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Iraqi Uprising 2013

Yes, I am new to the forum but not new to current affairs and history so I believe I am in an adequate position to "draw conclusions".

Now if I may give you an example of Shia/Sunni unity. The people that were instrumental in the creation of Pakistan were both Shia and Sunni but that they did not divide them. Muhammed Ali Jinnah himself belonged to a Shia sect but and he built the nation on Islamic grounds- Sunni/Shia was never in the equation. The recent spate of anti-Shia violence can be put down to Saudi funding for militant groups.

And no I do not suggest a secular view, I'm actually (as may username suggests) a conservative and am in favour of an Islamic and united Pakistan.

Very often too much enthusiasm only make you shoot your self in the foot.

Let me ask you a historical question. How was Jinnah given his "akhri rasoomaat" ?

who led the funeral prayer ? how long before the funeral prayer and his death ?

take your time to figure this out, come back and correct your post.
All Muslims must come together and liberate our fellow muslims from Shias.

These Shias will continue to attack and harm Islam, the religion as our prophet gave us.

Shias must be controlled and sent back into Iran to practice their religion.
or maybe its you wahhabis that must be removed from earth?anyway nowdays we SHIAs are bussy killing your alike wahhabis in Syria.
anyway ask your mofti what happned in QADIR day and the 67th verse of maede chapter saying:
MOHAMMAD,tell people whatever that has been told to you.if you dont do that then your mission is failed.GOD will save you among people and GOD dont like the KAFFIRS!
and we know what did our prophet say to people after that:whoever I am his/her leader,ALI is his leader too.

now do you want me to show other proofs?
Very often too much enthusiasm only make you shoot your self in the foot.

Let me ask you a historical question. How was Jinnah given his "akhri rasoomaat" ?

who led the funeral prayer ? how long before the funeral prayer and his death ?

take your time to figure this out, come back and correct your post.

Honestly I really couldn't care less as I prefer to read about what happened during his life and not his funeral.
Honestly I really couldn't care less as I prefer to read about what happened during his life and not his funeral.

If you are the "care less" type, please refrain from claiming knowledge of history.

You are welcome to build your understanding of current affairs. Good luck.

or maybe its you wahhabis that must be removed from earth?anyway nowdays we SHIAs are bussy killing your alike wahhabis in Syria.
anyway ask your mofti what happned in QADIR day and the 67th verse of maede chapter saying:
MOHAMMAD,tell people whatever that has been told to you.if you dont do that then your mission is failed.GOD will save you among people and GOD dont like the KAFFIRS!
and we know what did our prophet say to people after that:whoever I am his/her leader,ALI is his leader too.

now do you want me to show other proofs?

I could hand ur fatty end to you, but religious discussion is banned.

post reported.
Woah it seems I missed a lot on here. Pretty funny one comments states it a revolution for all Iraqis, the other states it's to remove the Shias from power.

Well I'm Iraqi so I guess my comments are more credible.

First just for some corrections, Iraq without the Kurds is actually 80% Shia. Random numbers from here and there don't really change that reality.

Second the protesters are divided among themselves. They even tried to assassinate salih al mutlag who is a prominent Sunni leader. Anbar total population is 1.2 million,the province itself is vastly uninhabited desert. The Shias in Baghdad alone are 5 million, more than three times the population of the entire Anbar privince.

There has been already an attempt to fight the Shias back in 2004-2007. During that time Iraq didn't have a proper army or government, yet it was still a big failure for "Sunni" fighters who were receiving support from the gulf states.

Any armed conflict right now would be suicide for the Sunnis. If the Sunnis want to make their own country that would benefit the Shias most since 90% of Iraq's oil is in the Shia south. The Sunnis will also loose access to Iraq's only seaport in the south.

The protest have been greatly exaggerated in the media. Although the media put so many hours covering a 60 thousand max protest, no body seemed to cover the 16 million + visitors in Karbala.

