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iran's intelligence service one of the best intelligence service in world


Jun 16, 2014
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im here to thanks the organization which remain thankless and you never will know of it's success but you will always will know of it's failures sadly people never know where this security and safety come from and there must be a sad incident to remain us that the safety we feel does not come free by quick look at irans terrorist attacks we can say iran never face bombing or their citizens never die by terror attack although there is alot of terror group east and west of iran i think iran's intelligent and it's police is best in middle east and they are among top 10 in the world

keep up the good work

@rmi5 @Serpentine @New @rahi2357
im here to thanks the organization which remain thankless and you never will know of it's success but you will always will know of it's failures sadly people never know where this security and safety come from and there must be a sad incident to remain us that the safety we feel does not come free by quick look at irans terrorist attacks we can say iran never face bombing or their citizens never die by terror attack although there is alot of terror group east and west of iran i think iran's intelligent and it's police is best in middle east and they are among top 10 in the world

keep up the good work

@rmi5 @Serpentine @New @rahi2357

Thanks for the kind words bro. But brace yourself, this thread might become a troll fest by some trolls.
im here to thanks the organization which remain thankless and you never will know of it's success but you will always will know of it's failures sadly people never know where this security and safety come from and there must be a sad incident to remain us that the safety we feel does not come free by quick look at irans terrorist attacks we can say iran never face bombing or their citizens never die by terror attack although there is alot of terror group east and west of iran i think iran's intelligent and it's police is best in middle east and they are among top 10 in the world

keep up the good work

@rmi5 @Serpentine @New @rahi2357

I have problems with writing if-clauses but I want to say something provocative and I'll do it just for the purpose of political reflection:

If Turkey had not been a country with a secular state model, we certainly would be one of the most secure countries not only in the ME but probably in the hole world. Think about it.

But yet, the principles of secularism are in every case better than the Irani state model. In that light, you'll understand that Iran's "success" isn't surprising nor it is worth copying.

And I want to add another very important point. There is every day a military confrontation on the Irani soil. Just because you don't see it or hear about it or read about it doesn't mean these conflicts aren't existing in the first place. Look at the Pakistaní-Irani border. Once a week Iranian military is conducting operations, follow the Kurdish/PJAK media and you'll acknowledge how often they clash.

People often forget that Iran is more than 2 times bigger than Turkey with same number of population. There is no opposition media, no international journalists beyond some major cities etc.pp.

There is even a more interesting fact. Based on your premise, Saudi-Arabia is even much, much, much more safer than Iran. Do you think that the Saudi Intelligent Service is good?

In short: All that glitters is not gold.

Of course, these statements aren't an excuse and they cannot hide the fact that we made major mistakes. Still, if you absolutely want to pick a fine example for combating internal terrorism, please, choose a democratic country - they all perform better than Iran & Saudi Arabia under much more complicated situations.
Indeed Intel of Iran is one of the best in M.E when it comes to internal affairs with a strong CI no doubt about that.
I have problems with writing if-clauses but I want to say something provocative and I'll do it just for the purpose of political reflection:

If Turkey had not been a country with a secular state model, we certainly would be one of the most secure countries not only in the ME but probably in the hole world. Think about it.

But yet, the principles of secularism are in every case better than the Irani state model. In that light, you'll understand that Iran's "success" isn't surprising nor it is worth copying.

And I want to add another very important point. There is every day a military confrontation on the Irani soil. Just because you don't see it or hear about it or read about it doesn't mean these conflicts aren't existing in the first place. Look at the Pakistaní-Irani border. Once a week Iranian military is conducting operations, follow the Kurdish/PJAK media and you'll acknowledge how often they clash.

People often forget that Iran is more than 2 times bigger than Turkey with same number of population. There is no opposition media, no international journalists beyond some major cities etc.pp.

There is even a more interesting fact. Based on your premise, Saudi-Arabia is even much, much, much more safer than Iran. Do you think that the Saudi Intelligent Service is good?

