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Iranian Second Space & Strategic Rocket Launch Center

Kindly stop polluting this section with these drivels. North Korea can barely feed its own population and you're trying to compare it to Iran? Perhaps in the 80's North Korean has some technologies ahead of Iran but today, even Iranian universities are creating more advance technology than the N.Koreans.

North Korea, assuming most of its claims are even real are certainly importing most of these technologies from abroad. This notion that a country with a GDP of £28 billion has the resources to create Nuclear submarines, hypersonic system etc is something that even a semi-developed mind would find ludicrous.
I have been wondering myself ..if these reports are true (yes a big if..but I can't dismiss what we actually have seen so far from them)...then the only explanation is China. That GDP and these technologies do not calculate lol
I have been wondering myself ..if these reports are true (yes a big if..but I can't dismiss what we actually have seen so far from them)...then the only explanation is China. That GDP and these technologies do not calculate lol

Take Iran for example, much of the developments you're seeing is created as part of many different research centres, universities, private companies etc working together with the defence sector and this takes considerable funding. It also means Iran has the underlying technological base to function as part of the R&D process and still Iran still needs years of research to end up producing various systems. Yet this person here thinks North Korea, whose entire GDP is less than Iran's defence budget and has antiquated underlying technological base can create systems in a fraction of the time nations like Iran, Russia etc can. It is not just unlikely, but full on delusional. There is an unanimous consensus that the North Koreans are being kept afloat by the Chinese. Most of these developments you're seeing are essentially Chinese technology and in some causes, from Iran itself. Iran is far more advanced than North Korea. To even compare the two is irrational.
Kindly stop polluting this section with these drivels. North Korea can barely feed its own population and you're trying to compare it to Iran? Perhaps in the 80's North Korean has some technologies ahead of Iran but today, even Iranian universities are creating more advance technology than the N.Koreans.

North Korea, assuming most of its claims are even real are certainly importing most of these technologies from abroad. This notion that a country with a GDP of £28 billion has the resources to create Nuclear submarines, hypersonic system etc is something that even a semi-developed mind would find ludicrous.

Man that was quick! Yet another SLBM from North Korea...and only after 3 months!

North Korea displays new submarine-launched ballistic missile during parade

North Korea 17:26 January 15, 2021

SEOUL, Jan. 15 (Yonhap) -- North Korea showcased yet another new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) in just three months during a recent military parade, experts said Friday.

During the parade held on Thursday night at Kim Il-sung square in Pyongyang, the North rolled out SLBMs on transporter erector launchers (TEL), which it labeled as the Pukguksong-5ㅅ, along with a new short-range ballistic missile and various other kinds of weaponry.

The Korean letter "ㅅ" appears to indicate that it is a sea-based system.

"The world's most powerful weapon, submarine-launch ballistic missile, entered the square one after another, powerfully demonstrating the might of the revolutionary armed forces," the North's Korean Central Korean News Agency (KCNA) said on Friday.

The new missile looks longer than the Pukguksong-4ㅅ SLBM, which was first unveiled during a military parade in October last year.

Experts say the newest one appears to be designed to fly longer and fit for larger-sized warheads.

"North Korea is working to develop two kinds of SLBMs at the same time. Chances are that Pukguksong-4 is expected to be equipped with its 3,000-ton-class submarine, while Pukguksong-5 could be for a 4,000-ton one or larger," Lee Choon-geun, a senior research fellow at the Science and Technology Policy Institute, said.



https://archive.is/Lp4c5/93746ad21b7ba7624c58f2dd5ef4cf20ca66af6c.jpg ; https://archive.is/Lp4c5/3c423f4ed06a69890afd153326e4e4a83ba9def4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210115120312/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErvRaw6XcAcoi2L?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]
1. Pukguksong-5ㅅ SLBM


https://archive.vn/hjmGB/91083af5562db6069f9c5d4548719c709cf8595f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/hjmGB/da572ed309539032799535adac590035fc22d5b8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210115120355/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErvRZAtXAAcbYNK?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
2. Pukguksong-5ㅅ SLBM


https://archive.vn/dSEAa/50bf56df62b81706eac158d960d9501778c385ab.jpg ; https://archive.vn/dSEAa/8a37c5a4a33ab230f37dd8591eeee91ceb14c913/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210115120614/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErvRvoIXEAM2rpQ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
3. Pukguksong-5ㅅ SLBM


