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Iranian Second Space & Strategic Rocket Launch Center

Very arrogant thing to say given recent history. With the way that things currently stand north korea is indeed superior to iran in most areas of missile/nulcear and space technology.

Nuclear tech:

NK: Several operation nuclear reactors and a functional 280 kiloton nuclear warhead tested in September 2017

Iran: "Project Amad" to develop a 10 kiloton warhead on hold since 2003

SLV Tech:

North Korea: Unha-3 SLV capable of putting 400kg into 500km circular LEO (2 Sucessful launches in 2012 and 2016)

Iran: Simorgh SLV failed 3 times in a row to place ~100 kg into 500km circular LEO (2017,2019 and 2020)

Missile Tech:

NK: Full range of missile including Hwasong-12 MRBM (4500km range) and Hwasong-15 (13000km range)

Iran: Stuck on largely soviet era sub 2000km range missiles, no courage to develop anything more due to fear of US

I haven't even covered how 80% of iranian missiles are only possible because of technology exports from NK. The shahab engine being based on the Nodong/Scud engine, Simorgh based on prototype Unha-1 SLV. To say that iran is even close to modern NK level in any of these fields is just plain delusional, a decade ago it would have been somewhat true but north korea has made a lot of progress under kim jong un.
I think you went way overboard on your estimates on both sides...Remember there has been a lot of common developed tech involvement between the two countries... how the jointly developed Tech manifest itself into actual product depends on each countries external threat. Defence requirements of the two countries are very different...NK needs Nuclear deterrence against the US, hence the nuclear bombs and ICBMs....Iran's deterrence is NON nuclear and hence precision ballistic missiles , Various Drones of every kind you can imagine and establishment of proxy well armed armies at the doorstep of the enemies...and by the way the 2000 km range is self imposed and not a tech issue.

The two countries are so different that you just can not cherry pick one area over the other. Both countries are doing great with what they have and the evidence is that neither of them have been attacked to this day which is proof enough.
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@Galactic Penguin SST ...I do not think anyone should underestimate the progress that North Korea has done....NK is victim of a brutal western propaganda and because it is not an open society or some how linked to western economy everyone's view is based on what we read in the "western" news.

Now I do scratch my head about HOW they do it...that is why I thought may be you can shed some light on this mystery.....Then only thing that I can imagine is that may be a huge segment of workforce and talent and money is dedicated to the Military and every other aspect of life receive minimum attention. ..is this a reasonable conclusion!.

Discussion on Chinese military forum claiming of a case of agent caught trying to steal thermonuclear technology, and also of Korean PhD students specializing in Hypersonic flight at Harbin University.

I don´t think I need to reply to all the retarded comments...in space technology you don´t add all up the weight of all your satellites and pretend the country with heavier combined satellites is superiour! LOL
This comment only expose the level of abysmal igorance as it is precisely a common practice used by all serious space analysts!

The detail count usually even includes the number of engines launched, but I spared the readers these technicalities in my previous reports knowing that it would only add to confusion for the dilettante.


Total launched mass by year by nation


https://archive.vn/tfEWY/a73adb23525fb236884430b9e39d90c2e4b367c9.png ; https://archive.vn/tfEWY/7da75a6bf59e2295a554e3f4b527d230a41f3e30/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210118123301/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErTAYY5XMAA7IrR?format=png&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210118123513/https://twitter.com/ClosertoSpace/status/1347913949157732354 ; https://archive.vn/jgfH1

1. Launched mass by year by nation: India

It is sufficent to say that Iran has been the only country amongt the above mentioned to have had any functioning satellites..... and today is the only country amongst the 3 mentioned to have it´s own sattelite in space working.

Koreasat 5 (also known as ANASIS-I (Army Navy Air Force Satellite Information System-I) and Mugunghwa 5 (무궁화 5호)) is a South Korean communications satellite operated by Koreasat.
Launch date: August 22, 2006, 5:27 AM GMT+2
Mission duration: 15 years
Orbit height: 36,000 km

Koreasat 5A is a South Korean communications satellite operated by KT SAT, a subsidiary of KT Corporation.
Launch date: 19:34, October 27, 2017 (UTC) UTC

Koreasat 6 (Olleh 1) is a South Korean communications satellite operated by Koreasat.
Launched: 29.12.2010
Lifetime: 15 years

Koreasat 7 telecommunications satellites
Launch date: 00:00, May 5, 2017 (UTC) UTC
Lifetime: 15 years

Koreasat 8
Launch date: 06.02.2014
Lifetime: 15 years

As for cubesat, unlike Nour-1 the only Iranian operated, here the list for Korea:


Now you can twrist facts any which way you want to pretend that two enemy countries are one,

Is there one China or two China? Enemy would dare pretend there is one China and one Taiwan.

By pretending that there would be 2 Koreas, you only show your true colours, as a sworn enemy of the Korean nation!

Indeed, there is only one Korea. :smart:

the worst dictatorship in the world with starving population is doing great.

Get your fact right, and again the worst dictator ever is the Secret Master of the World, that controls 200 puppet leaders since circa 1947 with its fleet of 20'000 U.S. orbital mind-control satellites.

DISCLAIMER: Iranian and Pakistani Readers Please Skip The Troll-Busting Replies Below!

the worst dictatorship in the world with starving population is doing great. Or the southern dog eaters are doing well under US Occupation and with the worlds fastest shrinking population.
By the way... I agree that the Koreans are light years ahead of Iran...... when it comes to suicides. The great dog eaters are have the higest suicides of any majour country in the world:

Think about it, this Secret Master as I claim, is able to mind-control all Iranians' brains, making them forget who they are.

Consequently, for these lost souls, there are reportedly more than 4'000 trans-gender operations carried out in Iran every year and most are subsidised by the government.

The Islamic Republic legalised transsexuality in 1987 and is second only to Thailand in its number of trans surgeries.

One doctor told they carry out 30 to 40 surgeries every MONTH – and sometimes up to three procedures per day.

Of course it has been proven scientificly that the koreans/chinese have the world´s smallest penises.....which undrestandabally created a lot of inferiority complex.... as demonstrted above...

Ad hominem that go unchecked by the mod only betray unsecurity. And for more than one reasons!

Or, and it is highly suspected here, it could be a case of psychological warfare from the enemy, aiming to instigate division and racial hatred!

Aryan Nazi born a fool can never be cured it seems:


https://archive.vn/etNYG/81bf542e96993d7ba496964c7a8343a33d6ccc1a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/etNYG/4d01b1c93d92ad8cbaa8f4e33601330683fafc45/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210118132725/https://i.imgur.com/Qm5Jacy.jpg
1. Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS (1975): Arian Nazi fools 8 decades later still no change!

Simply because the lies are more soothing than the unbearable simple truth, so frightening that it would cause irredeemable delusion!


http://archive.ph/EMksf/e7ca2195798daae4441c6a96804a4a32aa4c7c25.jpg ; https://archive.ph/EMksf/f05db9db5407281579e8d28c017e070d1cd13719/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201006152253/https://i.imgur.com/dvH9Ptw.jpg
2. Brain Memory Size, Brain Size, Cranial Morphology, Climate.




