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Children of Al Baghdadi in Anbar curse ISIS after Iraqi army/Popular mobilization forces retook it

Some have not eaten for 15 days, end of the video adults ask for Ayatollah Sistani to call on more volunteers to head to Anbar

@Mosamania well another video showing PMF rescuing Sunnis from ISIS, hear it from kids, kids don't lie under such situations. Better than bullshit from twitter or AJ.

I don't know what Mosab have written but being against Mullah sponsored Shia militias that act independently and which have committed war crimes too as independent sources have confirmed is not being pro-Daesh.

Face it. Large parts of Iraq's military and political scene (Shia Islamists are dominating) is under influence of the Mullah's in Iran. Which fair to say are the enemies of the Arab world in particular neighboring GCC.

Also many of such videos have a clear agenda. Often what would be called propaganda in the West. Necessary though to raise the morals.

I don't think that any sane person is doubting that living under Daesh is horrible and that 99% of all locals are happy that they are gone. I just don't think that the locals in Anbar want Shia militias to take their please for instance.
I don't know what Mosab have written but being against Mullah sponsored Shia militias that act independently and which have committed war crimes too as independent sources have confirmed is not being pro-Daesh.

Face it. Large parts of Iraq's military and political scene (Shia Islamists are dominating) is under influence of the Mullah's in Iran. Which fair to say are the enemies of the Arab world in particular neighboring GCC.

Also many of such videos have a clear agenda. Often what would be called propaganda in the West. Necessary though to raise the morals.

I don't think that any sane person is doubting that living under Daesh is horrible and that 99% of all locals are happy that they are gone. I just don't think that the locals in Anbar want Shia militias to take their please for instance.

I don't say he is pro ISIS.

All I say is that PMF ( militia's) and Hadi al Ameri are no terrorists but rather the opposite. That is confirmed by the video I posted, people who reject that statement are either foreigners with their own agenda ( you, mosa, etc. ) or locals that support IS.

As for Khamenei posters, I don't think it's real. Look at this picture, same kind of photoshop as the other pic with Palestine hotel.
When I was getting a haircut I spoke to this Maslawi barber who comes from a rich background and used to be in the communist party. A hizb that I respect alot. He told me that his brother in Mosul who is very religious doesn't even dare to visit the mosque as IS are trying to forcible recruit people. He said that they don't want IS there but in the same time they don't want shia militias to come invade them, we have seen their attrocities and what they have done to local sunnis. They're feeling stuck and don't know what to do or what will happen to them, both if IS stays in control or if "Iraq" regains the city. They want neither. I asked him if 3 seperate states would solve this, he said no, they would end up like Palestine. Didn't really understand him there but they are in a complicated situation.
When I was getting a haircut I spoke to this Maslawi barber who comes from a rich background and used to be in the communist party. A hizb that I respect alot. He told me that his brother in Mosul who is very religious doesn't even dare to visit the mosque as IS are trying to forcible recruit people. He said that they don't want IS there but in the same time they don't want shia militias to come invade them, we have seen their attrocities and what they have done to local sunnis. They're feeling stuck and don't know what to do or what will happen to them, both if IS stays in control or if "Iraq" regains the city. They want neither. I asked him if 3 seperate states would solve this, he said no, they would end up like Palestine. Didn't really understand him there but they are in a complicated situation.

I don't understand all the stuff with the Shia groups, I didn't see any crime but propaganda.

Here you see crimes done by ISIS being used as 'Shia killing Sunni citizens', see how many are being proven wrong. A lot of lies go around.
Tweets about #IraqiSunnisClaim hashtag on Twitter

All kinds of lies about 'Al Majoos', one picture with a crime from Los Zetas saying that Shia killd a Sunni for having then name 'Omar'.

Meanwhile I got a video of IA fighting ISIS where 1 soldier is named Omar as the other soldier called him that..

Many of those Shia militias are regarded as terrorists in the ME and Western world. Many of those Shia militias have killed innocents, burned down villages, houses, looted homes etc. Look at their sponsor. Enough said.

Abu Deraa and other war criminals from the civil war back in 2006-2007 are involved on the ground. Hadi Al-Amiri himself is no angel and is responsible for many deaths of innocent Iraqis. Not sure how you can deny this.

You are unable to look at this in the wider picture because all you care about is getting rid of Daesh. If Peshmerga, Israel, USA or Qatar were doing this job you would have supported them too unconditionally.

Many of those "Iranian" volunteers are Shia Arabs. The same Arabs that face a lot of discrimination in Iran like most other minorities. You can research this topic on your own.