https://archive.vn/j8CEk/52ab230f55ae7c0a96f865f4a54878f8e51f0e37.jpg ; https://archive.vn/j8CEk/612bf7d8732e5fe2a154bddf200f583b6e51914c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210115120652/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErvRpW4XAAMt-uq?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
4. Pukguksong-5ㅅ SLBM


https://archive.vn/cYtm6/5e1f5aa9dec5d78ad8d86ad0e4a8a121e4b08906.jpg ; https://archive.vn/cYtm6/147114fb5fa9467f14168db9e2b136a3169b797e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210115121102/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErubRo9XAAEqgRa?format=jpg&name=small
5. Pukguksong-5ㅅ SLBM

Full Video: 1h27m28
Jan 15, 2021
北朝鮮 「朝鮮労働党第8回大会記念閲兵式 (조선로동당 제8차대회기념 열병식)」 KCTV 2021/01/15

Short Video: 150秒回顾朝鲜阅兵式:钢铁洪流导弹压轴 “北极星-5”重磅出场






And this is nothing as both Koreas are advancing at the same steady pace, like the two legs of a single superpower!

South Korea about to join the most elite club of military great powers in becoming the only 8th nation in the World with Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM) capability, after the U.S., U.S.S.R., U.K., France, China, India, and North Korea.

Great development for the World as this will further break the SLBM monopoly of the 4 ethnic European powers with 4 Asian powers! To be definitely offset in the future, with the accession of a 5th power, when Iran tests its own!

South Korea plans underwater test of indigenous SLBM

January 13, 2021

SEOUL, Jan. 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korea is expected to carry out underwater tests of a home-grown submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) this year, having concluded ground tests, a source said Wednesday.

South Korea is developing an SLBM based on the home-grown ground-to-ground Hyunmoo-2B ballistic missile with a flight range of around 500 kilometers. It will be used with envisioned 3,000-ton-class or larger submarines, according to defense officials.

"Related agencies wrapped up ejection tests of the missile on the ground last year. They are to move on to the next stage of conducting underwater test launches," a military source said.

It is yet to be decided exactly when and on which platform to carry out the tests, he added. It could either be a submersible test barge or a submarine.

Currently, South Korea operates nine 1,200-ton-class submarines and nine 1,800-ton ones.

It is working on a project to build three 3,000-ton-class Changbogo-III Batch-I submarines by 2023. The first one, the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, was launched in 2018 and is to be put into operational deployment this year, and the second one, named Ahn Mu, was launched in November. Both are equipped with six vertical launching tubes capable of firing SLBMs.

The country is also eyeing to build 4,000-ton-class next-generation submarines, with some speculating that the military might weigh equipping them with a nuclear-powered engine.



https://archive.vn/OvNw6/dc382a42241f28da60ec3aaa4b95868f6f2aa115.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OvNw6/6696007eea37cd2a7558a63ec83322eae41f98a5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210114102753/http://english.chosun.com/site/data/img_dir/2021/01/14/2021011401495_0.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210114...e/data/html_dir/2021/01/14/2021011401506.html ; https://archive.is/QbF9B
2. A Korean-made 3,000-ton submarine is docked at a shipyard in Geoje, South Gyeongsang Province, in this file photo from September 2018.

And according to the old U.S. playbook, following Japan, India and Israel, South Korea will test dual-use civilian-military technologies of Post Boost Vehicle an essential component of its nuclear deterrent, under the guise of a lunar orbiter in July 2022!

Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) is South Korea's first lunar mission. It is developed and managed by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and is scheduled to launch in July 2022 to orbit the Moon for 1 year carrying an array of South Korean experiments and one U.S. built instrument. The objectives are to develop indigenous lunar exploration technologies, demonstrate a "space internet", and conduct scientific investigations of the lunar environment, topography, and resources, as well as identify potential landing sites for future missions.
Spacecraft and Subsystems

