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Iraq buying weapons from Russia.

Do you want videos texts for sheikhs from your country calling to slay the Shiite every where any where man do you think you can fool all the people here I know that you know your regime is a true pure evil a hate gut and they spread the hate around the Islamic world. but I know you will never ever agree and I understand.
the question here is
can they trust the west to save them from the middle east powers ? they are making enemies everywhere iraq syria iran they are funding terrorists everywhere how can they trust the west to save them when these countries start to hit them back can they defend themselves ? we will see
Are you providing proof by quoting U.S officials?The same liars who started a bloody war based on non-existent WMDs?The same ones who killed 1 millions Iraqis?
Don't humiliate yourself more and more by posting jokes as evidence.

Man, it's a well known fact, I can bring sources, allot of them, but those were what I got first. I had an Iraqi friend, his name is Omar, he and his family left Iraq under a threat of death from Iranian backed militia, he told me that they knew him from his name and ordered to leave or get killed.
Hey, black isnt Iraq is our home didn't we support democracy didn't we share the rule with arab sunni arn't there sunni in the government then why all thsi war against us why alqaeda blowing up my people why the slaughter of my people they videoed why why no reason more than bieng shiite in control of the country either sunni control the country like saddam or death for us is that right if that's so who gave that one????.
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the question here is
can they trust the west to save them from the middle east powers ? they are making enemies everywhere iraq syria iran they are funding terrorists everywhere how can they trust the west to save them when these countries start to hit them back can they defend themselves ? we will see
They think Shiite can't revenge to there people affraid of sectarian war hit the islamic world what left is syria. syrian regime is so weak to think of strike back. they're poor and have more than enough trouble with west iraq is the only country that can hit with a fist of fury but as I said they don't want more diverge in the islamic little unity. I believe in Allah look how he punished saddam he will punish them no doubt.
Hey, black isnt Iraq is our home didn't we support democracy didn't we share the rule with arab sunni arn't there sunni in the government then why all thsi war against us why alqaeda blowing up my people why the slaughter of my people they videoed why why no reason more than bieng shiite in control of the country either sunni control the country like saddam or death for us is that right if that's so who gave that one????.

Enough with lying, enough! Qaeda are being fought by Sunnah everywhere, they are our enemies as well every human being. Stop this BS already! Your problem is that you ignore Iranian backed terrorist groups in Iraq. What do you think of them?
Hey, black isnt Iraq is our home didn't we support democracy didn't we share the rule with arab sunni arn't there sunni in the government then why all thsi war against us ontrowhy alqaeda blowing up my people why the slaughter of my people they videoed why why no reason more than bieng shiite in cl of the country either sunni control the country like saddam or death for us is that right if that's so who gave that one????.

Well i dont want to involve in this mess but you need correction my friend..You wrongfully introduce Al-Queda as a Sunni terrorist organization whose sole mission is to kill Shiite..Thats not true..

2003 Istanbul bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These barbarians killed 67 of my people, Sunni people( actually doesnt matter ) What i understand is, their sole mission is to destroy anyone who doesnt follow their twisted way of life whether be it Sunni or Shiite..Thats my humble opinion

I can't see the video for Youtube is currently banned in Pakistan !

As for the other three links - Just as I don't buy the US's continued allegation of the Haqqani Network supported by Pakistan's ISI or 'is the veritable arm of the ISI' as Mullen put it, I don't buy this either. They - the US - have failed in Iraq, they've failed in Afghanistan, they've failed in Libya & they will fail in Syria should that come to pass, they've been looking for scapegoats to shift the blame from their poor shows. They went in to get rid of the Taliban & the Al Qaeeda in Afghanistan & yet the Taliban have majority of Afghanistan under control. They went in for Nation building & yet Afghanistan despite spending billions of dollars is as dilapidated as it was during the time of the Taliban. They then reduced these targets to 'will put in place a security apparatus to ensure that another 9'11 never occurs' - Unfortunately they're being killed by their own trained Afghan National Army with many of their allies (France & Britain) recalling their troops ahead of schedule. They did the same in Iraq - Weapons of Mass destruction they said & yet I can't even recall them showcasing a used grenade that they pulled out of Saddam's arse ! They talked about the same thing in Libya - We're going to get rid of the dictator Gaddafi ! *the same guy who had become their darling just a year ago*. Ironically they ended up using the same guys - the Islamists including allegedly the Maghrib faction of the Al Qaeeda, as the 'freedom fighters' to oust the Libyan from power.

Yeah...thanks but no thanks ! They're words are as much credible as the musings of a pathological liar.

On to the last one - It begins with the assumption that Iran is supporting them ! I'm not disputing that but nor can I say that it is; where is the evidence ? Thats all I'm asking ! Where is the evidence that Iran is supporting them ?

If its funding - Where is the money trail ?

If its weapons & trainings - How in God's name has a country like the US not been able to get hold of some photographic evidence for that ! Surely the drones or the satellites could have been used ? Heck to hell with photographic evidence...perhaps even a wire tap or recording a conversation like they did with numerous Al-Qaeeda terrorists before bombing them ! Something dude...something ?
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Enough with lying, enough! Qaeda are being fought by Sunnah everywhere, they are our enemies as well every human being. Stop this BS already! Your problem is that you ignore Iranian backed terrorist groups in Iraq. What do you think of them?
Now zarqawi was imprisoned in jordan how come he fled to iraq who free him and why this needs an answer?.
Now zarqawi was imprisoned in jordan how come he fled to iraq who free him and why this needs an answer?.

