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Children of Al Baghdadi in Anbar curse ISIS after Iraqi army/Popular mobilization forces retook it

Some have not eaten for 15 days, end of the video adults ask for Ayatollah Sistani to call on more volunteers to head to Anbar

@Mosamania well another video showing PMF rescuing Sunnis from ISIS, hear it from kids, kids don't lie under such situations. Better than bullshit from twitter or AJ.

Again, this has the stink of propaganda written all over it, if it these videos you use as sources then I feel sorry for you.
I always said that US has spread borders of iran from China to SaudiArabia.
I suggest people should think why?






I don't understand all the stuff with the Shia groups, I didn't see any crime but propaganda.

Here you see crimes done by ISIS being used as 'Shia killing Sunni citizens', see how many are being proven wrong. A lot of lies go around.
Tweets about #IraqiSunnisClaim hashtag on Twitter

All kinds of lies about 'Al Majoos', one picture with a crime from Los Zetas saying that Shia killd a Sunni for having then name 'Omar'.

Meanwhile I got a video of IA fighting ISIS where 1 soldier is named Omar as the other soldier called him that..

Shia militias are the Shia version of ISIS, don't try to sugar coat it, I know some might not be into committing revenge massacres but many in them do. When the it becomes a crime to be a practising Sunni punishable by death then excuse me if I don't see these beloved Shia groups of yours are nothing but ISIS-like gangs which they are.
some Pakistanis also copy these black turbans.... now i can understand, what kind of people they are!
I have always seen, these black coat mulla always organize evening gathering, where kids and women presence is must.

Again, this has the stink of propaganda written all over it, if it these videos you use as sources then I feel sorry for you.

Nope it's true.

IS burnt people alive in Baghdadi, US Apaches refused to give support to non army fighters ( locals ), PMF along with army came in to clear it. Anyway it doesn't matter what I bring you, you view this in the perspective of a Saudi, for you anything a bit friendly to Iran is terrorist. I however view this in the perspective of Iraq with it's own interests, which is defeating IS.

Let's return to news instead, too much arguing nothing comes out of it.
I personally know a few of people in the PMF. The idea that the Wilayat al faqih will be imported to iraq is ludicrous. A civil state is a done deal in Iraq. As for pictures and flags, I personally understand that some peope may not be alright with it. But what exactly is it to you. Najaf is a 100% Shia province with the exception of a few thousand Sunni refugees. They believe what they want to believe and it's their province they do what they want. Besides these images are much more preferable than sending terrorists and suicide bombers. One of the largest ring roads in Iran was named after an Iraqi, we didn't see much outrage by the Persians. That was a $200 million project, not a street.

Some people see Khomeini as a Religious leader. They have the freedom to do so, it's a free country.

As for the image you posted, that is a photoshopped image, I've seen the original image many years ago but I won't bother searching for it, it was probably photoshopped by a perverted Wahabi.

The person in the image is sayid Mohamed-baqir al Hakeem. One of Iraq's most respected political leader in post-Saddam Iraq. He had an honorable death. He was assassinated in a car bomb in Najaf right after Friday prayer. He was never for a wilayat al faqih in Iraq although he lived in exile in Iran. Right after coming back to iraq, he made it clear that there should be no US authority over Iraq He called for a civil state led by and iraqi government, inclusive of all Iraq's including the Sunnis.
But since your Saudi and he's a Shia, I don't think any explanation will make you hate him any less.

As for the "militias" they were small and had very little influence before IS took over parts of north Iraq. After the call for jihad, these groups allied and formed the PMF. They multiplied in size. The groups which had just a thousand or two members now have 20 or 30 thousand. Some of groups are supported by Iran in terms of training and equipment. That is something we are grateful for, and why wouldn't we? The vast majority of the people who joined have no political affiliation, they joined on the bases of fighting IS. These groups have a set structure meaning the PMF alliance didn't need to start from scratch, all they needed to do is expand. Majority of those in these paramilitary groups follow the Najaf theology, namely Sistani, but are assisted and equipped by Iran. Look, as much as you would like to see Shias hate each other, we Iraqis may not agree with everything in Iran, but we are still allies. They have done more to help Iraq at this stage than any other country.