The spacecraft has a cubic shape with two solar panel wings and a parabolic antenna mounted on a boom. The total mass is 550 kg. Communications are via S-band (telemetry and command) and X-band (payload data downlink). Power (760 W at 28 V) is provided through the solar panel arrays and rechargeable batteries. A monopropulsion system is used, with four 30N orbital maneuver thrusters and four 5N attitude control thrusters. KPLO is equipped with five science instruments and a Disruption Tolerant Network experiment. The five experiments are a Lunar Terrain Imager (LUTI), a Wide-Angle Polarimetric Camera (PolCam), a Magnetometer (KMAG), a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (KGRS), and a high-sensitivity camera developed by NASA (ShadowCam). Total scientific payload mass is about 40 kg.
Mission Profile

KPLO is scheduled to launch in July 2022 from Cape Canaveral on a SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 into a 300 km Earth orbit, followed by a translunar injection burn and a one month lunar transfer phase. After capture into an elliptical lunar orbit, it will circularize to a 100 km nominal polar orbit (+-30 km), from which it will conduct science operations for approximately one year. If the mission has an extended phase, it will descend to a 70 km orbit or lower.






Is Iran more advanced than North Korea or is the opposite the truth?

Korea is divided by the European occupiers since 1945. Here a brief comparison:

Space Race Competitors Iran North KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
Demography83'992'949 25'778'81651'269'185 77'048'001
GDP (US$ billion)495.69 16.79 1'740 1756.79
National IQ
84103 106104
Military spending (US$ billion)19.6 1.6 4445.6
Researchers in R&D (per million people)
1'475 7'980
Claimed history 7000 years
5000 years
5000 years
5000 years
Independence level
Number of Space Centers
Imam Khomeini SLC
Imam Sadegh SLC
Total: 2
Sohae SLC
Tonghae SLC
Total: 2
Naro SLC
Total: 1

Total: 3
Number of launchers (successful)
Total: 2
Total: 1
Total: 1

Total: 2
Orbital launch attempts
Orbited satellites
Total: 5
Total: 2
Total: 1

Total: 3
Launch success rate
41%40% 33%37.5%
Pukguksong SLBM
Hyunmoo-2B SLBM
Total: 2
SSBNN/Aunder development
under development
Total: 2

To sum up, even divided, both halved Koreas are not ashamed when compared to Iran! (clear advantage in SLBM, SSBN)

Which is logical as demography is the main factor, here similar range. (6 greens both)




Man that was quick! Yet another SLBM from North Korea...and only after 3 months!

And this is nothing as both Koreas are advancing at the same steady pace, like the two legs of a single superpower!

Is Iran more advanced than North Korea or is the opposite the truth?

Korea is divided by the European occupiers since 1945. Here a brief comparison:

Space Race Competitors IranNorth KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
GDP (US$ billion)495.69 16.791'7401756.79
National IQ84103106104
Military spending (US$ billion)19.6 1.64445.6
Researchers in R&D (per million people)1'475 7'980 7'980
Claimed history 7000 years5000 years5000 years5000 years
Independence levelHighHighestLowAverage
Number of Space CentersImam Khomeini SLC
Imam Sadegh SLC
Total: 2
Sohae SLC
Tonghae SLC
Total: 2
Naro SLC
Total: 1

Total: 3
Number of launchers (successful)Safir-1
Total: 2
Total: 1
Total: 1

Total: 2
Orbital launch attempts12538
Orbited satellitesOmid
Total: 5
Total: 2
Total: 1

Total: 3
Launch success rate41%40%33%37.5%
SLBMN/APukguksong SLBMHyunmoo-2B SLBMTotal: 2
SSBNN/Aunder developmentunder developmentTotal: 2

To sum up, even divided, both halved Koreas are not ashamed when compared to Iran! (clear advantage in SLBM, SSBN)

Which is logical as demography is the main factor, here similar range. (6 greens both)




If you're going to compare both countries by combining South Korea and North Korea, then compare Korea with Greater Iran. ;-)
South Korea should come get their ship back.... we´ll leave the engines running.... just come drive it back home....
Man that was quick! Yet another SLBM from North Korea...and only after 3 months!

And this is nothing as both Koreas are advancing at the same steady pace, like the two legs of a single superpower!

Is Iran more advanced than North Korea or is the opposite the truth?

