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Iraqi Sunni Arab patriot and politician who called for war with Kurds barred from polls

First of all the ME has nothing to do with you or its people. Just because you happen to be an Muslim, like you have Western or African Muslims, it does not mean that you have any business in our internal matters. You are still an foreigner. Muslim or not.

I don't care what some Pakistani is rambling about on issues that he has no clue about.

You don't see me commenting on internal Pakistani affairs. Besides just be happy that this is a Pakistani forum so we foreigners can't reply as deemed rightly to do when certain Pakistani users are trolling/writing nonsense or meddling.
Use burnol or any other arabic internal thing for some relief. It's a truth which you don't like to listen. As I said when you call it a Sunni Muslims interests. I am Sunni I will reply. Keep it to Arab or your kingdom. Don't mention Sunni here then. Thanks to PDF I can speak otherwise in ksa i would be deemed rightly behind bars as you said.
Use burnol or any other arabic internal thing for some relief. It's a truth which you don't like to listen. As I said when you call it a Sunni Muslims interests. I am Sunni I will reply. Keep it to Arab or your kingdom. Don't mention Sunni here then. Thanks to PDF I can speak otherwise in ksa i would be deemed rightly behind bars as you said.

People that come with the Saladin story should realize we are in the 21st century, if you prefer a false version it's your choice.

Saladin story is FACT and inshallah will be repeated. You are right we are in the 21st century where muslims will give up their faith and brotherhood for a pittance of worldly desires. I.e. the majority of all the arab leaders today. All you who are nationalists or were created through nationalism are a disease whether kurd, arab, or any other ethnicity. End off, you're all worse than each other.
Most of the Kurds main religion is nationalism.

That's because most of the Iraqi Sunni Arabs belong to the Hanafi fiqh.

Half is a hugely, hugely exaggerated number. Iraqi Sunni Arabs rarely intermarried or intermarry with Kurds. Mostly only in the Northern areas.

No, that's not correct. Most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Shia Feyli Kurds.

The point is that the Kurds cannot be trusted and are trying to steal Arab land and ancient Semitic land.

They are not to be trusted in Syria either where some of them are collaborating with Al-Asshead.

I have no doubt about a future "Kurdish state" collaborating with Iran and Israel and that they are working against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.

Thus they are among the number of potential enemies in the future.

Besides many Kurds seem to have a hatred for Arabs which of course means that we will hate them too.

I am talking about their rulers and leaders here. Most of the ordinary Kurds are good people.
Most of the Kurds main religion is nationalism.

That's because most of the Iraqi Sunni Arabs belong to the Hanafi fiqh.

Half is a hugely, hugely exaggerated number. Iraqi Sunni Arabs rarely intermarried or intermarry with Kurds. Mostly only in the Northern areas.

No, that's not correct. Most of the Kurds in Baghdad are Shia Feyli Kurds.

The point is that the Kurds cannot be trusted and are trying to steal Arab land and ancient Semitic land.

They are not to be trusted in Syria either where some of them are collaborating with Al-Asshead.

I have no doubt about a future "Kurdish state" collaborating with Iran and Israel and that they are working against Arab and Sunni Muslim interests.

Thus they are among the number of potential enemies in the future.

Besides many Kurds seem to have a hatred for Arabs which of course means that we will hate them too.

I am talking about their rulers and leaders here. Most of the ordinary Kurds are good people.

Of course you can't trust someone if you betray them and backstabb them. After what the Kurds have gone through in Syria and Iraq, they have every right to do what they want. Arab land??? How many arab countries are there today? Everything from Oman to Mauritania is arab land, so what are you crying about? It's funny that you consider the border of Syria and Iraq as real borders. If the brits hadn't found oil in Kirkuk and other Kurdish areas, they would have allowed the Kurds to have their own country. The border between Turkey and Syria is based on a fucking train line! Just like that the Kurdish families got split up. Because of some fucking train line. It's time the borders gets some adjustments. Kurds will only be your enemy if you want them to be it. But without sea, I don't see anything special happening to the Kurds in Syria. In Iraq, independance is nearing, thanks to Maliki. We will see a confederation over there. Iran?? Iran controls Iraq and things are not good between Kurds and Iraq, so no. Turkey is more likely to be their ally, especially AKP using this as a card to get support from Kurds in Turkey itself.
Collaborating with asshit? are you Iranian or something?

What have the Kurds anything to do with the Turkmens?

No, it's not. It's controlled by Sunni Arabs as it has always been the case. Since Islam reached what is now modern-day Iraq.