Nuclear tech:

NK: Several operation nuclear reactors and a functional 280 kiloton nuclear warhead tested in September 2017

Iran: "Project Amad" to develop a 10 kiloton warhead on hold since 2003

How does Iran putting its program on hold show the North Korean nuclear technology is more advanced? Iran's program is on hold for political reasons, not for technological reasons.

North Korea: Unha-3 SLV capable of putting 400kg into 500km circular LEO (2 Sucessful launches in 2012 and 2016)

Iran: Simorgh SLV failed 3 times in a row to place ~100 kg into 500km circular LEO (2017,2019 and 2020)

Oh please, almost everybody is aware of the fact the Iran was aiding North Korea in its space program hence its success in its launches:

"However, North Korea’s sudden success on December 12th was not the result of good fortune but rather was the fruition of its increasing institutional cooperation with Iran"

Simorgh is just one SLV, Iran has many including the Qassed which put a satellite into orbit not long ago. Failures are expected in this arena given the complexities associated with it.

NK: Full range of missile including Hwasong-12 MRBM (4500km range) and Hwasong-15 (13000km range)

Iran: Stuck on largely soviet era sub 2000km range missiles, no courage to develop anything more due to fear of US

Range is not an isolated indictor of how advanced a system is. Iran's stated 2000km range limit is carefully calculated. If Iran openly developed an ICBM, this would raise eyebrows as it is not easy to justify such systems for conventionally armed warheads. This has nothing to do with "fear of the US". Perhaps your kind have such fear, but not Iranians:



I haven't even covered how 80% of iranian missiles are only possible because of technology exports from NK. The shahab engine being based on the Nodong/Scud engine,

Shahab is old news, back in 80's perhaps Iran got some missiles from the North Koreans, but today it is Iran that is aiding them:

"Some experts also suspect that North Korea’s accelerated development of solid fuel rockets is connected to Iran’s missile program"

Simorgh based on prototype Unha-1 SLV

Like I have already demonstrated, it is Iran that is helping the North Koreans in this area, not the other way around.

. To say that iran is even close to modern NK level in any of these fields is just plain delusional, a decade ago it would have been somewhat true but north korea has made a lot of progress under kim jong un.

North Korea is a very backward state relying heavily on technological imports from the likes of China, Iran etc. This notions that a country whose entire GDP is around Iran's defence budget would be more advanced than Iran is something only a deluded person would believe.

This is North Korea:

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Actually that is the case of Iran as well. Iran is also the victim of European colonization, particularly by the Russians and the British in the 18th century. So, yup. You should compare Korea with Greater Iran, not today's Iran.

Korea is suffering from the European imperialism from 1905 onward unlike Iran's situation.

First Korea was sold to the Empire of Japan in 1905, as a reward for its intervention in Manchuria to expel the Russian invaders following the Boxer Rebellion (Nov 2, 1899 – Sep 7, 1901), since China was considered to be colonized by the British Empire only.

The British Empire would recognize the Empire of Japan the right to colonize Korea in exchange of the recognition of the British right to colonize the Manchurian Empire in China.

As part of the Empire of Japan, the Korean peninsula has been invaded and thereafter occupied by the Allies military in 1945 to this day. Thus being cut into 2 occupation zones. Even though Korea did never start any war of agression, only being itself a victim of foreign invasion and colonialism.

Meanwhile, Germany that started 2 world wars of agression has been allowed to reunify without much fuss after the end of the Cold War in 1991.

As for Iran, the situation is the opposite!

Supporter of the fascist (to this day), it would have followed Iraq, Finland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Siam, Tibet in joining the Axis forces if not being invaded preventively.

Following the collapse of the infamous Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, with the backstabbing of Stalin by Hitler and the surprise invasion of the USSR in 1941, the UK and the USSR turned overnight from archenemies to unholly allies.

Reza Pahlavi of Iran was much closer to the Third Reich, while ensuring that the country remains neutral. The British feared that the Abadan refinery, owned by Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, from falling into German hands. But this refinery, which produced eight million tons of oil in 1940, represents a crucial part of the Allied war effort.

For the Soviets, Iran represented a vital channel to channel U.S. aid to the Soviet Union. The raids of German submarines and floating sea ice greatly complicated the convoys through the Arctic to Arkhangelsk. The railway trans-Iranian route was essential for transporting equipment to the Soviet Union from the Persian Gulf.

The USSR and the British Empire were putting pressure on Iran and the Shah, but it only increased tensions and triggered pro-Germanic rallies in the capital, Tehran. Reza Shah refused to expel the many German residents present in Iran. He then refused to use the railway line to the Allies, because of the neutrality proclaimed Iran. This leads to the British and the Soviet invasion of Iran on August 25, 1941.

After the war ended, the British withdrew but Soviet troops stationed in northwestern Iran not only refused to withdraw but also supporting a revolt that led to the creation of ephemeral states separatist and pro-Soviet in Iranian Azerbaijan in late 1945: the People’s Government of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Mahabad. Both are Soviet puppet governments. This triggered the Iranian-Soviet crisis, Soviet troops withdraw from Iran in May 1946 after receiving a promise of oil concessions. Without Soviet troops to protect them, the Soviet republics of the North collapsed and the oil concessions were revoked.


https://archive.vn/nudQf/de6407a3a7380ad1fd8aa441a095fe48c7909aad.png ; https://archive.vn/nudQf/0e8f6399749b11d542460907dabf9f5d1ed6bd11/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210119145159/https://i.imgur.com/nYYy7NT.png ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-E1WFR4CFw
1. The Invasion of Iran (1941): Every Day


What has the 19th century situation to do with Korea?


https://archive.vn/7MLJE/87cb40f5dad424b879e0c25fdc2023ad3f604d3d.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210119150800/https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e70d2cb28cbaae105628248bfee1f3a5 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210119151152/https://www.quora.com/Which-territories-did-Iran-lose-during-the-Qajar-Dynasty ; https://archive.vn/riBSt
2. Which territories did Iran lose during the Qajar Dynasty?


https://archive.vn/oi6D1/115be237832b605f0809cd38ee6b1c2402081b6a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/oi6D1/1a37902bcad96f43011143f2f2e2cd9ed02afc3f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210119151200/https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-05d34e9989362c930233f4d59a271467 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210119151152/https://www.quora.com/Which-territories-did-Iran-lose-during-the-Qajar-Dynasty ; https://archive.vn/riBSt
3. Which territories did Iran lose during the Qajar Dynasty?

the yellow part is Georgia that Assigned to Russia because of Golestan agreement.

the small red part is Nakhchivan that Assigned to Russia because of Turkmenchay agreement.

the blue part is Turkmenistan that Assigned to Russia because of Akhal agreement.

the green part is Afghanistan that lost during Fath-Ali Shah Reign.

the big red part is another part of Afghanistan that Assigned to Britain because of Paris agreement.

the gray part is Pakistan that Assigned to Britain because of Goldsmidth agreement.​

Today, how many foreign occupation forces are stationed in Korea and Iran?