Korea is divided by the European occupiers since 1945. Here a brief comparison:

Space Race Competitors IranNorth KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
GDP (US$ billion)495.69 16.791'7401756.79
National IQ84103106104
Military spending (US$ billion)19.6 1.64445.6
Researchers in R&D (per million people)1'475 7'9807'980
Claimed history 7000 years5000 years5000 years5000 years
Independence levelHighHighestLowAverage
Number of Space CentersImam Khomeini SLC
Imam Sadegh SLC
Total: 2
Sohae SLC
Tonghae SLC
Total: 2
Naro SLC
Total: 1

Total: 3
Number of launchers (successful)Safir-1
Total: 2
Total: 1
Total: 1

Total: 2
Orbital launch attempts12538
Orbited satellitesOmid
Total: 5
Total: 2
Total: 1

Total: 3
Launch success rate41%40%33%37.5%
SLBMN/APukguksong SLBMHyunmoo-2B SLBMTotal: 2
SSBNN/Aunder developmentunder developmentTotal: 2

To sum up, even divided, both halved Koreas are not ashamed when compared to Iran! (clear advantage in SLBM, SSBN)

Which is logical as demography is the main factor, here similar range. (6 greens both)





I don't mind North Korea as they have helped Iran in the past so I do not want to belittle them too much. I have already explained to you why it is irrational to think North Korean and Iran are on the same technical level. Therefore, refrain from these doltish periodic claims that N. Korean is ahead of Iran in X, Y or Z. Iran's base technology is far greater than North Korea, thus if Iran chose to produce a certain asset, it would do so in a much more impressive manner. So when you claim North Korea is "ahead of Iran" in Submarine launched ballistic missile etc, notice the obvious reason i.e that this is because these assets are not yet in Iran priority list. If Iran decided to overtly pursue ICBM, SLBMs etc then you would see such assets, but far ahead in terms of quality than what you're seeing in North Korea.

Feel free to keep us updated regarding North Korean development, just avoid any comparisons.
In poker, the guy who holds a Royal flush will not show his hand until its the right time.....

If NKorea has show their hand, its because they had no choice. Iran has plenty of choices....

It is stupid to compare Iran to N korea. N korea is so short of money that the state had to set up restuarants in foreign countries to make money.

Here are a few things that show where Iran is and why N Korea cannot be compred to Iran:

1) Iran is self suficent in food production. Nkorea has only one fat man...
2) Iran has a majoure car industry. Average N koreans do not own cars.
3) Iran is self sufficent in energy production. N korea is dark at nights
4) Iran is the tenth largest steel producer. Does N korea even produce any significat ammount of steel?
5) Iran is also a majour copper and aluminum producer. Metals that are needed in every industry, and not produced in Nkorea in a meaningful quantity.
6) Iran has a majoure electronics industry. Average Nkoreans do not even have TVs or phones.
7) Iran put up its satellite in space years before Nkorea had a functioning SLV. Today Iran has functioning Satellite in space, while Nkorea doesn´t and has never had a functioning satellite in space.

There is really no point going on...I wish koreans well... but to compare N Korea to Iran in anyway is ignorant. They put on a good show in their military parades....but their military industrial capabilities do not even come close to that of Iran.
Iran has ambitions of becoming a global power, while Nkorea has ambitions of not going hungry!
Here the latest update:

Western media again mostly in denial mode. But the very few that made the measurements, confirm that this new SLBM is inching incrementally even closer to the final version, a M51-class SLBM!

Therefore, the most recent measurements of the Pukguksong-5 SLBM are as follow:


https://archive.is/nmokF/5f245dd5a30988252cd19bb9817966f1c5f0d743.jpg ; https://archive.is/nmokF/47071810a08620c57926582abcf01c4c21558a93/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210116131633/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Erxa5YkXIAAaNB8?format=jpg&name=large
1. Pukguksong-5 SLBM diameter measuring ~2.03 meter.


https://archive.vn/0fAOG/54b16261f00f9ff5bc7285567c835e1effcbb485.jpg ; https://archive.vn/0fAOG/147a212e92bc34a1e26a6b1aba3886241d74ae4e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210116131929/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErybV1ZU0AAZB8n?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210116132155/https://twitter.com/ISNJH/status/1350363680731348998 ; https://archive.vn/fTvY5
2. Pukguksong-5 SLBM length measuring 10.5~10.7 meter.