In short: All that glitters is not gold.

Of course, these statements aren't an excuse and they cannot hide the fact that we made major mistakes. Still, if you absolutely want to pick a fine example for combating internal terrorism, please, choose a democratic country - they all perform better than Iran & Saudi Arabia under much more complicated situations.

You wrote all this non-relevant issues simply because you can't tolerate thread title or its content. Although you haven't tried to hide your anti-Iran sentiments in past either. So it's perfectly natural and expected.

Let's debunk what you wrote one by one:

If Turkey had not been a country with a secular state model, we certainly would be one of the most secure countries not only in the ME but probably in the hole world. Think about it.

But yet, the principles of secularism are in every case better than the Irani state model. In that light, you'll understand that Iran's "success" isn't surprising nor it is worth copying.

The mere act of connecting secularism with security and safety is naive and lame. A country can be secular and be safe at same time, just like a country can be non-secular and still be safe. Don't try to excuse and relate Erdogan's stupid policy post 2011 regarding Syria to threats to secularism.

And I want to add another very important point. There is every day a military confrontation on the Irani soil. Just because you don't see it or hear about it or read about it doesn't mean these conflicts aren't existing in the first place. Look at the Pakistaní-Irani border. Once a week Iranian military is conducting operations, follow the Kurdish/PJAK media and you'll acknowledge how often they clash.

No, there is no 'everyday' military confrontation in Iran. There are operations every once in a while, but the situation is nowhere even remotely close to how it was in past decade. Not forgetting the fact that Iran is bordering Afghanistan/Pakistan, and perhaps more than 80% of all drug smugglers in Asia try to pass these borders to get their product to Europe through Iran. There is a reason Iran is on top of the world in terms of drugs confiscated annually, we are bordering the drug capital of the world. Adding to all these, most terrorist groups in SE Iran have been paralyzed by various intelligence operations inside and outside Iran, killing their top leaders. That's why they can't do shit anymore compared to 10 years ago.

There is no opposition media, no international journalists beyond some major cities etc.pp.

So, existence of opposing media is now a factor in increasing terror attacks or not being able to prevent them? Let's not even talk about how ridiculous what you said is.

People often forget that Iran is more than 2 times bigger than Turkey with same number of population.

You just made the job easier. So, Iran and Turkey have same population, but Iran is twice larger. What does it mean? Not only Iranian security should protect a much larger area, but we also have 5400 km of land border with some of world's most unstable countries, while Turkey has 2600 km of land border to protect. So, with same population, we have to protect our country in a much larger border area, which means our job is much more difficult. Basically, we could say that Iran has longest unstable borders (bordering unstable countries or areas with lawlessness) in the world.

There is even a more interesting fact. Based on your premise, Saudi-Arabia is even much, much, much more safer than Iran. Do you think that the Saudi Intelligent Service is good?

There has been various terror attacks in Saudi Arabia in past 3-4 years, mostly targeting Shia minority, but also in other areas. Not to forget that Saudi borders are all safe (except Yemen where it is fighting a war it started itself). Even Saudi border with Iraq has is comprised of a huge wall from which no human can pass illegally (we should do that with our borders too).

Of course, these statements aren't an excuse and they cannot hide the fact that we made major mistakes. Still, if you absolutely want to pick a fine example for combating internal terrorism, please, choose a democratic country - they all perform better than Iran & Saudi Arabia under much more complicated situations.

You are mixing things up, this is not about being democratic (and I don't consider Turkey under Erdogan a beacon of democracy and freedom either). In heart of Europe, thousands of kilometers away from Syria and Iraqi conflicts, there has been various terror attacks. Meanwhile, we are living in heart of instability, sharing thousands of kilometers border with Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan (situation has got much better in Iran-Pak border in past few years). So your logic doesn't add up as expected.


And let's not forget, lack of terror attacks in Iran has made many members on this very forum so butthurt that they have been crying why there are no terror attacks in Iran killing some infidel Shia women and children (from Turks, Arabs, Pakistanis, etc), so yes, when terrorist supporters are butthurt, it means you are doing something right.