Iraq is not foreign to me nor do I have an agenda. I criticize Saddam, involvement of the Arab world in Iraq, international powers, regimes, clerics, Iran's role, Daesh, Shia militias etc.

My main concern is the prosperity and progress of the Arab world. Today the priority should be to establish peace.

Being a vocal critic of the toxic meddling of Farsi Mullah's in certain Arab countries which is a valid criticism and concern does not mean that I have a sinister agenda. As you can see I call for unity between Arabs nor do I have a problem with Shia Islam or Shias.
I don't understand all the stuff with the Shia groups, I didn't see any crime but propaganda.

Here you see crimes done by ISIS being used as 'Shia killing Sunni citizens', see how many are being proven wrong. A lot of lies go around.
Tweets about #IraqiSunnisClaim hashtag on Twitter

All kinds of lies about 'Al Majoos', one picture with a crime from Los Zetas saying that Shia killd a Sunni for having then name 'Omar'.

Meanwhile I got a video of IA fighting ISIS where 1 soldier is named Omar as the other soldier called him that..

there is alot of evidence actually, been posted here b4 but blind eye turned on, alot more on the interent. remember the documentary on jalawla and how the shia militia proudly said they executed 100 "collaborators"

Look at the background of many of the political leaders in Iraq. Including many of the "clerics" that are leading some of the biggest political parties in Iraq (obviously all Shia Islamist parties).

They receive political, financial, "spiritual" support from the Mullah's, many of them escaped to Iran and some of them even fought for Iran against their own country during the Iraq-Iran war. Moreover many are more loyal to the Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense than their own country. Those figures have millions upon millions of supporters among Iraqi Shia Arabs.

You think this is about some ammunition, that Iranian Mullah fool that loves to be photographed everywhere or Farsi pilgrims to Najaf and Karbala? Look at the wider picture and were Iraq is turning towards.

A person like Al-Maliki is 100% in the pockets of the Mullah's. Iraqi Sunni Arabs will never trust his likes. Them not liking this kind of Iraq does not mean that they are traitors or working for foreign agendas like many Shia Arabs want to believe. It's much, much more complex than this. Even if they were they are not any different to many Iraqi Shia Arabs.

Therein lies the whole problem. Iraq should not look towards outsiders but inwards as Iraq can become a regional power of its own again. The Arab world and ME needs a powerful Iraq as a counterbalance. A strong Iraq is crucial for the stability of the region.

Don't believe me? Ask any Shia Arab that actually lives in Iraq and who is not a Mullah fanboy. Most Iraqi patriots are of the exact same opinion like me. Just lime most of the enlightened Shia Arabs are.

Including the clerics.

I don't say he is pro ISIS.

All I say is that PMF ( militia's) and Hadi al Ameri are no terrorists but rather the opposite. That is confirmed by the video I posted, people who reject that statement are either foreigners with their own agenda ( you, mosa, etc. ) or locals that support IS.

As for Khamenei posters, I don't think it's real. Look at this picture, same kind of photoshop as the other pic with Palestine hotel.







Unfortunately Muslims haven't learned enough yet. They still have laid back nationalist mindset. They don't understand what they're going through. Many are expecting an end to violence and getting back to normal life. Sorry but this is not case, we are in stage of desperation, there is an active struggle. Nobody is living a 'normal life', we are all suffering from infighting or occupation or dictatorship. Our mindset needs to change to one of survival where we work together under Pan-Islamist foundation and work to build up what we need in order to take the next step for self determination.

I guess we still need more civil war, more suffering to get people to realize that. At one point we will, and that's when good tidings will arrive for us.

Many of those Shia militias are regarded as terrorists in the ME and Western world. Many of those Shia militias have killed innocents, burned down villages, houses, looted homes etc. Look at their sponsor. Enough said.

You are unable to look at this in the wider picture because all you care about is getting rid of Daesh. If Peshmerga, Israel, USA or Qatar were doing this job you would have supported them too.

Many of those "Iranian" volunteers are Shia Arabs. The same Arabs that face a lot of discrimination in Iran like most other minorities. You can research this topic on your own.

Iraq is not foreign to me nor do I have an agenda. I criticize Saddam, involvement of the Arab world in Iraq, international powers, regimes, clerics, Iran's role, Daesh, Shia militias etc.

My main concern is the prosperity and progress of the Arab world. Today the priority should be to establish peace.

ME and the west list groups as terror organisations when they don't suit them. You can see the same happening with the MB.