SLBM Type Pukguksong-3 Pukguksong-4Pukguksong-5Pukguksong-6
Diameter 1.4 m 1.80 m2.03 m2.3 m
Length 9.15 m 9.5 m10.5 m12 m
Range 2'000 km 4'000 km6'000 km8'000-10'000 km

Notice the black and white chequered pattern indicates it is only another incremental steps toward the final version.

From the Pukguksong-3's 9 alternated bands, to the Pukguksong-4's 6 alternated bands, today the Pukguksong-5's is left with only 3 alternated bands.

Obvious to conclude that the next iteration will be the zero band and final Pukguksong-6 SLBM!




If you're going to compare both countries by combining South Korea and North Korea, then compare Korea with Greater Iran. ;-)

Again currently Korea is divided under the foreign European occupations into 2 parts, this is not the case of Iran. This while Germany, the warmonger behind two World Wars, is no longer divided. Korea being the victim of foreign imperialism and colonizations since 1905 to this day.

If you want to compare Greater Iran, then compare it with Greater China that includes Korean Peninsula, Northern Vietnam, Outer Mongolia, Outer Manchuria, Taiwan.

In this case, Greater Iran's ranking will not change vs Greater China!

In poker, the guy who holds a Royal flush will not show his hand until its the right time.....

If NKorea has show their hand, its because they had no choice. Iran has plenty of choices....

It is stupid to compare Iran to N korea. N korea is so short of money that the state had to set up restuarants in foreign countries to make money.

Here are a few things that show where Iran is and why N Korea cannot be compred to Iran:

1) Iran is self suficent in food production. Nkorea has only one fat man...

2) Iran has a majoure car industry. Average N koreans do not own cars.

3) Iran is self sufficent in energy production. N korea is dark at nights

4) Iran is the tenth largest steel producer. Does N korea even produce any significat ammount of steel?

5) Iran is also a majour copper and aluminum producer. Metals that are needed in every industry, and not produced in Nkorea in a meaningful quantity.

6) Iran has a majoure electronics industry. Average Nkoreans do not even have TVs or phones.

7) Iran put up its satellite in space years before Nkorea had a functioning SLV. Today Iran has functioning Satellite in space, while Nkorea doesn´t and has never had a functioning satellite in space.

There is really no point going on...I wish koreans well... but to compare N Korea to Iran in anyway is ignorant. They put on a good show in their military parades....but their military industrial capabilities do not even come close to that of Iran.

Iran has ambitions of becoming a global power, while Nkorea has ambitions of not going hungry!

Comparison with data from wikipedia:

Civilizations Iran North KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
Ranking by motor vehicle production World's 20th World's 7thWorld's 7th
Ranking by electricity production World's 14th World's 7thWorld's 7th
Ranking by steel production World's 10th World's 6thWorld's 6th
Ranking by copper smelter production World's 22th World's 32th World's 9th World's 8th
Ranking by Semiconductor industry ? ?World's 1stWorld's 1st
Ranking by Rare Earth Reserve ? World's 1st World's 1st
First satellite launch Omid: 2nd February 2009 Kwangmyongsong-1: 31st August 1998STSAT-2C: 30 January 2013
Total mass of satellites currently in orbit Nour-1: <20 kg Kwangmyongsong-3: 100 kg
Kwangmyongsong-4: 200 kg
Total: 300 kg
STSAT-2C: 100 kgTotal 400 kg
All time total mass of satellites orbited Omid: 27 kg
Rasad: 15 kg
Navid: 50 kg
Fajr: 52 kg
Nour-1: <20 kg
Total: <164 kg
Kwangmyongsong-1: 30 kg
Kwangmyongsong-3: 100 kg
Kwangmyongsong-4: 200 kg
Total: 330 kg
STSAT-2C: 100 kgTotal: 430 kg


Conclusion, no surprise here with the K.O., as with this clean sweep, the Korean Civilization leads light years ahead!




Again currently Korea is divided under the foreign European occupations into 2 parts, this is not the case of Iran. This while Germany, the warmonger behind two World Wars, is no longer divided. Korea being the victim of foreign imperialism and colonizations since 1905 to this day.
Actually that is the case of Iran as well. Iran is also the victim of European colonization, particularly by the Russians and the British in the 18th century. So, yup. You should compare Korea with Greater Iran, not today's Iran.
@Galactic Penguin SST ...I do not think anyone should underestimate the progress that North Korea has done....NK is victim of a brutal western propaganda and because it is not an open society or some how linked to western economy everyone's view is based on what we read in the "western" news.