You know, we aren't Gods to predicts what would people do or become in the future, if he had done nothing then he should had been freed. However:

2005 Amman bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The joint task force (Task Force 145) had been tracking him for some time, and although there were some close calls, he had eluded them on many occasions. United States intelligence officials then received tips from Iraqi senior leaders from Zarqawi's network that he and some of his associates were in the Baqubah area.[124] The safehouse itself was watched for over six weeks before Zarqawi was observed entering the building by operators from Task Force 145. Jordanian intelligence reportedly helped to identify his location. The area was subsequently secured by Iraqi security forces, who were the first ground forces to arrive.
I can't see the video for Youtube is currently banned in Pakistan !

As for the other three links - Just as I don't buy the US's continued allegation of the Haqqani Network supported by Pakistan's ISI or 'is the veritable arm of the ISI' as Mullen put it, I don't buy this either. They - the US - have failed in Iraq, they've failed in Afghanistan, they've failed in Libya & they will fail in Syria should that come to pass, they've been looking for scapegoats to shift the blame from their poor shows. They went in to get rid of the Taliban & the Al Qaeeda in Afghanistan & yet the Taliban have majority of Afghanistan under control. They went in for Nation building & yet Afghanistan despite spending billions of dollars is as dilapidated as it was during the time of the Taliban. They then reduced these targets to 'will put in place a security apparatus to ensure that another 9'11 never occurs' - Unfortunately they're being killed by their own trained Afghan National Army with many of their allies (France & Britain) recalling their troops ahead of schedule. They did the same in Iraq - Weapons of Mass destruction they said & yet I can't even recall them showcasing a used grenade that they pulled out of Saddam's arse ! They talked about the same thing in Libya - We're going to get rid of the dictator Gaddafi ! *the same guy who had become their darling just a year ago*. Ironically they ended up using the same guys - the Islamists including allegedly the Maghrib faction of the Al Qaeeda, as the 'freedom fighters' to oust the Libyan from power.

Yeah...thanks but no thanks ! They're words are as much credible as the musings of a pathological liar.

On to the last one - It begins with the assumption that Iran is supporting them ! I'm not disputing that but nor can I say that it is; where is the evidence ? Thats all I'm asking ! Where is the evidence that Iran is supporting them ?

If its funding - Where is the money trail ?

If its weapons & trainings - How in God's name has a country like the US not been able to get hold of some photographic evidence for that ! Surely the drones or the satellites could have been used ? Heck to hell with photographic evidence...perhaps even a wire tap or recording a conversation like they did with numerous Al-Qaeeda terrorists before bombing them ! Something dude...something ?

They have failed in Libya?! I stopped reading here, I will not go through the rest, sorry. :disagree:
Enough with lying, enough! Qaeda are being fought by Sunnah everywhere, they are our enemies as well every human being. Stop this BS already! Your problem is that you ignore Iranian backed terrorist groups in Iraq. What do you think of them?

No you are not fighting al-Qaeda,you are assisting them everywhere they want to kill some Shia 'infidels'.
There are no terrorist groups in Iraq except Saudi funded thugs who blow up Shias to do thier holy Jihad.
Iran is helping Iraq's economy more than you could imagine.You don't like Maliki,the elected leader of Iraq who represents majority only because he is Shia,you have showed your true face regarding this in before.
Calling Bahraini protesters terrorists,calling Iranians who were killed in war with Iraq terrorists,calling Hezbollah terrorists,calling Maliki terrorist.
Iraq is not aour ally,it's just a free country that chooses its own path and makes friend with everyone they like.Iran is not interfering in Iraq matters,their politicians don't follow us on many issues.But you hate to see Iraq led by a Shia.
No you are not fighting al-Qaeda,you are assisting them everywhere they want to kill some Shia 'infidels'.
There are no terrorist groups in Iraq except Saudi funded thugs who blow up Shias to do thier holy Jihad.
Iran is helping Iraq's economy more than you could imagine.You don't like Maliki,the elected leader of Iraq who represents majority only because he is Shia,you have showed your true face regarding this in before.
Calling Bahraini protesters terrorists,calling Iranians who were killed in war with Iraq terrorists,calling Hezbollah terrorists,calling Maliki terrorist.
Iraq is not aour ally,it's just a free country that chooses its own path and makes friend with everyone they like.Iran is not interfering in Iraq matters,their politicians don't follow us on many issues.But you hate to see Iraq led by a Shia.
Bro the issue isn't Shia or Sunni the issue is that how much you affect our interests and our friends interests that's it if shia like Allawi but midget like them its fine the problem is when you try to be independent mature do what you think its good for your people that is the problem with these regimes is that they're midget. Democracy is there enemy democracy means no place for them democracy means they stop sucking blood.
They have failed in Libya?! I stopped reading here, I will not go through the rest, sorry. :disagree:

As per many out there the country is ruled by an Islamist setup that may or may not have links with the Al Qaeeda ! By yet many out there the different tribes that make up the ethnic makeup of Libya are at loggerheads with each other & if this persists for the worst, a division of the country could also be on the cards. The security situation in the country is chaotic to say the least - the US ambassador & his wife just got killed ! How was life under Qaddafi ? The same as it was under Saddam; speak up & off with your head but otherwise you're going to get everything that petro-dollars could buy. I'd think of it as a poor barter !
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