28'500 in Korea, none in Iranian soil!

Both South and North Koreans have repeatedly expressed their will to be reunified, but to no avail. Unlike the Persian Empire, the Korean nation is not the result of imperial conquests, there is only one Korean ethicity, one common language.

Then if free from any foreign occupation, what forbid today the various people of Greater Qajar Persia to join willingly the glorious Islamic Republic of Iran? Europe has freely rekindled the old West Roman Empire under the form of the new European Union.

Probably the living standard, political system and governance, greater than the common sense of a past imperial identity, especially when it comes to ethnic and religious minorities.

In conclusion, only the people can decide. All Koreans wants to be reunified without exceptions, unlike the former subjects of the Qajar Persian Empire.




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Your Knowledge of Iran history is impressive,..What most people and that includes myself do not realize is that Korea is a non-divisible nation..North vs South is just a political act to break up nations that could pose a threat..Japan is a defeated nation and under occupation. China is free and now a threat..imagine if Korea becomes united and follows the same route as china in foreign policy...The Empire is screwed in the East and in the West Asia by the time Iran is finished with them..lol...
Of course it has been proven scientificly that the koreans/chinese have the world´s smallest penises.....which undrestandabally created a lot of inferiority complex.... as demonstrted above...

Viking science? Not acknowledged anywhere outside of Kattegat though!:disagree:

Larger neural counts and greater cognitive capabilities? Not even causing superiority complex, as one won't of course bother to make the silly comparison between Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Homo SS) with Sinanthrope that belong obviously to two separate distinct groups of hominid subspecies, that have evolved separately after leaving Africa since 2 millions years ago to become endemic.

The scope of the Greater Chinese Civilization advance versus the rest of mankind, before its demise after the Mongol invasion can be seen here. The original and its copy by the eternal western plagiarists:


https://archive.is/P4Sjt/902efa0042e3ef6376ee84f6be56f7d039c2ba68.jpg ; https://archive.is/P4Sjt/0840662cf4accfd9877c89e721e1bc43b2ae877c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210121...rly-wanders-colomboxzhenghe-02.jpg?1461002197 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210121192341/https://www.artstation.com/artwork/br6Gg
1. The original and its copy by the eternal western plagiarists: Comparison of Zheng He's Treasure Ship (1421) with Columbus' Santa Maria.


https://archive.vn/lvcrU/f936408142330eed48b80506529c66693036e01a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/lvcrU/f936408142330eed48b80506529c66693036e01a.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201110...edu/faculty/d/g/dga11/Zheng_He_Fleet(big).jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20141101...a11/HS10_24_age_exploration_treasureships.htm ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210121193624/https://hangsim.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=5945 ; https://archive.vn/yjREA ; https://archive.vn/dTQiH
2. 1421 Zheng He's Treasure Ship. Computer generated conceptualization of what the fleet might have looked like at anchor.

And indeed, for millennia, China has leaded in the human development unparalleled, and by light years. And in both branch of the technological trees (武士道,養氣之道).

It is only the plundered military technology tree (武士道: "the way of the warrior") by the Mongolian invaders that have been spread westward to the Greater Roman Civilization upon the collapse of the Pax Mongolica by the 15th century, and that was later reverse engineered by the Europeans.

But this process took centuries (Roger Bacon, Johannes Gutenberg, Leonardo da Vinci, etc).

According to my estimations, without the collapse of the the Chinese civilization in 1279 following the Mongol invasion, China should have completed both technological trees, the military focus and the Way of Chi (Chi Art: 養氣之道 (ZH) / 英知の道 (JP) Eichi no michi: Road of Wisdom) that unlocks the next phase in the human evolution by the 18th century at the latest.

This means, the nuclear age, spaceflight, genetics, A.I., and of course at the core, psychotronics technologies should have been discovered by the Chinese 3 centuries ago. Contact by advanced exo-civilizations should have followed smoothly upon completion of the prerequisites.

Instead, the Europeans, having never developed independently any tech of the Chi Arts branch, nor inherited any from the Mongolians, are from 1945 onward stucked in a Dystopian evolutionary dead end! And still clueless.

Unfortunately, taking into these abyss of totalitarism the entire humankind with them, forever unable to break the exo-diplomatic bottleneck.

Doomed from day one, as Chi Arts can only be discovered by the Chinese Civilization, as the warlike genetics of both Mongols and Europeans alike simply make these tech unappealing and of no use (think of veggies), therefore disregarded and never taken by the invaders when they entered Yangzhou in 1276, Chongqing in 1277 and Hezhou in 1279.


To make it simpler, the Greater Chinese Civilization has always been one Technological Era in advance, compared to the rest of humankind.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans were fighting with arrows, bows and catapults during the Classical Era, the Chinese were already using crossbows, composite bows and trebuchets.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered crossbows, composite bows and trebuchets during the Middle Ages, the Chinese were already using rockets, canons, guns and ocean-going sailing ships.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered rockets, cannons, guns and ocean-going sailing ships during the Renaissance Era, the Chinese had already started to develop unpropelled and propelled manned flight.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered the propelled manned flight during the Modern Era, the Japanese as the only inheritors of the Greater Chinese Civilization after the Pax Mongolica, had already developed Directed Energy weapons and Mind-Control space warfare.

TechnologiesGreater Chinese CivilizationGreater Roman Civilization
Crossbow7th century BC10th century AD
Compass4th century BC1190 AD
Stirrup for horses3rd century BC580 AD
Traction trebuchet5th-3th century BC6th century AD
Counterweight trebuchet 11th century AD12th century AD
Ocean-going sailing ships960–1279 AD1492 AD
Gunpowder1040 AD1280 AD
Cannons1227 AD1326 AD
Rockets1232 AD1380 AD
Guns1250 AD1327 AD
Propelled flight1465 AD1842 AD
Directed Energy weapons1936 ADN/A
Mind-Control weapons1941 ADN/A

As the game ends with the discovery of mind-control technology threshold in 1945, no further score will be recorded.

The scenario is now completed. The world being finally unified under a single ruler, a single empire, a single civilization.

Being the eternal second means that the Greater Roman Civilization always busy in trying to catch up with the leader's technological gap over the last millennia, didn't even have the time to be aware of, not to say to plagiarize the last two game-ending technologies of the Space Age from East Asia before the finishing line!

Obvious that genetics matters, making a huge and permanent difference.

This is scientific truth, universally acknowledged, and as officially accepted by the most advanced exo-civilizations.


https://archive.is/BVtHE/1ca5890359dcf073b5ba4347f6cdc0143c86169c.jpg ; https://archive.is/BVtHE/d434a2689f64c8ac3fa5ebe74b1226f096a521d9/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210124033525/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EscUTkFVcAM0Adm?format=jpg&name=small
3. The front page of the German weekly "Der Spiegel" for the week of 23th January 2021: The triumph of the dragon, How China is much better than us?




