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Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

Nothing anti Kurd, it's a fact that today far majority of Kurds put nationalism above religion. Kurds are the biggest Muslim named ethnic group that are pro Israel. Search the internet to find how pro Israel they are, Youtube, Facebook, their hatred of Arabs has pushed them to seek Israeli friends, this is on both governmental level ( KRG sucks up to Israel ) and regular Kurds.

People that come with the Saladin story should realize we are in the 21st century, if you prefer a false version it's your choice.
Doritos how do you expect kurds to like arabs while arabs are blowing up arabs. Should they love arabs after saddam in name of arabism used chemical weapons against them? be realistic.
I know they have some stubborn nationalists and some cultist symbol and leader worshipping marxist groups such as pkk/pjak, however hey will go on with what they see as their goal, and governments should realize this.
Even Assad decided to give them citizenship of Syria, but why so late? because he's in trouble now. Instead assad and Iraq should work with Kurds against terrorism (Nusra, ISIS, jaysh ul islam etc) before Kurds move towards cooperation with Turkey and Israel. When they have no friends they will search for any possible friend who reaches their hands.
This is our Master Shaykh AbdAllah Sirajuddin from Halab.

A Shafi'i Master, a Kurd, a Husayni

Doritos how do you expect kurds to like arabs while arabs are blowing up arabs. Should they love arabs after saddam in name of arabism used chemical weapons against them? be realistic.
I know they have some stubborn nationalists and some cultist symbol and leader worshipping marxist groups such as pkk/pjak, however hey will go on with what they see as their goal, and governments should realize this.
Even Assad decided to give them citizenship of Syria, but why so late? because he's in trouble now. Instead assad and Iraq should work with Kurds against terrorism (Nusra, ISIS, jaysh ul islam etc) before Kurds move towards cooperation with Turkey and Israel. When they have no friends they will search for any possible friend who reaches their hands.

Suicide bombers and blowing things up is something new, a recent thing. This due to the religious monkeys in the region that have emerged since religion replaced nationalism for many Arabs. No such things occurred just a few decades back more often than in other places of the world.

Since when did it start with Saddam using chemical weaponry, it started decades before he came.

I don't expect them to like anyone, i'm just telling that guy the obvious, Kurds are nationalists whom are not interested in religion nowadays.
Sayyidi Shaykh AbdAllah Sirjauddin al Halabi al Husayni


The Kurds are the backbone of Sunni Islam in the Middle East
This is our Master Shaykh AbdAllah Sirajuddin from Halab.

A Shafi'i Master, a Kurd, a Husayni


indeed, you're master, the master of Kurds however that would be APO, the Barzani family, 'mam jalal' and some others, all irreligious nationalists.
Suicide bombers and blowing things up is something new, a recent thing. This due to the religious monkeys in the region that have emerged since religion replaced nationalism for many Arabs. No such things occurred just a few decades back more often than in other places of the world.

Since when did it start with Saddam using chemical weaponry, it started decades before he came.

I don't expect them to like anyone, i'm just telling that guy the obvious, Kurds are nationalists whom are not interested in religion nowadays.
I don't say saddam started using chemical weapons because even in world war 1 they made use of chemical weapons. However Kurds are human and so their reaction against the al-anfal operation and halabja massacre/genocide (in name of arabism) is some kind of kurdish nationalism. Good or bad, it's understandable to a certain degree.

They are a secular people and that's why Kurdish regions are relatively safe. If Daesh ever enters Kurdish regions they will meet their 72.
I don't say saddam started using chemical weapons because even in world war 1 they made use of chemical weapons. However Kurds are human and so their reaction against the al-anfal operation and halabja massacre/genocide (in name of arabism) is some kind of kurdish nationalism. Good or bad, it's understandable to a certain degree.

They are a secular people and that's why Kurdish regions are relatively safe. If Daesh ever enters Kurdish regions they will meet their 72.

