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Iran's strategic port offer to help India bypass Pakistan

Just words. Not to worry relax. We have what the Isreali's call "facts on the ground" that is physical geography. The only that has been altered is twice. Suez and Panama.

Its all about cost. By air, by sea the bottome line is cost and time. Imagine you live in New Delhi. You have a friend in Kabul who want's to try one of your hand made "veg samosa". Let's follow the journey of our "samosa".

1. New Delhi to Mumbai - Truck 700 miles
2. Mumbai to Chah Bahar - Ship 900 miles
3. Chah Bahar to Kabul - Truck 1,000 miles

That is 1,700 miles by road and another 900 by ship. By the time by friend in Kabul get's his veg samosa it will be almost week later and will have travelled 2,600 miles. Think also of how many times loading and unloading happened between land-sea-land?


1. New Delhi to Islamabad to Kabul. - Truck 650 miles.

Potentially 12 hours later the still warm veg samosa could be in my friends hands in Kabul.

*All distances measured with Google Earth and follow main road networks. Allow error factor 5%. Advice everybody go to Google Earth and see for yourself. Geography can be a b*tch sometimes.

** All the route from Pakistan border (Lahore/Wagah) to Afghan border (Peshawar/Khyber Pass) through Pakistan is via world standard M1 and M2 Motorways which would take @55mph constant just about 5 hours. So Afghanistan border is just 5 hours away from India by truck. You think any Chah, Bah or Zah is going to match that?

Lahore-Peshawar Motorway maps ( M1 and M2 )





So pay few Rupees at M1 Lahore Toll Plaza arriving from Indian border.


Pay few more Rupees at Islamabad M1 Toll


and you arrive at Peshawar on the border of Afghanistan from India in less than 5 hours.


The only difference is we won't be dealing in veg samosas - the commodity is most likely oil and minerals and Delhi and north India aren't the destination points for it - rajasthan Gujarat Maharastra tamil Nadu kerala and Karnataka for e.g....rather it's the ports lining up India's sea face that are the destination..that will end up being way cheaper by sea compared to by land over Pakistan.

P.s. I know where the butt hurt for pakistanis lie. .It isn't about the chahbahar port or Iran's association @PatriotLover it's about losing the only available leveruage vis a vis India and that is connectivity with central Asia via pakistan.

@The Last of us @Serpentine @haman10

Did somebody tell the above gentleman another 'fact on the ground' - Indian trucks cannot go to Afghanistan from Islamabad. And even then we can't trust them jihadi pigs to not blow themselves against these trucks. Delusional LOSER.

Oil, natural gas and minerals are far cheaper to export over sea than land.
Did somebody tell the above gentleman another 'fact on the ground' - Indian trucks cannot go to Afghanistan from Islamabad. And even then we can't trust them jihadi pigs to not blow themselves against these trucks. Delusional LOSER.
Then GOOD LUCK to India using Iran as they first Load their Containers in India then they would Unload them in Iran and then Transport via Roads of 1000 KMs all the way to Most Disturbed South Regions of Afghanistan due to Insurgency and Finally it reaches to Kabul. Guess what its way more Costly then Pakistan's Route but only if Pakistan ALLOWS India to Access.

Dont count on Consulates now in Afghanistan because Disturbing Baluchistan its also not in Iran's Favor as they also have Baluch Problem in Sistan which could SPARKED as well due to increase of Baluch Terrorists Group Activities in Pakistan. So Iran would be highly Unlikely to ALLOW India to Ignite Baluch Issues in Pakistan at least.
The Chinese trade through Gwadar will eclipse Indian trade through Chahbahar.And if imports and exports to Middle east is concerned then they wouldn't trust Iran.So that will also go through Gwadar.Just today Iranian supreme leader said that despite signing of nuclear agreement,Iran and America cannot have bonhomie as they are competing in the region against each other.So that means America will still trust Pakistan for maintaining its influence in the region.Pakistan doesn't mind if India does trade of few billion dollars through Chahbahar,coz they would be busy counting the mullah coz of trade through Gwadar.I heard Ruskies are also interested in Gwadar.
The only difference is we won't be dealing in veg samosas - the commodity is most likely oil and minerals and Delhi and north India aren't the destination points for it - rajasthan Gujarat Maharastra tamil Nadu kerala and Karnataka for e.g....rather it's the ports lining up India's sea face that are the destination..that will end up being way cheaper by sea compared to by land over Pakistan.

Oil, natural gas and minerals are far cheaper to export over sea than land.

There is just too many kids in this forum. Son why would you want to drag oil or gas from Central Asia. Iran itself is one of the largest reserves of oil and gas so I can't see Iranian helping you to import oil from Kazak oilfield or Turkmen gas fields when Iran itself has huge quantities of those very commodities?

And that "samosa" was just light hearted comment to illustrate what I was trying to convey and not be be taken too seriously.

