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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Updated: April 2, 2015 04:29 IST
Mission Tikrit: Iraq declares victory - The Hindu


Iraq declared a “magnificent victory” on Wednesday over the Islamic State group in Tikrit, a key step in driving the militants out of their biggest strongholds.

Iraqi Defence Minister Khalid al-Obeidi made the pronouncement, saying security forces have “accomplished their mission” in the month-long offensive to rid Saddam Hussein’s hometown — and the broader Salahuddin Province — of the militant group.

Extremists from IS seized Tikrit last summer during its advance across northern and western Iraq. The battle for Tikrit is seen as a key step toward eventually driving the militants out of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city and the provincial capital of Nineveh.

Biggest victory

Iraqi forces, including soldiers, police officers, Shia militias and Sunni tribes, launched a large-scale operation to recapture Tikrit on March 2. Last week, the United States launched airstrikes on the embattled city at the request of the Iraqi government.

Recapturing Tikrit would be the biggest win so far for Baghdad’s Shia-led government. The city is about 130 km north of Baghdad and lies on the road connecting the capital to Mosul. Retaking it will help Iraqi forces have a major supply link for any future operation against Mosul. Meanwhile, the U.N. mission to Iraq said on Wednesday that violence claimed the lives of at least 997 people in March, a slight drop from the February toll.
R u blind GCC forces have been hammering ISIS as a matter of fact first sorties were conducted by a member state.

Gulfies "private donors" fund ISIS.

Through Nov. 19, a total of 1,006 airstrikes were conducted – 561 against targets in Iraq and 445 in Syria, the officials said. The U.S. flew 843 of the missions and allies flew 163.

it seems america is hammering ISIS really. Honestly, you think the Gulf states would say no? They had no choice but to go along.
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R u blind GCC forces have been hammering ISIS as a matter of fact first sorties were conducted by a member state.

GCC forces haven't been "hammering" ISIS. They just jumped when USA told them to jump. Because they didn't want to say no to Uncle Sam, they agreed to do some strikes to keep USA satisfied. Otherwise, why didn't they take stronger action from day 1? Why didn't they go after donors of ISIS in their countries and take strong action? Why didn't they use their funds and soldiers and sunni brothers and strongly battle ISIS and completely get rid of them?

Why didn't they use the vast number of mosques, shiekhs, and madrassas to declare ISIS unislamic so that the source of the problem was resolved.
R u blind GCC forces have been hammering ISIS as a matter of fact first sorties were conducted by a member state.

They're just following big daddy USA as they do everywhere. They don't take any step without them leading the way, in Yemen they provided target designation intel and gave permission for the operation. UAE sent troops to Afghanistan in area's secured by the western forces, let's see them carry out a large scale operation on their own. The new Arab coalition could show that sending ground forces to Syria, if not SAA they can take on ISIS in Raqqa. But all waiting for America.

Remember 1991, you must have been alive. ~30+ states of which many tiny poor ones with no influence massed to join the US led coalition to score brownie points with the new superpower. You could say it's for the same reason in Syria airstrikes. Let's see a large scale op they plan and carry out on their own before we talk further.
Daesh: Abo Umar, Abo Umar do you copy me brother? (Iraqi accent)
Shia militia commander : Abo Umar is dead and so is your other 3 Daesh friends and we have their car and radio. Where are you? we coming for you!
Daesh: You coming for me? Im coming for you. I am talking to you whilst getting prepared to be martyred. (indicating he will be blowing himself up shortly)
Shia militia commander: We are the followers of Allah. We are the followers of Muhammed Allah's beloved prophet.
Daesh: We've come to you with all the Islamic State's soldiers. By Allah you will not step an inch further into Muslim lands until we are corpses. Either victory or martyrdom. Our dead are in heaven whilst yours are in the hell fire.
Shia militia commander: Lies and mistruths. Our dead are in heaven and yours are in the hell fire. where are you? we stepped 65 Km into your lands not an inch. We love martyrdom more than you do.

:omghaha: Can't really help myself but laugh,in the year of our Lord 2015 these people kill each other over "my kind is in heaven,your's is not.No, mine are....ad infinitum...no,mine ! ad infinitum + 1"...:cheesy:
:omghaha: Can't really help myself but laugh,in the year of our Lord 2015 these people kill each other over "my kind is in heaven,your's is not.No, mine are....ad infinitum...no,mine ! ad infinitum + 1"...:cheesy:

In that video there's only 1 agressor that believes in killing people of a different religion. The other is defending itself and works with all religious groups to defend themselves. They armed and trained Christians as well.

The above are killing them as well, apply that in the same post..
GCC forces haven't been "hammering" ISIS. They just jumped when USA told them to jump. Because they didn't want to say no to Uncle Sam, they agreed to do some strikes to keep USA satisfied. Otherwise, why didn't they take stronger action from day 1? Why didn't they go after donors of ISIS in their countries and take strong action? Why didn't they use their funds and soldiers and sunni brothers and strongly battle ISIS and completely get rid of them?

Why didn't they use the vast number of mosques, shiekhs, and madrassas to declare ISIS unislamic so that the source of the problem was resolved.