Anyways away from all the false hopes that some people carry, there is no "uprising" in Iraq. Just normal protests that have been occurring occasionally since 2003.
Anbari protestors chased out Sunni politician after he attempted o join them. Salih al mutlag has called Maliki a dictator numerous times. He gets a taste of his own medicine. It's ironic since the protests were Initially because another Sunni politicians bodyguards were arrested.

1 protestor was killed and 5 injured as salih al mutlag was fleeing. Now the protestors are calling for the arrest of salih al mutlags bodyguards.


The charges filed against al-issawi and his bodyguards were filed by 20 Sunni families from falujah. Tribal leaders from Anbar have also visited the body guards to see if they have been tortured or forced to confess. Here's a video but its in Arabic.

Because Al-Maliki acted against the will of oil consorsiums and stands against Kurdish imperialism, USA wants to remove him. Sunni Arabs are again used and are going to be wasted for nothing.

Status quo should be secured, if someone cares for future of united Iraq.
why , I don't know why some people want make religious war between Muslims and killing great prophet's follower ...
why , I don't know why some people want make religious war between Muslims and killing great prophet's follower ...

What does it matter if someone is a 'great prophet follower' or not? Humans are humans; no difference between the pain they suffer.
why , I don't know why some people want make religious war between Muslims and killing great prophet's follower ...

Neither Sunni nor Shias are religious. This is politics. People live 1400 years old lie. Umayyads and Ali followers killed eachother because of politics, not because of Islam. Why the hell I would give a damn about one and half millenia old tribal fight for power?!
Maliki has much more support in Iraq than people think. The media tries to show that everyone is against him but the truth is after every event he gains more supporters.

If the government is dissolved and early elections is held, Maliki would get greater votes than previous elections
If you are the "care less" type, please refrain from claiming knowledge of history.

The intricate details of Mohammed Ali Jinnah's funeral are a trivial matter. So I shall state again: I couldn't care less about what happened during his funeral as I like to read into and study, like most sane people, his policies and philosophy during his life, which by the way talked about Muslim unity.

And getting back on topic and to my original point, the only way there can be a strong and united Iraq is with unity between the Shias and Sunnis.
The intricate details of Mohammed Ali Jinnah's funeral are a trivial matter. So I shall state again: I couldn't care less about what happened during his funeral as I like to read into and study, like most sane people, his policies and philosophy during his life, which by the way talked about Muslim unity.

And getting back on topic and to my original point, the only way there can be a strong and united Iraq is with unity between the Shias and Sunnis.

your point are well taken and well respected but sane and wishful thinking can not alter the ground realities and Middle East is going through a correction phase and it needs to be restructured according to the natural flow of regional paradigm. AS you know the current boundaries of the region were drawn by colonial in the twentieth century so the natural process will take place accordingly.

As far as MA Jinnah's funeral prayers are concerned, that was performed by Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani the well known religious scholar of Darul Uloom Deoband situated in Northern India. The same Allam has hoisted the flag of Pakistan on Minare Pakistan on the request of MA Jinnah.






Anbari protestors chased out Sunni politician after he attempted o join them. Salih al mutlag has called Maliki a dictator numerous times. He gets a taste of his own medicine. It's ironic since the protests were Initially because another Sunni politicians bodyguards were arrested.

1 protestor was killed and 5 injured as salih al mutlag was fleeing. Now the protestors are calling for the arrest of salih al mutlags bodyguards.

The charges filed against al-issawi and his bodyguards were filed by 20 Sunni families from falujah. Tribal leaders from Anbar have also visited the body guards to see if they have been tortured or forced to confess. Here's a video but its in Arabic.

You people sold your own country to America and then to your historical enemy Iran, what a shame, you are untrustable and willing to sell your own homeland to achieve your evil goals which is undermining your country men power, Sunnis. It's treason Alshawi1234 which you have always been known for throughout history.



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