We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves though, terrorism is always at the corner waiting to show its ugly head and sting in suitable time, so we should stay vigilant and try keep the status quo and improve it. Hundreds of terror attacks/terror cells have been busted in Iran in past 3-4 years alone. We didn't achieve this easily and situation wasn't always like this, we have seen too many dark days of terror and war.
I have problems with writing if-clauses but I want to say something provocative and I'll do it just for the purpose of political reflection:

If Turkey had not been a country with a secular state model, we certainly would be one of the most secure countries not only in the ME but probably in the hole world. Think about it.

But yet, the principles of secularism are in every case better than the Irani state model. In that light, you'll understand that Iran's "success" isn't surprising nor it is worth copying.

And I want to add another very important point. There is every day a military confrontation on the Irani soil. Just because you don't see it or hear about it or read about it doesn't mean these conflicts aren't existing in the first place. Look at the Pakistaní-Irani border. Once a week Iranian military is conducting operations, follow the Kurdish/PJAK media and you'll acknowledge how often they clash.

People often forget that Iran is more than 2 times bigger than Turkey with same number of population. There is no opposition media, no international journalists beyond some major cities etc.pp.

There is even a more interesting fact. Based on your premise, Saudi-Arabia is even much, much, much more safer than Iran. Do you think that the Saudi Intelligent Service is good?

In short: All that glitters is not gold.

Of course, these statements aren't an excuse and they cannot hide the fact that we made major mistakes. Still, if you absolutely want to pick a fine example for combating internal terrorism, please, choose a democratic country - they all perform better than Iran & Saudi Arabia under much more complicated situations.

Yes ... Why not !!!

Follow German/French style & use trucks !!!
im here to thanks the organization which remain thankless and you never will know of it's success but you will always will know of it's failures sadly people never know where this security and safety come from and there must be a sad incident to remain us that the safety we feel does not come free by quick look at irans terrorist attacks we can say iran never face bombing or their citizens never die by terror attack although there is alot of terror group east and west of iran i think iran's intelligent and it's police is best in middle east and they are among top 10 in the world

keep up the good work

@rmi5 @Serpentine @New @rahi2357

their intelligence must be good but there is one more other thing what iran has not as much as for excample turkey..

they dont have such opposites in their folk.. turkey faces ultra kemalists this guys are nuts and full of hate against religion.. supression of religion and freedom happened.. those guys wont learn they will keep on and be full retard and puppets of west in their love for western society..

some islamists inspired and manipulated by SA influence

full retarded pkk kurds.. this kind is much more retarded than any islamist and kemalist can be together..

the influence of western is far more bigger than in iran and this is since the foundation of our republic several stupid errors for society had been made

but mostly the influence and dependancy of western world is a major thing specially when full retards of all sides support western interests and sell out the country..

also iran has a strong hand and does the nessesary thing to pretect itself.. look at turkey they dont do the nessesary things where are the tv shows, the think tanks, where are the imams in mosques and tv, where is the school system that prevents this (some month of holidays? really? wtf 1 month at once is enough, where is the anti pkk teachings and dokumenting the pkk supporter pupils), where is our propaganda institute, where are the deportations of the guilty ones, where are the death penalties, why does öcalan can get visitors, why does he live, why dont they punish whole family, take their houses, money and so on, where is a real ani pkk program, where are the laws, where are the ecomomical war, where are the assasinations, where are the kurdish site, why dont we hear it on tv , radio, and internet.. where is the social media war, where are the free documentations on youtube

as you see they dont do anything of this or just some without full force.. why? maybe because of western influence?

also I have to add :

yes we have media wich is working against us.. they are secular western loving dolls

If Turkey had not been a country with a secular state model, we certainly would be one of the most secure countries not only in the ME but probably in the hole world. Think about it.

