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Iran's "9 DEY" surface to air missile revealed

very sensitive topic.please don't talk about sahaba e rasool here.we all respect them.arabs and persians are crazy.they want to kill each other for no reason.we as an individual can't do anything to stop this hate.both country leadership wants to destroy each other.crazy people.it's our duty to protect sacred places and we will.i hope iran and saudia will solve all problems.they should give respect to each other.

Such BS...
Where did you get "9-DAY" name? if there is a banner to introduce it then it probably has specs & info... nothing in photos ..

very sensitive topic.please don't talk about sahaba e rasool here.we all respect them.arabs and persians are crazy.they want to kill each other for no reason.we as an individual can't do anything to stop this hate.both country leadership wants to destroy each other.crazy people.it's our duty to protect sacred places and we will.i hope iran and saudia will solve all problems.they should give respect to each other.
Did you know most of Sunni Imam or Sufi Imam or writer of book of Hadith are Persians? and you call us crazy?
No one in Iran hate Saudis or wanna kill them the problem is their role in destruction of region & Islam hands in hands with westerns ... & I do not respect all Prophet (pbuh) companions they don't deserve it how could I while some of them killed each other?
Where did you get "9-DAY" name? if there is a banner to introduce it then it probably has specs & info... nothing in photos ..

Did you know most of Sunni Imam or Sufi Imam or writer of book of Hadith are Persians? and you call us crazy?
No one in Iran hate Saudis or wanna kill them the problem is their role in destruction of region & Islam hands in hands with westerns ... & I do not respect all Prophet (pbuh) companions they don't deserve it how could I while some of them killed each other?

yes they were mostly from persia but please don't relate persia and iran.persia was home of sunni islam and not todays iran.arabs friendship with enemies is not good for region but at the same time,nobody will allow irani people to make fun of companions of prophet.you have learn to make fun but nobody buys this theory.arabs hate it.you hate their friendship with enemy.both wants to kill each other.
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Lol this thread is about 9 DEY missile not some thread about religion lol
says your zorastrian masters?
Who are still sulking about the end of their Persian empire by the hands of Muslim Arabs and still plotting a revenge via you the shia?
No wonder in your faith the very sahabi who conquered persia Hazrat Omer is insulted and hated .
Saudis are not our masters but our brothers.
Why do you suck up to Zionist loving Saudi Clowns? Do you like following a bunch of money worshipping useless Imbeciles just cause they call them selves the "guardians of Islam's 2 Holiest Mosques"? You don't care that these desert thieves were put in power by the British and are only there to serve their Zionist masters?
whatever weapons iran makes is a weapon against Arabs, specially the custodians of our holy places the saudis.
Thats why its sad that Iran is making these weapons.

I always cringe when I hear the term "Arabs" used in regard to Saudi Arabia and the GCC statelets. They are quasi-colonial vassal states of the US (And therefore of Israel, as ever more of them profess quite openly)
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