Turks? Where does Turkey stand in all this in your opinion? Because GCC and Turkey are in the same camp when it comes to Syria. Both also don't want to see marginalization of Sunni Arabs and Sunni Turkmens in Iraq.

I don't know if you support or sympathize with Daesh but know one thing - their presence is by no means an advantage for anyone other than Mullah's, Kurds and Al-Assad.

You and we abandoned them. IS hugged them. Now you want to destroy them in order to open space for Persian expansionism.

It is safe to assume that Iraq is an occupied state!
However, what i don't agree with this sect. is that they start brainwash at early age.

Iraq has been occupied since 2003. Bush selected Maliki despite the opposition from US military command. They planned this sectarian war long way back during 1970's, when they installed Saddam.

Click on the photo to see it's origin. It's from a rally in Iraq.


People wave Iraqi and Palestine flags as they mark Quds Day or Jerusalem Day in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.


An Iraqi man waves Iraqi and Palestinian flags as he marks Quds Day or Jerusalem Day in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.


Children wave Palestinian flags and hold posters of the late Iraqi Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim and the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.


People wave Iraqi and Palestinian flags as they mark Quds Day or Jerusalem Day in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.

Al Quds Day 2011 Worldwide Solidarity with Palestine – in pictures | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Palestinian rally = posters of Mullah's from Iran?:crazy:

Anyway the Iraqi Shia Arabs in the South can engulf themselves in Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense and have those fake wannabe Arab Mullah's portraits in their bathrooms as well.

Anyway keep ignoring it if that is the future you want to see. Even respected Iraqi Shia Arab clerics (from real Sadah families unlike the Kashmiri and Azeri) agree with my views on this front.

It's a very disturbing sight that should not be tolerated by sane Iraqis. Anyway I am out.

And USA also installed Khomeini. Secular Persian Kingdom had no desire to mess with middleastern politics.

USA installed both Khomeini and Saddam at the same time. Since then, sectarian war continues.

I dont like the way it goes for Sunni bloc in ME, besides Sunnis are not numerous in ME as you claim.
You and we abandoned them. IS hugged them. Now you want to destroy them in order to open space for Persian expansionism.

Iraq has been occupied since 2003. Bush selected Maliki despite the opposition from US military command. They planned this sectarian war long way back during 1970's, when they installed Saddam.

Well, I don't disagree with that. All I am saying is that Daesh is not the solution by any means.

Sectarian tensions on either a ethnic, sectarian or tribal basis has existed since modern-day Iraq was founded and long before that as well.

Most of the Arab tribes in Southern Iraq are fairly recent converts to Shia Islam too. Their cousins in Western, Northern Iraq are for instance not Shia. Neither their cousins in Saudi Arabia where many of them came from (Najd).


And USA also installed Khomeini. Secular Persian Kingdom had no desire to mess with middleastern politics.

USA installed both Khomeini and Saddam at the same time. Since then, sectarian war continues.

I dont like the way it goes for Sunni bloc in ME, besides Sunnis are not numerous in ME as you claim.

Well, we know that. After all he was living in exile in France. Nobody was bothering him. Not sure if anyone installed Saddam though. The Ba'ath party already took the power long before he became relevant. He got the power due to being connected with people in power. For instance Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr (his cousin) was the Iraqi president from 1968-1979. Ba'ath Party president.

There is no Sunni bloc because unlike the small number of Shias we have not been forced to unite. Shias are united because they have no other choice. History shows this and their numbers and power explains it as well.

Anyway I agree that it must change but supporting Daesh is not going to change that. Just make it worse.

I was talking about the MENA region as a whole. ME is just 1 region in the overall MENA region.

Let me once again state that Shias are not a problem. The Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense and the Farsi Mullah regime are.
While many have thought that Saddam first became involved with U.S. intelligence agencies at the start of the September 1980 Iran-Iraq war, his first contacts with U.S. officials date back to 1959, when he was part of a CIA-authorized six-man squad tasked with assassinating then Iraqi Prime Minister Gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim.

Saddam Key in Early CIA Plot

Engdahl quotes Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as blaming not the British but the Americans for his overthrow.