So you are unaware of pre Saddam Iraq, even before it became a republic and the issues with Kurds, read about it first.
So you are unaware of pre Saddam Iraq, even before it became a republic and the issues with Kurds, read about it first.
I know even before saddam there were troubles between the Iraqi government and kurds, but that does not change what I explained.

Shaykh al Kurdi of Damascus and Irbid

The Shadhiliyyah Master
Brother can you put light on Hazrat Hassan's RA Family. Where are they which area. Madina or somewhere else. Please stop argu with these Saudi guys they are pan nationalists. There is no Islam in them.
Brother can you put light on Hazrat Hassan's RA Family. Where are they which area. Madina or somewhere else. Please stop argu with these Saudi guys they are pan nationalists. There is no Islam in them.

Anoter troll meddling in internal Arab and ME affairs.

All over Hijaz and mainly in the Arab world. A significant portion outside of the Arab world as well. Where else should they be?

It's Hasan ibn Ali (ra).

In any case the Kurds are a tiny minority in Iraq and Syria (numbering a total of about 4 million) and they are not a homogenous people but just a mixture of different people that appeared in history fairly recently.

Their leadership must be kept in check if they work against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.
Anoter troll meddling in internal Arab and ME affairs.

All over Hijaz and mainly in the Arab world. A significant portion outside of the Arab world as well. Where else should they be?

It's Hasan ibn Ali (ra).

In any case the Kurds are a tiny minority in Iraq and Syria (numbering a total of about 4 million) and they are not a homogenous people but just a mixture of different people that appeared in history fairly recently.

Their leadership must be kept in check if they work against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.
Keep it to yourself everyone is a troll for you. I asked a question what is trolling in it. That is what I said its Arab /Me affairs not Islamic affairs. Who are you to judge Kurd Muslims. If they are traitors of ummah then what are you Saudis. Doing 100s marriages, making those stupid big buildings. Shaking hands with yahoodis. Treating other non Arabs Muslims as slaves. You guys are pure nationalists who are just saving their kingdom. Last time I heard it was a Kurd who conquered Bait Ul Muqadis. But you guys are busy to buy football clubs, streets. Instead of creating unity bt Muslims as a custodians of Holy Places. You are shaking hands with yahoodis inside syria. And Iran is same like you people. Shake hand with each other so you can protect lives of innocent Muslims there. This war is between two egos not a war of Islam. Muslims don't need enemies you both are enough for us. And please don't call it a Sunni muslim interests , its only arab interest specially Saudi interests. When you make it Sunni muslim interests then don't expect that a Sunni will not meld in this affair.
Keep it to yourself everyone is a troll for you. I asked a question what is trolling in it. That is what I said its Arab /Me affairs not Islamic affairs. Who are you to judge Kurd Muslims. If they are traitors of ummah then what are you Saudis. Doing 100s marriages, making those stupid big buildings. Shaking hands with yahoodis. Treating other non Arabs Muslims as slaves. You guys are pure nationalists who are just saving their kingdom. Last time I heard it was a Kurd who conquered Bait Ul Muqadis. But you guys are busy to buy football clubs, streets. Instead of creating unity bt Muslims as a custodians of Holy Places. You are shaking hands with yahoodis inside syria. And Iran is same like you people. Shake hand with each other so you can protect lives of innocent Muslims there. This war is between two egos not a war of Islam. Muslims don't need enemies you both are enough for us. And please don't call it a Sunni muslim interests , its only arab interest specially Saudi interests. When you make it Sunni muslim interests then don't expect that a Sunni will not meld in this affair.

First of all the ME has nothing to do with you or its people. Just because you happen to be an Muslim, like you have Western or African Muslims, it does not mean that you have any business in our internal matters. You are still an foreigner. Muslim or not.

I don't care what some Pakistani is rambling about on issues that he has no clue about.

You don't see me commenting on internal Pakistani affairs. Besides just be happy that this is a Pakistani forum so we foreigners can't reply as deemed rightly to do when certain Pakistani users are trolling/writing nonsense or meddling.
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