So here's the thing you should understand. The vast majority of the Iraqi members of the "iranian militias" are actually answering the call from the Najaf based marji3. I know people in AAH and kata'ib Hezbollah as well as the army, and I should know. As for being terrorists, we could care less about what the gulf decide to out on their terrorists list. All the groups of the PMF have legal and moral backing and a duty.

‫#‏بدر_الجناح_العسكري‬ ‫#‏كتائب_حزب_الله‬ ‫#‏عصائب_اهل_الحق‬ ‫#‏كتائب_الامام_علي‬‫#‏حركة_النجباء‬ ‫#‏سرايا_عاشوراء‬ ‫#‏سرايا_الخراساني‬ ‫#‏سرايا_جند_الامام‬ ‫#‏كتائب_سيد_الشهداء‬‫#‏سرايا_أنصار_العقيدة‬ ‫#‏سرايا_الجهاد‬

These are the bigger units, there are many more smaller ones. They run the security in Baghdad, they have authority over the military, breaking the chains of corruption.

Also the Sunni fighters. The fahdawi, nimrawi, rishaawi, jaghaifi, and the heroes of Al Jabara which have humiliated the myth of IS. Also the Azzawi. Kata'ib al hamza, Firsan al Alem, kata'ib al Mosul.

Unfortunately the Sunni fighters have their hands tied behind their back with the exception of al Iza and Jbara in Sallahidden and Diyala which have full backing from the PMF and strong influence in the local government.

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Children of Al Baghdadi in Anbar curse ISIS after Iraqi army/Popular mobilization forces retook it

Some have not eaten for 15 days, end of the video adults ask for Ayatollah Sistani to call on more volunteers to head to Anbar

@Mosamania well another video showing PMF rescuing Sunnis from ISIS, hear it from kids, kids don't lie under such situations. Better than bullshit from twitter or AJ.
This video will make the wahhabis too happy how about Saudis propagandists.

I don't know what Mosab have written but being against Mullah sponsored Shia militias that act independently and which have committed war crimes too as independent sources have confirmed is not being pro-Daesh.

Face it. Large parts of Iraq's military and political scene (Shia Islamists are dominating) is under influence of the Mullah's in Iran. Which fair to say are the enemies of the Arab world in particular neighboring GCC.

Also many of such videos have a clear agenda. Often what would be called propaganda in the West. Necessary though to raise the morals.

I don't think that any sane person is doubting that living under Daesh is horrible and that 99% of all locals are happy that they are gone. I just don't think that the locals in Anbar want Shia militias to take their please for instance.
You just showed us your real face.

But your heard it from the kids they want the pmf to liberate them from your gangs even young men want that. you loose buddy.

The PMF the true freedom fighters.
This video will make the wahhabis too happy how about Saudis propagandists.

You just showed us your real face.

But your heard it from the kids they want the pmf to liberate them from your gangs even young men want that. you loose buddy.

The PMF the true freedom fighters.

I don't give a crap about the Iraqi led Daesh.

I just showed that I know what I am talking about and stated facts that are confirmed by objective and independent sources.

Anyway keep being a satellite state of the Mullah's.

Loose what? I am not involved in the conflict and I will speak out against trash like the fake wannabe Arab Mullah's in Iran, their Wilayat al-Faqih kufr that they spread like cancer and their toxic meddling in the Arab world. Whatever they do among their cousins in Tajikistan or Afghanistan is not my business and I do not care.

You can either chose the path of 90% of all Arabs and Muslims or the path of the Iranian Mullah's. Or stay neutral. Your likes choose the Mullah's so there is nothing more to discuss.

What has been written in the past few pages is obvious for everyone.
Many of those Shia militias are regarded as terrorists in the ME and Western world.
Who cares about that the work is is going on to clean the country from the middle eastern gangs.

Many of those Shia militias have killed innocents, burned down villages, houses, looted homes etc.
I think you mean many of those shea have saved lifes and villages from your supported terrorists. you can't deny that your masters in Washington admit it.

Abu Deraa and other war criminals from the civil war back in 2006-2007 are involved on the ground. Hadi Al-Amiri himself is no angel and is responsible for many deaths of innocent Iraqis. Not sure how you can deny this.
Do yoou have something reliable r it's just what aljazera showed you?.