Now I do scratch my head about HOW they do it...that is why I thought may be you can shed some light on this mystery.....Then only thing that I can imagine is that may be a huge segment of workforce and talent and money is dedicated to the Military and every other aspect of life receive minimum attention. ..is this a reasonable conclusion!.
Man that was quick! Yet another SLBM from North Korea...and only after 3 months!

And this is nothing as both Koreas are advancing at the same steady pace, like the two legs of a single superpower!

Is Iran more advanced than North Korea or is the opposite the truth?

Korea is divided by the European occupiers since 1945. Here a brief comparison:

Space Race Competitors IranNorth KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
GDP (US$ billion)495.69 16.791'7401756.79
National IQ84103106104
Military spending (US$ billion)19.6 1.64445.6
Researchers in R&D (per million people)1'475 7'9807'980
Claimed history 7000 years5000 years5000 years5000 years
Independence levelHighHighestLowAverage
Number of Space CentersImam Khomeini SLC
Imam Sadegh SLC
Total: 2
Sohae SLC
Tonghae SLC
Total: 2
Naro SLC
Total: 1

Total: 3
Number of launchers (successful)Safir-1
Total: 2
Total: 1
Total: 1

Total: 2
Orbital launch attempts12538
Orbited satellitesOmid
Total: 5
Total: 2
Total: 1

Total: 3
Launch success rate41%40%33%37.5%
SLBMN/APukguksong SLBMHyunmoo-2B SLBMTotal: 2
SSBNN/Aunder developmentunder developmentTotal: 2

To sum up, even divided, both halved Koreas are not ashamed when compared to Iran! (clear advantage in SLBM, SSBN)

Which is logical as demography is the main factor, here similar range. (6 greens both)




Again currently Korea is divided under the foreign European occupations into 2 parts, this is not the case of Iran. This while Germany, the warmonger behind two World Wars, is no longer divided. Korea being the victim of foreign imperialism and colonizations since 1905 to this day.

If you want to compare Greater Iran, then compare it with Greater China that includes Korean Peninsula, Northern Vietnam, Outer Mongolia, Outer Manchuria, Taiwan.

In this case, Greater Iran's ranking will not change vs Greater China!

Comparison with data from wikipedia:

Civilizations IranNorth KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
Ranking by motor vehicle production World's 20thWorld's 7thWorld's 7th
Ranking by electricity production World's 14thWorld's 7thWorld's 7th
Ranking by steel production World's 10thWorld's 6thWorld's 6th
Ranking by copper smelter production World's 22th World's 32th World's 9th World's 8th
Ranking by Semiconductor industry ??World's 1stWorld's 1st
Ranking by Rare Earth Reserve ?World's 1stWorld's 1st
First satellite launch Omid: 2nd February 2009Kwangmyongsong-1: 31st August 1998STSAT-2C: 30 January 2013
Total mass of satellites currently in orbit Nour-1: <20 kgKwangmyongsong-3: 100 kg
Kwangmyongsong-4: 200 kg
Total: 300 kg
STSAT-2C: 100 kgTotal 400 kg
All time total mass of satellites orbited Omid: 27 kg
Rasad: 15 kg
Navid: 50 kg
Fajr: 52 kg
Nour-1: <20 kg
Total: <164 kg
Kwangmyongsong-1: 30 kg
Kwangmyongsong-3: 100 kg
Kwangmyongsong-4: 200 kg
Total: 330 kg
STSAT-2C: 100 kgTotal: 430 kg


Conclusion, no surprise here with the K.O., as with this clean sweep, the Korean Civilization leads light years ahead!




Any adult in a lucid state of mind and an IQ above 50 would know that Iran has been under the worst inhuman sanctions, war, terrorism and "maximum" US and Zionist led economic, political and military pressure since 1979. Despite, all impediments Iran is doing far batter than most large states even. Just imagine what Iran can achieve when these criminal failed sanctions are lifted.
Iran's base technology is far greater than North Korea, thus if Iran chose to produce a certain asset, it would do so in a much more impressive manner. So when you claim North Korea is "ahead of Iran" in Submarine launched ballistic missile etc, notice the obvious reason i.e that this is because these assets are not yet in Iran priority list. If Iran decided to overtly pursue ICBM, SLBMs etc then you would see such assets, but far ahead in terms of quality than what you're seeing in North Korea.