Last edited:
Viking science? Not acknowledged anywhere outside of Kattegat though!:disagree:

Larger neural counts and greater cognitive capabilities? Not even causing superiority complex, as one won't of course bother to make the silly comparison between Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Homo SS) with Sinanthrope that belong obviously to two separate distinct groups of hominid subspecies, that have evolved separately after leaving Africa since 2 millions years ago to become endemic.

The scope of the Greater Chinese Civilization advance versus the rest of mankind, before its demise after the Mongol invasion can be seen here. The original and its copy by the eternal western plagiarists:


https://archive.is/P4Sjt/902efa0042e3ef6376ee84f6be56f7d039c2ba68.jpg ; https://archive.is/P4Sjt/0840662cf4accfd9877c89e721e1bc43b2ae877c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210121...rly-wanders-colomboxzhenghe-02.jpg?1461002197 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210121192341/https://www.artstation.com/artwork/br6Gg
1. The original and its copy by the eternal western plagiarists: Comparison of Zheng He's Treasure Ship (1421) with Columbus' Santa Maria.


https://archive.vn/lvcrU/f936408142330eed48b80506529c66693036e01a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/lvcrU/f936408142330eed48b80506529c66693036e01a.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201110...edu/faculty/d/g/dga11/Zheng_He_Fleet(big).jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20141101...a11/HS10_24_age_exploration_treasureships.htm ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210121193624/https://hangsim.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=5945 ; https://archive.vn/yjREA ; https://archive.vn/dTQiH
2. 1421 Zheng He's Treasure Ship. Computer generated conceptualization of what the fleet might have looked like at anchor.

And indeed, for millennia, China has leaded in the human development unparalleled, and by light years. And in both branch of the technological trees (武士道,養氣之道).

It is only the plundered military technology tree (武士道: "the way of the warrior") by the Mongolian invaders that have been spread westward to the Greater Roman Civilization upon the collapse of the Pax Mongolica by the 15th century, and that was later reverse engineered by the Europeans.

But this process took centuries (Roger Bacon, Johannes Gutenberg, Leonardo da Vinci, etc).

According to my estimations, without the collapse of the the Chinese civilization in 1279 following the Mongol invasion, China should have completed both technological trees, the military focus and the Way of Chi (Chi Art: 養氣之道 (ZH) / 英知の道 (JP) Eichi no michi: Road of Wisdom) that unlocks the next phase in the human evolution by the 18th century at the latest.

This means, the nuclear age, spaceflight, genetics, A.I., and of course at the core, psychotronics technologies should have been discovered by the Chinese 3 centuries ago. Contact by advanced exo-civilizations should have followed smoothly upon completion of the prerequisites.

Instead, the Europeans, having never developed independently any tech of the Chi Arts branch, nor inherited any from the Mongolians, are from 1945 onward stucked in a Dystopian evolutionary dead end! And still clueless.

Unfortunately, taking into these abyss of totalitarism the entire humankind with them, forever unable to break the exo-diplomatic bottleneck.

Doomed from day one, as Chi Arts can only be discovered by the Chinese Civilization, as the warlike genetics of both Mongols and Europeans alike simply make these tech unappealing and of no use (think of veggies), therefore disregarded and never taken by the invaders when they entered Yangzhou in 1276, Chongqing in 1277 and Hezhou in 1279.


To make it simpler, the Greater Chinese Civilization has always been one Technological Era in advance, compared to the rest of humankind.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans were fighting with arrows, bows and catapults during the Classical Era, the Chinese were already using crossbows, composite bows and trebuchets.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered crossbows, composite bows and trebuchets during the Middle Ages, the Chinese were already using rockets, canons, guns and ocean-going sailing ships.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered rockets, cannons, guns and ocean-going sailing ships during the Renaissance Era, the Chinese had already started to develop unpropelled and propelled manned flight.

When the Greater Roman Civilization's Europeans had reverse engineered the propelled manned flight during the Modern Era, the Japanese as the only inheritors of the Greater Chinese Civilization after the Pax Mongolica, had already developed Directed Energy weapons and Mind-Control space warfare.

TechnologiesGreater Chinese CivilizationGreater Roman Civilization
Crossbow7th century BC10th century AD
Compass4th century BC1190 AD
Stirrup for horses3rd century BC580 AD
Traction trebuchet5th-3th century BC6th century AD
Counterweight trebuchet11th century AD12th century AD
Ocean-going sailing ships960–1279 AD1492 AD
Gunpowder1040 AD1280 AD
Cannons1227 AD1326 AD
Rockets1232 AD1380 AD
Guns1250 AD1327 AD
Propelled flight1465 AD1842 AD
Directed Energy weapons1936 ADN/A
Mind-Control weapons1941 ADN/A

As the game ends with the discovery of mind-control technology threshold in 1945, no further score will be recorded.

The scenario is now completed. The world being finally unified under a single ruler, a single empire, a single civilization.

Being the eternal second means that the Greater Roman Civilization always busy in trying to catch up with the leader's technological gap over the last millennia, didn't even have the time to be aware of, not to say to plagiarize the last two game-ending technologies of the Space Age from East Asia before the finishing line!

Obvious that genetics matters, making a huge and permanent difference.

This is scientific truth, universally acknowledged, and as officially accepted by the most advanced exo-civilizations.


https://archive.is/BVtHE/1ca5890359dcf073b5ba4347f6cdc0143c86169c.jpg ; https://archive.is/BVtHE/d434a2689f64c8ac3fa5ebe74b1226f096a521d9/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210124033525/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EscUTkFVcAM0Adm?format=jpg&name=small
3. The front page of the German weekly "Der Spiegel" for the week of 23th January 2021: The triumph of the dragon, How China is much better than us?




Knowing this, how come the Europeans were able to militarily force Chinese dynasties to make concessions. If I remember right, China had gunpowder and the trebuchet well before Europeans had acquired the tech, leaving China a superior technological military power. It appears perhaps within the 1700s and onward China fell behind while Europe boosted into the Industrial Revolution while everyone else fell behind.
Knowing this, how come the Europeans were able to militarily force Chinese dynasties to make concessions. If I remember right, China had gunpowder and the trebuchet well before Europeans had acquired the tech, leaving China a superior technological military power. It appears perhaps within the 1700s and onward China fell behind while Europe boosted into the Industrial Revolution while everyone else fell behind.

Chinese Dynasties? 1700s and onward China ? :omghaha:

Ending The Game V1.0.

Jun 15, 2020

And indeed, this inevitable outcome was from start, back 2 millions years ago totally foreseeable:

So why so much surprises and rage from some other minor players? Misconceptions, turned into dogmas, leading to this academic pitfall.

Indeed, the reading was wrong, without taking into account the overwhelming evidences in the bigger picture, while totally overlooking, due to state censorship and denial of the genetic reality of the world.