I agree as I said earlier major mistakes are made in the creation of the republic..
im here to thanks the organization which remain thankless and you never will know of it's success but you will always will know of it's failures sadly people never know where this security and safety come from and there must be a sad incident to remain us that the safety we feel does not come free by quick look at irans terrorist attacks we can say iran never face bombing or their citizens never die by terror attack although there is alot of terror group east and west of iran i think iran's intelligent and it's police is best in middle east and they are among top 10 in the world

keep up the good work

@rmi5 @Serpentine @New @rahi2357

I'm not wondering at all that terrorists like Alqaeda, Hezbollah and Daesh have never thought about bombing Iran because Iran for sure supports these terrorists.
It's well-known that Iran hosts senior members of Alqeeda who have bombed every single place on earth but never bombed Iran, have you ever wondered why?
The answers is quite simple, Iran helps these terrorists with Intelligence services and provides them training camps on its soils in return to use these terrorists to threaten other countries by whatever it wants whenever it needs.

There shouldn't be any doubt about this especially when we know that Kurds from time to time kill some Iranian soldiers.
It's obviously not hard for Kurds, then it shouldn't be hard for professional terrorists such as Daesh and Hezbollah.
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reminds me of all the times people have commended Israeli security specially with regards to their airline never being hijacked.

if you repress a major part of your populace and implement a police state (a la Nazi Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, the Big Brother state from George Orwell's '1984') with dire prospects of torture and execution, of course you will see outwards signs of lack of agitation and protest.

however, these states do not last long, maybe a tenth of the durations of less repressive regimes like Greece, Rome, or the United States.
Although you haven't tried to hide your anti-Iran sentiments in past either. So it's perfectly natural and expected.

A person who claims to be objective and rational never starts his posting with personal accusations. I'm Iranophile and everybody knows this fact, though, this is completely normal, expectable and natural because Iranian history, tradition and culture is one part of the Islamic heart. Islam has in fact to pillars: Arabs & Persians. People often forget this.

However, this doesn't mean that I'm not gonna criticize Iran or Saudi Arabia. Both nations are the biggest burden of the Islamic world today. I strongly believe this. If this makes me a hater in your eyes, then so be it.

The mere act of connecting secularism with security and safety is naive and lame. A country can be secular and be safe at same time, just like a country can be non-secular and still be safe. Don't try to excuse and relate Erdogan's stupid policy post 2011 regarding Syria to threats to secularism.

Wrong. Secular countries are in general more developed and safer than non-secular countries. Just open the map and look it up by yourself. Plus: You aren't in favor of the current Iranian system. Tbh, I guess you're a secular person who won't admit his opposition against the Iranian governance in front of foreigners.

No, there is no 'everyday' military confrontation in Iran. There are operations every once in a while, but the situation is nowhere even remotely close to how it was in past decade. Not forgetting the fact that Iran is bordering Afghanistan/Pakistan, and perhaps more than 80% of all drug smugglers in Asia try to pass these borders to get their product to Europe through Iran. There is a reason Iran is on top of the world in terms of drugs confiscated annually, we are bordering the drug capital of the world. Adding to all these, most terrorist groups in SE Iran have been paralyzed by various intelligence operations inside and outside Iran, killing their top leaders. That's why they can't do shit anymore compared to 10 years ago.

I never said that Iran today isn't safe. Iran right now is safer than Turkey. I just argued that it is not safe as asena_great believes it is.

So, existence of opposing media is now a factor in increasing terror attacks or not being able to prevent them? Let's not even talk about how ridiculous what you said is.

You're reading something into my posting. Our media and especially social media are sharing every news about terror attacks, military confrontations etc.pp. Iranian media on the contrary is 100 percent under government control. You won't hear or read or see anything about terrorist incidents if the government decides to hide the story. This leads to the false assumption that Iran is totally peaceful but this isn't the case.