Kurds are not Iraqis. 90% of them live in Iraqi Kurdistan which is nearly 95% Kurdish populated after the Kurds committed genocide on the native Semitic Assyrians.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs make up about 25-30% of Iraq's entire population. There are nearly no Kurds who live in the Iraqi Sunni Arab provinces and the Kurds who live in Baghdad are mostly Shia Feylis while the Kurds living South of Baghdad can be counted on 1 hand.

Turkmens have not even been in Iraq for 1000 years. They are fairly new arrivals (500 years) and are a small, small minority.
In any case we are off-topic.

It's funny because your fellow semitic assyrians are fleeing for their lives from their semitic brothers in Iraq for protections in the Kurdish regions today. Yes, Kurds and Assyrians have killed eachother since the times of Anicent Assyria, it's pretty clear who are victorious. And if you talk about recent times, there were massacres against them, but in the same time they worked togheter with the brits against Kurds and killed many innocent Kurds.

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Nobody in Iraq considers Kurds as their own people. Most see them as a foreign entity with a totally different history, language ,culture, political views etc. They are an foreign entity who committed genocide on the native and ancient Semitic Assyrians.
They are totally different people. Some intermarriages or not. They have their own state now. If not for patriotic feelings of not wanting to break up Iraq and having a romanticized view of a united Iraq most of the Iraqis would have wanted to separate from this so-called Kurdistan a long, long time ago.

Lastly the Kurds are stealing money on a yearly basis from the central government in Baghdad (whom I have no love left for) and they also openly work against the interests of Iraq.

In any case his original interview was not controversial if you ask me. The Kurds want to annex non-Kurdish territory and that will not be allowed by the local Sunni Arabs or other Iraqis who are not loyal to this so-called Kurdistan.

Kurds have a disturbing love for Zionism and the state of Israel and their main religion is Kurdish nationalism and they cannot be trusted.

In a perfect world they would be driven back to where they came from (God knows from where).

You remind me alot of this man, sadly he is jordanian aswell. That you simple keep mentioning Assyrians, I mean what the **** are they? Compared what Iraq has done to the Kurds since it's foundation.

What u say is, true, Kurds in Iraq are very patriotic and feel barely any attachments to Iraq, they have good reasons to. Stealing money? Who are the ones who have been pumping oil from the Kirkuk and the rest of Germian region the last hundred years? Have they paid anything to the anfal victims? Nothing. It's Iraq who owes money to the Kurds, not the opposite. Peshmerga hasn't recieved a cent from Baghdad even though they pretty much wiped out most terrorists there.

He was an Arabized Kurd from Tikrit who fought under Abbasid command. His ancestors later intermarried with Arabs.

Although today the majority religion of the Kurds is Kurdish nationalism.

If that would be the case, we would have a country now. Unlike the rest of the rest of the Muslim world, Kurds remained loyal to Islam and yet were backstabbed by nationalists all around them. In Syria by Baathists, In Iraq by Baathists, in Turkey by Kemalists. The time of the Kurds have come for equality and justice among fellow Muslims countries.

Al-Hasani is right about the intermarriages between Sunni Arabs and Kurdish Sunnis. It used to be bigger before, for instance, today in Anbar you can find some people with Al-Kurdi as lastname. And most of those Kurds have lost anything that was related to their Kurdish side. In Kirkuk, Sinjar and Mosul is where most of the intermarriages occured but it's been non existent for like 30-20 years. I don't know so much about Sunni Kurds in Baghdad.
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Nice attempt of trolling, Indian. You better worry about your own part of the world and not the ancient Arab world or Middle East while trolling.

The Kurds should not have picked up a fight with the Iraqis. Besides the Kurds started an armed conflict against Iraq when Iraq was still a Kingdom.

In any case nobody is calling for any genocide of Kurds or Shias which have nothing to do with the debate.

The fact is that the Kurdish leadership is working against the interests of the Arab world and Islam. They are nationalistic people who want to steal Arab land and who cooperate with Israel and who would have no problem cooperating with our archenemy Iran.

Shia Arabs are our brothers and sisters as are all Arabs regardless of religion. My problem is only the sellouts among them that work with our archenemy (Iran) as the current Iraqi Shia Arab and Islamist led government is doing.

Kurds outside of their leadership and the secular/nationalists among them who work against Muslim and Arab interests are neither a problem. The Kurds I know are good people and I have had a few Kurdish friends.

You are seeing ghosts and want to associate me with Saddam Hussein whom I have no relation to or his politics.