This is what a hippopotamus could be seen through such European biased lens, when genetics is not included in the modelization:


http://archive.is/nV7jo/0bbf2f0ddd6b4fe860ce475dcdfcd7df6de1e2c8.jpg ; https://archive.is/nV7jo/cda19425840b1aa19d2ffd2fa586c65597e5401f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200614122111/https://i.imgur.com/eJhBv1g.jpg
5. Hippopotamus wrong reconstruction when genetics is not included in the modelization.

History is no arts for would-be paleoartists but hard science. Use computer simulations.

The North Chinese average 2.69 Petabytes brain capacity has no competitors, certainly not the 2.59 Petabytes North Europeans, least the 2.5 Petabytes South Europeans.

And for 2 millions of years, that is since the rise of the first Sinanthropes, the gap was similar with all its hominid competitors.

One major consequence of this genetic gap is seen in the military field, where China as a civilization has never been defeated by the Europeans.

This thruth should expectingly be received here by foreign readers as a shocking revelation at best, which it is not of course, and most likely with utter dismay, anger and desperation from the most brainwashed.

Here the debunking, that shatters five centuries of European institutional self-deception, state disinformation and academic revisionism.

When Marco Polo, made the trip to China, between 1271 and 1295, as the alleged first European, where he also met Kublai Khan, it was in fact to the Mongolian Empire.

The last independent Chinese state of the Southern Song dynasty having been defeated in the Battle of Yamen in 1279 and annexed to the Mongolian Empire.

Again what was later used as a political tool to further European imperialist ambitions in the Manchurian Empire (from 1921 Russian, then from 1945 American hidden rogue putschist faction), and called as the 'Chinese century of humiliation', covering the period between 1839 and 1949, can not be farther from the truth, simply because China wasn't an independant state, having been annexed into the Manchurian Empire since 1644 to 1912.

Followed by various Manchurian Empire's splinters fighting factions or cliques, sponsored by foreign powers, and from 1928 to 1945, partly under one of them, a British wire pulled puppet Republic of China, and partly under another one as a Russian puppet faction, the comintern, and of course the Japanese puppet East Hebei Autonomous Government, Manchukuo and Menkukuo.

Therefore, it is accurate to say that the Europeans have never defeated the Chinese civilization over the last 4'000 years of history.

And it is quite the opposite. China defeated Portugal twice, under the Ming Dynasty's naval fleet in the 1521 Battle of Tunmen (屯门海战) and the 1522 Battle of Shancaowan (茜草湾之战).

China's Admiral Zheng Chenggong (鄭成功) defeated Holland in 1661 in the Battle of Formosa.

In short only larger brains thus higher memory size, from the colder north (Mongols, Manchus) have subjugated China in the past. But these in turn have been systematically overthrown due to their inherent weakness in other cognitive abilities, due to the poorer diversity of their ecosystems (desertic, tundra vs Chinese highest and coldest plateau in the world, desertic with largest temperature gaps, temperate plains and forests, and mostly hot rainy subtropical), and resulting in no abilities to make new discoveries and develop cutting edge technologies.

With such outstanding military record, unmatched in the history of humankind, only predetermined by the starting ecosystem of each players and epigenetics, the Chinese civilization is about to reach the finish line first, within this century and ending the game. Completing all the Chi Arts requirements, as war is no longer an option with the most advanced exo-civilization.

Deal with it!





Iran Tests Its Most Powerful Solid Propellant Motor

Imam Sadegh Space Center’s test stands sat idle for almost five years after their construction. Then, between April and May 2016, the first motor test took place, followed by a larger test stand being introduced into service in June 2017. Finally, the site’s second largest test stand was used in March 2019 but left only a small mark ground, perhaps indicating a failed test. In November 2019, a new motor test happened at test stand number three, this time resulting in a substantial scorch mark.

So far, in November 2019, Iran has successfully completed the hot test firing of a solid propellant rocket engine developing 118 to 177 ton-force of thrust equivalent to the 2 meter diameter Chinese Long March 11 SLV and DF-31 ICBM (Operational range: 8'000 km to 12'000 km).

In addition, Iran has just tested its biggest ever 164 to 246 ton-force thrust solid propellant rocket engine. That makes it to even surpass the 2.20 meter diameter DF-41 ICBM (Range: 12'000-15'000 km, Payload: 2'500 kg)!

Imam Sadegh Space Center’s solid propellant test stand Rocket engine thrust First static test
#1 21 to 31 tf April 2016
#2 108 to 162 tf June 2017
#3 118 to 177 tf November 2019
#4 164 to 246 tf 8-16 March 2021



1. Imam Sadegh Space Center’s solid propellant test stand imaged on 16 February 2019。

36°12'52.6"N 55°21'50.4"E
36.214612, 55.363987
Khar Turan National Park, Semnan Province, Iran
6977+RH Zard Abiyeh, Iran


2. Imam Sadegh Space Center’s solid propellant test stands #1,#2,#3 and #4。


3. Imam Sadegh Space Center’s solid propellant test stand #3。


https://archive.ph/OvpEd/b2908657b9dbdf32922ece8d4ec0ab3f2578317d/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/Kd3gU/0100d8738fa5e5b3773d477bcc73b999b0c6df4e.png ; https://archive.ph/Kd3gU/19240498dc2f31b65c4e2a631578e0213b6750de/scr.png ; https://archive.is/ivoQa/5e0ce6798ba0326524158ec35aae2212193909d5.png ; https://archive.is/ivoQa/b71e96fee1a9f93af1296fd2894324eb2b7480e8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320065436if_/https://www.planet.com/stories/shahrud-motor-test-2-EQ9NwGg ; https://archive.ph/OvpEd ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320065640/https://twitter.com/DaveSchmerler/status/1373028289703505934 ; https://archive.ph/K4HxM
4. Imam Sadegh Space Center’s solid propellant test stand #4 where a first static test took place between 8-16 March 2021.

After the latest static test, we have enough elements to reconstruct the full bigger picture. Various types of military ballistic missiles and derived civilian SLVs to suit all needs.

If metal casing is used then it is of Iranian design. If it uses composite casing, then maybe it is related or shared technology with North Korea.

North Korean MRBM/SLBM TypeN/A Pukguksong-1 Pukguksong-3 N/APukguksong-4Pukguksong-5Pukguksong-6 Pukguksong-7
Equivalent Iranian MRBM/SLV (first stage)Hajj Qasem Soleimani N/AN/A Zoljanah Tir (Qaem 3rd stage)Mehr (Qaem 2nd stage)Undisclosed SLVQaem
Diameter ~0.95 m 1.1 m 1.4 m1.5 m 1.80 m2.03 m2.3 m 3.5 m
Length 11 m 7.35 m 9.15 m 9.5 m10.5 m12 m 20 m
Range 1'400 km 1'500 km 2'000 km4'000 km? 8'000 km8'000-12'000 km12'000-15'000 km 30'000 km
LEO Orbital Payload ~50 kg ~100 kg ~200 kg ~300 kg? ~400 kg ~800 kg ~1'000 kg ~10'000 kg


https://archive.ph/rk5b2/7e5e54e46aa11dbc9097d3403a295cf4706d5e8e.jpg ; https://archive.ph/rk5b2/56c30837e1f5149016c97ac0acd86e7fb5e4731c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320072253/http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/China/CZ-11/Versions/Sfl.jpg
3. Comparative Chinese solid propellant launchers used to estimate diameters and payload capacity.

