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Iraqi Uprising 2013

The iraqi sunnies had the country for 40 years during Saddam? what did they accomplish? An apartheid regime?

It is well know that the so called Sunni tribes of Iraq are also the sole manpower source for Al Quaida and with a bit of cross border funding, things have been going steamy in Iraq!

If the GCC countries are soo sympatheic towards Iraq, they should start with the process of economy integration by inviting Iraq & Yemen to join GCC rather than funding and arming terrorist over there. The GCC feduals only work to save their throne and need a ripe ground to exhaust their useless youth. Pakistan came handy until 2001, now its the turn of Syria, Iraq and Yemen!
Hold on a minute, who are "you"people?!!!

They hypocrisy you hold is unbearable, your own country is an American and Israeli ally while you call us traitors? See that's the problem with people like yourself, you blame everyone else before you blame yourselves. Let me remind you of some facts.

After the Iran-Iraq war the gulf states raised up oil production and started asking for the high interest loans back from Iraq, even when Saddam whom you claim to love was in power. Oil prices as a result went down and Iraq couldn't pay that's why Saddam invaded Kuwait.

When the invasion of Kuwait occurred over 30 counries came to fight Iraq. At the same time in 1991 a revolution ignited and took over most of the provinces in order to get rid of Saddam who has got Iraq nothing but war. The Iraqis were depending on the no fly zone in order for the revolution to succeed. But just about when it was to succeed all the foriegn forces withdrew their promise of a no-fly zone and left Iraqis at the mercy of saddams Air Force. That resulted in the killing of over 200,000 and 2 million refugees!! I had relatives sentenced to death during that period.

After that the whole world conspired to implemented the worst sanctions on Iraq, all development as a result stopped in 1991 and Iraq couldn't rebuild after 13 years of war. 3 million people died died as a result if the sanctions. Poverty spread and people barely had money to survive. Even pencils were not allowed to be exported to Iraq because they "may be use for the production if WMD"

After that they conspired against Iraq again and attacked it in 2003. The invading forces were stationed in the following countries.

Did Iran take part in the Invasion? No

It was from Qatar and Kuwait where all the air strikes come from.

When the invasion occurred the Kurds helped the invading forces an Sunni cities in the north where the first to fall. The "Sunni" Kurds looted all the abandoned IA equipment and the banks as well.

Basrah, which is a Shia majority fought for 15 days before it was captured. Most of the soldiers where Shia.

These are the reasons why the Iraqi army abandoned its positions:
-all the high ranking officers ran away
-ill equipped, ill trained, hungry and poor soldiers
-they were no match for the US air forces
-most of them were sick of saddams rule and just wanted to get rid of him

Many of the too Sunni officers quit in exchange for deals with the US, many f them reside in villas in saint Diago USA right now.

Even after the cities were captured the fighting continued especially in Basrah and Najaf. The First cities in which the foreign forces were forced to withdraw was Basrah. The British were experiencing so much resistance that they decided to leave the city for the basrah airport which was a few miles away.

Why should The Shias support a government which has always undermined them in the first place? Over 400,000 Shias killed during saddams reign and the youtube videos should be enough to witness against the Crimes.

When Primier wanted to establish a military government the Shia scholars were the first to object, that forced the US to accept a temporary Iraqi government.

After all that the same countries who helped invade Iraq started supported terrorism. It came to a point when every day over 200 people are killed by bombings and shootings. And these bombings are still occurring daily against Shia targets.

When the new Iraqi government was formed the Arab states refused to acknowledge it, and kept supporting terrorism. Iran took advantage of the absence of Arab influence to gain more infulence in Iraq.

Again, the only reason why Iran gained influence in Iraq is because the Arabs didn't know how to play chess in politics.

Iraq right now is an independent state with its own policy. We have great rivalries with Iran in terms of oil production but we continue to increase oil production regardless of whether Iran likes it or not.

Under the previous regimes, all the resources where taken from the Shia south and distributed in the resource-free Sunni areas while the Shias lived in extreme poverty. The Shias never had say in the government.

Right now there are over 100 Sunni members of parliament and a few ministers. These are the positions that the Sunni Arabs hold: Ministries of education, finance, defence, culture, head of parliament, vice prime minister and Vice President.

All this and you tell me "undermine your own countrymen"

If you want to preach nationalism learn the whole story than come talk about it. Don't be think from one point of view, and don't be throwing stones when your house is made from glass, I don't want to get started about the Arab countries and their treason for their arab brothers, they have a history of conspiring with the enemies. Just look as what happened to Palestine and Iraq as a result of the Arab countries.

I really didn't wish to make such a long reply, but it gets on my nerves when people put all the blame against others while ignoring reality.