They're just following big daddy USA as they do everywhere. They don't take any step without them leading the way, in Yemen they provided target designation intel and gave permission for the operation. UAE sent troops to Afghanistan in area's secured by the western forces, let's see them carry out a large scale operation on their own. The new Arab coalition could show that sending ground forces to Syria, if not SAA they can take on ISIS in Raqqa. But all waiting for America.

Remember 1991, you must have been alive. ~30+ states of which many tiny poor ones with no influence massed to join the US led coalition to score brownie points with the new superpower. You could say it's for the same reason in Syria airstrikes. Let's see a large scale op they plan and carry out on their own before we talk further.

Gulfies "private donors" fund ISIS.

Through Nov. 19, a total of 1,006 airstrikes were conducted – 561 against targets in Iraq and 445 in Syria, the officials said. The U.S. flew 843 of the missions and allies flew 163.

it seems america is hammering ISIS really. Honestly, you think the Gulf states would say no? They had no choice but to go along.

Remember Americans had given u an opportunity to govern Iraaq on ur terms n what do u do U convert it into shitt hole with all ur sectarian polices.

even with all ur millitias and ur iranian step dads u couldn't take back a small town like tikret from those terrorist n who u call Big dady......

grind n badmouth about Arabs all u want ITS NOT GONA TAKE U ANYWHERE
Remember Americans had given u an opportunity to govern Iraaq on ur terms n what do u do U convert it into shitt hole with all ur sectarian polices.

No, you child, Americans did not give us an opportunity to govern Iraq. Iraq was given to Iraq. Bush did not attack Iraq and say, "Hey, Ayatollah my buddy, I took over Iraq to give you as a birthday gift!!"

It's like this site is sometimes full of people who have no understand of geopolitics.
No, you child, Americans did not give us an opportunity to govern Iraq. Iraq was given to Iraq. Bush did not attack Iraq and say, "Hey, Ayatollah my buddy, I took over Iraq to give you as a birthday gift!!"

It's like this site is sometimes full of people who have no understand of geopolitics.

mad ali let me refresh u..........shia govt was purposely installed in Baghdad by coalition they never trusted sunnis as they considered sunnis pro saddam.
Remember Americans had given u an opportunity to govern Iraaq on ur terms n what do u do U convert it into shitt hole with all ur sectarian polices.
I think we have something in common, you have TTP we have IS. Is it because Pakistan rules with sectarian policy ? Or is it simply that there's an issue is with a certain political ideology of Islam. Must be the latter as they terrorize all over the world.
I think we have something in common, you have TTP we have IS. Is it because Pakistan rules with sectarian policy ? Or is it simply that there's an issue is with a certain political ideology of Islam. Must be the latter as they terrorize all over the world.

my friend GOP and majority pakistanies never discreminate between religion or sects....ttp motives are way more different from IS terrorists

diff is GOP never participates nor its security forces attack fellow pakistanis even ttp on religious grounds sply waving sectarian flags

anyhow IRAQI govts atrocities on minority communities are well documented and proved.

I hope to see United prospers Iraq free from all foreign interventions sply Iranian.
I think we have something in common, you have TTP we have IS.
to some extent because both are extremists both has a place to fall back to (syria and afghanistan)
but they(ttp) were able to take over tribal belt because of absence of political and security apparatus
no one wanted a war so we negotiated with them and allowed them to control some areas for a while
but due to their human right voilations pressure was built on GOP and their strongholds were wiped off the map (apart from north wazirastan because) of mountanious terrain but now even north wazirastan has been cleared
right now pakistan suffers from cross border attacks due to a porous border and some attacks on civilians by their slleper cells
Is it because Pakistan rules with sectarian policy ? Or is it simply that there's an issue is with a certain political ideology of Islam.
there is no sectarian divide in pakistan pakistans founder was a shia many of our heads of state,prime ministers and military chiefs were shiites
ttp is an extremist organnization and its actions are condemed by everyone
now about ideology there are different sub sects in pakistan nut i in my entire life never heard of a fight between someone just because of their sect most pakistanis are sufis they dont care for sects
but there are some trouble makers but their power base and support has been destroyed by the actions of LEJ and TTP
After days of liberating Tikrit that wouldn't have happened without Coalition air-strikes; Shiite militias have just announced that they didn't and don't need the Coalition help. Noting that these militias ran away from battles a week ago.:lol:
The Iranis and Shias are like car vallets who claim to have made the vehicle just because they put some spit and polish on it.

The Americans will push ISIS out of Tikrit. The Shia militia will take the credit.

Most of the shooting in Tikrit by the militia will be celebratory gun fire.

Then they'll be back to chanting "death to America" like baboons :rofl:
After days of liberating Tikrit that wouldn't have happened without Coalition air-strikes; Shiite militias have just announced that they didn't and don't need the Coalition help. Noting that these militias ran away from battles a week ago.:lol:

The Iranis and Shias are like car vallets who claim to have made the vehicle just because they put some spit and polish on it.

The Americans will push ISIS out of Tikrit. The Shia militia will take the credit.

Most of the shooting in Tikrit by the militia will be celebratory gun fire.

Then they'll be back to chanting "death to America" like baboons :rofl:

Now these two have they say any thing out of their sectarianism!!!.

You can die in your butthurtiness hate is a fair killer since it kills the haterd him self first.
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