It's pretty clear that you're an Arab nationalist, not like I have anything against it, but you're then using Islam as a card to defy Kurds for being nationalist when you yourself are a very strong nationalist. You seem to think Islam and Arab nationalism is a good think because Islam was created by Semitic people.

Kurds and Israel? You're starting to go on my nerves now. The only Kurds that have worked with Israel are Barzani Kurds. But that's still less than the co-op the arab world has with Israel. There are no Israeli flags in the Kurdish regions but I can't say that about many Arab countries or the fellow Muslim Country Turkey. Many Kurds fought in Palestine for god sake yet palestinians helped Saddam in his genocidal campaign against the Kurds! Even though the fact that there are more than 150000 Kurdish Jews in Israel!! So where did we act in the name of nationalism you coco nut? But I can't say the same thing about the Arab world, for you it was all about liberating Arab land. The only ones who actually cares about liberating Jerusalem and Al'Aqsa today is Iran.

History of Jews in Kurdistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the way you are acting and behaving, I truly hope more and more Kurds turn nationalistic.
Let's suppose that Kurds got their independence. How would Kurds manage an inland country surrounded by enemies?
Let's suppose that Kurds got their independence. How would Kurds manage an inland country surrounded by enemies?

By Barzani working in favor for Turkey and Talabani in Iran's, that's how it has been the last 40 years. I don't want to tear apart middle east or anything but I want justice and Kurds haven't witnessed justice since nationalism entered the region. Kurds were still loyal to Islam when their neighbours one after the other got great promises by colonialists. And then we have this al-Hasani whining about it for what? Some bits of Iraq and Syria? When everything from Oman to west africa is under Arab control. We have contributed alot to Islam and fellow Muslim nations yet backstabbing is the only thing we have seen, blinded by Nationalism. Since they won't change, we are the one who needs to change for our rights and our survival, so if that means becoming Nationalistic then so be it. We can't really decide over things, it's the others.
By Barzani working in favor for Turkey and Talabani in Iran's, that's how it has been the last 40 years. I don't want to tear apart middle east or anything but I want justice and Kurds haven't witnessed justice since nationalism entered the region. Kurds were still loyal to Islam when their neighbours one after the other got great promises by colonialists. And then we have this al-Hasani whining about it for what? Some bits of Iraq and Syria? When everything from Oman to west africa is under Arab control. We have contributed alot to Islam and fellow Muslim nations yet backstabbing is the only thing we have seen, blinded by Nationalism. Since they won't change, we are the one who needs to change for our rights and our survival, so if that means becoming Nationalistic then so be it. We can't really decide over things, it's the others.
Don't generalize, Syrian and Iraqi Arabs were Assad and Saddam's first victims even before Kurds. Those countries people have had no saying.
Don't generalize, Syrian and Iraqi Arabs were Assad and Saddam's first victims even before Kurds. Those countries people have had no saying.

you're right, my bad bro but I am currenty angry at this al-Hasani dude.
Any Kurdistan would include parts from Turkey and Iran as well. This essentially makes 3 enemies at 3 borders. After all, I don't think anyone would bear to see their country broken up, hence feelings of hostility would ensue.
Any Kurdistan would include parts from Turkey and Iran as well. This essentially makes 3 enemies at 3 borders.

Yes, but Kurds are not that far ahead to start claiming anything from them and they would not like to risk what they currently have. This has caused problems between Kurds, saying that you have betrayed us for them etc, like with Turkey.

You cannot deny that the Kurdish leadership is willing to have ties with Israel and enemies of the Arab world in order to gain territory from Syria and Iraq.

You say that some Arabs acted badly against Kurds which is true and vice vera btw but at the same time you boost about being stronger than the Assyrians that the Kurds have not behaved well to either. Then I can claim that the Arabs simply always were stronger than the Kurds hence Kurds never having an independent country.

My criticism is not of Kurds as a people but the leadership.
In Syria we don't know where we have you guys. One day you are pro-Assad and the other anti-Assad.

Lastly I am yet to met a Kurd that is religious. Most are focussed on Kurdish nationalism just like you and the few other Kurdish users who have been on this forum.

Nowhere do I say anywhere that this is wrong I am just stating the fact.

I remember you insulting Iraq out of nowhere. A country I have ancestral ties to on my father's side and still have relatives living in.

Also nowhere have I talked about Saddam Hussein or anything so trying to paint me in this light is pathetic just for me (rightly) criticizing the Kurdish LEADERSHIP.

About the hostility towards Arabs (Iranians and Turks as well) then just please visit any Kurdish forum.
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