Zoljanah-2 SLV

Iran is obviously further ahead in the solid fuel game as expected.

Since Iran successfully tested a 1.5m diameter motor more than five years ago, it's was expected they would not remain passive and would progress to the next steps.

And AIO spokesman Hosseini already gave it to us in the TV program "Conversation about satellite on Zoljannah " aired on Monday 1st February 2021 (گفتگو درباره ی ماهواره بر ذوالجناح).

He said that the Zoljanah would be improved and this would include lighter casings, higher specific impulse and flexible nozzles.

Implication For The Qaem SLV

From the above, expect all engines of the Qaem SLV to switch to the same lighter casings, higher specific impulse and flexible nozzles in the future.




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North Korea has only shown aramid/fiberglass motor casings up until now. Iran already uses carbon fiber, so the source is not North Korea.
Usually, spacefaring nations exploit the best and latest technologies in their satellite launchers. There could be several reasons for this curious lacuna. Perhaps the new IRGC technologies have not yet been upsized to fit the much larger propulsion system of the “Zuljana.” In other words, the IRGC may not be able to produce composite-material rocket casings and flexible nozzles for thrust vectoring for a vehicle the size of the “Zuljanah.”

More plausibly, the denial of advanced technologies to Iran’s civilian space program could be a result of the rivalry between the IRGC’s own space program (that came to light in April 2020) and the civilian space agency. The IRGC may regard its technologies as proprietary and bar its civilian rival from using them.

There is nothing such as an unified "Iran" in space development as you claimed, but rival entities!

As for Iran's ISA largest solid motor, the 1.5 m diameter Zoljanah SLV, ISA uses only metal steel casing that is far from what you claimed as carbon fiber superior to North Korea's kevlar!

To date, carbon fiber casing are not larger than 1 meter diameter (Salman-1) in Iran, when North Korea produces up to 1.8 meter diameter kevlar casings.

Full article with fallacies and Galactic Penguin's corrective commentaries below:

Israeli scientist troll assessment of Iran's Space Program ...SLV the size of "Falcon heavy" CZ-3B

Thread starter aryobarzan Start date Mar 3, 2021

UZI Rubin the Israeli missile expert evaluates Iran's current plans for space.

View attachment 721711View attachment 721713

Iran’s winged horse rocket: Another step towards global reach
The launch of Iran’s first solid-propellant space rocket is highly significant.
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  • View attachment 721711(March 2, 2021 / Jerusalem Institute of Strategy and Security) On Feb. 2, 2008, Iran became the ninth space-faring nation when it successfully orbited its first satellite, the “Omid,” using its newly developed “Safir” rocket, an adaptation of the “Shahab 3” military ballistic missile. Ever since that milestone, Feb. 2 is celebrated annually in Iran as Space Technology Day. The Iranian Space Agency, which is formally—if not actually—in charge of Iran’s space programs, makes an extra effort to commemorate the day with a new space launch. Sometimes it is successful, and the world is treated to a new Iranian satellite in space. More often it is not, and Space Technology Day turns into a series of conferences and television programs describing the glorious past and painting an even more glorious future.
This year, the world was treated to the debut of Iran’s first solid-propellant space rocket. This is highly significant. Unlike liquid-propellant rockets that need to be fueled before launch, solid-propellant rockets are launch-ready at any time. Hence, most of the world’s ballistic missiles use solid propellants. The new Iranian space rocket was launched into a suborbital trajectory from Semnan space port. The new launcher was dubbed “Zuljanah” after the mythical horse of Husain Ibn Ali, the first martyr in the cause of Shi’ite Islam, who died in 680 C.E. More than millennia later, his faithful mount was honored with an emblem of a winged horse painted on the side of the new rocket.
The first disclosure of the existence of a new space launcher was made by Iran’s Mehr news agency on Feb. 9, 2020, when it announced the completion of the design of a new solid-propellant Space Launch Vehicle (SLV), dubbed “Zuljanah” and scheduled to make its first flight in June of that year. Later that year, in August 2020, Iran’s Defense Minister Amir Hatami referred to “Zuljanah, a solid propellant SLV” that is “the same size and shape as the ‘Simorgh’ liquid-propellant SLV, with the first launch schedule to fall within the current [Iranian year]” that ends in March 2021. He also mentioned that the “Zuljanah” will be capable of being launched from mobile launchers.
The new “Zuljanah” lifted off from its launch pad on Feb. 2, 2021, seven months later than the Mehr news agency announcement but still within the current Iranian year, as promised by Hatami. No satellite was inserted into orbit. Some reports said that the rocket reached an altitude of 320 kilometers. This might have signified a failure to reach orbit, but it is more likely that no satellite launch was intended. Rather, this first flight of the new space launcher was likely a preliminary suborbital flight test to check out flight characteristics and the launch sequence rather than an audacious leap into a fully-fledged space shot.
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The Iranian Space Agency’s “Zuljanah” Space Launch Vehicle, unveiled on Feb. 1, 2021. Credit: Tehran Times.
The “Zuljanah” is Iran’s first-solid propellant SLV, sporting the largest solid-propellant motors yet revealed by Iran. It is a three-stage SLV with the first two stages comprising large solid-propellant rocket motors, each containing an estimated 20 tons of propellant, and a smaller, liquid-propellant third stage, seemingly a carryover from the earlier “Safir” first-generation SLV that has already launched four satellites into low earth orbit. The “Zuljanah” looks a bit odd, with a bulge in its middle. The need for this ungainly bulge stems from the interesting fact that the “Zuljanah” is using outdated technology for controlling its direction of flight, rather than the cutting-edge flight-control technology displayed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in its own “Salman” rocket motor last year.
Other throwbacks to older technology are evident, mainly the use of steel for the rocket casing rather than lighter and stronger composite materials that also featured in the IRGC’s already mentioned “Salman” as well as in their shorter-range ballistic missiles. The obsolete technology is probably the reason for the rather low performance of the “Zuljanah,” which according to Iran’s space agency release weighs 52 tons at takeoff but can loft to orbit only 200 kg., which is less than half of what a rocket this size should be capable of.
The fact that Iran’s latest space launcher is not benefitting from the Islamic Republic’s most advanced rocket technologies is remarkable. Usually, spacefaring nations exploit the best and latest technologies in their satellite launchers. There could be several reasons for this curious lacuna. Perhaps the new IRGC technologies have not yet been upsized to fit the much larger propulsion system of the “Zuljana.” In other words, the IRGC may not be able to produce composite-material rocket casings and flexible nozzles for thrust vectoring for a vehicle the size of the “Zuljanah.” At the same time, there is strong evidence that the IRGC has already tested much larger solid-rocket motors in its secret Shahrood facility.
More plausibly, the denial of advanced technologies to Iran’s civilian space program could be a result of the rivalry between the IRGC’s own space program (that came to light in April 2020) and the civilian space agency. The IRGC may regard its technologies as proprietary and bar its civilian rival from using them.
The “Zuljanah” represents a departure from Iran’s hitherto cautious policy of not provoking the West by flaunting its capability to produce missiles capable of reaching Europe. Iran’s second-generation SLV, the liquid propellant “Simorgh,” is not a good candidate for producing a derivative intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) or intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), due to its complexity and cumbersome launch method. The solid-propellant “Zuljanah” is a different story.
A ballistic missile using its two huge solid-propellant stages could probably deliver payloads of 500 kg. or so to ranges of 4,000 km. or more—enough to reach anywhere in Europe. In other words, the “Zuljanah” is a candidate precursor for a ready-to-launch, survivable IRBM aimed at the core members of the European Union. Moreover, the official Iranian release mentioned that the “Zuljanah” could be fired in the future from mobile launchers; a capability more appropriate for a military IRBM than a peaceful civilian space launcher.
The impression is that the Iranian leadership is stretching thin the cover story of its “civilian” space program, in tandem with stretching its compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, to accumulate bargaining chips for its forthcoming negotiation over the U.S. return to the deal. At this time, Iran’s nuclear transgressions are reversible and can be bargained away against the lifting of Trump-imposed sanctions. Similarly, Iran’s abrogation of its own self-imposed upper limit of 2,000 kilometers on its missile range, as implied by the potential of the “Zuljanah” to be turned into an IRBM, can be easily reversed as an implicit concession to European sensitivities.
The Iranian Space Agency used the occasion of Space Technology Day to unveil its road map to the future of its space program. And a glorious future it is—if the ISA is taken at its word. The “Zuljanah” is the ISA’s third-generation space launcher, after the “Safir: (which already orbited four satellites) and the “Simorgh” (which has failed to orbit any satellite to date). The next in line will be the “Sahrir,” a giant three-stage solid-propellant liquid-propellant SLV with an estimated take-off weight of almost 160 tons, capable of lofting 700 kg. to an orbit 1,000 kilometers above earth’s surface. But even this giant will be dwarfed by what comes next:

