Find out, while Hafez Assad provided traning camps and lands, financial support, political protection to the PKK terrorists, why suddenly changed his mind and closed these camps and kicked Öcalan's ***.
We've been asking the Iraqi army for years to fight these scumbags. If there are technical difficulties, the Turkish authorities openly declared that they will provide all kinds of technical support in this regard. But if these terrorists will not be kicked by them, and if no steps will be taken in this regard despite our offer of help, it is essential for our country's security to destroy these terror camps and smuggling lines that threaten our country.
If these lands belong to Iraq, they will first show how to protect these lands from terrorism. Defending the homeland is not a populist tool for a politician to change the agenda when scandalous leaks about him emerge. It is a struggle on the field and with sacrifice, it cannot be done with words.
Even when America dirty the honor of your women, they did not react so much; Those who burn the Turkish flag in front of the Turkish consulate with an accusation created without any evidence are just pawns of dirty ambitions. But the effects are as much as a dog's fart on the street.