You are right, I can't but agree with you about this part of the story, but what about the Iranian rule in post-Saddam era? I met many Iraqis and heard from them about Iranian evil acts in Iraq. GCC and especially Kuwait played a ****** role against Iraq, but the question is that, wasn't Saddam mistaken also? so you can't just blame one side. We should just let it go, we can't hate each other any longer in this world. Alshawi1234, Shia Arabs are being used by Iran to fulfill it's nationalistic agenda, and unless you realize that, Iraq will not move forward. Tell me and be honest, you, as an Arab who has always lived among Sunnis, since when we heard abou sunni and shia thing? Wasn't it after 2003? Iran has everything to do with it. Allot of things going on in my mind but I will stop here.
You are right, I can't but agree with you about this part of the story, but what about the Iranian rule in post-Saddam era? I met many Iraqis and heard from them about Iranian evil acts in Iraq. GCC and especially Kuwait played a ****** role against Iraq, but the question is that, wasn't Saddam mistaken also? so you can't just blame one side. We should just let it go, we can't hate each other any longer in this world. Alshawi1234, Shia Arabs are being used by Iran to fulfill it's nationalistic agenda, and unless you realize that, Iraq will not move forward. Tell me and be honest, you, as an Arab who has always lived among Sunnis, since when we heard abou sunni and shia thing? Wasn't it after 2003? Iran has everything to do with it. Allot of things going on in my mind but I will stop here.

You're a wahabi and a wahabi can't change its skin. I've argued with you millions of times but we always return to the starting line. If Iran is after nationalistic agendas than why isn't Iran trying to free the Parsi Afghans from Pashtun/Taliban rule and return Herat back to Iran? Why aren't we trying to return Tajikestan, a people more Parsi/Persian than Iranians, back to Iran? Why aren't we in Central Asia, Iran's ancient backyard? etc...

You say Iran is dangerous blah blah when sunnis blow up Iraqi shias left and right in Iraqi markets. every Iraqi family can name a person lost in sunni suicide bombings. Roadside bombs, suicide bombings, saddam, wahabism, apartheid, Anfal campaign, shia/Kurdish genicides, use of chemical weapons, the start of the Iran/Iraq wars and Iraq/Kuwait wars as well as the two Iraq/USA wars etc... This is the legacy of your side. What have you guys done for Iraqis and why do you think Iran is the dangerous one here?
If the GCC countries are soo sympatheic towards Iraq, they should start with the process of economy integration by inviting Iraq & Yemen to join GCC rather than funding and arming terrorist over there. The GCC feduals only work to save their throne and need a ripe ground to exhaust their useless youth. Pakistan came handy until 2001, now its the turn of Syria, Iraq and Yemen!

The overthrown of the current Iraqi regime is now on top of any other priorities. GCC basically are playing two different games, dealing with the Shia crescent up north and Alqaeda down south....when things settled down Iraq may get the privilege to join back.
The overthrown of the current Iraqi regime is now on top of any other priorities. GCC basically are playing two different games, dealing with the Shia crescent up north and Alqaeda down south....when things settled down Iraq may get the privilege to join back.

Which means return of Saddam 2.0 and another big failure!!!
I kinda liked Saddam; the man had nuts of steel even if he was seriously rough around the edges & was found in a hole in the ground !

He was man among men. his only One mistake was invasion of Kuwait.

blackeagle, this is the lot you like to hang out with? Is this the lot that you want Alshawi to like instead of their shia neighbors?

blackeagle, this is the lot you like to hang out with? Is this the lot that you want Alshawi to like instead of their shia neighbors?


What did I say ? :cray:

His Iraq was, to borrow your own term, 'free' even if he was a trigger happy meglomaniac ! :undecided:
He was man among men. his only One mistake was invasion of Kuwait.

Yes, a man among men, hiding in a pit.

Let us not forget the half million he squashed in the 80's

He didn't squashed anyone. He sat comfortably in his villa, bragging about his achievements, while begging for an truce when Iran pushed all those Iraqis back.

A real men don't hide in a pit. He was nothing but an illiterate, ignorant bedouin Arab. Like most Saudis. Allergic to get their hands dirty! Saddam was even so scared of Iran, that he tolled his FBI-investigators that he feared Iran more than the US!
He didn't squashed anyone. He sat comfortably in his villa, bragging about his achievements, while begging for an truce when Iran pushed all those Iraqis back.

A real men don't hide in a pit. He was nothing but an illiterate, ignorant bedouin Arab. Like most Saudis.

No need to justify Iran miserable loss and total humiliation by Saddam. Open up Persia history..very shameless one.
No need to justify Iran miserable loss and total humiliation by Saddam. Open up Persia history..very shameless one.

Total humiliation? So why didn't Saddam achieve any of his pre-war goals? Tell me, what did he achieved? Did he 'liberated' Khuzestan, occupied or annexed Abadan? No, he was stopped by millions of Iranians, fighting for their country, with nothing but an AK47 and faith.

Our history is the most richest of the whole Middle East. Our scientific contribution to the world is far greater than Arabs or Turks combined. Thats why your prophet, Muhammad, said this:

"If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it"

Saddam was an coward. He told his FBI-investigators that he feared Iran more than the US! Saudis are cowards too. If you guys had real balls, you would try to make an move, and 'get back' those three Islands. You guys are known as coward, even among other Arabs. Ask any Palestinian or Lebanese about the reputation you guys have.

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