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Shahed 136
Nightmare of enemies



Shahed 136
Nightmare of enemies



One neat little feature of the shahed 136,and one which also rules out any link to either the israeli harpy or its chinese knock-off the asn-301,is its control surface configuration.
The shahed 136 uses 4 rear mounted control surfaces which function as elevons,the vertical surfaces at the wing tips are purely passive and have no moving control surfaces attached.
By comparison the harpy and asn-301 use only 2 rear control surfaces as elevators and the vertical surfaces have control surfaces attached that function as rudders.
This makes me think, these drone would be useful just to make an enemy airforce deplete its stockpile, or just to distract them. How much does each missile on an F-35 cost compared to a tiny suicide drone that can be mass produced ?

LOL What could a Shahed-181 possibly deliver that would make the trip to Gaza worth the effort ? It barely has any capacity. More than likely they were testing/probing Israel's capabilities.

That's a modified Shahed-181 (propeller not jet) with a cargo bay
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Not the first time Iran sent its RQ-170 derivatives on a mission over Occupied Palestine, nor that the zionists claim downing some. Should give us an idea as to how expansive an inventory Iran must have of these, so as not to mind losing several examples on relatively high risk assignments. Yet another vivid illustration of Iranian mass production capability when it comes to weapons systems that the national defence doctrine is focused on (UAV's alongside ballistic and cruise missiles, air defence batteries, armed speed boats etc - Iran's holdings of these weapons are definitely humongous).
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Shahed-136 has loitering capability? I was under the impression the flight path is pre-programmed to a static target?.

It is possible for this kind of Automated System to work?
1) Scan an area of interest
2) Detect numerous possible targets
3) Compare each possible target with a built-in database of images pertaining to your enemies vehicles, AD systems etc...
4) If match, then target, if not match move onto next possible target?

Their's definitely something going on in the nose cone of these drones that enables it to visualize an area, so they are not entirely unintelligent drones. Such capability would be remarkably powerful if the target searching & sorting algorithm is efficient.
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