You're right ISIS is a priority for me. Sahwat, Christian groups, PMF they should all be armed if they fight the terrorists. Every group will have a small number of extremists who will commit crimes but to say that it's on the scale of an entire group or large numbers is nothing but the same lies spread on twitter.

there is alot of evidence actually, been posted here b4 but blind eye turned on, alot more on the interent. remember the documentary on jalawla and how the shia militia proudly said they executed 100 "collaborators"
I've seen it all, nothing but lies that can be shown wrong.

As for executions, I fully support them in getting rid of ISIS sleeper cells, fifth columnists. The gov is soft, they catch terrorists, interview them and release them. Instead we should learn from Europe, they executed spies as well. Al-Bu ajeel tribe which took part in the Tikrit massacre should be removed from earth, they're ISIS as well.

The posters, mainly for recruitment. Anyway I don't care about that either, posters are the last thing to worry about. Maybe you'll find a more religious Sunni that will go full retard seeing this though doesn't bother me that much.
ME and the west list groups as terror organisations when they don't suit them. You can see the same happening with the MB.

You're right ISIS is a priority for me. Sahwat, Christian groups, PMF they should all be armed if they fight the terrorists. Every group will have a small number of extremists who will commit crimes but to say that it's on the scale of an entire group or large numbers is nothing but the same lies spread on twitter.

True but as I wrote then those militias are not angels by any means nor are many of their commanders that. A quick research will confirm this.

Now, as I also wrote months ago then fighting Daesh is the top priority indeed. Look, I would support Israel and everyone else instead of Daesh. You should not forget the wider picture though.

I never claimed that it was widespread I just said that independent sources have confirmed war crimes done by Shia militias involved in the fighting against Daesh. That's all. For more information about this topic see my post 1292 and especially the part that I have marked. That's basically what I want you to understand here.

Besides I believe that the Iraqi army should be doing such work in a perfect world. No non-state actors.








What has Iraq turned into? Embarrassing. Have some self-respect and pride for God's sake. You only see such scenes in Wilayat al-Faqih infested areas in the ME. This is much more than just some posters.

Do people in Turkey, GCC or Egypt pollute public room with posters of foreign head of states, moreover posters of a former head of state (Khomeini) that killed 300.000 Iraqis? I would tear it down but locals would probably kill me for it, lol.


Do such scenes not bother you as an Iraqi nationalist and non-Shia Twelver Islamist/Wilayat al-Faqih fanboy?

I know what you're talking about, but that is no issue. As top military leaders agreed on a couple of days ago they will be strengthening state forces to repeat the same as in 2006-2008, the removal of non state acting forces once ISIS is dealt with.

Now all this anti Shi'a propaganda serves no one but ISIL, anyway you have your opinion I have mine.

I know what you're talking about, but that is no issue. As top military leaders agreed on a couple of days ago they will be strengthening state forces to repeat the same as in 2006-2008, the removal of non state acting forces once ISIS is dealt with.

Now all this anti Shi'a propaganda serves no one but ISIL, anyway you have your opinion I have mine.

What do you mean with it not being an issue? Don't you see the rise of Iranian Mullah sponsored Shia Islamist parties in Iraq and the political and social consequences of this?
The growing and destructive influence of the Iranian Mullah's and their Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense which is eroding traditional Arab Shia Islam? I might not be a Shia Muslim myself but I am very familiar with Shia Islam, leading Arab Shia clerics from Yemen, KSA, Lebanon, Iraq, their political parties, agenda, supporters etc.

I already admitted that asymmetric militias work well against Daesh and that religiously motivated people fight better than the largely untrained Iraqi army.

Which anti-Shia propaganda? I have not done any anti-Shia propaganda. I am against the Iranian Mullah's for obvious reasons (as are most Arabs and Sunni Muslims and millions upon millions of Iraqis (Sunni and Shia), and the Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense. I got no problem with Shia Islam or Shias. Outside of disagreeing with elements of their teaching like every other Sunni Muslim.

People in the Arab world need to distinguish between ordinary Shias and then Wilayat al-Faqih Shias. Two world's apart. The ordinary Arab Sunnis and Shias should have no problems with each other whether in Iraq or elsewhere in the Arab world.


Haidar Sumeri‏@SumerRising
#Iraq; The involvement of Albu Ajeel and Albu Nasir tribes in the massacre, among other Tikriti tribes is a known
  1. Haidar Sumeri ‏@SumerRising Feb 12
    #Iraq; The fate of these tribesmen will be worse than that of #ISIS members. These tribes turned on their country, on their supposed people

Some fanatical Iraqi Shia Arab Islamist living in the UK (probably) writing bullshit and collecting his welfare. Just read some of his recent tweets, lol. Or look at his avatar. Another brainwashed sheep.

It's probably him below when younger;

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