The “Sorus 1,” a 700-ton behemoth with a cluster of external solid-propellant boosters 200 tons SLV with no strap-on boosters! (aka Unha-9).
This behemoth will pale in turn against the “Sorus 2,” with a takeoff weight of 1,300 tons 400 tons. This will almost match today’s largest space launcher, the U.S. “Falcon Heavy” made by Elon Musk’s legendary Space X company. Only the Safir-7 will match the Falcon Heavy. No timetable for this ambitious program has been offered, but one can surmise that the mind-boggling “Sorus 1” and “Sorus 2” will not be seen on a launchpad in the near or even the intermediate future.
That may not be the case however with regard to the “Sahrir.” From its published image, it has a diameter of two meters 2.4 meters. One of the last pictures of Hassan Mughadem, the father of Iran’s missile and space programs, shows him talking to a group of his assistants, with a two-meter-wide solid rocket propellant in the background. A coincidence? Perhaps not. Moghadem met his death in an explosion during what appeared to be the production of a huge solid-propellant rocket motor. This was part of a secret IRGC space program called “Gaem” that aimed to create a two-stage four stages solid-propellant space launcher with a diameter of two meters 3.5 meters. It seems that that ISA hopes to utilize the “Gaem” rocket motors for its next satellite launcher "Gaem" will not be the basis of ISA' next SLV and the liquid propellant Sepehr or Safir-3A is the official next goal. Will the IRGC allow the civilian ISA to use its own proprietary rocket motors? In any other country the answer would be a definite “yes,” Like in the Soviet Union where various chief designers were competing against each others, similar to China's Beijing team competing with Shanghai's but with the inter-organizational rivalries in Iran, as seen by the denial of IRGC advanced technologies to the civilian ISA, the answer remains in doubt.
Be it as it may, any of the giant “Sahrir” stages could be an excellent basis for a solid-propellant Iranian ICBM no stages of Sarir that burn liquid propellant can be a good basis for an ICBM. As argued in the previously mentioned paper (“Iran’s Space Program”), Iran’s space program is in part a cover-up for long-range ballistic missiles that go beyond the self-imposed range of 2,000 km. The launching of the “Zuljanah,” and the ensuing revelation of Iran’s next satellite launcher, may have provided a limited yet significant preview of its road map towards the building of global-range missiles that can reach both Europe and the United States. Unlike their North Korean friends who brandish oversized ICBMs in garish nighttime parades, the more sophisticated leaders of Iran are astute in not yet showing their hand. They are just allowing the world a brief glimpse of what they can do, if and when they decide to become a global power.
Uzi Rubin was the founding director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization, which managed the Arrow program. He is now a senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.
This article was first published by the Jerusalem Institute of Strategy and Security.


Recent data from TV show of the Iranian SLVs payload capacity: Safir-1, Zoljanah, Safir-2/Simorgh, Safir-3/Sarir, Safir-4A/Soroush-1, Safir-4B/Soroush-2.


https://archive.vn/Todvc/45ec76a2e136395326a88cc6b7e103bcda9841db.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Todvc/e57554e721c58bb3052da5039966b91496f29c5c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210202064242/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtJyAKhXMAMOEg3?format=jpg&name=large
1. Iranian SLVs payload capacity: Safir-1, Zoljanah, Safir-2/Simorgh, Safir-3/Sarir, Safir-4A/Soroush-1, Safir-4B/Soroush-2.

An entire article for nothing, as the Soroush-2 will only be of the size and payload capacity similar to the Long March 3B (CZ-3B).

Comparative Specs
Launcher CZ-3BE SLV Soroush-2 Lunar Rover SLV
Length 54.84 m?? m
Total Mass472.70 tons?? tons
1st stage Diameter 3.35 m 3.7 m
2nd stage Diameter 3.35 m 3.7 m
3rd stage Diameter 3.00 - 3.35 m 3.7 m
Total thrust 610.4 tf 640 tf
Trans-lunar injection (TLI) payloadChang'e-3: 3'800 kg~1'500 kg

https://archive.vn/fiyWM/bb466978c63510b8e78428350f156fce0d9de0ed.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fiyWM/6c4a37281895eb9e17a5ef1c07b86c86884efe62/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210134635/https://i.imgur.com/XaWlidR.jpg
2. Iran's Soroush-2 lunar Rover SLV VS the Chinese CZ-3B SLV. 2021.

And first hinted back in 2017:

K. N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU), is the host of the 16th conference, AERO 2017, on February 21–23.

