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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Thats the thing with sectarian mindset, Turks are sunni = Isis supporter

Just an exsample, i didnt even knew that Shia and Sunni had beef with eachother till i joined PDF, and still dont care about their medival sectarian violance which will hold them back forever, but yet there are people here calling me isis supporter even thought i never posted anything positive about them, thats sectarian mindset for you.

Ther is nothing sisi about you:-). So why?
Ther is nothing sisi about you:-). So why?
Sisi? Isis? Issi? Siis?


He's an ISIS supporter. They only burn houses boobytrapped. As for those who looted, there are retards and thieves in every army and every militia. Example, US military which has had many scandals ( pissing on dead Taliban, abusing prisoners in Abu Ghraib etc ).

The difference is IS supporters and their apologists will use the smaller negative images to spread their propaganda whilst they themselves are the biggest trash themselves.
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p.s US Air force says Ur welcome:omghaha:

US air force helped Sunnis more than anyone else in Tikrit, now the locals who rejected IS can return to their city, they'll be happy.

Find medication for your Iran obsession somewhere else.

More locals (Sunnis) from Salahdin province joined the PMF today.

On a sidenote, they have to clear every house, street and alley before they can declare it a safe city for people to return.
Iraqi members .. what are they saying?

Daesh: Abo Umar, Abo Umar do you copy me brother? (Iraqi accent)
Shia militia commander : Abo Umar is dead and so is your other 3 Daesh friends and we have their car and radio. Where are you? we coming for you!
Daesh: You coming for me? Im coming for you. I am talking to you whilst getting prepared to be martyred. (indicating he will be blowing himself up shortly)
Shia militia commander: We are the followers of Allah. We are the followers of Muhammed Allah's beloved prophet.
Daesh: We've come to you with all the Islamic State's soldiers. By Allah you will not step an inch further into Muslim lands until we are corpses. Either victory or martyrdom. Our dead are in heaven whilst yours are in the hell fire.
Shia militia commander: Lies and mistruths. Our dead are in heaven and yours are in the hell fire. where are you? we stepped 65 Km into your lands not an inch. We love martyrdom more than you do.
There is no ISIS supporters here, there's only Houthi the terrorist group supporters.

Saudi mission is to rid the world of Terrorism, whether it's ISIS, Hezbollah, Quds, or Houthis.
There is no ISIS supporters here, there's only Houthi the terrorist group supporters.

Saudi mission is to rid the world of Terrorism, whether it's ISIS, Hezbollah, Quds, or Houthis.

If Saudis can finish terrorist groups they funded/inspired, they have done the world biggest favor ever. E.g. Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS. Naaah, nothing gonna happen.
Just saying so doesn't make it real.

I can do the same: Naaah, Iran is supporting houthis and is actually behind ISIS.
Just saying so doesn't make it real.

I can do the same: Naaah, Iran is supporting houthis and is actually behind ISIS.

Yes we do support Houthis politically. We do support Hezbollah and we do support Iraqi popular forces, we are not ashamed of declaring that, but supporting ISIS? Even you won't accept that.
Why doesn't Saudi help in getting rid of ISIS? Why don't the strong Arab coliation help with this?

Saudi is currently bombing ISIS in Syria. Jordan too. the UAE participated until recently.
Why doesn't Saudi help in getting rid of ISIS? Why don't the strong Arab coliation help with this?

R u blind GCC forces have been hammering ISIS as a matter of fact first sorties were conducted by a member state.
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