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Iraqi forces raid Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah base, 14 arrested


Dec 14, 2017
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Iraqi forces raid Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah base, 14 arrested


Members of Kataib Hezbollah at the funeral of commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was killed in an air strike at Baghdad airport, in Baghdad, Iraq

Iraqi security forces have raided a base belonging to a powerful Iran-backed armed group in southern Baghdad and detained at least 14 militia members, sources have told Al Jazeera.

The raid late on Thursday was the most brazen action by Iraqi forces against a major Iran-backed group in years and targeted the Kataib Hezbollah faction, which United States officials have accused of firing rockets at bases hosting US troops and other facilities in Iraq.

Al Jazeera's Simona Foltyn, reporting from Baghdad, said Iraq's elite Counter Terrorism Service seized at least 10 rockets during the operation, which was "carried out an in effort to pre-empt an impending rocket attack on the Green Zone and Baghdad International Airport, both of which house US troops".

"Subsequently, dozens of armed Kataib Hezbollah fighters arrived in the Green Zone and laid siege to one of the buildings belonging to the Counter Terrorism Service, demanding the release of the detainees, claiming they were arrested illegally without an arrest warrant," she said.

Kataib Hezbollah itself is part of Iraq's security apparatus, she noted, as the group is part of the state-funded Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), a Shia paramilitary dominated by Iran-backed armed groups.

The raid was the first sign that the government of Iraq's new prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, intends to make good on promises to take tough action against groups that have targeted US installations.

It took place after a number of rocket attacks near the US embassy in Baghdad and other US military sites in the country in recent weeks.

"If those detained are released, this would be a rather embarrassing to the new government," said Foltyn, "as the raid was carried out on al-Kadhimi's orders and the prime minister has made it one of his priorities to constrain the weapons in the hands of the state and to rein in groups such as Kataib Hezbollah."

Fears of escalation

The Reuters news agency said a spokesman for the US-led coalition in Iraq and Iraqi paramilitary sources denied claims that any of those arrested had been handed over to the US military.

One government official told Reuters three commanders of Kataib Hezbollah had been detained during the raid. One of those commanders was an Iranian, he said. But a second PMF official told the agency no commanders of Kataib Hezbollah were arrested.

Tensions between Washington and Tehran especially on Iraqi soil have been high for at least a year.

It nearly spilled into regional conflict in January after the US killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and PMF commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a drone strike at Baghdad airport.

the rest here :

Iraq have realized what a grave mistake it has done by taking iranian help. Its like taking help of the devil. I feel the iraqis will have to now fight an internal war for years to come to get rid of the iranian germs.
Iraq have realized what a grave mistake it has done by taking iranian help. Its like taking help of the devil. I feel the iraqis will have to now fight an internal war for years to come to get rid of the iranian germs.

Iraq should never have raised the popular mobilization units with Iranian help. When the Iraqi army had collapsed and ISIS was steamrolling territory.

they should have just sat idle like good lil sheep, and get slaughtered by Wahabi ISIS. so wahabis and their zionist big spoon buddies can be happy right?

those damn secterarian iraqis... how dare they want to defend themselves..

Maybe even let wahabis have a replay of their 19th century massacre and loot of karbala... its the only path to true Islam and defeating those shia germ iranians..

This people is why pakistan is weak. They think by taking saudi money it helps them. but the wahabi cancer breeds hateful sectarians. who instead of concentrating on their indian/hindu enemies. they seem more interested in attackin pakistani shias.. .

absolutely disgusting.
Shows that US has more influence in Iraq than Iran.
Iraq should never have raised the popular mobilization units with Iranian help. When the Iraqi army had collapsed and ISIS was steamrolling territory.

they should have just sat idle like good lil sheep, and get slaughtered by Wahabi ISIS. so wahabis and their zionist big spoon buddies can be happy right?

those damn secterarian iraqis... how dare they want to defend themselves..

Maybe even let wahabis have a replay of their 19th century massacre and loot of karbala... its the only path to true Islam and defeating those shia germ iranians..

This people is why pakistan is weak. They think by taking saudi money it helps them. but the wahabi cancer breeds hateful sectarians. who instead of concentrating on their indian/hindu enemies. they seem more interested in attackin pakistani shias.. .

absolutely disgusting.
Iran and Assad are major reason why ISIS appeared on first place. Iran fueled sectarianism and Shia terrorism, which caused reaction from Sunnis, while Assad directly supported Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Notice that ISIS strong only in countries with Khamenai sectarian militias: Syria, Iraq, Yemen. In countries without Khamenaist militias there is no ISIS.

Khamenaism and ISIS are two sides of same sectarian terrorist coin.
Good action by Iraq, it will be painful journey for Iraq to disarm Iranian fifth column.
Iraq have realized what a grave mistake it has done by taking iranian help. Its like taking help of the devil. I feel the iraqis will have to now fight an internal war for years to come to get rid of the iranian germs.

Iraq should never have raised the popular mobilization units with Iranian help. When the Iraqi army had collapsed and ISIS was steamrolling territory..

Good action by Iraq, it will be painful journey for Iraq to disarm Iranian fifth column.

Shows that US has more influence in Iraq than Iran.