Also I look at Chah Bahar and Gwadar as win win for both Iran and Pakistan. We both can benefit and is good for Iranian Balochistan and Pak Balochistan.
There is just too many kids in this forum. Son why would you want to drag oil or gas from Central Asia. Iran itself is one of the largest reserves of oil and gas so I can't see Iranian helping you to import oil from Kazak oilfield or Turkmen gas fields when Iran itself has huge quantities of those very commodities?

And that "samosa" was just light hearted comment to illustrate what I was trying to convey and not be be taken too seriously.

Chicha. .explain me this...why is India spending or planning to spend 8 billion or more on a port, railway network, road connectivity all the way up to central Asia?..I am sure it's not for the samosas or the..whatever it is besides the oil and minerals that central Asia exports...its an energy corridor...as in constant supply of energy..also minerals.

What do you think the Chinese want to use pakistani roads and ports for? To import dates from Arabia or to export their "anything for a dollar" chinese products through CPEC? Naah..its for oil and gas...again an energy corridor.

It's to ensure energy supplies from getting bottlenecked in the malacca straits...and for us..an access to energy supplies from central Asia..
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There is just too many kids in this forum. Son why would you want to drag oil or gas from Central Asia. Iran itself is one of the largest reserves of oil and gas so I can't see Iranian helping you to import oil from Kazak oilfield or Turkmen gas fields when Iran itself has huge quantities of those very commodities?

And that "samosa" was just light hearted comment to illustrate what I was trying to convey and not be be taken too seriously.

Sir. I would like to correct you on this point. Iran will produce a set output. Why?

1. Supply side infrastructure limitation - It suggests initially oil production would be low, as this infrastructure improves and more oil fields are utilized the production would increase but only to a certain point because of oil pricing dynamics

2. Oil Prices: There is already a downward pressure on oil prices and entrance of Iran into market would lead to a further drop. Now for operations to remain profitable it's not conducive to let oil prices fall below 35-30 USD which would prevent Iran, Russia and OPEC from endlessly increasing the supply. Basic economics dictate more the supply at a constant demand lesser the price.

Now assuming Iran produces X barrels of oil, it would have customers like India, Pakistan, China etc with whom it would have contracts to provide that X amount. This is in addition to domestic requirements which would certainly increase.

Ofcourse there would be adjustments depending on daily, weekly or monthly demand analysis.

In any case Iran would not supply it's total oil output to one Country like India but would diversify it's market across the spectrum to prevent a set-back in case Iran-India relationship sours or due to some other factor India is not able to buy Iranian Oil. So in a nutshell India would account only for a set percentage of Iranian Oil.

Now India would have to buy the balance oil from either C. Asia or OPEC to which Iran would not object.

Hope I have not made it too complicated.

The Chinese trade through Gwadar will eclipse Indian trade through Chahbahar.And if imports and exports to Middle east is concerned then they wouldn't trust Iran.So that will also go through Gwadar.Just today Iranian supreme leader said that despite signing of nuclear agreement,Iran and America cannot have bonhomie as they are competing in the region against each other.So that means America will still trust Pakistan for maintaining its influence in the region.Pakistan doesn't mind if India does trade of few billion dollars through Chahbahar,coz they would be busy counting the mullah coz of trade through Gwadar.I heard Ruskies are also interested in Gwadar.

6 months of the year blocked due or snow..transgressing thousands of kilometers through some of the highest mountain ranges. ..compared to a route through a stable country like Iran compared to a highly volatile country like Pakistan? ..The Iranian chahbahar option looks more practical.
This looks more like a desperate attempt to downplay Gwadar port and the economic corridor. Not going to work.
Did somebody tell the above gentleman another 'fact on the ground' - Indian trucks cannot go to Afghanistan from Islamabad. And even then we can't trust them jihadi pigs to not blow themselves against these trucks. Delusional LOSER.
he's a Greek afghan Bbuddah ....
Just words. Not to worry relax. We have what the Isreali's call "facts on the ground" that is physical geography. I can only think of two instances of that having been altered. Suez and Panama.

Its all about cost. By air, by sea the bottom line is cost and time. Imagine you live in New Delhi. Say you have a friend in Kabul who want's to try one of your hand made "veg samosa". Let's follow the journey of our "samosa".

1. New Delhi to Mumbai - Truck 700 miles
2. Mumbai to Chah Bahar - Ship 900 miles
3. Chah Bahar to Kabul - Truck 1,000 miles

That is 1,700 miles by road and another 900 by ship. By the time by friend in Kabul get's his veg samosa it will be almost week later and will have travelled 2,600 miles. Think also of how many times loading and unloading happened between land-sea-land?


1. New Delhi to Islamabad to Kabul. - Truck 650 miles.

Potentially 12 hours later the still warm veg samosa could be in my friends hands in Kabul.

*All distances measured with Google Earth and follow main road networks. Allow error factor 5%. Advice everybody go to Google Earth and see for yourself. Geography can be a b*tch sometimes.