Very arrogant thing to say given recent history. With the way that things currently stand north korea is indeed superior to iran in most areas of missile/nulcear and space technology.

Nuclear tech:

NK: Several operation nuclear reactors and a functional 280 kiloton nuclear warhead tested in September 2017

Iran: "Project Amad" to develop a 10 kiloton warhead on hold since 2003

SLV Tech:

North Korea: Unha-3 SLV capable of putting 400kg into 500km circular LEO (2 Sucessful launches in 2012 and 2016)

Iran: Simorgh SLV failed 3 times in a row to place ~100 kg into 500km circular LEO (2017,2019 and 2020)

Missile Tech:

NK: Full range of missile including Hwasong-12 MRBM (4500km range) and Hwasong-15 (13000km range)

Iran: Stuck on largely soviet era sub 2000km range missiles, no courage to develop anything more due to fear of US

I haven't even covered how 80% of iranian missiles are only possible because of technology exports from NK. The shahab engine being based on the Nodong/Scud engine, Simorgh based on prototype Unha-1 SLV. To say that iran is even close to modern NK level in any of these fields is just plain delusional, a decade ago it would have been somewhat true but north korea has made a lot of progress under kim jong un.
Iran: Stuck on largely soviet era sub 2000km range missiles, no courage to develop anything more due to fear of US

LOL.... Soveit era range? What the hell is that? There was a range that was inveted by the soviets?!!! Did your cow got teach you this??

And yes....Iran is so scared of the US that it ploughed their airbase with missiles, and the US didnt dare to react!! Very scared Iran....
Again currently Korea is divided under the foreign European occupations into 2 parts, this is not the case of Iran. This while Germany, the warmonger behind two World Wars, is no longer divided. Korea being the victim of foreign imperialism and colonizations since 1905 to this day.

If you want to compare Greater Iran, then compare it with Greater China that includes Korean Peninsula, Northern Vietnam, Outer Mongolia, Outer Manchuria, Taiwan.

In this case, Greater Iran's ranking will not change vs Greater China!

Comparison with data from wikipedia:

Civilizations Iran North KoreaSouth KoreaBoth Koreas
Ranking by motor vehicle production World's 20th World's 7thWorld's 7th
Ranking by electricity production World's 14th World's 7thWorld's 7th
Ranking by steel production World's 10th World's 6thWorld's 6th
Ranking by copper smelter production World's 22th World's 32th World's 9th World's 8th
Ranking by Semiconductor industry ? ?World's 1stWorld's 1st
Ranking by Rare Earth Reserve ? World's 1st World's 1st
First satellite launch Omid: 2nd February 2009 Kwangmyongsong-1: 31st August 1998STSAT-2C: 30 January 2013
Total mass of satellites currently in orbit Nour-1: <20 kg Kwangmyongsong-3: 100 kg
Kwangmyongsong-4: 200 kg
Total: 300 kg
STSAT-2C: 100 kgTotal 400 kg
All time total mass of satellites orbited Omid: 27 kg
Rasad: 15 kg
Navid: 50 kg
Fajr: 52 kg
Nour-1: <20 kg
Total: <164 kg
Kwangmyongsong-1: 30 kg
Kwangmyongsong-3: 100 kg
Kwangmyongsong-4: 200 kg
Total: 330 kg
STSAT-2C: 100 kgTotal: 430 kg


Conclusion, no surprise here with the K.O., as with this clean sweep, the Korean Civilization leads light years ahead!





I don´t think I need to reply to all the retarded comments...in space technology you don´t add all up the weight of all your satellites and pretend the country with heavier combined satellites is superiour! LOL

It is sufficent to say that Iran has been the only country amongt the above mentioned to have had any functioning satellites..... and today is the only country amongst the 3 mentioned to have it´s own sattelite in space working.

Now you can twrist facts any which way you want to pretend that two enemy countries are one, and the worst dictatorship in the world with starving population is doing great. Or the southern dog eaters are doing well under US Occupation and with the worlds fastest shrinking population.

Of course it has been proven scientificly that the koreans/chinese have the world´s smallest penises.....which undrestandabally created a lot of inferiority complex.... as demonstrted above...
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