You just made the job easier. So, Iran and Turkey have same population, but Iran is twice larger. What does it mean? Not only Iranian security should protect a much larger area, but we also have 5400 km of land border with some of world's most unstable countries, while Turkey has 2600 km of land border to protect. So, with same population, we have to protect our country in a much larger border area, which means our job is much more difficult. Basically, we could say that Iran has longest unstable borders (bordering unstable countries or areas with lawlessness) in the world.

No. Someone in Tehran won't hear anything about a war in Balochistan in the SW of Iran. This is what I meant. Whereas in our case you cannot hide a single operation from the people and the media. Besides, we have hundreds of foreign journalists who can travel freely through the country - something impossible in Iran.

There has been various terror attacks in Saudi Arabia in past 3-4 years, mostly targeting Shia minority, but also in other areas. Not to forget that Saudi borders are all safe (except Yemen where it is fighting a war it started itself). Even Saudi border with Iraq has is comprised of a huge wall from which no human can pass illegally (we should do that with our borders too).

There also has been various military confrontations and mass protests in Iran in the past years. All this doesn't change the fact that Saudi Arabia in general is safer than Iran and Turkey if you make a long-term comparison.

You are mixing things up, this is not about being democratic (and I don't consider Turkey under Erdogan a beacon of democracy and freedom either).

Turkey is a defective democracy, still, better than Saudi Arabia and Iran together because we're able to vote Erdogan out of office. Can you unelect your rahbar? I don't think so.

In heart of Europe, thousands of kilometers away from Syria and Iraqi conflicts, there has been various terror attacks. Meanwhile, we are living in heart of instability, sharing thousands of kilometers border with Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan (situation has got much better in Iran-Pak border in past few years). So your logic doesn't add up as expected.

Take millions of refugees and than start comparing yourself with Europeans. That's why I said that democratic countries are better performing in every area than Iran.
And let's not forget, lack of terror attacks in Iran has made many members on this very forum so butthurt that they have been crying why there are no terror attacks in Iran killing some infidel Shia women and children (from Turks, Arabs, Pakistanis, etc), so yes, when terrorist supporters are butthurt, it means you are doing something right.
This is the best paragraph I've read in ages lol.
Wrong. Secular countries are in general more developed and safer than non-secular countries. Just open the map and look it up by yourself. Plus: You aren't in favor of the current Iranian system. Tbh, I guess you're a secular person who won't admit his opposition against the Iranian governance in front of foreigners.

Wrong. You can be a non-secular state and still be rich and developed, look at Qatar and UAE or Kuwait, they are all dictatorships, but look what the money can do.
What I favor or not is not the topic of the discussion, yes I demand many reforms in Iran, but that doesn't mean I should agree with you about current security situation in Iran.

I never said that Iran today isn't safe. Iran right now is safer than Turkey. I just argued that it is not safe as asena_great believes it is.
Actually yes, it's the exact same way. Terror cells are getting busted 24/7 across Iran, so it's not like terrorists are not trying, but they are failing.

You're reading something into my posting. Our media and especially social media are sharing every news about terror attacks, military confrontations etc.pp. Iranian media on the contrary is 100 percent under government control. You won't hear or read or see anything about terrorist incidents if the government decides to hide the story. This leads to the false assumption that Iran is totally peaceful but this isn't the case.
No offense, but you are very ignorant about how media works in Iran. This is not North Korea, it's impossible to have a terror attack in any part of Iran and not getting published by media. Every single terror attacks is covered by media. Even smallest one. Maybe if you are not living in Iran, it's better you don't act like you know all about it, just like I don't try to play as a Turkey-expert in front of Turkish members. This very part shows you have no clue what's going on inside Iran and you only know what you know through media, and mostly biased ones, as expected when it comes to Iran.

No. Someone in Tehran won't hear anything about a war in Balochistan in the SW of Iran. This is what I meant. Whereas in our case you cannot hide a single operation from the people and the media. Besides, we have hundreds of foreign journalists who can travel freely through the country - something impossible in Iran.

I answered this above. You have no clue how media in Iran works or how terror attacks get covered.

