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Iranian Space Program

After your majesty gives the permission.

ow come on
the space program is the only thing that i love about iran
you dont have to be so harsh about it because there are some things tha i dont like !
پرتاب ماهواره «ظفر» با ماهواره بر «سیمرغ»

رییس مرکز تحقیقات فضایی دانشگاه علم صنعت ایران با اشاره به روند پیشرفت طراحی و ساخت ماهواره «ظفر» این دانشگاه از آماده سازی این ماهواره و پرتاب آن تا خرداد ماه سال آینده خبر داد.

دکتر حسین بلندی در گفت*وگو با ایسنا، اظهار کرد: ماهواره «ظفر» از نظر فن*آوری 400 درصد برتر از ماهواره «نوید» بوده و اجزای پیشرفته تری نسبت به این ماهواره دارد.

وی با اظهار امیدواری نسبت به پرتاب ماهواره «ظفر» با پرتابگر داخلی «سیمرغ» تا خرداد ماه سال آینده، تصریح کرد: ماهواره «ظفر» از ابتدای تعریف پروژه تاکنون روند پیشرفت مناسبی را طی می*کند؛ به گونه*ای که موضوعات و پروژه های اصلی این طرح در حال پیگیری بوده و در زمینه کنترل سازه، سیستم*های انرژی سازه و ... روند رو به رشدی را شاهد هستیم.

بلندی با اشاره به این که بهینه سازی ماهواره «ظفر» یکی از علت*های تاخیر این ماهواره بر اساس برنامه*ریزی*های صورت گرفته است، عنوان کرد: دقت تصویربرداری ماهواره «ظفر» از 123 متر به 80 متر ارتقا یافته و در حال حاضر در صدد بهینه سازی کیفیت تصویربرداری آن هستیم که امیدواریم نمونه کیفی ظفر را بر اساس زمان بندی های صورت گرفته و برای انجام تست های مورد نظر در آینده*ای نزدیک تحویل دهیم.

رییس مرکز تحقیقات فضایی دانشگاه علم صنعت ادامه داد: پس از انجام تست*های لازم بر روی نمونه کیفی وارد فاز آماده سازی برای پرتاب خواهیم شد و باید بتوانیم ضمن انجام موفقیت آمیز تست های مورد نظر تا پایان سال جاری، نمونه فضایی ماهواره ظفر را تا پایان فروردین ماه سال 92 تحویل دهیم تا در موعد مقرر که همان خرداد ماه سال آینده است پرتاب شود.​

Iran Indefinitely Suspends Plans to Launch a Monkey into Space | Popular Science

Iran’s ambitious 1960s-styled plans to send a live monkey into space aboard one of the Islamic Republic’s Kavoshgar-5 rockets have been suspended indefinitely, a top space official told Iranian state television today, which pretty much dashes any hopes that we might see a primate hurled into suborbital space before year’s end. Hamid Fazeli, Iran’s space chief, said earlier this summer that the launch would happen by late August, and he did not give a concrete reason for the postponement of those plans today. But it marks a setback for Iran’s space program, which hopes to either launch a manned space mission by 2020 or develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the West, depending on who you ask.

Told you this before, Iran is going way to fast for there plans and the technology cant keep up. I support any nation when it comes at science developement and R&D even Iran. The 2025 plan of landing a man on the moon wont probably happen to, Its just to unrealistic... 2030 or 2035 sounds more realistic to me.
Iran’s ambitious 1960s-styled plans to send a live monkey into space aboard one of the Islamic Republic’s Kavoshgar-5 rockets have been suspended indefinitely, a top space official told Iranian state television today, which pretty much dashes any hopes that we might see a primate hurled into suborbital space before year’s end. Hamid Fazeli, Iran’s space chief, said earlier this summer that the launch would happen by late August, and he did not give a concrete reason for the postponement of those plans today. But it marks a setback for Iran’s space program, which hopes to either launch a manned space mission by 2020 or develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the West, depending on who you ask.

The article first says it is indefinitely suspended then says it is suspended for 8 months. Confusing!
Moon landing is just a prestige and they have to balance their budget too, after all. I would go with a national a GPS plan instead of national moon landing, if I am short of cash.
The article first says it is indefinitely suspended then says it is suspended for 8 months. Confusing!
Moon landing is just a prestige and they have to balance their budget too, after all. I would go with a national a GPS plan instead of national moon landing, if I am short of cash.

true something like sputnik. Japanese n china n iran will never get the media hype as the west when they are involved in projects.
true something like sputnik. Japanese n china n iran will never get the media hype as the west when they are involved in projects.
Of course not. The first one gets most of the pride.However, to be honest only 9 countries have their own 60's Sputnik so far, which is not a good news.
Of course not. The first one gets most of the pride.However, to be honest only 9 countries have their own 60's Sputnik so far, which is not a good news.

I was watching a USA made documentary about sputnik and how it changed the education system of Americans. It definitely helped americans produce much better scientist and got tougher on results, increased stimulation and hand on projects were introduced a lot more like rocket projects. Sputnik made americans fear Russia. Class sizes were reduced and teachers were replaced, girls were given chemistry and cooking subjects i think that was to reduce distraction on the boys. more concentration was given to maths/science/geometry/physics even electronics they had to learn wind transformers etc.

But i loved the way the documentary portrayed (video clips with sinister bad Russian theme music) the Russian bad *** kid doing math on the blackboard and the way they were dressed up as soldiers with those long boots.
Told you this before, Iran is going way to fast for there plans and the technology cant keep up. I support any nation when it comes at science developement and R&D even Iran. The 2025 plan of landing a man on the moon wont probably happen to, Its just to unrealistic... 2030 or 2035 sounds more realistic to me.

come on stop the Conspiracy theory
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