Conference Topics includes:
-Space system design
-Propulsion systems

A presentation discussing the Chinese YF-21 liquid propellant engine, is consistent with a hypothesized Chinese evolutionary path for the Safir-4 SLV.

The YF-20 is a Chinese liquid-fuel rocket engine burning N2O4 and UDMH in an gas generator cycle. It is a basic engine which when mounted in a four engine module forms the YF-21. The high altitude variation is known as the YF-22 is normally paired with the YF-23 vernier to form the YF-24 propulsion module for second stages.
The basic engine has been used since the Feng Bao 1 rocket and has been the main propulsion of the Long March 2, Long March 3 and Long March 4 families.

Report on AERO 2017 from Tele Webion Video, published on Date: 1395-12-04 Time: 20:44



https://archive.is/rSbFz/ec15e49ae8a4a1bec1553c8db0fc7b70482e782b.jpg ; https://archive.is/rSbFz/815b868d1858fb84db81be253e359905dc4e99eb/scr.png ;

3. Screen capture from the video at T=4m27sm of a presentation discussing the Chinese YF-21 liquid propellant engine.

Alternative Youtube Video on AERO 2017, published on Mar 11, 2017

Iran IRIB4 Photon report on AERO 2017 فوتون: شانزدهمین همایش بین المللی هوا و فضای ایران
At T=3m26s presentation discussing the Chinese YF-21 liquid propellant engine.


Ridiculous indeed to confuse the Soroush-2 SLV with the Falcon Heavy as unlike the American SLV, it can not have a takeoff weight of 1'300 kg, but only a little more than ~400 tons.

And deduced from the Soroush-1 of ~200 tons, as disclosed both in North Korean sources and Iranian source:

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Advisor Space Research Organization, Dr. Ommi said that to launch a human into space requires 400 tons of thrust, and we actually have to come from 32 tons to 400 tons of thrust.


As for the payload of the Falcon Heavy, with the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons it can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy.

Soroush-2 being rated at only 2.5 tons in GEO and 15 tons in LEO.

Conclusion, this article is nothing short of a troll fest, or as known in Iran as the Z, the corrupters of everything.




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It is by no means evident that the most advanced technology is the always the best one for an expendable SLV. SpaceX was able to achieve significantly lower costs primarily by bundling together relatively low performing but cheap engines. The Zoljanah might be following a similar logic.
@Galactic Penguin SST

Which solid fuel test and development "city" like Shahroud does North Korea have?

North Korea is liquid orientated and unfortunately you Chinese wont help them on solids.

If they have now a solid fuel PK-4 ICBM, then the most likely helper is Iran.

Irans solid fuel tech. is ahead of North Koreas, with all respect for their Juche ideology.

Its possible that NK's R&D program is just not visible or very small and there is no contribution from Iran.

Until the 2000's Iran was learning and importing from NK, sure, but that was liquid tech.

Iran has mastered most advanced liquid R-27 technology, NK aborted R-27 based tech. likely not only due to its lower range but also the high tech. requirements.

• It is obvious that North Korea has dedicated military-industrial complex to develop solid propellant technologies: the entire greater region around Hamhung, from start to finish. It includes the static horizontal and vertical pop-up test stands, and extends to 55 km northeastward to the Sinpo region were submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) are tested.

• Unlike Iran, the North Korean horizontal static test stand does not give a clue to the foreign satellites, with no traces left on the ground by the plume. Indeed, Iran's Shahroud is build on desertic soil, thus compromising its secrecy, while Hamhung's plume goes over a river!

Academy of Defence Science Test-fires New-type Tactical Guided Missiles

Mar. 26, Juche 110 (2021) Friday

The Academy of Defence Science of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea test-fired newly developed new-type tactical guided missiles on Thursday.

The newly developed new-type tactical guided missile is a weapon system whose warhead weight has been improved to be 2.5 tonnes with the use of the core technology of tactical guided missile that was already developed.

The two testfired new-type tactical guided missiles accurately hit the target set in the waters 600 kilometers off the east coast of Korea.

Right after the test-firing, the Academy of Defence Science clarified that the test-firing was very successful just as it had been confidently predicted, adding that the reliability of the improved version of solid fuel engine was confirmed through several engine ground jet tests and their test-firing processes, and that the irregular orbit features of low-altitude gliding leap type flight mode already applied to other guided missile were also re-confirmed.


https://archive.ph/QUhaO/8678b6ed4d9b5024b319649ebe3b81bcfbeb6ca7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326074124/rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2021-03-26-0001 ; https://archive.ph/QUhaO
1. The improved version of solid fuel engine was confirmed through several engine ground jet tests and their test-firing processes. Mar. 26, Juche 110 (2021) Friday


https://archive.ph/Qx1ag/31ef46a356193c81d761fbbe6ae7fef40a59b31d.jpg ; https://archive.ph/Qx1ag/fa00b333443ac63aece81c65d166bf2faf1e378f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326080110/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExW04_FWYAAKQRr?format=jpg&name=medium
2. The newly developed new-type tactical guided missile is a weapon system whose warhead weight has been improved to be 2.5 tonnes. 26 March 2021


https://archive.ph/jKxtG/b5d038102d56377c2ef944cbf0cbf001140e3fb1.jpg ; https://archive.ph/jKxtG/c63566b72487f97db549cecdacd7dd5e55f0bdbc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326080443/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExY9dRVUYAU7GPr?format=jpg&name=large
3. The new North Korean improved aeroballistic SRBM.


The facilities are hidden, therefore no static tests have been reported by the U.S.!

Meanwhile these solid propellant improved aeroballistic SRBM have no equivalent in Iran.

They have been transfered from Russia, known as a cash-strapped destitute fallen ex-power, probably for a few bucks or a cargo ship of rare earth mineral.

From the initial RT-15M SLBM, it has evolved into a entire new family of solid propellant missiles.


https://archive.ph/n7cgh/1b5669509ee00be91b56c06a0f9cc9973a05f9d1.jpg ; https://archive.ph/n7cgh/230d6954ac6cb67aa2288df05ab783a73e0dbf2d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326074853/http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/North-Korean_solid-fuel_motor/RT-15M.jpg
4. The initial Russian RT-15M SLBM, has evolved into a entire new family of solid propellant missiles.


https://archive.ph/fta6n/1aee2d2838a37e6ef7404ad11f1bbe2a087deb4a.jpg ; https://archive.ph/fta6n/e8565f892f3dacb38f6751eb6271116ae0eb0a92/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326074938/http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/North-Korean_solid-fuel_motor/Pukguksong.jpg
5. The initial Russian RT-15M SLBM, has evolved into a entire new family of solid propellant missiles.


https://archive.ph/lI9ax/a3a30f3a897a9bf3f3b17f0db1aa5812fa08d079.jpg ; https://archive.ph/lI9ax/f0f4dcc9987df190258ead44569a454fda8d5e41/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326075000/http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/North-Korean_solid-fuel_motor/motors.jpg
6. The initial Russian RT-15M SLBM, has evolved into a entire new family of solid propellant missiles.




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