I did not know it then – perhaps I did not want to know – but it is clear to me now that the Americans wanted me out. Clearly this is what the human rights advocates in the State Department wanted … What was I to make of the Administration's sudden decision to call former Under Secretary of State George Ball to the White House as an adviser on Iran? … Ball was among those Americans who wanted to abandon me and ultimately my country.[12]

Iraq has been occupied since 2003. Bush selected Maliki despite the opposition from US military command. They planned this sectarian war long way back during 1970's, when they installed Saddam.

It is obvious... even blinds could see this.
Maliki also publically shared a secret of his belief, that 'it is not necessary to face ka'baa' while praying.
ISIS terrorists, do not turn their face to 'ka'baa' while they pray.
It is obvious... even blinds could see this.
Maliki also publically shared a secret of his belief, that 'it is not necessary to face ka'baa' while praying.
ISIS terrorists, do not turn their face to 'ka'baa' while they pray.
When did he do that
Click on the photo to see it's origin. It's from a rally in Iraq.


People wave Iraqi and Palestine flags as they mark Quds Day or Jerusalem Day in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.


An Iraqi man waves Iraqi and Palestinian flags as he marks Quds Day or Jerusalem Day in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.


Children wave Palestinian flags and hold posters of the late Iraqi Ayatollah Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim and the late Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.


People wave Iraqi and Palestinian flags as they mark Quds Day or Jerusalem Day in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 26, 2011.

Al Quds Day 2011 Worldwide Solidarity with Palestine – in pictures | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Palestinian rally = posters of Mullah's from Iran?:crazy:

Anyway the Iraqi Shia Arabs in the South can engulf themselves in Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense and have those fake wannabe Arab Mullah's portraits in their bathrooms as well.

Anyway keep ignoring it if that is the future you want to see. Even respected Iraqi Shia Arab clerics (from real Sadah families unlike the Kashmiri and Azeri) agree with my views on this front.

It's a very disturbing sight that should not be tolerated by sane Iraqis. Anyway I am out.

Posters are no problem for anyone. When there's a war going on posters are the last thing to worry about.

Solution was discussed in Riyadh ~2 days ago by the world military leaders involved in ISIS strikes, they ( including Gulf leader themselves ) agreed on the plan to strengthen state controlled forces, the same approach they took after 2006.

read my post
Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions | Page 82
Posters are no problem for anyone. When there's a war going on posters are the last thing to worry about.

Solution was discussed in Riyadh ~2 days ago by the world military leaders involved in ISIS strikes, they ( including Gulf leader themselves ) agreed on the plan to strengthen state controlled forces, the same approach they took after 2006.

read my post
Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions | Page 82

It's not about the posters alone. It is about the growing Iranian (read the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime) influence in Southern Iraq. Only gullible people believe that they truly care about the average impoverished Iraqi Shia Arab that they have nothing in common with other than sect. Which they also look down upon, especially the non-religious classes in Iran, which are in the majority contrary to what the Mullah fanboys want us to believe on PDF. Just look how they treat their own Iranian Arab population which are identical to those in Southern Iraq.

In fact Southern Iraq is flooded by crappy Iranian cars (accidents waiting to happen) and cheap crappy products that kill any local production. It's about large parts of the Iraqi Shia Arab community starting to become more loyal to a foreign state (Mullah Iran) than their own. About an increasing numbers of Iraqi Shia Arabs using the Kashmiri and Azeri as their profile pictures on social media. Of important Iraqi Mullah's being controlled by Iran and pressured to swear allegiance. About militia groups controlled by Iran that function outside of the state. Increasing Islamism etc.

KSA is not a Gulf country. It should be called Eastern Arabian states anyway.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The solution lies in the hands of Iraqis themselves regardless of sect, ethnicity etc.

The problem which I have talked about for years, is that there is no real cooperation in the ME or brotherhood. The retards ruling those countries are incompetent by large and part of the problem.
Give me a favor and don't post from the Hebrew channel

You know this saudi Zionist channel is anti iraq and iran and Syria and pro israel and al saud

He said Karbala should be the place for all Muslims to meet and understand each other

And not place we face when we pray

But there are many donkyies who thier brains can't work or closed

Who can't understand

The biggest Zionist in the region is Iran. A country that has never attacked Israel with even 1 Iranian soldier. The only thing they have been able to do since 1979 has been to use gullible Shia Arabs like you to do their dirty work in Southern Lebanon and Southern Iraq. You must be proud of this huge achievement. Meanwhile illegal settlements in the West Bank increase.