There also has been various military confrontations and mass protests in Iran in the past years. All this doesn't change the fact that Saudi Arabia in general is safer than Iran and Turkey if you make a long-term comparison.

Mass protests are not a sign of weak security, you can see that in many safe countries. About military confrontation, yes, there has been many in our borders, and that's what we do to keep our country safe, because we are not living in heart of Europe, we are surrounded by countries swimming in lawlessness, terrorism and drug production and smuggling.

You are getting the whole thing wrong. Our security forces are working 24/7 to keep the country safe, it hasn't been achieved by miracle or something. It's perfectly natural if there are military confrontations in border areas against terror groups, and that's why many terror cells have been busted without executing their attacks. That's why you can't see a suicide bomber or a religious motivated terrorist with an Ak-47 entering a building in Iran and killing 50 people or a suicide bomber blowing himself up among people. It wasn't always like this, we had many terror attacks in past decades.

Turkey is a defective democracy, still, better than Saudi Arabia and Iran together because we're able to vote Erdogan out of office. Can you unelect your rahbar? I don't think so.

Leader is directly chosen by a council directly elected through popular vote. This council is directly responsible for choosing/ousting leader when necessary. Only because there hasn't been a need to change the leader doesn't mean he can not be unseated by an elected body.

Also, president and parliament members are all elected through popular vote. So yes, we are also a defective democracy, perhaps not the type you desire, but that's how it works over here. Comparing Iran to Saudi Arabia, in which everyone is selected through an sperm-driven process shows nothing but ignorance.

Take millions of refugees and than start comparing yourself with Europeans. That's why I said that democratic countries are better performing in every area than Iran.

Are you for real? We are currently hosting even more refugees than Turkey. There are 3 million Afghans/Pakistanis/Iraqis living in Iran as refugees, majority of them are Afghans. Another sign that you basically have zero clue about Iran.

I wonder about all the insistence to talk about Iran and act like an Iran-expert while you simply know nothing about it? I have never seen an Iranian member here trying to act like a Turkey-expert and playing super smart in front of Turkish members, pretending he knows more about Turkey than Turks themselves.

How many times have you visited Iran? How much have you lived here? Just ridiculous.

Best agency in killing torturing and persecuting its own people...running state backed smuggling rackets...owning shadow properties...confiscated from public on gun point...

Talking about Pakistan or Saudi Arabia? I mean when it comes to corruption or smuggling mafia, Iran looks far better than Pakistan tbqh.

I'm not wondering at all that terrorists like Alqaeda, Hezbollah and Daesh have never thought about bombing Iran because Iran for sure supports these terrorists.
It's well-known that Iran hosts senior members of Alqeeda who have bombed every single place on earth but never bombed Iran, have you ever wondered why?
The answers is quite simple, Iran helps these terrorists with Intelligence services and provides them training camps on its soils in return to use these terrorists to threaten other countries by whatever it wants whenever it needs.

There shouldn't be any doubt about this especially when we know that Kurds from time to time kill some Iranian soldiers.
It's obviously not hard for Kurds, then it shouldn't be hard for professional terrorists such as Daesh and Hezbollah.

How many times has ISIS attacked non-Shia areas of Saudi Arabia? Conclusion: non-Shia areas of Saudi Arabia are the mother and father of ISIS, honestly no matter how ridiculous this analogy looks, it looks far better than the joke you just wrote.
By formulae given in OP, even Hindu contrators working in Afghanistan, had the best intellengce setup.
All the armies of TTP which invaded Pakistan from Afghanistan, were unable to hurt thousands of labrores of hindus working just across the border for more than decade.

Of course later in the war when some of those TTP were captured alive, they acknowledge of being armed, trained and guided by Hindu intelligence service RAW.

There had been allegations in past, that even (current) Afghan Taliban had been supported by Iran regime.

In latest development, there's a news circulating that Afghan regime have clamed to kill 25 Afghan Talibans and all of them were regulars of Iran Revolution Guard.

I'm sure same is the case here with Iran intelligence and Isis.
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