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Iran's utilization of ultra deep underground waters

Iran's strategy has been just fine by regional and other standards.

Well when your benchmark of excellence is in comparison to clueless Arab monarchs, then everything you do looks “just fine”
Well when your benchmark of excellence is in comparison to clueless Arab monarchs, then everything you do looks “just fine”

Arab monarchs with an excess of oil money though, which can not only buy them desalination plants but also western managers. And also the zionist regime. As for developed countries of the western hemisphere, they aren't exposed to similar climatic conditions but put them in a similar situation and some of their facade will surely crumble. The richest country on earth, the US, has its infrastructures deteriorating at an eye catching pace.
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You're quoting and replying to a truncated sentence... I put things into perspective and am against selective finger-pointing that defies comparative understanding.

I already endorsed improved and more economical watering techniques as well as greenhouses where possible.

70% of the North's forests gone? We mustn't be looking at the same satellite pictures. But I don't see the relation to what I wrote, I was referring to a specific issue concerning water reserves and how some have been trying to instrumentalize this is order to push an agenda of reducing domestic agricultural production. And no, I don't support deforestation anywhere in Iran.
why everyone always talks about problems and offer no solutions:
Two pronged approach is needed as discussed by everyone:

1- Water conservation by using modern irrigation systems and fundamental change in the way agriculture is done in Iran. If you are going to feed 80++ million mouths you better do it now. Somebody said 1/3 of Iran water is wasted every day.

2- Transfer of Persian Gulf waters into central Iran...Lets hope they finish the 4 phase mega project (two phases are done) see the Iran infrastructure thread page 1..lol.
1- Water conservation by using modern irrigation systems and fundamental change in the way agriculture is done in Iran. If you are going to feed 80++ million mouths you better do it now. Somebody said 1/3 of Iran water is wasted every day.
let just make it more than 50% and a lot more in agricultural sector
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