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Iran's strategic port offer to help India bypass Pakistan

Just words. Not to worry relax. We have what the Isreali's call "facts on the ground" that is physical geography. I can only think of two instances of that having been altered. Suez and Panama.

Its all about cost. By air, by sea the bottom line is cost and time. Imagine you live in New Delhi,India. Say you have a friend in Kabul,Afghanistan who want's to try one of your hand made "veg samosa". Let's follow the journey of our "samosa" along the alternative route.

1. New Delhi to Mumbai - Truck 700 miles
2. Mumbai to Chah Bahar - Ship 900 miles
3. Chah Bahar to Kabul - Truck 1,000 miles

That is 1,700 miles by road and another 900 by ship. By the time by your friend in Kabul get's his veg samosa it will be almost week later and will have travelled 2,600 miles. Think also of how many times loading and unloading happened between land-sea-land?

or direct through Pakistan.

1. New Delhi to Islamabad to Kabul. - Truck 650 miles.

Potentially 12 hours later the still warm veg samosa could be in your friends hands in Kabul.

*All distances measured with Google Earth and follow main road networks. Allow error factor 5%. Advice everybody go to Google Earth and see for yourself. Geography can be a b*tch sometimes.

** All the route from Pakistan border (Lahore/Wagah) to Afghan border (Peshawar/Khyber Pass) pass through Pakistan via world standard M1 and M2 Motorways which would take @55mph constant just about 5 hours from border to border. So Afghanistan border is just 5 hours away from India by truck. You think any Chah, Bah or Zah is going to match that?

Afghan border > Peshawar > Islamabad > Lahore > Indian border Motorway maps ( M1 and M2 )





So pay few Rupees at M2 Lahore Toll Plaza arriving from Indian border.


Pay few more Rupees at Islamabad M1 Toll plaza


and you arrive at Peshawar on the border of Afghanistan from India in less than 5 hours.


Oh noes, its game over. Man Pakistan is so strategically geographically historically chemically mechanically important. Please help us deliver the samosa to Afghanistan. Please. :(
Gotta love the Iranians, now that they have the upper hand they are really going to milk the Veggies for 8 Billion before they allow them access, how the tables have turned from the days india was milking iran for oil under sanctions.
pakistan can easily block Iran as ships will be very close to Pakistani waters or in Pakistani waters. i think Iran is turning away from Pakistan. Pakistan needs to do something or else its going to gain another adversary.
Beyond there lies "sunny Afghanistan" and Central Asia.



So yes there is always way around obstacles but it boils down to cost and time. In Pakistan not do we only have the geography but also world class road infrstructure linking the India/Pak/Afghan route.

Now we have to finish off the north south link between China and the Arabian sea. Work is in progess and in a few years we shall be able to also post the pictures of the full link. China Pakistan economic corridor ( CPEC )will fit nicely into this.

So yes we wish Chah Bahar the best. It of course has it 's uses but these compliment Pakistan and DO NOT poise a challange. I see benefits of syngergy here between Iran and Pakistan. So relax people.

WE in Pakistan need to focus and finish off the north south link. We have already completed about 25% so more needs to be done but work is in progress.


The section to Multan M3 is complete and now work on M4 is on. One thing with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is he has got a thing with roads so I expect this link from China to the Arabian sea will also be completed.



Work on M4 to Multan in progress.



So don't forget to factor in the "veg samosa" okay?

I understand your "veg samosa" factor :lol:, but what you don't understand is that 1) Islamabad doesn't want to open its country for the route 2) Delhi consider Pakistan route a bit dangerous and unsafe.

And again, Afghanistan, is not what India is looking at only. We are looking at Iran, Middle east and Central Asia. Having our own dedicated port in Iran gives us the freedom to do business as we please. Also given the hot and Cold relations with Pakistan, India doesn't want to be at the mercy of Pakistan for its trade. So the "veg samosa" route would not work for India
This isn't bad news for Pakistan because Chabahar provides electricity to Gwadar:

Energy trade: Nepra signals approval for Iran power import - The Express Tribune

"Pakistan was currently importing 40 MW from Iran for coastal areas of Balochistan. The import of power was being enhanced by additional 100 MW for Gwadar port for which an agreement had already been signed. It was informed that M/s SUNIR of Iran would construct the transmission line on both sides of the border for which negotiations on award of contract were in progress. Export Development Bank of Iran would be extending credit of $55 million to NTDC/PEPCO for construction of transmission line."

Iran Give $55M For Power Transmission Line - Gwadar Iqra Associates

The only thing we Pakistanis were concerned about is india supplying weapons to terrorists through Iran but i doubt the Iranians would allow such a thing considerate that Pakistan remained neutral in the Yemen conflict.
This looks more like a desperate attempt to downplay Gwadar port and the economic corridor. Not going to work.

You agree or not Chahabar will compete with Gwadar. Gwadar is built by the Chinese to connect the sea with its wild west. In that it has a limited use. On the other hand Chahabar is easy route to Middle east and Europe.
Just words. Not to worry relax. We have what the Isreali's call "facts on the ground" that is physical geography. I can only think of two instances of that having been altered. Suez and Panama.

Its all about cost. By air, by sea the bottom line is cost and time. Imagine you live in New Delhi,India. Say you have a friend in Kabul,Afghanistan who want's to try one of your hand made "veg samosa". Let's follow the journey of our "samosa" along the alternative route.

1. New Delhi to Mumbai - Truck 700 miles
2. Mumbai to Chah Bahar - Ship 900 miles
3. Chah Bahar to Kabul - Truck 1,000 miles

That is 1,700 miles by road and another 900 by ship. By the time by your friend in Kabul get's his veg samosa it will be almost week later and will have travelled 2,600 miles. Think also of how many times loading and unloading happened between land-sea-land?

or direct through Pakistan.

