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Iranian Space program

So it was this part that failed?

yes this is the part of the satellite that failed miserably and needs twerking or total redesign/replacement. He orbits around western powers quite often...
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Does anyone knew what happened to the satellite . Does it achieve lower orbit than what they wanted or if it fall down and burned ?
Given the facility's launching corridor, the satellite likely fell in the Indian Ocean.

but the good news is they say that we can rebuild it in 6 month.
What a goddamned joke. This is what happens when you launch once every 3000 years. This is why launching more often is important so you sort out all the glitches etc.
Mastering the Saman-1 insertion stage is certainly not easy. That should be the task of that launch.
The Simorgh lqunch last year may not have had the Saman-1 and was just aiming to get the heavy Tolue sat into a eliptical orbit. Last year the second stage my have malfunctioned while this year the Saman-1 got either instabile or its solid fuel engine somehow didn't reach the required extra v-delta.
A solid motor creates vibrations which only get stronger the longer it burns. I have the feeling the Saman-1 flight control could not compensate a vibration or instability via its cold gas steering system (caused by the solid motor).
Vibration and resonance issues with solid motors can be really nasty and hard to predict without testings...
What a goddamned joke. This is what happens when you launch once every 3000 years. This is why launching more often is important so you sort out all the glitches etc.
Are you saying the rocket wouldn't have failed if they had launched it sooner?
after reading the article , a question raised for me and that is where in nuclear deal and the UNSC resolution that came after it Iran is banned from developing ballistic missiles?

we are not banned by any low after 2015 UNSC resolution. But in this world, whoever that is more powerful than other countries determines what is legal and what is not legal.

here is the simorgh from last night

Are you saying the rocket wouldn't have failed if they had launched it sooner?

Clearly my comment meant they need to launch more often to highlight and then subsequently weed out problems with the SLV designs in general.
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No, Simorgh itself it's two-staged SLV. Third stage - it's a separable special vehicle for bringing the satellite to the desired orbit. At least in Russia it's considered as separate unit from rocket carrier and called "разгонный блок".
"Разгонный блок" transfers satellite from LEO orbit to desired orbit. But this satellite did not enter the orbit at all. So problem is elsewhere.
"Разгонный блок" transfers satellite from LEO orbit to desired orbit. But this satellite did not enter the orbit at all. So problem is elsewhere.

the problem is the third stage, which failed to reach the satellite to the speed of 7,200 m / s most likely, the third stage booster did not have enough power. they said that the satellite even communicated with Earth but eventually lost its altitude.

after reading the article , a question raised for me and that is where in nuclear deal and the UNSC resolution that came after it Iran is banned from developing ballistic missiles?
There is no ban,the relevant resolution [2231] simply "calls upon" iran not to "undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology"
The west tries to claim that all of irans missiles are inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons,which is bullshit as none were designed to be capable of delivering nukes as iran has no nukes in the first place,nonetheless rouhani got the message and iran hardly tests at all now,even tho this resolution is unenforcible anyway.
after reading the article , a question raised for me and that is where in nuclear deal and the UNSC resolution that came after it Iran is banned from developing ballistic missiles?
Nowhere. Iran is called upon (not banned from) to refrain from developing any missiles that are designed to carry nuclear warheads.

Since Iran doesn't have any nuclear warhead, then theoretically none of Iran's missiles would fall into this category.
Simorgh is a circa 2010 design and it shows.

It’s 1st stage is based on old Soviet scud engines and uses an inefficient fuel. And a second stage Sejill (2008 design).

If anyone here is to blame for anything it’s IRGC Who have sat on their *** since Tehrani moghdamm was martyered.

There is no reason a 27 meter Missile should struggle to put a 100kg sat into LEO.

Most Missile experts thought that Iran would add a 3 stage to the missile. They were surprised when Iran didn’t.

Right now Iran’s missiles lack power. Yes the separation vehicle failed. But given the failures since 2008, it can be said that Iran’s SLVs are simply not powerful enough.

Given the facility's launching corridor, the satellite likely fell in the Indian Ocean.

but the good news is they say that we can rebuild it in 6 month.

Rebuild it in 6 months means “near completion” in 12 months which means “ready for mass production” in 18 month which means “undergoing tests” in 24 months.

If all goes well this toy satellite might get re-launched in 3 years.

Thank goodness Iran isn’t sending up actual expensive satellites.

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