Formerly the closest ally of the Zionists, Zionists supported your beloved Mullah's during the Iraq-Iran war and the biggest Zionist community in the ME is found in Iran outside of Israel. Iran is also home to the highest amount of Zionist fanboys in the ME.

Quit this comedy. No Muslim country is going to do anything to Israel. Palestinians are on their own. They know it themselves too.

The retards (because that is what the traitor, coward and retard Al-Maliki was and is) words can clearly be seen by opening Youtube and making a quick google search.

Al-Arabiya is based in UAE and owned by MBC the biggest news network in the Muslim world.

Middle East Broadcasting Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Give me a favor and don't post from the Hebrew channel

You know this saudi Zionist channel is anti iraq and iran and Syria and pro israel and al saud

He said Karbala should be the place for all Muslims to meet and understand each other

And not place we face when we pray

But there are many donkyies who thier brains can't work or closed

Who can't understand

Whatever you post from internet is non zionist and whatever others post is zionist?
Have your brain fixed :/
Why should Muslims of world give preference to Karbala over Ka'ba
The biggest Zionist in the region is Iran. A country that has never attacked Israel with even 1 Iranian soldier. The only thing they have been able to do since 1979 has been to use gullible Shia Arabs like you to do their dirty work in Southern Lebanon and Southern Iraq. You must be proud of this huge achievement. Meanwhile illegal settlements in the West Bank increase.

Formerly the closest ally of the Zionists, Zionists supported your beloved Mullah's during the Iraq-Iran war and the biggest Zionist community in the ME is found in Iran outside of Israel. Iran is also home to the highest amount of Zionist fanboys in the ME.

Quit this comedy. No Muslim country is going to do anything to Israel. Palestinians are on their own. They know it themselves too.

The retards (because that is what the traitor, coward and retard Al-Maliki was and is) words can clearly be seen by opening Youtube and making a quick google search.

Al-Arabiya is based in UAE and owned by MBC the biggest news network in the Muslim world.

Middle East Broadcasting Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What this have to do with what I said??

Yes you can't deny al abriyia and their lies against Iraq iran and Syria

These dogs in their channel say the state of israel and not the Zionist entity

Palestine is arab sunni problem not iranian persian problem

Maybe you going to tell me let iran meddling in palestinan issue then I would say I am not iranian offical if I was I would stop meddling in Palestine issue

You insult Sunni Islamists on PDF all the time but the reality is that you yourself are a Shia Islamist. You care more about ideology than you care about your own supposed country (countries) which are Iraq and Lebanon if I am not wrong.
If you did you would agree with the facts that I have written in the past few posts which even respected Iraqi Shia Arab clerics (from genuine Sadah families) also agree with and openly speak about.

That's because you like many other "foot soldiers" have been brainwashed by the many retarded clerics and leaders in the MENA region.

Instaed of being interested in progress in Iraq, Lebanon, on improving relations with fellow Arabs that always will live around you and that you share almost everything with, trying to make friends whenever possible and improve on all categorizes you are stranded in some absurd ideological/religious battle.

Taking the side of foreigners over your own flesh and blood despite most of those foreigners looking down upon/being hostile against you solely because of your origin.

Iraq on its own should be a strong and independent country. Not the backyard of rabid Mullah's based in Tehran and Qom who are more concerned about achieving hegemony and using religion as the fuel than anything else.

Now, don't say that I am wrong. I don't know if you are as young as me but hopefully you will wake up one day.

You are a fellow Arab so regardless of your opinions you are a brother. What I am writing is not to annoy you or anything.

I have zero problems with Shias. Or Shia Islam. Aside from some minor religious disagreements like every other Sunni Muslim. My problem is the Farsi regime and what they are doing in the Arab world. What they do in Afghanistan or Tajikistan among their "brothers and sisters" there is not my concern.

Anyway let us return to the topic.
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