1. New Delhi to Islamabad to Kabul. - Truck 650 miles.

Potentially 12 hours later the still warm veg samosa could be in your friends hands in Kabul.

*All distances measured with Google Earth and follow main road networks. Allow error factor 5%. Advice everybody go to Google Earth and see for yourself. Geography can be a b*tch sometimes.

** All the route from Pakistan border (Lahore/Wagah) to Afghan border (Peshawar/Khyber Pass) pass through Pakistan via world standard M1 and M2 Motorways which would take @55mph constant just about 5 hours from border to border. So Afghanistan border is just 5 hours away from India by truck. You think any Chah, Bah or Zah is going to match that?

Afghan border > Peshawar > Islamabad > Lahore > Indian border Motorway maps ( M1 and M2 )





So pay few Rupees at M2 Lahore Toll Plaza arriving from Indian border.


Pay few more Rupees at Islamabad M1 Toll plaza


and you arrive at Peshawar on the border of Afghanistan from India in less than 5 hours.

Hahaha atanz nay Chah Bahar ki Chah khazan kar deee. Lolzzzzz

That translates as , Atanz turned Chah Bahar (Bahar means spring) into Chah Khazan (Khazan means autumn)

Actually its cheap transporting via sea than transporting on land through pk
Dont for gods sake embarass urself ,its very expensive route for india .and with the highway passing thru afghan talib held province nimroz, we can only wish u luck
This isn't bad news for Pakistan because Chabahar provides electricity to Gwadar:

Energy trade: Nepra signals approval for Iran power import - The Express Tribune

"Pakistan was currently importing 40 MW from Iran for coastal areas of Balochistan. The import of power was being enhanced by additional 100 MW for Gwadar port for which an agreement had already been signed. It was informed that M/s SUNIR of Iran would construct the transmission line on both sides of the border for which negotiations on award of contract were in progress. Export Development Bank of Iran would be extending credit of $55 million to NTDC/PEPCO for construction of transmission line."

Iran Give $55M For Power Transmission Line - Gwadar Iqra Associates

The only thing we Pakistanis were concerned about is india supplying weapons to terrorists through Iran but i doubt the Iranians would allow such a thing considerate that Pakistan remained neutral in the Yemen conflict.

India would not do anything that would destabilize Pakistan from Iran. It is simply not in India's interest.
Gotta love the Iranians, now that they have the upper hand they are really going to milk the Veggies for 8 Billion before they allow them access, how the tables have turned from the days india was milking iran for oil under sanctions.
Not just that india is deperate to get contract of newly discovered iranian gasfield farzad b gas field,currently iranians showed them :tdown:

I understand your "veg samosa" factor :lol:, but what you don't understand is that 1) Islamabad doesn't want to open its country for the route 2) Delhi consider Pakistan route a bit dangerous and unsafe.

And again, Afghanistan, is not what India is looking at only. We are looking at Iran, Middle east and Central Asia. Having our own dedicated port in Iran gives us the freedom to do business as we please. Also given the hot and Cold relations with Pakistan, India doesn't want to be at the mercy of Pakistan for its trade. So the "veg samosa" route would not work for India
Yes india considers Afgahn route via pakistan unsafe thats why india has been crying and complaining for years regarding pakistan not allowing to indian goods access to afghanistan.
Pata hota nahi hai ajatay hain internet pay.

Y else india complains abt saarc? Do u even know?
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India would not do anything that would destabilize Pakistan from Iran. It is simply not in India's interest.
Even if india wanted to it couldn't, not through Iran at least. This is where our neutrality in Yemen has come into great use.
Oh noes, its game over. Man Pakistan is so strategically geographically historically chemically mechanically important. Please help us deliver the samosa to Afghanistan. Please. :(
Yes pakistan is. Why then india doesnt want pakistan to quit saarc??

Educate urself. And why india cares so much abt GB? Lolz
Not just that india is deperate to get contract of newly discovered iranian gasfield farzad b gas field,currently iranians showed them :tdown:

Yes india considers Afgahn route via pakistan unsafe thats why india has been crying and complaining for years regarding pakistan not allowing access to indian goods to afghanistan.
Pata hota nahi hai ajatay hain internet pay.

Y else india complains abt saarc? Do u even know?

Have you read are of my post? What you listed is one point. The most important point is that India doesn't want to be at the mercy of Pakistan for its trade with Central Asia and Middle East.
Have you read are of my post? What you listed is one point. The most important point is that India doesn't want to be at the mercy of Pakistan for its trade with Central Asia and Middle East.
Oh plzzzz . India would desperately want it thru pakistan only,do u know how costly chahbahar is for india, the construction etc and then the transportation costs?
Just imagine this.

Both Chabahar port and Gwadar port with CPEC connectivity are fully operational. Forget about samosa or oil and gas.

CPEC will be trade corridor for China. Chabahar for India.

So tell me which country has bigger economic muscle and bigger commerce? India or China?

Indians in some of their elitist illusion try to compare themselves with Chinese. The fact is they are fraction of what Chinese economy is and scale of worldwide investments China is making in mining, industry and infrastructure worldwide.

I dont agree CPEC and Chabahar will be win win situation. In a fancied environment it can be, when India stops its obsession with suppressing and subverting Pakistan. But with the situation as it is, its going to be case of competition.

Why would PM Modi, in his utter foolishness protest to China regarding CPEC? His concern for CPEC shows Indian mindset and depth of its smallness.
Even if india wanted to it couldn't, not through Iran at least. This is where our neutrality in Yemen has come into great use.

Exactly...even if you think India is helping Baluchs, it will not be from Iran. The cost of this will be the relationship between India and Iran. Iran is the one of the most important partner for India in this region.
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