** All the route from Pakistan border (Lahore/Wagah) to Afghan border (Peshawar/Khyber Pass) through Pakistan is via world standard M1 and M2 Motorways which would take @55mph constant just about 5 hours. So Afghanistan border is just 5 hours away from India by truck. You think any Chah, Bah or Zah is going to match that?

Lahore-Peshawar Motorway maps ( M1 and M2 )





So pay few Rupees at M2 Lahore Toll Plaza arriving from Indian border.


Pay few more Rupees at Islamabad M1 Toll plaza


and you arrive at Peshawar on the border of Afghanistan from India in less than 5 hours.

My friend in kabul doesnt want veg samosa. By the way eid mubarak janab
Just words. Not to worry relax. We have what the Isreali's call "facts on the ground" that is physical geography. I can only think of two instances of that having been altered. Suez and Panama.

Its all about cost. By air, by sea the bottom line is cost and time. Imagine you live in New Delhi,India. Say you have a friend in Kabul,Afghanistan who want's to try one of your hand made "veg samosa". Let's follow the journey of our "samosa" along the alternative route.

1. New Delhi to Mumbai - Truck 700 miles
2. Mumbai to Chah Bahar - Ship 900 miles
3. Chah Bahar to Kabul - Truck 1,000 miles

That is 1,700 miles by road and another 900 by ship. By the time by your friend in Kabul get's his veg samosa it will be almost week later and will have travelled 2,600 miles. Think also of how many times loading and unloading happened between land-sea-land?

or direct through Pakistan.

1. New Delhi to Islamabad to Kabul. - Truck 650 miles.

Potentially 12 hours later the still warm veg samosa could be in your friends hands in Kabul.

*All distances measured with Google Earth and follow main road networks. Allow error factor 5%. Advice everybody go to Google Earth and see for yourself. Geography can be a b*tch sometimes.

** All the route from Pakistan border (Lahore/Wagah) to Afghan border (Peshawar/Khyber Pass) pass through Pakistan via world standard M1 and M2 Motorways which would take @55mph constant just about 5 hours from border to border. So Afghanistan border is just 5 hours away from India by truck. You think any Chah, Bah or Zah is going to match that?

Afghan border > Peshawar > Islamabad > Lahore > Indian border Motorway maps ( M1 and M2 )





So pay few Rupees at M2 Lahore Toll Plaza arriving from Indian border.


Pay few more Rupees at Islamabad M1 Toll plaza


and you arrive at Peshawar on the border of Afghanistan from India in less than 5 hours.

I summarized this :ashamed:

Good going! Go around round round :woot:
Iran's strategic port offer to help India bypass Pakistan
By Reuters
Published: July 18, 2015

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has asked India to invest in infrastructure projects worth $8 billion, including an expanded role in developing a strategic port that will open up access to Central Asia, Iran’s envoy to New Delhi said on Friday.

The port of Chabahar in southeast Iran is central to India’s efforts to circumvent arch-rival Pakistan and open up a route to landlocked Afghanistan where it has developed close security ties and economic interests.

Rouhani suggested the larger role for India during a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of a summit in Russia days before the historic nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, Iran’s ambassador to India told Reuters.

“The potential between Iran and India is great but we were just facing such a wall of sanctions, wall of American pressure,” ambassador Gholamreza Ansari said.

Ansari said that with sanctions likely to be lifted soon, it was a “golden time” for India to seize investment opportunities because of the two countries’ close trade ties and shared interest in improving Central Asian transport links.

“Connectivity is the main policy of Modi that coincides with Iran’s government policy,” Ansari said. “We have offered them, in connectivy, $8 billion of projects.”

Modi’s meeting with Rouhani was part of a tour of Central Asia focused on increasing India’s role in the region.

It was not immediately clear how Modi responded to Rouhani’s offer.

India’s foreign ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

Iran and six world powers reached a nuclear deal on Tuesday, clearing the way for an easing of sanctions on Tehran.

India and Iran agreed in 2003 to develop Chabahar on the Gulf of Oman, near Iran’s border with Pakistan, but the venture has moved slowly because of the sanctions over Iran’s atomic programme.

The two countries maintained a close relationship despite the US-led trade restrictions that halved their oil trade to 220,000 barrels per day last year.

In May, India’s Shipping Minister Nitin Gadkari and his Iranian counterpart, Abbas Ahmad Akhoundi, signed an $85 million deal for India to lease two existing berths at the port and use them as multi-purpose cargo terminals.

Under the new proposal India could help build second and third terminals at the port, as well as railway connections into the rest of Iran, Ansari said.

India has moved slowly on opportunities in Iran in the past, including the giant Farzad B gas field. Ansari said India was the “first priority” to develop Farzad B, but urged New Delhi to move fast: “If they drag their feet, the market will not wait.”

Bad news for Pakistan!
After loss of Karzai, axis of evil was in great need for sustained supply of arms to terrorists, operating in Pakistan and region.
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