You are unable to look at this in the wider picture because all you care about is getting rid of Daesh.
Unfortunately we are not only getting rid our selves from these scums your ameers asses getting saved by us

If Peshmerga, Israel, USA or Qatar were doing this job you would have supported them too unconditionally.
See you say if but they will never do that hoew come then who supported daesh.

Iraq is not foreign to me nor do I have an agenda.
Yes it is foreigner plus you been brain washed no doubt like many sunni folks.

I criticize Saddam, involvement of the Arab world in Iraq, international powers, regimes, clerics, Iran's role, Daesh, Shia militias etc.
Ok what's the gain to the world? you still follow Aljazera.
Who cares about that the work is is going on to clean the country from the middle eastern gangs.

I think you mean many of those shea have saved lifes and villages from your supported terrorists. you can't deny that your masters in Washington admit it.

Do yoou have something reliable r it's just what aljazera showed you?.

Unfortunately we are not only getting rid our selves from these scums your ameers asses getting saved by us

See you say if but they will never do that hoew come then who supported daesh.

Yes it is foreigner plus you been brain washed no doubt like many sunni folks.

Ok what's the gain to the world? you still follow Aljazera.

I am not an Islamist like you, I don't watch Al-Jazeera and I am not part of your internal conflict where 90% of all the participants are local Iraqis.

Sorry for telling facts and not regarding your beloved Shia militias as angels. Sorry for speaking out against your favorite regime (Iranian Mullah's).

Yes, everyone is out there to kill you. It's a miracle that you and your family were not eaten alive in KSA when you escaped from Saddam and sought refugee.

I was having a serious discussion with @1000 as we often have and we do not disagree much anyway. I had respect for you and barely ever had this type of discussion with you but it seems that you prefer hostility and baseless accusations and personal attacks.

This is your choice but I am not going to waste my time with such "discussions".
Anyway keep being a satellite state of the Mullah's.
Don't worry Iraq is big so big that no country can hold it on it's orbit.

You can either chose the path of 90% of all Arabs and Muslims or the path of the Iranian Mullah's. Or stay neutral. Your likes choose the Mullah's so there is nothing more to discuss.
You ask us to be sunnis lol or daesh.

What has been written in the past few pages is obvious for everyone.
fair enough.
Don't worry Iraq is big so big that no country can hold it on it's orbit.

You ask us to be sunnis lol or daesh.

fair enough.

Read my post number 1293. Did you even read the discussion between me and @1000 ? It seems not. If you don't bother to read long posts or debates then don't do so.

What? I am telling you that as long as you are supporting the Farsi Mullah's and Wilayat al-Faqih which the Arab world is at war against then don't expect flowers in return. That's all.
I'm Muslim Yes but not an Islamist. prais to god I haven't lost my mind.

What hostility bro be fair. But how come you be that one. Thanks.

To make it sort. I have no problems with anybody fighting against Daesh. This INCLUDES Iraqi Shia militias. All that I was telling is that some of them are controlled by the Iranian Mullah's and this was mentioned in a debate about the negative influences of Iranian meddling in Iraq. Also I just wrote what objective and independent sources have told. That not all of those Shia militias are angels themselves. That's all.

To make it more clear. I am not part of the conflict. I myself have always been of the opinion that Iraq on its own should be a regional power and that a powerful Iraq helps create stability in the region and a counterbalance. I am not against Shia's let alone Shia Arabs. I am against the Iranian regime and Wilayat al-Faqih. Last time I checked Shia Islam originated in Hijaz 1400 years ago while the Iranian regime and their Wilayat al-Faqih is 36 years old in comparison.

As I told I would support my worst enemy (I don't really have any enemies in real life though, lol) against Daesh simply because they are brutal maniacs who kill more Arabs and Muslims than anybody else. They help damage the name of Islam due to them falsely associating themselves with Islam.

Well, sadly many Iraqis (both Shia and Sunni) have lost their mind as most support Shia Islamist parties or MB.
What? I am telling you that as long as you are supporting the Farsi Mullah's and Wilayat al-Faqih which the Arab world is at war against then don't expect flowers in return. That's all.
So are you asking us to be hostile to them is that what your regime want?.

Then, do we suppose to go for another 8 years war against them?.

But why not a good relationship with them just like Oman does?.
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