At times when Iran was doing well economically , instead of investing in their own people , the mullahs purred billions to finance proxies in Syria , Lebanon , Iraq and Yemen.

Now their economy is collapsing , but they still feed the beast they have created , instead of their own people.

What's the situation at Taftan border? Any foreign pressure to re-open?
Iran and Assad are major reason why ISIS appeared on first place. Iran fueled sectarianism and Shia terrorism, which caused reaction from Sunnis, while Assad directly supported Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Notice that ISIS strong only in countries with Khamenai sectarian militias: Syria, Iraq, Yemen. In countries without Khamenaist militias there is no ISIS.

Khamenaism and ISIS are two sides of same sectarian terrorist coin.

Yes we know IS, and Baghdadi (who was released from an american prison) were fighting Any Iranian backed ally anywhere they could. While not firing a single bullet towards israel.

that and open american "accidental" airstrikes right before ISIS offesinve that killed 250 government soldiers and cut DEZ into 2 pockets... or Kerry admitting they were using ISIS to pressure the Syrian government.

humanity really has Iran to thank for putting these animals down. because as soon as these CIA terrorists were done genociding Shias, it would have been a matter of time before slaughtering western citizens. There are thousnads/ tens of thousands of white westerners who will live. without ever knowing they owe their life to Iran for sending tens of thousands of wahabi rats to hell. And god knows how many potential bin ladens/baghdadis that were wasted on the battlefield and never got carry out terrorism elsewhere.

Now i usually dont reply to scum but you are at a whole another level. Just look how filthy hypocrite u are, i never even mentioned sect or religion but the iranian shia scum that u are, u came here and started uttering wahabi and saudi and all that scum that resides in ur kind.
The readers should witness yet another hypocrisy by these filthy morons running around our forum and calling ppl wahabi n saudi slaves on a defense forum that has nothing to do with sect or religion. It proves my point that iranian scum are the reason for the mess in the region, these scum will turn everything into a sectarian issue. Glad to see u showed us ur true filthy face.
Next time u hide ur ugly face behind sectarianism or use sectarian slurs, ill be even more harsh. Just coz mods have removed ur leashes doesn't mean i wont put u in ur place. Be careful in future.


I know your burning.... im enjoying every second of it.

but know there is a HUGE difference between savagery and toughness... Your ISIS buddies were savages and animals... when they meet Iranian allies, and IRGC they got a taste of what toughness was.

just look at the sheer amount of territory ( more then half of iraq and Syria) that these sub-humans lost. Yet very very few POWs were taken... What do you think happened to those animals??

ISIS squeeled like pigs under the feet of so called "shia militias". They absolutey are terrified of them. very few got taken alive.... ill let your imagination think of what happened to your ISIS buddies.
It was Kataib Hezbollah who stopped ISIS to capture Iraq fully.

ISIS destroyed grave of prophet yones in Iraq:


Yes we know IS, and Baghdadi (who was released from an american prison) were fighting Any Iranian backed ally anywhere they could. While not firing a single bullet towards israel.

that and open american "accidental" airstrikes right before ISIS offesinve that killed 250 government soldiers and cut DEZ into 2 pockets... or Kerry admitting they were using ISIS to pressure the Syrian government.

humanity really has Iran to thank for putting these animals down. because as soon as these CIA terrorists were done genociding Shias, it would have been a matter of time before slaughtering western citizens. There are thousnads/ tens of thousands of white westerners who will live. without ever knowing they owe their life to Iran for sending tens of thousands of wahabi rats to hell. And god knows how many potential bin ladens/baghdadis that were wasted on the battlefield and never got carry out terrorism elsewhere.


I know your burning.... im enjoying every second of it.

but know there is a HUGE difference between savagery and toughness... Your ISIS buddies were savages and animals... when they meet Iranian allies, and IRGC they got a taste of what toughness was.

just look at the sheer amount of territory ( more then half of iraq and Syria) that these sub-humans lost. Yet very very few POWs were taken... What do you think happened to those animals??

ISIS squeeled like pigs under the feet of so called "shia militias". They absolutey are terrified of them. very few got taken alive.... ill let your imagination think of what happened to your ISIS buddies.
This guy @T|/|T is an ISIS member. better not to waste your golden time

Anti-christ Freemasonic Americans made 9/11, taliban and ISIS:

Now i usually dont reply to scum but you are at a whole another level. Just look how filthy hypocrite u are, i never even mentioned sect or religion but the iranian shia scum that u are, u came here and started uttering wahabi and saudi and all that scum that resides in ur kind.
The readers should witness yet another hypocrisy by these filthy morons running around our forum and calling ppl wahabi n saudi slaves on a defense forum that has nothing to do with sect or religion. It proves my point that iranian scum are the reason for the mess in the region, these scum will turn everything into a sectarian issue. Glad to see u showed us ur true filthy face.
Next time u hide ur ugly face behind sectarianism or use sectarian slurs, ill be even more harsh. Just coz mods have removed ur leashes doesn't mean i wont put u in ur place. Be careful in future.
But former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Adel Kalbani said isis have the same beliefs as we do. so he just mentioned him ... and these scums were crushed by sectarian Shia ... any problem?
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